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A research proposal on analyzing customer reactions towards

modernizing the brand identity of Dilmah.

Project ‘Thunderbird’

TASK 1: 12 PAGES (3640 WORDS)
TASK 3: 1530 WORDS


1. Background of Dilmah 4
1.1 Rationale for the research 4
2. Research Objectives 5
3. Research Methodology 6
3.1 Secondary Data 6
3.2 Primary Research 7
3.2.1 Quantitative Research 7
3.2.2 Qualitative Research 9
3.2.3 Observation 9
4. Sampling 10
5. Research Tool 12
6. Data Handling and Processing 12
6.1 Analyzing Quantitative Data 13
7. Reporting 13
8. Time Frame 14
9. Budget 14
10. Bibliography 15
11. References 15
12. Questionnaire 17
13. Field Guidelines 25
13.1 Objectives of the survey 25
13.2 Selecting respondents for the research 25
13.3 Maximizing the response rates 26
13.4 Maximizing the accuracy of the data 27
13.5 Professional code of conduct 27
14. Bibliography 28
15. Discussion Paper 30
23. Appendix 35


Task 1
Analysis of customer attitudes and perceptions towards the current
brand identity, and that of competitor offerings.



1. Background of Dilmah
Dilmah is a brand that is founded on a passionate commitment to quality and authenticity in tea; it is also
a philosophy that sees „business as a matter of human service‟. The MJF Charitable foundation funds and
manages underprivileged people, and also part of the company profit is distributed among its workers.
The MJF Group‟s origins date back to the 1950‟s; it took the founder of the Group, Merill J. Fernando,
almost 25 years to establish his own company. Dilmah has revitalized a category in decline through
genuine innovation, quality and authenticity, which emphasizes on hand-picked and packed garden tea.
The brand battled against mass-commodization that emerged with the multinationals, that sourced tea
from multiple origins to buy at the lowest price regardless of quality, but Dilmah pioneered on the
concept of single-origin tea and created a quality niche, by staying true to the leaf.

Today Merill has established the most vertically integrated business in the world diversifying into areas of
printing and packaging, tea brokering and import and distribution of equipment and materials for the
industry. His aspiration is to bring to its consumer‟s the world‟s finest cup of tea. Dilmah is SriLanka‟s
number one exporter of value added teas, accounting to 21% of the country‟s export of tea bags. A family
tea company in SriLanka is challenging the global giants, by marketing its pure unblended tea in over 92
countries, and is reviving the image of Ceylon Tea as the „most expensive tea in the world‟. The tea
range have been commented upon by major markets as the „finest available under a single brand‟

Local tea producers try to climb the ladder of success inspired by Merill. Dilmah has already won the love
and trust of the local and International consumers as a brand that produces tea stays true to its taste. The
difference is the quality of tea itself, being of single origin and not of a blend from different countries,
which encapsulates its true taste.

1.1 Rationale for the Research

Dilmah opened its flagship Tea boutiques, making available its premium teas, in selected locations
targeting the urban niches in Colombo, Sri Lanka in year 2000, alongside Dilmah Tea also launched a
range of lower grade teas at a cheaper price to the local market. The Dilmah Strong Teas and The Dilmah
Premium Teas cater to a mass market. The quality of the tea is inferior, to compensate on the price, which
deprives of its authentic taste and aroma. These products are intensively distributed to supermarket outlets
around the country, making the brand into just another commodity item, which deviates from the
founder‟s aspiration of positioning Dilmah tea as „fine wine‟ in the minds of the consumers. Currently
Dilmah‟s brand is perceived by the majority of the local market as a convenience good that can be added
to the weekly list of shopping. The brand value, which was built from scratch with years of hard work and
commitment, is in jeopardy, as consumers‟ expectations of the brand are not met, they perceive Dilmah as
an inferior tea.

Hence the company is keen to modernize its brand identity, in the local market, in order to do this, it is
important to analyze the current brand identity of Dilmah, and attitude levels and awareness of Dilmah
among its target market and prospective markets, and how these markets perceive competitor offerings.
Important characteristics of the brand that made it a success should be identified and carried forward to
the new brand identity.

To evaluate all factors mentioned above a comprehensive research should be carried out, appropriate
information gathered and structured into a research proposal with the ideal methodologies and results
outlined, which will enable the management of Dilmah to make proactive decisions on how the new
brand identity would affect the mindset of the existing and potential consumers.


2. Research Objectives

 Analysis of the current brand identity of Dilmah

- Evaluate the success of the current brand identity
- Analyzing the value placed on Dilmah products, in terms of quality and price.
- Identifying Dilmah‟s positioning in the minds of the customers and potential customers.
- Analysis of the extent to which customers‟ expectations of Dilmah are fulfilled.

 Customers and potential customers mental and functional associations with Dilmah, and
awareness levels, and comparison of the same, to competitor offerings
- Customers impressions and attitudes with respect to quality, loyalty and satisfaction levels of
Dilmah in comparison to its competitors.
- Evaluation of how the price of Dilmah affects the buyer behavior.
- Identify competitors in the industry
- Perceptions of awareness levels of Dilmah as opposed to competitors

 Competitive characteristics of Dilmah that distinguishes the brand, and should be carried to the
new brand identity, in order to make it successful.
- Evaluation of key attributes of Dilmah that appeal the most to customers
- Benefits of using these key attributes to the new brand identity.
- Customers and potential customers response and attitudes towards using these distinctive
attributes for the new brand identity


3. Research Methodology

The research methodology used will help to reduce uncertainty and risk associated at hand, by enabling
the management of Dilmah to take an informed decision on modernizing its brand identity in the local
market, by taking into consideration how it will impact its most valued stakeholders; Dilmah Tea

3.1 Secondary Data

The research can be initiated with a secondary research by gathering, sorting and analyzing internal and
external sources of secondary data, to gain an insight into the research problem at hand. This is a faster
way of gathering data and is cost-effective, and is a useful guidance for the subsequent collection of
primary data. However, the accuracy and reliability of the data have to be considered, as existing
secondary data sources can sometimes be misleading or outdated.

Alan Wilson (2003) defined secondary data as „information that has been previously gathered for some
purpose other than current research project. The data is available either free or at a cost, and can be
delivered electronically by a computer or in printed hard copy format‟.

Below are recommended secondary data sources:

Internal Sources Usage

Sales and Marketing Reports Give an idea on how the various segments of the buying
public behaves, and allows examining sales performance
of the products catering to different segments.
Dilmah‟s Customer Database Helps to evaluate customer comments, complaints and
feedback on the products, that provides customer
insights on their expectation levels and attitudes of the
products, which is reflected on the brand.
Dilmah‟s Annual Reports Provide significant information on the financial standing
and the company‟s position in the market, the company
background, its products and services.
Previous research records Enable to identify and analyze trends, on related topics,
which allows the analysis of changes that have taken
place in terms of perceived values, associated with the
brand among consumers, over a period of time.
Press Release of Dilmah Supports to understand the public perception and image
of the brand.

External Sources Usage

Tea Board Provides market data.
Competitor Annual Reports Helps understand competitor background and
performance and values associated with their brands.
Journals, newspapers and reports on related topics of Helps to analyze the role the brand has played in luring
Dilmah and its competitors its captive market and the effectiveness of it.
Blogs on Tea / Websites on Tea brand Reviews Provides direct insights on consumer attitudes towards
Tea and competitor brands, their expectations and values
placed on brands and what factors influence brand


3.2 Primary Research

Primary data is used to unearth original data, and the results obtained will be relevant to address the
problem at hand. Primary data can be collected through a combination or as individual researches of
qualitative, quantitative and observation research techniques.

3.2.1 Quantitative Research

Wilson (2003) defines quantitative research as research that is undertaken using a structured research
approach, with a sample of the population to produce quantifiable insights into behavior motivations and

Quantitative research is given prominence due to the following reasons:

 It enables to compare sub-groups of customers. For instance the affluent, SEC A and SEC B
segments that purchase Dilmah‟s exclusive premium tea range and the SEC C1 segments that the
lower grade tea is catered to.
 Ability to generate the various views and opinions of a large sample representing Dilmah‟s target
 By asking a large sample the same question, it is possible to get a clear understanding on the
expectations of the target market.
 The findings can be used to come into generalized conclusions on Dilmah‟s consumer behavior.

In order to initiate the quantitative research, a questionnaire should be designed that address all concerns
with respect to consumers attitudes, perceptions and connection with the brand as opposed to competitors.

Survey Methods
Surveys can be defined as a widely used approach for primary data collection. Non-face-to-face survey
methods are used to conduct the search, which is apparently the most cost-effective, convenient and with
minimal interviewer biasness. And interviewer administered surveys are used to gather information on
segments not covered by the former method.

Interviewer administered survey


Telephone Interviewing
The questionnaire is used to interview the respondent over the phone. Dilmah‟s customer database can be
used as a start. It is important to check for customer‟s time constraints and the rationale behind the
research should be clearly explained, the questions should be customized to provoke quick and intuitive
responses, as this niche segment includes customers of high profile, holding managerial and professional
positions, it is important to make every second count. Dilmah Tea Gift pack could be provided as token of
appreciation for participation.

 Covers only one segment of the target market of Dilmah
 Does not provide detailed and indepth responses


Face to Face survey

Street Interview Surveys

This could take place at the supermarket centers where Dilmah Tea is made available. And also at
Dilmah Tea Boutiques¸ providing a snapshot of the views of all classes of Dilmah tea consumers; SEC
A,B and C1. The questionnaire will be composed of predominantly close-ended questions but also with a
few open ended questions, which provide customized insights and detailed responses and will be designed
targeting the different groups of people. The survey will also be administered interactively by asking
questions and recording the answers. The elite group, that visits the Dilmah boutiques will provide the
most valuable information as they are well-informed, prominent and expressive, than the other segment
under consideration. The sample can consist of 500 respondents, and representative sample of
respondents selected whilst making purchase decisions at the „Tea Aisles‟ in supermarkets and also
among the loyal tea consumers and the tea devotees that patronage the Dilmah boutiques to encounter
their first experience with the brand.

 Can be time-consuming for the respondent, and respondents may tend to skip questions or quit
the survey entirely.
 Lack of opinion detail, especially amongst the SEC C1 market.

Self-Administered survey

Web Survey
Dillman (2000) states that a web based survey is the collection of data through a self-administered
electronic set of questions on the web.

Web survey is used gather information from visitors of the official website of Dilmah, hence targeting the
individuals; be it a loyal customer, prospect looking for more information, or someone who just want to
„check it out‟ , hence enabling to cover respondents from a wider geographical area quickly and easily.
Opinions of interested parties, that have been missed out during the telephone and street surveys can be

The web survey will be embedded on the website and also designed to pop-up when the website is visited.
As the questionnaire can be answered at the respondents convenience, at office or at home, a considerable
number of open-ended questions will also be included, as there will be ample time to carefully select
responses and to enter text for open-ended questions.

 Instant decision of not responding and ignoring the survey is highly likely.


3.2.2 Qualitative Research

It is referred to as research undertaken using an unstructured research approach with a small number of
carefully selected individuals to produce non quantifiable insights into behavior, motivation & attitudes.
Source – Alan Wilson – Marketing research: Integrated Approach

Focus Group
A focus group will be conducted to gain deeper understanding on the survey results. Ten focus groups
will be conducted with 100 carefully selected participants. Group A will consist of 50 selected
participants from the Sec A and B target market, that will be gathered for five group discussions, whilst
Group B will consist of 50 representative participants selected targeting the SEC C1 class, that will be
gathered for the alternative five group discussions. This will better enable to identify the diversity of the
trends and perceptions expressed from the individual target markets, in a supportive environment.

An experienced moderator will be selected to encourage the discussion and to express different points of
view, based around the objectives set. Participants for the Group A discussion will be selected via the
company database and will include loyal customers of Dilmah Tea, ranging from professionals in the
corporate industry to housewives from „high-society‟ families, individuals that tend to exercise great

And participants for Group B discussion will be selected as pre the quantitative information gathered via
Street surveys at supermarkets. The 50 individuals will be selected based on the quality of the opinions
expressed and will comprise of individuals from different geographic locations, which will enable to have
a better demographic balance.

The focus groups will be subject to different projective techniques, like perceptual mapping word
association and mood boards, which will enable to uncover attitudes and perceptions which can be missed
out by straight forward questioning, which can provide a rich source for understanding consumer

 Due to the lack of confidentiality, some opinions may not be expressed.
 Some respondents may not feel comfortable with the use of projective techniques and find it hard
to immerse themselves in these exercises.

This is a data gathering approach where information on the behavior of people, objects and organizations
are collected without any questions being asked of the participant. Source – Alan Wilson, Market
research: an integrated approach (2003)

Observation research enables the researcher to analyze and record consumer behavior in their natural


Eye – Camera
The eye camera tracks the eye movements. This can be conducted in the super markets; Tea Aisles, and
Dilmah boutiques. This enables to identify what attracts a customer, what products are noted first, what
part of the packaging is considered at first glance, the sequence in which the content of the pacakages are
read, and what parts attracts the longest attention.

This can provide substantial information on first-hand, consumer reactions towards value versus the price
of the product.

 Participants may tend to be biased or may not react in their natural state of mind, as the motives
behind the research are explained before-hand.

4. Sampling

Luck and Ruben (1998) defines sampling as a small number of representations that describes the
characteristics of a larger population.

The customer base of Dilmah is too large and diverse to survey and determine all customers‟ attitudes and
perceptions towards modernizing the brand identity. Selecting and evaluating a sample that represents the
characteristics and attitudes of the entire population, is more effective, whilst saving time and money,
consequently proving the required information. It is also of importance to select the most appropriate
sampling type, to produce a comprehensive sample size, for the chosen research methodology, in order to
generate precise and unbiased information.

Research Method Sample Type Sample Size

Telephone Interviewing Stratified Sampling 1000
Web Survey Cluster sampling 150
Street Interview Survey Simple random sampling 500
Focus Group Quota sampling 100
Mechanical Observation Judgment sampling 50

Telephone Interviewing
Sampling Method: Stratified sampling

Stratified sampling is used as the preferred sampling method for telephone interviewing, where the non
face-to-face interviews are conducted by the selection of respondents from the high profile customer
database of Dilmah. As this enables to select a sample size representative of the large population. The
population is divided into mutually exclusive groups/stratas, based on chosen characteristics, and a
sample is selected from each strata using simple random sampling.

Characteristic Variable
Gender Male/Female
Age 30-45, 45-55, 55-65
Income Rs. 50,000-Rs.70,000/-, Rs. 70,000/-Rs.100,000/-,
Rs.100,000/- and above
SEC A, B and rarely C1


Web Survey
Sampling method: Cluster sampling

The population is divided into clusters of geographical boundaries, of which simple random sampling is
conducted in the chosen clusters. The respondents of a web survey can span across the entire country.
Hence it‟s not feasible to study all the elements that make up the target population. Factors such as
geographical areas accountable for highest sales of Dilmah Tea and internet penetration will be taken into
account when selecting a cluster.

Geographical cluster City Sample size

Western province Colombo 60
Central province Kandy 50
Southern province Galle 40

Street Interview Survey

Research Method: Simple Random sampling

A sample selected using Simple Random sampling is conducted in a way that every element in a
population has an equal chance of being selected. A sample of 500 will be selected for the Street
Interview Survey, conducted at Supermarkets, and at exclusive Dilmah Tea Boutiques, focusing on
respondents of all classes, SEC A, B and C1.

Location Sample Size

Supermarkets 300
Dilmah Boutiques 200

Focus Group
Sampling Method: Quota sampling

Quota sampling will be used to select the 100 respondents for the 10 Focus Groups. This method enables
to reproduce the known characteristics of the population in the same proportion in the sample.

Quota Sheet (Group A)

Quota Category Required
Male 30
30-40 10
41-50 12
51-55 8
Females 20
30-40 10
41-50 10
SEC 50
A 25
B 25


Quota Sheet (Group B)

Quota Category Required
Male 20
30-40 5
41-50 10
51-55 5
Females 30
30-40 20
41-50 10
SEC 50
C1 50

Mechanical Observation
Sampling Method: Judgment sampling

Sampling is based on the researcher‟s expertise of selecting a sufficiently representative sample of the
target population. Respondents for the eye-camera can be selected, whilst shopping for their favorite tea
brands at Supermarkets and also when subject to the purchase decision at Dilmah Tea Boutiques, as they
will be in the best position to provide the information required.

Location Sample Size

Supermarkets 30
Dilmah Boutiques 20

5. Research Tool

“In survey, a questionnaire is the research instrument designed to generate the data necessary for
accomplishing a project‟s research objectives.”(Wilson, 2006)

Questionnaire are an integral part of opinion related surveys, and is a main method of collecting
information for the quantitative research methods outlined in this research project, which includes
telephone interviewing, web surveys and street interviews. The questionnaire is designed to address the
objectives outlined in the research project and mainly focuses on revealing respondent‟s or target
population‟s attitudes and perceptions on the modification of the brand identity of the brand Dilmah.

The questionnaire will consist of both open-ended and close ended questions, including Dichotomous,
Likert Scale, Rating Scale, Word Association and Sentence Completion. A pilot test will be conducted to
rectify problems prior to the survey being conducted and will also serve as an indication for the response
rate that can be expected.

6. Data Handling and Processing

Once the data is stored in the computer and is free of errors, the researcher needs to select the most
appropriate approach to tabulation and statistical analysis.
(Wilson, 2006)


6.1 Analyzing Quantitative Data

Data Preparation
 Includes data entry and editing- The data gathered by using the questionnaires provided to
prudently selected samples of Dilmah Tea consumers, should be entered into the computer and
checked for accuracy, or any omissions.
 Cleansing and coding – The data will be cleansed and coded for ease and speed of analysis.

Data Processing
Data is tabulated using software packages such as Excel, SPSS or SNAP, for easy reference and
 Nominal Data – Refers to set of information organized by category, and values assigned for easy
 Ordinal Data- Represents rank order data. Eg: Rank the following tea brands in order of flavor
and aroma, with 1 being the best and 3 worst.
 Interval Data – The data derives its meaning by making comparisons between elements selected,
where the intervals between data are equal.

Statistical Analysis
The data gathered will be analyzed further; statistically by means of Correlation Analysis and Regression

The analyzed data will be presented in the form of tables, charts and graphs to the marketing manager of

7. Reporting
The communication of the research result in the form of a report or a verbal presentation is the
culmination of the marketing project. This step is particularly important, as the clarity and relevance of
the communication is critical to the client‟s final satisfaction with the project. (Wilson, 2006)

 Weekly report will be submitted with updates on the status of the research.
 The final report will provide a narrative description of the key findings, systematic presentation
of facts, figures and graphs, with comprehensive analysis of all relevant information regarding the
impact of the modernizing the current brand identity.
 Quantitative data gathered will be analyzed and documented and provided with the report.
Qualitative data gathered using video tapes, audio tapes will also be tabulated and provided along
with the relevant data capturing equipment, to Dilmah‟s management.
 Presentation of information through interactive audio-visual format.
 Softcopies of the reports and the presentation will be provided in DVDs, and also hardcopies of
the same would be handed over to the management.


8. Time Frame
The time period allocated for the, various phases carried out for the completion of the research project is
represented in the Gnatt chart below.
Time (Weeks)
Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Briefing of research to Dilmah
Sourcing Secondary Data
Analysis of Secondary Data
Develop Research Tool (Questionnaire)
Approval of Questionnaire, pilot test and revision of
the research tool
Administer Quantitative survey
Telephone Interviewing
Street Interview
Web survey
Administer Qualitative survey
Recruitment of respondents for Focus Group
Focus Group Interviews
Observation Research
Data Analysis and processing
Draft Report
Report Revision
Final Report submission and presentation to Dilmah

9. Budget
Activity Cost (Rs.)
Secondary Data collection and analysis 150,000
Quantitative surveys
Telephone Interviewing 300,000
Street Interviewing 450,000
Web survey 100,000
Qualitative Survey
Focus Group 500,000
Observation Research
Eye-Camera 250,000
Analysis of Data 150,000
Report Printing and presentation 50,000
Total 1,950,000
This cost will be subject to 2% NBT and 12% VAT. The total cost inclusive of all taxes and levies will be
Rs.2, 227,680/-. 75% of the payments have to be made in advance for the commencement of the research
and the balance paid after the completion, and delivering of the final report and presentation. Invoice will
be raised and delivered to the marketing manager of Dilmah. And Research will proceed only after the
cost is approved.

The above costing is valid only till 31st December 2012


10. Bibliography

 A cup of tea like a fine wine (2007) [Accessed on 5 September 2012]

 Arjun, S. (2011) Brewing a new cup of tea, The Financial Times, Sri Lanka, May 23, p.23‟

 Buyer Behavior (2009)[Accessed on 5 September 2012]

 Dilmah 2011, Ceylon Tea Services PLC Annual Report 2010/2011

 Enis, B. M(1980) Marketing Principals, 3rd edn, Scott Foresmann & Co.,Glenview,IL

 Invest more on tea branding and value addition (2009)[Accessed

on 5 September 2012]

 Kotler, P. & Keller, K.L. (2006). Marketing Management. 12th ed., Pearson Education Inc., p.99-
120, p.585-615.

 Lanka the best tea export center (2011) Sunday Observer, Sri Lanka March 6, pg 13

 Sri Lanka Tea Board. (2011). [Accessed 10 September 2012].

 Strategy Student kit – Marketing Information and Research

11. References

 Dillman, D. A. & Salant, P (2009). How to conduct your own survey (3rd edition). New Jersey:

John Wiley & Sons Inc.

 Luck, D.J. & Rubin, R.S. (1987). Marketing Research (7th edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall

 Wilson, A. (2006), Marketing Information and Research, an Integrated approach, 2 nd edition:

Prentice Hall


Task 2
Questionnaire and Field Operational




12. Questionnaire

Red Dot Research Inc. is undertaking a research project to understand, the consumer reactions, on
modernizing the brand identity of Dilmah Tea. To make this possible we kindly request you to complete
the questionnaire, with regards to your perceptions, attitudes and awareness of the brand, and of similar
products. It would just take 10 minutes of your time. Your responses are of utmost importance to us to
make this research a success, whilst your participation in this survey is voluntarily.

Your name and contact details are not requisite and can remain anonymous. The information provided by
you, will remain confidential, and will only be reported in summary format.

Section A: Background Information

This section of the questionnaire consists of biographical information, and will enable us to compare
groups of respondents. Responses provided will be anonymous. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Please tick as appropriate.

1. Gender: Male Female

2. Marital Status: Single Married

3. Age Group: 25- 30 30-40 40-50 50 -65

4. Monthly earning: Below Rs.50, 000 Rs.50, 000- Rs.70, 000 Rs.70, 000 and above

5. Your highest educational qualification?

Ordinary Level (Grade 10)

Advanced Level (Grade 12)

Diploma or Certificate

Professional Qualification

Baccalaureate Degree

Post Graduate Degree

Others (Please specify)


6. What is of the following employment categories apply to you?

Upper Management

Middle Management

Administrative staff


Junior staff

Skilled Professional



Other (Please specify)

7. How would you describe the area in which you reside?



8. How many people live in your household/dwelling, for at least 3 months a year?

Living Alone

More than 5


Section B

This section of the questionnaire explores the current brand identity of Dilmah and the value you have
placed on Dilmah products.

9. Have you tried at least 1 cup of Dilmah Tea in the past 6 months?

a) Yes b) No

If you answered No, to question 9, please answer question 10 only. If you answered Yes, to question 9,
please skip question 10, and continue with question 11.

10. Please rank, in order of importance the reason for not consuming Dilmah Tea in the past 3 months.

Allocate rank 1 for the most important reason to not have consumed Dilmah Tea, and rank 2 for the 2 nd
most important reason and thereon allocate rank 6 for the least important reason for not trying Dilmah

Reasons for not consuming Dilmah Tea in the last 3 months Rank
a) I prefer another brand instead of Dilmah
b) I do not like the taste of Dilmah Tea
c) Dilmah Tea is expensive
d) The quality of the tea, when brewed is not as expected
e) I prefer drinking Coffee
f) Not readily available for purchase

Thank you for your cooperation in completing this questionnaire.

The following question is only applicable for people that have consumed Dilmah Tea for the past 6

11. What is the first word that comes into your mind, when you hear the word „Dilmah‟?

12. How often do you purchase Dilmah Tea?

a) Frequently
b) Occasionally
c) Only during special occasions


13. What Dilmah Tea Products have you purchased so far? (Tick all that apply)

a) Exotic Flavors

b) Green Tea Range

c) Premium Teas

d) Mass market Tea range

e) Others (Please specify)

14. Do you have a reason for purchasing a particular Tea variety?

a) Yes b) No

15. If yes, (please explain)

16. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rank the following attributes associated with Dilmah, with 1
rated as Excellent and 5 as Poor.

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

1 2 3 4 5

a)Premium Brand

b)Authentic Taste

c)Unmatched Quality

d)Vast choice of flavors

e) Ethical Practices in tea production

f) Value for Money

17. Would you recommend Dilmah Tea to your family and friends?

a) Yes b) No

16. If No, (Please explain)


Section C

This section of the questionnaire examines your perceptions, awareness and attitudes towards Dilmah,
and that of similar brands.

18. What do you feel about the quality of Dilmah Tea when compared to other brands in the market?
Tick as appropriate

a) Excellent

b) Good

c) Satisfactory

d) Bad

19. What do you feel about the price of Dilmah Tea when compared to competitive brands?
Tick as appropriate

a) Over priced

b) Reasonable

c) Low price

20. How important is each of the following to you when purchasing Dilmah Tea. Please specify your
answer with the following 4 point scale as follows,

1= Absolutely Important
2= Unimportant
4= Very Important

Absolutely Unimportant Important Very Important

a)Low Price
b)High Quality





21. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Please specify your answer with the
following 5 point scale.
1= Strongly Disagree
2= Disagree
4= Agree
5=Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

a) Dilmah products are priced differently to

suit the different markets affordability
b) The quality of Tea should be compromised
to suit the lower price tags
c) Quality of Tea is more important than the
d) Dilmah has built its brand image on its
uncompromising quality
e) Dilmah tend to exceed expectations of its
customers through its quality and taste.

24. What other tea brands have you consumed? Tick as appropriate.

a) Mlesna

b) Zesta

c) Watawala


e) Others (Please specify)

22. What do you think of the value expectations delivered by Dilmah when compared to other

a) Satisfied b) Very Satisfied c) Dissatisfied d) Extremely Dissatisfied


Section D

This section of the questionnaire examines the reactions of a change in the brand identity and the
important characteristics that should be reflected on the same.

23. For each of the following attributes, please circle the number that corresponds the level of
satisfaction received from Dilmah Tea.

a) Quality Not at all Highly

Satisfied Satisfied
1 2 3 4 5

b) Price Not at all Highly

Satisfied Satisfied
1 2 3 4 5

Not at all Highly

c) Aroma and Taste
Satisfied Satisfied
1 2 3 4 5

Not at all Highly

Satisfied Satisfied
d) Packaging 1 2 3 4 5

Not at all Highly

e) Availability of your favorite Satisfied Satisfied
1 2 3 4 5

24. To what extent do you agree with the following statement?

Dilmah should continue offering lower grade teas at a cheaper price to the mass market.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

1 2 3 4 5

25. Please enter your perception regarding the role that „quality‟ plays in sustaining the brand value of
Dilmah Tea?


26. Will you be purchasing Dilmah Tea regardless of the price, as long as the quality is maintained?

a)Yes b) No

27. Do you purchase the mass market tea range of Dilmah?

a)Yes b) No

If you answered Yes, to question 26, please answer question 28 and 29. If you answered No, to question
26, please skip question 28 and 29, and continue with question 30.

28. What would you do, if Dilmah increased the price of the mass market tea range, to compensate on
the improved quality, to restore the brand image? Tick as appropriate.

a) Reduce the frequency of the purchase

b) Reduce the quantity

c) Switch to another brand

d) Accept the change, and continue purchasing as usual.

29. If you accept to pay the price, in case of implementing the price increase, briefly explain your
reason for it.

30. Please state your ideas with regards to any value-additions you wish to be incorporated with
Dilmah Tea.

Thankyou for you cooperation, in completing this questionnaire! If you have any inquiries about the
survey, feel free to contact us via our hotline number +94 777 5689907


`13. Field Guidelines

13.1 Objectives of the Survey
Prior to making a decision on modernizing the brand identity of Dilmah, in order to ensure that it delivers
on its promise and reflects on the organization values, it is important to examine the rationale behind the
identity crisis and understand how an identity update will impact the customers. It is important to
conduct an assessment to analyze customer reactions, consequences and risks, if any; as a sudden
transformation can isolate customers, hence it should be well-planned with long-term strategies and
objectives in mind.

The questionnaire was developed focusing on the key objectives, and will be evaluated by practiced
research analysts.

The key research objectives are as follows:

 Analysis of the current brand identity of Dilmah

 Customers and potential customers mental and functional associations with Dilmah, and
awareness levels, and comparison of the same, to competitor offerings
 Competitive characteristics of Dilmah that distinguishes the brand, and should be carried to the
new brand identity, in order to make it successful.

The survey will be conducted on the 3rd and 4th weeks of January 2013. And by the 3rd week of February
2013, the completed questionnaires should be analyzed and processed, in order to generate the final
report, to be submitted to the management at Dilmah.

And below listed are the field force guidelines established to improve the successful execution of the

13.2 Selecting respondents for the Research

The results of the survey should reflect the actual reality. For this, it is important to select appropriate
respondents that are representative of the target population. Geographic, psychographic and behavioral
screening is assigned to the individuals of a survey, and the results can be matched to characteristics of
the target population, ensuring a reliable and representative pool of respondents.

The criteria looked for when selecting respondents are as follows:


As it is not feasible to cover all the cities, respondents are selected from the main cities and suburbs,
depending on the sales volume and Internet penetration; in the case of Web survey. Respondent selection
will be mainly focused on Colombo, Kandy, Galle, and Negombo, Kurunegala, Nuwaraeliya, Matara,
Hikkaduwa supermarket stores will also be considered, for the street survey, in order to achieve balanced
and representative responses from the SEC A, B and C1 classes.



The focus is on collecting responses from proficient and full-fledged respondents that can provide a rich
source of information, through their experience with the brand.
Age: 25-65
Gender: Both sexes
Family Life cycle: Bachelor Newly Married, Full Nest I/ii/iii, Empty Nest i/ii.
Income: Rs. 30,000/- - Rs. 100,000/- and above.


Brand Loyalty- Medium, Strong, Absolute

Product Usage: Light, Medium, Heavy users
User Status: Potential, first-time, regular


Social Class: SEC A, B and C1

Personality: Compulsive, gregarious, authoritarian, ambitious
Lifestyle type: Culture-oriented, outdoor oriented.

13.3 Maximizing the response rates

The usefulness of the results of the survey can be limited during a failure to achieve an adequate number
of responses. There are various strategies that can be used to maximize the response rate as follows:

 Interviewers should be selected carefully. They should showcase professionalism and exceptional
communication skills, when approaching the respondents, whereas they don‟t feel threatened to
participate in the survey.
 Educate the respondents ;
- State the purpose of the survey
- State the reason for selecting them
- The time period required to fill the questionnaire
- Survey Instructions on how to navigate through the questionnaire and submission after
- Assure that the responses remain confidential.
 Timing – Respondents should be given adequate time to complete questionnaire, and should not
be approached during hectic times.
 Provide an incentive – Vouchers to purchase Dilmah products.
 Provide a help-line- Setting up a hotline for respondents to contact in case they have any inquiries
or problems on the questionnaire.
 Effective follow-up - For the telephone survey, respondents not reachable can be called at
different times, and reminders can be sent off through emails for non-respondents of the web


13.4 Maximizing the accuracy of the data

Pilot Test
Piloting the questionnaire on selected participants that represent the sample, will facilitate to judge the
reactions to the general and specific questions. If participants are offended, bored, don‟t understand, or
dislike the way the questionnaire looks, it have to be revised, in order to produce reliable results.
A pilot test will provide a guide to rephrase questions in order to produce richer results, as highlighted
below, for the different research methods.

Street Survey

The following questions can be answered via a pilot test:

- Do people complete the survey as intended or drop-out before completion

- Do they understand what is being asked?
- Are certain questions skipped regularly?

Telephone Interview

A script can be developed in order to ensure that consistency is maintained amongst all respondents.

Web Survey

The following questions can be answered via a pilot test:

- Does the questionnaire launch properly

- Can the questionnaire be opened with different browsers

13.5 Professional Code of conduct

Esomar Code of Conduct is defined as self-regulatory codes developed by the professional bodies
responsible for the regulation of the industry.

Source: Strategy Study Kit

The Professional Code of Conduct must be strictly adhered, when conducting the survey.

 General
- Marketing research must always be carried out objectively

 The rights of respondents

- The respondent should be provided with all relevant information about the Research agency,
and the researcher.
- The rationale behind the research should be clearly expressed.
- Respect the respondent‟s decision to refuse participation in the survey.
- Respondents should be informed that their anonymity will be preserved.
- If any recording equipment is used, the respondents should be informed of this, before
commencing the survey.


- Educate respondents of how ethically their responses will be handled; this will facilitate to
improve their response rates and participation.
 State that the survey is carried out adhering to MRS code.
 What personal information is required?
 To whom this information should be supplied.
 Assure that this information is solely used for the purpose of research, and that
confidentiality is strictly adhered.
 Request for permission if data has to be given to a third party.

 Professional responsibilities of researcher

- Researchers should always act in a professional manner, and not in any way that can bring
discredit to the marketing research profession.
- The research should always be carried out to the specifications agreed with Dilmah.
- The information collected must be handled securely and should not be leaked out.

14. Bibliography

 Codes and Guidelines (2012) [Accessed on 6 September 2012]

 Pilot test your questionnaire (2012) [Accessed on 6 September 2012]
 Top tips to maximize your survey response rates (2006) [Accessed on
10 September 2012]
 Wilson, A., (2006). Marketing Information Research, an integrated approach. 2nd edition:
Prentice Hall


Task 3





The research proposal is conducted as a basis of resolving the brand identity crisis encountered by Dilmah
Tea. As it is a decisive action, it is important to think of the end result of change, hence how it could
affect customers, and their reactions towards such a change have to be analyzed by the execution of
appropriately planned surveys and focus groups, on representative samples of the target population. In
order to sustain its brand identity in the future, it‟s important to deliver on its promise made to customers,
in providing them with tea of the highest quality. And customer satisfaction levels can be determined after
this brand evolution using the customer database of Dilmah. This section of the research explores on the
potential role played by Dilmah‟s customer database, in terms of monitoring customer response, database
maintenance and limitations of using information from the database to assist marketing decision making.


A database is a manual or computerized source of data relevant to marketing decision making about an
organization‟s customers.

Source: Wilson, Marketing Research: An integrated Approach

Dilmah has in possession a comprehensive database which consists of information of 10,000 local
customers and 90,000 International customers. The information mainly falls into the categories of SEC
A, B and SEC C1 classes.

Dilmah has been able to collect customer data through a variety of channels as listed below,

 Shopping cart software records – information is recorded when customers make purchases online
 Research – Marketing research conducted in the past, has provided a valuable source of customer
information, personal data, spending habits, user preferences etc.
 Competitions – The many competitions conducted by Dilmah to leverage the market, facilitated
collection of personal information, which was voluntarily provided by customers.
 Social media outlets- Dilmah‟s Face book fan page provides an overall picture of the target
market, their preferences additional to their profiles.

Information in Dilmah’s Database

Type of Customer Data Variables
Geographic Country, region, location (Urban, Suburban)

Psychographic Social class, lifestyle, perception and opinions to initiatives taken by Dilmah,

Behavioral Loyalty status, usage rate, user status(potential, first-time, regular), special
interest towards a particular flavor
Demographic Name, Address, Age, Sex, Marital Status, Contact Details, Income,
Occupation, Nationality, Family size


Below outlines how the customer database can be used to monitor customer responses towards the new
brand identity of Dilmah. Also the means, by which the company can identify and address customer
motives, in order to increase responsiveness is examined.

 Profiling customers have improved the market intelligence. Dilmah‟s database is profiled against
demographic, psychographic and behavioral information; this enables to identify different
customer markets and spot buying trends.
 The customer database provides marketing intelligence on the past and present responses to
Dilmah products, in terms of sales increase/decrease by customer and product, lifetime value, it
can also facilitate to forecast future trends.
 Potential markets and segments can be analyzed, with captured data of transactions, and
marketing and advertising activities can be tailor-made to attract these markets. Depending on
the customer preferences for the various Dilmah products, personalized e-flyers can be directed to
motivate purchase, and the responses monitored through their buying patterns.
 The customers that are about to move off can be identified and special offers can be targeted at
these groups, in order to retain them, at the same time top customers too can be evaluated and
rewarded for their loyalty for the brand.
 Market Research and planning activities can be implemented, where a questionnaire based on
customer satisfaction towards the new brand identity can be analyzed, by directly emailing the
questionnaire to the customer base.
 The value proposition built through the new brand identity can be emphasized and conveyed to
the customers, using direct marketing, and buying patterns can be analyzed.

Tasks involved in maintaining a Dilmah’s customer database

 Attention to detail
The initial data capture should be accurate, in order to obtain maximum results off the marketing
campaigns, and avoid any complications, when utilizing information for decision making.
Regular audits should be performed for database quality.
 Frequently updated information
Customer files should be updated regularly, for any changes in customer information or outdated
information should be disposed of.
 Secure storage of customer information
Maximum security should be enforced when accessing customer information, and should only be
allowed by authorized personnel, to avoid misuse of information.
 Establish Data entry standards
A written set of rules should be established to train the data-entry personnel, to maintain
consistency of the data, and to avoid duplicates.
 Generating reports
Information with regards to account maintenance, sales volume, product related reports etc.
should be generated at request, for evaluation and decision making.


 Profiling tools
Profiling of customer should be performed which enable to identity prospective customers, in
order to replace the lost customers, after the database audit, in order to maintain profitability.
 Use customers involvement
When communicating with customers, this opportunity should be utilized to request customers to
update their personal details.
 Back-up your database
This could be performed in a weekly or monthly cycle. It can be very valuable in times of a hard
disk failure, or damages caused by virus.


Modification of the brand identity of Dilmah, will lead to diverse reactions from the different target
markets. The response of these customers towards the new brand identity can be explored with the
strategic utilization of the customer database of Dilmah which will determine the effectiveness of the
decision taken, but the results can be somewhat affected by the drawbacks encountered when using
customer database information for decision making as outlined below.
Limitation of using customer database information for marketing decision making

 If information stored in a database is not upgraded this can cause a major crisis. As this
information is not only used for marketing decisions, but also for budget allocations, staffing
decisions, product development, and is utilized for the execution of many functions within the
 Blunders occurred when capturing data, can cause loss of money and time for Dilmah. As the
marketing efforts and decisions are not targeted at the right customers.
 If the emerging quantities of data are not organized well, it can outstrip Dilmah‟s ability to use it
effectively for its decisions.
 If physical privacy of customers are not looked into, when driving marketing campaigns, it will
raise concerns and objections.
 A lack of motivation or understanding by the management of the benefits of using customer
database information for decision making, will lead to inefficient application of the information
for the business.
 High maintenance cost of the system makes database marketing expensive for the use of decision
 If the appropriate skills for handling the database are not developed, this will lead improper
maintenance of data that can hinder decision making.


Discussion of conclusions from research results

Dilmah can use the database for monitoring the responses of customers after modernizing its brand
identity, as information can be acquired on the following:

 Customer buying pattern

 Customer life-time value
 Frequency of purchase
 When purchases are made
 Identify new marketing opportunities and customer motives

However relying solely on the response from the customers off the database is not recommended. As
Dilmah‟s customer database consists information on a mainly SEC A and B classes and rarely SEC C. So
to reach an unbiased response rate, other medium for gathering customer feedback should be explored,
targeting all three classes. Below are listed various other means of measuring the success of the new
brand identity.

 Blog – The value proposition associated with the new brand identity could be communicated
through Dilmah‟s blog and opinions can be analyzed.
 Social Media – A major tool to create positive brand experience through personalized interaction
with customers via Facebook and twitter, and converting them to advocates of the brand.
 SMS Mobile Marketing -Cost-effective, and fast medium to get the message across to the target
market, can be utilized to create the brand buzz and click tracking can be used, where customers
can follow the URL link for more information or purchase opportunity.
 Website – The number of online purchases and comments on the feedback forum will provide the
required information on market reaction.


Dilmah is currently facing an identity crisis, after implementing its product development strategy, where
Dilmah pitched lower grade tea products to the masses; suburban areas focusing on the SEC C1 class.
This did not prove to be a successful execution, as the quality that was compromised due to the low cost,
resulted in concerns from customers that Dilmah is not staying true to the real taste of tea, on which it has
cemented its brand value, since its inception. The research conducted will be spot on in collecting and
analyzing comprehensive responses from Dilmah‟s target market, with respect to the situation at hand,
and their reactions towards breathing in new life to the brand, by maintaining the quality aspect.
Dilmah‟s database is the best asset that could be utilized to measure the responses after the brand
evolution. As it consists of valuable information on customers buying habits and records of transactions,
that can be evaluated and also targeted messages could be sent, seeking for responses; which apparently
covers a majority of Dilmah‟s customer base. However other mediums too should be utilized focusing on
customers or prospects that were left out by the database campaigns.

A final assumption could be drawn that in order for Dilmah to retain the brand positioning in the minds of
the established customers, it is important to maintain its quality standards, when catering to the different



 „A Depressed tea market seeks a strong brew‟ The Sunday Times, Srilanka, Sep 6, p. 23
 Berry, J. and F. Maclean. "Managing the development of a customer marketing data base.
"Environment and Planning 21 (1989): 617-623.
 Berry, Jonathan. "Database Marketing - A Potent New Tool for Selling." BusinessWeek.
Sept.1994: 56-62.
 Customer database as a marketing tool(2012) [Accessed on
10 September 2012]
 Dilmah Difference (2012) [Accessed on 10 September 2012]
 Donnelly, Harrison. "Jumping into Database Marketing." Stores Dec. 1994: 76.
 "Strategic Implementation of Database Marketing: Problems and Pitfalls." Long Range Planning
27 (1994): 133-141.
 Strategy Study Kit


 Wilson, A. (2006) Marketing Research and Integrated approach, Prentice Hall




Company Profile
Ceylon tea quoted as the „Finest Tea in the world‟ with its glorious heritage is the second biggest export
of Sri Lanka. Many tea producers have addressed the evolving tastes of consumers, and moved into the
vogue of value-added tea. Whilst in Sri Lanka tea drinking is a ritual, it is reflected as a beverage that
heals and refreshes.

Dilmah is a renowned brand for its quality and authenticity, even though it‟s main focus is on the
International market, in year 2000, Dilmah launched its exceptional tea range for the local market.

With its inception in 1985, the subject company, Ceylon Tea Services, is a public quoted company, within
the MJF Group of Companies. This Group as a wholly Sri Lankan owned and managed company, is
dominating the tea manufacturing and exporting industry. The family owned business is managed to this
day, by the founder with the support of his sons, and within a short span of time the company has gained
staggering levels of success. It has earned a high reputation among the Sri-Lankans for taking Ceylon Tea
to International Levels. The company is the number 1 teabag manufacturer and exporter in Sri-Lanka,
with its global presence in over 92 countries, achieving $500 million in sales in 2011, Dilmah has created
a segment of market not driven by price but by quality, customarily the most expensive due to its superior
quality, and perceived as a luxury beverage, catering to the niches of SEC A and SEC B, fulfilling the
founder‟s aspiration to elevate tea to the standards of wine.

Audit of Existing products/services

The teas offered by Dilmah extends to a wide and varied range including the traditional black teas, to
flavored teas, green and herbal teas, and extending the significance of its innovative line by the launch of
the genuine white tea.

Dilmah’s product Range

 Watte Teas
 White tea range
 Exotic Flavors
 Special Green Teas
 Organic & Decaffeinated Teas
 Premium Teas
 Gourmet Tea Selection

Dilmah products for SriLankan consumers

Apart from a selected variety of its premium tea range, which is available in its exclusive Tea boutiques,
Dilmah launched its Dilmah Premium Leaf Tea and Dilmah Strong Tea, which is of a lower grade,
consequently with a cheaper price tag, catering to the mass market.

Mass Market Tea Range


Customer Profile and Segmentation

Customer Base Selected Variables

Key Customers Foreigners, Expats, key government officials,
VIPs, business tycoons.
Social Class SEC A, SEC B and rarely SEC C
Consumer behavior Shrewd, involvement with tea usually high,
opinion leaders and give prominence to brand
loyalty, resulting in increased patronage.
Lifestyle Status seekers, driven by quality rather than
Coverage Catering to the urban and sub urban niches

Industry and competition

Market Share of Value-added Teas in Sri Lanka

41% Lipton
15% Dilmah

Dilmah’s 6 pillars of success

 Integrity
 Ethics
 Quality
 Our Customer
 Tradition
 Sustainability



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