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1) Q: Will you feel homesick if you’re already in Hong Kong

A: I will feel homesick during the first few weeks but soon I will get over it

2) Q: What will you do if you feel homesick?

A: I will call or chat with my family during NIGHT time after I am finished with my works

3) Q: Are you prepared to work for a family of More than 8 members but will be working together
with another helper?

A: Yes

4) Q: Is it alright with you if your day off is on week days not on Sunday?

A: Yes

5) Q: What will you do in case if there is an emergency with any member of your family?

A: I will keep myself calm and will ask permission from my employer if I could call my family to check
what is the emergency

6) Q: Will you go home to the Philippines if there is an emergency?

A: If possible I will not go home and I will just send financial support. In a worst case scenario then I
will ask permission from my employer that I will go home

7) Q: Are you willing to go with the grandma in another house to sleep there during NIGHT time?

A: Yes as long as I will not be required to do the household works in the house of grandma

8) Q: How will you know if the child that you’re taking care of is sick?

A: There are signs that the child is sick like she is uneasy or irritable and crying, I will check her/his
temperature if its not normal I will inform my employer immediately
9) Q: What will you do if you accidentally left the keys of the house inside while you went out to do

A: I will inform my employer immediately say sorry and tell them about the matter then I will follow
the instructions that they will give to me

10) Q: Is it alright with you that you will not store your in the house of your employer the things
which you intend to send to your family

A: Yes its okay with me

11) Q: Are you willing to do the chores in the morning before you go out for your day off

A: Yes

12) Q: Will you follow your employers valid and legitimate instructions at all times?

A: Yes

13) Q: Do you know how to cook chinese food?

A: I don’t know how to cook chinese food but I am awaitig for my departure to Hong Kong I will try
to learn how to cook chinese food through the internet and also during the training

14) Q: What will you do if you accidentally break one of your employer’s belongings?

A: I will immediately inform my employer about it and sincerely say sorry to them

15) Q: What will you do if the child won’t stop crying

A: I will try to comfort the child by playing, singing, or reading story books to them.

0. Q: How long do you want to work in HK?

A: 2 years or more.


⁃ always smile during the interview

⁃ Look at the camera , ALWAYS!wag kung saan saan tumitingin at focus lng dapat sa

⁃ Be humble, be polite

⁃ Ipatong ang camera sa mesa during webcam interview dhil ayaw nila ng na

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