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AIM: To Design Chebyshev Low Pass Filter By Using Hand Calculation

clc; clear
num_s=[0.653 0 0];
den_s= [1 0.8044 0.8227];

[num_z den_z]= bilinear (num_s, den_s, 10000) ;

[Gz, wT]=freqz (num_z, den_z)

subplot (3, 1, 1) plot (wT,

20*log10 (abs (Gz)))
xlabel ('Normalized frequency in radian (up to pi)')
ylabel('Gain in dB')

subplot (3, 1,2) plot

(wT, abs (Gz))
xlabel('Normalized frequency in radian (up to pi)')
ylabel ('Gain (Absolute value)')

subplot (3, 1, 3) plot

(wT*5000/pi, abs (Gz))
xlabel('Normalized frequency in Hz (up to 250) ')
vlabel('Gain in dB')

Case 1: Testing of Chebyshev Lowpass filter with Pass band frequency

Fig-3 Output of filter with Pass Band frequency

Case 2 : Testing of Chebyshev Lowpass filter with Stop band frequency
Case 3 : Testing of Chebyshev Lowpass filter with Transition band frequency
Case 4 : Testing of Chebyshev Lowpass filter with Stop band frequency And Transition band
Case 5 : Testing of Chebyshev Lowpass filter with Stop band frequency And Pass band
Case 6 : Testing of Chebyshev Lowpass filter with Pass band frequency And Transition band
Case 7: Testing of Chebyshev Lowpass filter with Pass band frequency And Transition
band frequency And Stopband Frequency

Fig-21 Output of filter with Pass Band, Transition Band, Stop Band frequency
To Design Chebyshev Low Pass Filter By Using Hand Calculation And MATLAB
The ultimate goal of this experiment is to design a Chebyshev low-pass filter that meets
the given specifications and provides a clear understanding of the design process, both
through Hand Calculations and the use of MATLAB's filter design tools.

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