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Virtual and Augmented Reality in Human Resource Management and

Development: A Systematic Literature Review

Article  in  IBIMA Business Review · September 2021

DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642


4 35

4 authors, including:

Pedro Ferreira Viviana Meirinhos

Portucalense University Polytechnic Institute of Porto


Ana C. Rodrigues
Polytechnic Institute of Porto


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IBIMA Publishing
IBIMA Business Review
Vol. 2021 (2021), Article ID 926642, 18 pages, ISSEN: 1947-3788
DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642

Research Article
Virtual and Augmented Reality in Human
Resource Management and Development:
A Systematic Literature Review
and 4António MARQUES
CEOS.PP, ISCAP, P.Porto and University Portucalense, Porto, Portugal
LabRP - CIR, ESS, P. PORTO, Porto, Portugal

Correspondence should be addressed to: Pedro FERREIRA;

Received date:4 September 2020; Accepted date:24 March 2021; Published date: 9 September 2021

Academic Editor: Teresa Proença

Copyright © 2021. Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António
MARQUES. Distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International CC-BY 4.0


The growing interest in virtual and augmented reality applied to business leads companies to
explore possible applications in several management areas. The application of virtual and
augmented reality to human resources management and development is also underway.
Despite this growing trend, there is a lack of scientifically grounded information on what is
being done, how, and the results. This research aims to fill this gap by mapping the scientific
knowledge regarding virtual and augmented reality in human resources management and
development. To accomplish this goal, we undertook a systematic literature review following
the six main steps of the research protocol: 1) formulation of the research question; 2)
definition of objectives for the systematic review; 3) description of inclusion criteria; 4)
research strategy; 5) selection procedure; 6) procedure for data extraction and
categorization. The findings were analyzed based on two main groups of categories. The first
group reports categories related to the document description; the second group is focused on
the potential use and impact of virtual and augmented reality in human resources
management and development processes. The results show that virtual and augmented
reality in human resources management and development is still in a very early stage,
requiring more in-depth research. The results so far are promising, namely in terms of the
impact that this technology can produce in some human resources management and
development processes. Future paths of research are also pointed out.
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Human Resources Management, Systematic
Literature Review


Cite this Article as: Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António
MARQUES (2021)," Virtual and Augmented Reality in Human Resource Management and Development: A
Systematic Literature Review", IBIMA Business Review, Vol. 2021 (2021), Article ID 926642,
DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
IBIMA Business Review 2

• List the benefits of using VR and

Introduction To accomplish these goals, a systematic
literature review was conducted. This
The current social and economic context, method's option is mainly related to
impacted by growing globalization and identifying, evaluating, selecting, and
technological advances, demands more systematizing the available scientific
qualified and competent people. The ability information about the topic.
to face constant changes in a market
VR is a computational technology generated
characterized by innovation is one of the
by one or more multisensory devices. The
most prominent demands. This context has
user can control, manipulate and explore,
consequences for organizations, especially
interactively and in real-time, allowing an
for Human Resources Management and
immersive experience in a different and
Development (HRMD), pressured to
alternative environment (Aguinis et al .,
develop innovative tools and processes
2001; Tori and Kirner, 2006). Through the
capable of guaranteeing higher productivity
use of 3D graphics or 360° videos, users
and competitiveness (Oliveira and Oliveira,
experience an authentic computer-
2011; Stone and Deadrick, 2015).
generated environment, creating a sense of
The growing movement for integrating new presence that allows experiences such as
technologies in management processes is walking on the surface of Mars, flying an
well illustrated by what has been called aircraft, or observing the frescoes in the
industry 4.0 (Hecklau et al., 2016; Sivathanu Sistine Chapel, without actually being there
et al., 2018; Shamim et al., 2016). It's well (Aguinis et al., 2001).
documented the importance of preparing
Currently, VR systems have three main
human resources management processes to
characteristics: navigation, interaction, and
integrate new technologies, such as
immersion. These systems allow users to
Internet-of-Things, Big Data, and artificial
move through three-dimensional
intelligence, to automate HR processes, thus
computer-generated images, such as
promoting more efficiency.
walking through a virtual museum's
Despite the growing volume of research on corridors and enjoying the exhibitions. But
industry 4.0 with a focus on the role of they also allow navigating through the
technologies in management processes, environment, interacting with it, touching,
there is still no systematic analysis of lifting, manipulating, or moving objects
literature on specific technologies, such as (Kirner and Kirner, 2011). VR systems are
virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality often, but not always, immersive:
(AR), and HRMD. As such, this work aims to immersion refers to the perception that the
contribute to the systematization of what virtual environment surrounds the user, in
has been studied and researched about the which the stimuli of the physical
use of VR and AR in the area of HRMD, with environment are blocked through devices,
a particular focus on the potential such as the HMD, directing human senses to
application and impact of these images, sounds, and objects to create a
technologies on HR processes. In detail, this realistic virtual environment (Aguinis et al.,
research work aims to accomplish the 2001).
following goals:
While VR can be defined as a dynamic and
• Organize scientific knowledge reactive system with the virtual
already produced about the use environment produced by a computer,
of VR and AR in HRMD; transporting the user to a virtual
environment (Choi et al., 2005), AR is
• Understand the potential use
achieved when the user, inserted in the real
and impact of VR and AR in
world, interacts with elements registered
three-dimensionally (Kivrak et al., 2013). As
• Understand the process of such, AR uses real and virtual elements,
applying VR and AR in HRMD; allowing the creation of interaction


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
3 IBIMA Business Review

between the real and the virtual equipment assembly tasks compared with
environment. the use of instruction manuals.
In recent years, AR has grown more, since it The use of VR and AR enables reducing
is used in different contexts, including but errors, for example, in the operators'
not limited to: the training of technicians for assembly actions manually. Reducing
complex tasks such as equipment repair and manufacturing errors makes it possible to
maintenance; the visualization of reduce the time and resources needed to
constructive elements or hidden objects; recover defective products and resources
signaling environments or consulting and time spent on the manufacture of
complementary information in real irrecoverable products (Hou et al., 2015). In
environments; the prospection and 2017, Doshi, Smith, Thomas, and Bouras
graphical visualization of data by estimation carried out a study to assess the possibility
in real environments; the consultation of of increasing precision in tasks such as
data enabling their interaction and analysis; welding; the test was carried out in an
simulation; conferences with participants in industrial environment, in the automotive
remote meetings; entertainment and sector, with a significant increase in the
games; archaeology with the possibility of accuracy of spot welding, using AR instead
total reconstruction of the object from the of traditional methods.
fragment found; teaching with the insertion
According to the literature, the advantage of
of complementary or relevant information
using this technology in HR can be helpful in
to the theory taught (Cardoso, Lamounier Jr,
several processes: it can promote the
Kirner, and Kelner, 2007).
company and the job with immersive
The literature points out several benefits of experiences, allowing to change the way a
using VR and AR technologies. The job interview is conducted, immersing the
multisensory characteristics allow the candidate in different situations so that
visualization of objects in three dimensions, their behaviors can be observed and
enhancing the experience of "being there"; assessed (Muhanna, 2015; Van Krevelen
this three-dimensional observation allows a and Poelman, 2010). VR also makes it
better assessment of objects in terms of size, possible: to conduct a non-face-to-face
shape, and texture concerning the two- interview, allowing the company to save
dimensional projection where it's harder to time, reduce travel costs for the candidate
determine those same characteristics (Van Krevelen and Poelman, 2010); as well
(Anthes et al., 2016; Ausburn and Ausburn, as presenting the business environment,
2014). values, and culture of the company in an
interactive way; can also assist the training
This type of technology can also be
of tacit knowledge among employees;
advantageous for simulating dangerous
promote a more complete, simple and
tasks or jobs, avoiding compromising the
practical induction process, with
person's safety, such as training in special
information accessible at any time; and
rescue operations, training in work at
finally, it can promote the company's
height or with hazardous materials, and
culture by enabling employees to relate and
training in tasks involving expensive
commit to the organization (Muhanna,
equipment or material; it is also useful to
know or manipulate objects and products
that do not exist or are hard to find (Bennett, Bennett (2009) argues that VR or AR makes
2009). HRMD processes more efficient, such as
training, recruitment and selection, and
Time reduction is seen as another
employee integration, as it allows them to
advantage in using this technology. Hou et
save time, material, and human resources
al. (2015), who dealt with VR and AR in the
management. Aguinis and colleagues
industry, guarantee that the decrease in
(2001) add that the use of this technology
production time is directly related to the
can also have advantages over the
increase in companies' profits. Also, Baird
traditional methods, made of
and Barfield (1999) show that AR positively
questionnaires or interviews because the
influenced the time needed to complete
realism created by the software allows a


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
IBIMA Business Review 4

realistic simulation of the work objectives for the systematic review; 3)

environment; the more immersive, definition of inclusion criteria; 4) research
interactive, and navigable the selection strategy; 5) selection procedure; and 6)
techniques, the greater the consistency and data extraction and categorization.
predictability of the candidate's
Paper selection
performance in the job (Bennett, 2009).
On the other hand, there are some
disadvantages to the use of virtual and Research question. This study's research
augmented reality. Although nearly question is: What are the potentialities of
residual, Aguinis et al. (2001) and Anthes et Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in
al. (2016) refer to users' physical problems Human Resources Management and
after the immersive experiences such as Development? This is an essential step
blurred vision, headaches, disorientation, because it allowed identifying the data
balance problems, drowsiness, excessive search and selection strategy (Counsell,
sweating, loss of appetite, nausea, and 1997; Sampaio & Mancini, 2007).
vomiting. Despite being increasingly Research objectives. The SLR's goals align
accessible and cheap, this type of with the research question and
technology still has a somewhat high cost. circumscribe the researcher's work
The initial investment in hardware and (Bettany-Saltikov, 2012). Thus, this study
software and constant updating require aimed to i) Organise the scientific
some financial which is not within all knowledge already produced about the use
companies' reach (Aguinis et al., 2001). of VR and AR in HRMD; ii) Understand the
potential use and impact of VR and AR in
Method HRMD; iii) Understand the process of
applying VR and AR in HRMD; and, iv) List
We conducted a Systematic Literature the benefits of using VR and AR in HRMD.
Review (SLR) to map the scientific Inclusion criteria. The search outputs to be
knowledge about virtual and augmented analyzed in this study had to meet the
reality applications in human resources following criteria: had to have abstracts and
management and development, learn about full-text; all years were considered; only
its potentialities, and point future direction article or conference papers were accepted
on the field. (peer-reviewed studies).
Conducting the systematic literature Research strategy. We outlined the search
review strategy simultaneously with the definition
of the three previous steps. Information
sources can be scientific databases,
This method was primarily used in Health
academic repositories, books or other
studies but rapidly spread to other
miscellaneous sources (Bettany-Saltikov,
academic fields. SLR allows integrating
2012). We decided to use two international
information from studies developed
well-reputed databases that cover scientific
separately on a specific issue, pointing out
production in many disciplines allowing in-
comparisons between coincident or
depth exploration of specialized areas
opposite results, as well as identifying areas
within an academic field as sources for this
that do not yet have scientific evidence
SLR: Scopus, Web Of Science (WoS).
allowing exploration in future research
(Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, and Altman, The selection of search terms is essential for
2009; Sampaio and Mancini, 2007). a more effective search that may return the
highest number of results. The research
This study's SLR research protocol is based
question prepared a list of suitable
on the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic
keywords for a valuable search, as many as
Reviews of Interventions (Higgins and
necessary to cover the search (Bettany-
Green, 2011), with a few adaptations due to
Saltikov, 2012). Boolean search enables the
this study's specificities. The protocol
combination of several terms when
includes six steps: 1) formulation of the
searching. In this study, we used the
research question; 2) definition of


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
5 IBIMA Business Review

combination of keywords with the Boolean analysis was performed by a second judge
operator "and": virtual reality AND human who independently reviewed the title and
resources; virtual reality AND hr; abstract of each article. The researchers
augmented reality AND human resources; compared their screening outputs, and
augmented reality AND hr. when there was not a consensus, a third
judge would decide on the inclusion of the
Selection Procedure. The methodological
papers. Then began the full-paper analysis
process of selecting the suitable papers
of the initial papers' list to define the final
followed the PRISMA Statement (Preferred
directory of relevant studies for these
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews &
research objectives. The final list included
MetaAnalyses) model. PRISMA consists of a
21 articles registered in an Excel sheet
checklist and a four-phase diagram that
(Figure 1).
accurately and robustly implement the SLR
(Liberaty et al., 2009): identification, There was a considerable disregard of
selection, eligibility, and inclusion. papers in the title and abstract screening
that were not under the studied subject
The article selection process started with
(406 articles excluded). Studies would
576 papers. After eliminating the
mention 'virtual learning' were excluded
repetitions, 468 articles remained for the
because they would not refer to a three-
eligibility process: applying the inclusion
dimensional and immersive experience, as
criteria and the full-text analysis, validating
we defined the VR experience. Or even
their integration or exclusion for not
when 3D is mentioned, it was also
meeting the requirements defined initially
disregarded if an immersive experience
and not yet detected.
does not accompany it. We also excluded all
To decide about the papers' inclusion, the the papers that were not in the Human
researcher read the title and abstract of Resources field, even if they were VR or AR
each study. If the title or abstract were not experiences, for example, evaluate the
clear, the article was left to be analyzed effectiveness of AR cues in improving
later, thus avoiding the risk of ignoring driving safety among elderly drivers; health
valuable research out of the SLR (Sampaio & issues as phobias, rehabilitation, etc.
Mancini, 2007). Subsequently, the same


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
IBIMA Business Review 6

Figure 1: PRISMA Flow Diagram

Data extraction and categorization development, 9) VR/AR implementation,

procedure 10) VR/AR resources evaluation, 11)
studied population, 12) activity sector, 13)
HR process, 14) technological resources
At this phase, we extracted the necessary mobilized. The category "HR process" was
data to categorize and analyze the research determined according to Armstrong (2006);
information. "Activity Sector" was defined using the
There are two types of categories in the Economic Activity Codes (CAE)
analysis. The first group of categories (Classificação Portuguesa das Actividades
reports the documents' description, such as Económicas, 2007); and "Studied
publication year, keywords, type of study, population" was described according to the
and methods. The second group is related to Portuguese Classification of Occupations
the specific goals focused on the potential (CPP) (Classificação Portuguesa de
use and impact of VR and AR in HRMD. Profissões 2010, 2011).

Based on theoretical or normative The categorization results show scientific

references, we defined 14 categories: 1) production organized, which is the SLR's
year of publication of the article, 2) objective (Higgins & Green, 2011).
geographical distribution by continent of
the first author of the article, 3) Findings
geographical distribution by country of the
first author of the article, 4) authors, 5) The final set of documents includes 21
keywords, 6) methodology type, 7) VR/AR research studies. The reduced number of
impact reported, 8) VR/AR resources results already reveals that this research


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
7 IBIMA Business Review

topic is still understudied. Since 2007, the to identify a general growing trend,
year of the first publication, an average of although not very consistent, given the
1.75 studies was published each year. small number of publications. The year
However, when looking at the number of 2013 seems to mark the relatively steady
publications per year (table 1), it is possible growth of publications in this area.

Table 1: Articles by year of publication

Year n %

2007 1 4.8

2008 1 4.8

2009 0 0

2010 2 9.5

2011 0 0

2012 0 0

2013 3 14.3

2014 2 9.5

2015 2 9.5

2016 2 9.5

2017 3 14.3

2018 5 23.8

Total 21 100

In SLR, the authors' keywords to categorize The geographical distribution of the studies
published research can also offer clues on was defined using the first author affiliation.
what is relevant in a specific research area Europe seems to show a greater interest in
(figure 2). Not surprisingly, the research in this area (n=10). However, these data
this area is dominated by the keywords should be taken carefully since several
"virtual reality" (n=9) and "augmented authors published most research with
reality (n=5), with some evidence of human different affiliations (table 2).
resources management-related keywords.


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
IBIMA Business Review 8




2 2 2 2 2 2

virtual environments

human resources

smart glasses
virtual reality

augmented reality

knowledge management

containers terminal

Figure 2: Frequency of most used keywords

The categories "type of study" and "research the small-scale nature of the context where
methods used" offer an idea of the research the application was made.
approaches more common when studying
Finally, the type of technology and the
the use of VR and AR in HRMD (Table 2). The
resources used. Virtual reality is the most
research is mainly empirical and qualitative
common type of technology (n=17). Only
in the approach, even though mixed
one study used both technologies, which
methods is a common option. Most studies
might mean that researchers find more
focus on applying some solution to a specific
potential in applying virtual reality to
context (e.g. 3D simulation as a training tool,
HRMD than augmented reality. Most studies
VR-based firefighting training, or
refer to the use of hardware, as resources,
augmented reality applications in
which may be explained by the fact that
construction project activities), which helps
most studies focus on virtual reality (which
explain the empirical nature of most
demands some hardware).
studies. For the same reason, the qualitative
approach's preference may be anchored on


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
9 IBIMA Business Review

Table 2: Descriptives of main categories

n %

Geo-distribution of documents

Europe 10 47.6

America 5 23.8

Asia 5 23.8

Africa 1 4.8

Type of study

Theoretical 6 28.6

Empirical 15 71.4

Type of methods

Quantitative 2 9.6

Qualitative 12 57.1

Mixed 7 33.3

Type of technology

Virtual reality 17 80.9

Augmented reality 3 14.3

Both 1 4.8

Resources used

Hardware 13 61.9

Software 3 14.3

No mention 5 23.8

The second part of the analysis aims to offer explain this preference for formal education
information about the research's focus, and training (Psotka, 1995) and the positive
specifically, the HR processes that were results that simulation, immersion, and
involved and the connection of VR and AR virtual worlds have on learning outcomes
with those processes. (Merchant et al., 2014). To a lesser extent,
other HR areas were also the focus of
The preferred target of the connection
previous research, such as "health and
between HR processes and VR and AR is the
safety", "stress management", and
"learning and development" HR process
"performance management".
(Table 3). The long tradition of studies may


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
IBIMA Business Review 10

Table 3: Most mentioned HRMD processes

HR Processes n %

Health and Safety 2 9.5

Learning & Development 15 71.4

Performance Management 2 9.5

Stress Management 1 4.8

Others 1 4.8

Total 21 100

The final group of data is related to the 4) involves assessing if and how VR and AR
conclusions reported by the research. For can be an efficient solution in several HR
this study, the information was grouped processes, the number of studies that show
into four categories: development, no evidence of development,
implementation, assessment, and impact implementation, or assessment is relatively
(Table 4). These categories are related to high.
this systematic literature review's goal,
Finally, the large majority of the studies
namely understanding the process of
(n=17) offer information about the impact
applying VR and AR to HRMD, its use, and its
of VR and AR, which is evidence of the
study's relevance, to improve and expand
Most studies report information about the knowledge produced. Within the studies
development, implementation, and reporting information on impact, there is a
assessment. Nevertheless, considering that consensus that VR and AR positively
the nature of the categories "development", impacted the HR process, with just one
"implementation" and "assessment" (Table study reporting a negative impact.

Table 4: Information reported on the connection between HR processes and Virtual &
Augmented Reality

Category of Analysis Category definition n

Indicates whether the study reports on the Yes

detailed presentation of an application or n=11
Development project
No evidence

Indicates whether the study reports on the Yes

actual practice of an application or project n=13
No evidencen=8

Indicates whether the study reports on the Yes

verification of an application or project n=13


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
11 IBIMA Business Review

No evidencen=8

Impact Evidence of the relevance of the study, with the Positive

aim of improving and expanding the knowledge n=16

No evidence

Conceptual and/or theoretical papers highlights how technology can enhance

underline the potential positive impact of knowledge transfer, discovery, acquisition,
VR, especially for training and competencies and sharing.
development (Table 4).
For example, Ahmaniemi et al. (2017)
The articles found in the SLR present and developed an experiment to examine the
discuss VR solutions' role in many different role of VR as a stress recovery instrument.
professional activities. Bruzzone and Longo The experience was conducted comparing
(2013) and Bruzzone et al. (2010), by several physiological indicators when
presenting the case of an integrated exposed to a VR experience versus an audio-
platform for training and development of a only experience. The results showed that VR
transshipment terminal, discuss the experiences were more efficient in reducing
importance of simulation using VR for work-related stress when compared with a
managers and operators in highly complex "just audio" stimulus. Another study
environments. On the other hand, Puel et al. (Colombo and Golzio, 2016) using
(2018) describe an immersive training Immersive Virtual Environments shows
platform for firefighters, highlighting the that this environment may help training
importance of plausible and varied behavior professionals in decision-making and
of the artificial characters, richness, and training teams. The experiment showed the
variety of the training experience stories. positive potential impact virtual reality
Kivrak et al. (2013) present a project based could have on operators' and managers'
on AR for enhancing construction workers' competencies based on simulation teaching.
capabilities to perform and supervise in a
The exception is the study conducted by
more efficient, productive, and safer
Bououd et al. (2016). The study aimed to
manner. Moon et al. (2015) suggest a
examine the unique characteristics of 3D
methodology based on AR technology for
Virtual Worlds (object manipulation and
pipe assembly at plant construction sites.
avatar and 3D environment customization)
Although without empirical findings, they
and social loafing on competencies
argue that the new management process
acquisition. They found that social loafing -
based on AR technology will reduce errors,
exerting less effort to achieve a goal when
omission or rework of tasks, contributing to
working in a group - negatively impacts
cost control, productivity, and quality
knowledge sharing and application. This
standards. Hannola et al. (2018) take a more
finding calls attention to the possible
general and integrated approach to suggest
limitation of virtual technologies that
a framework based on specific digital
promote group work in the context of
advancements for the knowledge
competencies' development.
management processes. The framework


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
IBIMA Business Review 12

Table 5: Outputs from the SLR and main categories

Type of
HR Type of VR/AR
Authors/Title Methods technol
Process study Impact

Ahmaniemi, T; Lindholm, H; Muller, K; Stress Empirical Mixed VR Positive

Taipalus, T., Virtual Reality Experience as Managem
a Stress Recovery Solution in Workplace ent

Ausburn L.J., Ausburn F.B, Technical Training Theoretical Qualitative VR No

Perspectives on Theory in Screen-Based evidence
Virtual Reality Environments: Leading
From the Future in VHRD

Blümel E., Global challenges and Training Theoretical Qualitative VR & AR Positive
innovative technologies geared toward
new markets: Prospects for virtual and
augmented reality

Bououd I., Skandrani S.R., Boughzala I., Training Empirical Quantitative VR Negative
Makhlouf M., Impact of object
manipulation, customisation and social
loafing on competencies management in
3D Virtual Worlds

Bruzzone A., Cimino A., Longo F., Training Theoretical Qualitative VR No

Mirabelli G., TRAINPORTS - Training in evidence
marine PORT by using simulation

Bruzzone A.G., Longo F., 3D simulation as Training Empirical Qualitative VR Positive

training tool in container terminals: The
TRAINPORTS simulator

Colombo S., Golzio L., The Plant Simulator Training Empirical Mixed VR Positive
as viable means to prevent and manage
risk through competencies management:
Experiment results

Hannola L., Richter A., Richter S., Stocker Performa Theoretical Qualitative AR Positive
A., Empowering production workers nce
with digitally facilitated knowledge Managem
processes–a conceptual framework ent

Jeelani I., Han K., Albert A., Development Training Empirical Quantitative VR Positive
of Immersive Personalised Training
Environment for Construction Workers

Kivrak S., Arslan G., Akgun A., Arslan V., Training Empirical Mixed AR No
Augmented reality system applications evidence
in construction project activities

Lee, GA; Yang, U; Son, W; Kim, Y; Jo, D; Training Empirical Qualitative VR Positive
Kim, KH; Choi, JS, Virtual Reality Content-
Based Training for Spray Painting Tasks
in the Shipbuilding Industry


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
13 IBIMA Business Review

Moon D.Y., Kwon S.W., Bock T., Ko H.L., Performa Empirical Mixed AR Positive
Augmented reality-based on-site pipe nce
assembly process management using Managem
smart glasses ent

Puel D., Busetta P., Conci N., An authoring Training Empirical Qualitative VR Positive
system for VR-based firefighting
commanders training

Stefanidis, D; Sevdalis, N; Paige, J; Zevin, Training Theoretical Qualitative VR Positive

B; Aggarwal, R; Grantcharov, T; Jones, DB,
Simulation in Surgery What's Needed

Suárez-Revelo, J.X., Ruiz-Duque, A., Toro, Training Empirical Mixed VR Positive

J.P., Mejía-Bueno, A.M., Hernández-
Valdivieso, A.M., Changes in
Electrocardiographic Signals During
Training in Laparoscopic Surgery
Simulator: A Preliminary Report

Suen, H.-Y., Chang, H.-L., Toward multi- Other Empirical Qualitative VR Positive
stakeholder value: Virtual human
resource management

Sullivan, M.O., Kearney, G., Virtual reality Training Empirical Mixed VR Positive
(VR) technology: Empowering managers
to reduce and eliminate accessibility
barriers for people with autism spectrum

Thoondee K.D., Oikonomou A., using Health & Empirical Mixed VR Positive
virtual reality to reduce stress at work Safety

Watanuki K, Virtual reality-based job Training Theoretical Qualitative VR Positive

training and human resource
development for foundry skilled workers

Watanuki K., Virtual reality-based Training Empirical Qualitative VR No

casting skill transfer and human resource evidence

Zhao D., Feng Y., Ye Y., Suh M.J., Health & Empirical Qualitative VR Positive
Integrating safety culture into OSH risk Safety
mitigation via information technologies

(1) under-explored, (2) immature, and (3)

Conclusions inconsistent.
The results of this systematic literature The reduced number of publications (n=21)
review point to several conclusions, in the past 12 years, with less than two
alongside some suggestions for future publications per year, is low compared with
research in the field of the use and impact of other systematic literature reviews (see as
VR and AR in HRMD. The results show an an, e.g. Macke and Genari, 2019; Tariq et al.,
area of research that can be characterized as 2016). Thus, the low number of publications
reveals an under-explored field of study.


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
IBIMA Business Review 14

The field can also be characterized as The number of studies that show no
immature. The year 2013 seems to mark the evidence of development, implementation,
relatively steady growth of publications. or assessment, is relatively high, but the
This means that the study of the use and number of studies that report some impact
impact of VR and AR on HRMD is relatively is relatively high. We believe that this is a
recent, still in its first steps. Also, the sign of under-exploration and immaturity of
majority of studies are empirical and the area. The lack of information about
qualitative. The empirical studies under development, implementation, or
analysis are more concerned with assessing assessment, reveals that there is no focus on
if the technology serves the purpose of HR developing and tests new AR and VR
processes or not than the development of solutions, but simply uses what already
the theory that supports future studies in exists and tests if it works in the context of
the field. The preference for qualitative HR processes. This argument is further
instead of quantitative studies results from supported by the fact that papers are mainly
applying some VR or AR solution to a empirical, looking to report VR or AR's
specific context. However, it also reveals impact on some kind of HR process.
some immaturity in the field since the
Tavares (2010) stresses that the search for
reduced number of quantitative studies
new methods and strategies for
prevents generalized results to a larger
organizations to differentiate themselves is
increasingly important in the current job
Finally, the study of the use and impact of market. VR and AR in HR processes can be
VR and AR on HRMD can also be considered one of those methods due to
characterized as inconsistent. The number their immersion and interactivity
of publications, although with a relatively characteristics. At first sight, the systematic
growing trend since 2013, is inconsistent literature review results could seem
with no publications in 2 years in a row (the discouraging, showing an uninteresting
years of 2011 and 2012). But more scenario. However, this scenario offers
importantly, the imbalance between studies several clues for future research.
that focus on VR and AR technology's impact
Being an under-explored area, but with a
is quite pronounced. Although this result is
high level of receptivity, particularly among
consistent with Tori, Kinner, and Siscoutto
practitioners, the novelty of possible
(2006), namely the use of VR hardware
solutions will certainly be welcomed in the
equipment on HR processes, the fact is that
scientific as in the practitioner
the field of study as a whole grows
communities. Nevertheless, it is crucial to
offer robust studies with a high degree of
The more significant number of studies on generalization and consistent results. This
training and development, alongside the demands more quantitative studies, using
lack of investigation of several HR larger samples. Additionally, it may be
processes, is another argument that helpful to introduce quasi-experimental
supports some inconsistency in the field of studies to compare HR processes' effects
study. Muhanna (2015) and Van Krevelen with and without VR and AR solutions. This
and Poelman (2010) described the HR kind of approach will allow us to isolate the
processes where VR and AR can be applied, variables induced by the technology's
including recruitment and selection, characteristics; thus better understanding
induction and integration, training, VR and AR's actual HR processes
employer branding (promoting the effectiveness.
company's brand), organization culture,
As seen in the introduction, VR and AR have
and mission. This study revealed that only
some distinctive characteristics, offering
four processes were the focus of published
different potential benefits. As such, it is
research. Training and development stand
essential to develop a balanced
out, followed by far by health and safety
understanding of both types of
processes, performance management, and
technologies. Another vital research path is
stress management.
the comparative understanding of both


Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642
15 IBIMA Business Review

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Pedro FERREIRA, Viviana MEIRINHOS, Ana Cláudia RODRIGUES and António MARQUES, IBIMA Business
Review, DOI: 10.5171/2021.926642

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