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by Reinier Anne Perez and Khryss Liane Ocampo

Girls and Boys Categories

Captured by: Reinier Anne Perez and Khryss Liane Ocampo

Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the world. In fact, it ranked fourth
among the most played sports as of 2022, based on an article on an internet website,
the pledge sport. It can’t be denied that the sport is well-known here in our country. We
have different levels of volleyball competition, from inter-barangay to national, where the
latest PVL (Premier Volleyball League) All Filipino Conference 2023 was held. It was
participated in by the different professional teams here in the Philippines.

In the intermural 2023, one of the sports featured was volleyball. It was joined by
the different grade levels and sections. In playing volleyball, it should be played by two
teams on a court, and each team should consist of six players. This is based on the
website of the International Volleyball Federation. In connection with this, two teams
from the Grade 8 level (girls and boys categories) participated in playing the said sport
with six players each.

The love and support for the sport is seen in many ways. In the recent intermural,
there were lots of supporters present at the gym to see the match of the teams from the
girls and boys categories. It can be proven based on the picture above. It can be
perceived that volleyball has captured the hearts of many people. The Intramurals
SLVC 2023 shows that playing sports is a good way to refresh and breathe from

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