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Task Performance: Tourism Plan Proposal

Submitted by:
Fulache, Lance Justine
Ortega, Carl Jason Q.
Siano, Jerome C.
Tolentino, Jaina Casandra Joy R.

Submitted to:
Mrs. Carmona, Leira

Art In Island in Quezon City, is a two-

story building covering a space of 3,800

square meters (41,000 sq ft), established last

November 2014 and later was considered the

Biggest 3D art museum in Asia. It consists of

a massive vast collection of 3D paintings,

sculptures, fossilized creatures, Egyptian

ruins, and interactive artworks. Yun Jae Kyoung is the founder of the museum he

specially invited a group of 18 expert painters from Korea to participate in the project.

The museum is split up into various sections, such as the ocean zone, the animal zone,

the fantasy zone, and the Egyptian zone. Each zone features murals that portray

underwater settings, exotic animals, mystical creatures, and ancient Egyptian tombs to

transport visitors to a new world. These works of art are intended to be used as a

backdrop for photographs because they appear to be real when viewed from a

particular angle.

Visitors can interact with the artwork by posing and taking pictures in front of the

3D paintings. It is a unique tourist destination for art lovers and curious visitors alike. Art

In Island serves as a great educational and recreational activity for both adults and

children. It is also a great place for families to bond and explore the wonders of art. The

museum also has a souvenir shop where guests can take home a piece of the

experience with them. The museum also has a souvenir shop where guests can take
home a piece of the experience with them. Art In Island is a must-visit tourist destination

in Quezon City, and it offers a memorable experience to all who visit.



Trickle-down theory is a concept that suggests that the positive economic

benefits of tourism will "trickle down" and benefit everyone in society. This theory is

related to the tourism multiplier effect, in which the income brought in by the travelers

who visit the location will provide additional resources to the local economy. It suggests

that the development of tourism can be used to improve the economic conditions of a

region and reduce poverty.

In short, this theory is based on the idea that increased tourism activity will lead

to increased employment opportunities and income, which will then be spent in the local

economy and ultimately benefit the whole region.

Why the Trickle-Down Theory was


This idea is suited for the chosen

destination since Art In Island proves its

value by boosting tourism in our country.

Tourism in the destination provides

many positive impacts not just on our country, but also on its local and nearby

communities. One of the main advantages is the boost to the local economy. Tourism
helps stimulate the local economy by creating jobs for the local population where small

vendors can sell souvenirs and photographers can offer their services to tourists. It also

brings in additional income for nearby business establishments like Cibo Gateway Mall,

Union Square Condo, and Vista Hotel Cubao. Furthermore, the money spent by tourists

on goods and services will circulate throughout the community.

Because of its earned reputation as the biggest 3D art museum in Asia, an

increase in exposure to the community is evident. By bringing visitors to the area, the

local population is encouraged to maintain their unique culture and customs. This helps

to ensure that the unique traditions and customs of the region remain intact for future

generations. This can help to encourage a greater appreciation and understanding of

our country’s culture and history and can create a feeling of pride in the local

community. All in all, tourism in art has many benefits for the local community, making it

an excellent way to help the city prosper.



An advocacy platform of tourism planning is an approach to promote the tourism

industry through a variety of means. The primary goal of this platform is to create an

environment that is helpful for the growth and development of the tourism sector. It also

helps to ensure that the tourism industry is aligned with local and regional needs and

goals. In addition, it allows individuals to advocate for travel-related causes, such as

eco-friendly tourism, responsible tourism, and sustainable tourism.

It showcases the potential of tourism for the locality, region, and/or nation. It

involves campaigning for better policies and regulations in the tourism sector. This can

be done through a range of activities like hosting workshops and seminars, conducting

research and surveys, and developing advocacy campaigns.

The nature of tourism

Art In Island is considered art tourism, it is a place for all in which people travel

with the goal of seeing and experiencing art-related activities. It is well-known for

displaying 3D art such as sculptures, paintings, murals, and even pictures.

The issues involving tourism.

The location of the tourist destination is Cubao, Quezon City. The issue is that

Cubao is in District 3, which has the smallest population. There is a clear need to attract

more tourists to the town. Also, the location is surrounded by amusement parks, which

may impact the number of tourists that will visit the place.

Possible solutions on how these issues should be addressed.

Collaboration with well-known local and international artists and artisans may

increase the number of tourists in the area considering the number of supporters of

such artists will ultimately come and visit the destination. Boosting not only the

establishment but also the other businesses in the community. Since the destination

was created by Korean artists funding a program for aspiring and amateur Filipino

artists can attract more tourists as well as showcase Filipino talent.

Therefore, by determining the following elements, we conclude that the advocacy

platform is suitable for this case.

This 3D art museum is truly fascinating to visit and was recognized as the

biggest 3D art museum in Asia. Tourism in Art In Island will be able to produce more job

opportunities, increase the economic state of its community, help small nearby towns to

grow, and empower local and international artists. Partnerships with government

agencies such as the Department of Tourism and the Department of Trade and

Industry, as well as collaboration with Korean investors, are important to make this




This type of tourism planning approach suggests that the key to a successful

tourism program is by focusing on the development of infrastructure, facilities, and

amenities and providing them to tourists. It supports the idea of “build something and

the market will automatically take notice of it” or “build it and they will come”. It supports

the idea that as long as the attraction is of high quality, you will be able to construct an

attraction such as an art museum, theme park, or a water resort technically anywhere

such as a random place in the city or province and people will still find their way to it.

Why the Product-led Development approach was chosen.

The first reason why the product-led development approach was chosen is that

“Art In Island” utilizes the art technique called Trome-l'oeil (trick of the eye) that turns

two-dimensional paintings into 3D images through the use of optical illusion which

makes Art in Island the first of its kind art museum in the Philippines. Being the first of

its kind will already greatly help with intriguing the interest of tourists, add to it that the

building itself is massive, being the biggest 3D art museum in Asia, then it will greatly

help with grabbing the attention of the tourists and visitors which is very important for a

tourist attraction.

The second and main reason why we choose this tourism planning approach is

that the main product of the tourist destination is its unique art ideas. The higher quality

of the art, the higher the chances that people will go anywhere to take a look and visit

the place where they can experience and appreciate its beauty. Making product-led

development a perfect tourism planning approach in this situation. As previously said,

being the first of its kind and the biggest 3D art museum intrigues the interest of tourists,

it suggests that the excellence of the destination's product, which includes the

artwork and the attraction itself, must be the primary concern to attract more visitors.

Improving the artistry in the area can help to attract more tourists and maintain

the current number of people visiting the place. Keeping the interest of tourists through

a weekly rotation of various types of artworks each with different gimmicks of their own

will also be an effective way of attracting more tourists. Renovations to the

establishment and interior designs may also provide an attractive and fresh

appearance, which is frequently utilized as a marketing advantage to encourage people

to visit a certain destination. It is a perfect example of how creativity and innovation can

be used to improve the quality of life and bring people together.


Art in Island Cubao. (n.d.).


Discover more fun! (n.d.). Department of Tourism Philippines.


Jeffer, V. a. P. B. (2018, June 13). Being Part of Art in “Art In Island” in Cubao,

Quezon City. Jeffer’s Odyssey.


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