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A. Content Standard A learner demonstrate a full-length play's
features, such as tense consistency, modals,
active and passive constructions, as well as
direct and indirect speech, are used by the
learner to demonstrate understanding of how
Anglo-American literature and other text types
helped to preserve and change values in a
changing world.
B. Performance Standard The learner competently performs in a full-
length play through applying effective verbal and
non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based
on the following criteria: focus voice delivery
and dramatic conventions.
C. Learning Competency The learner should learn various communication
strategies using verbal and non-verbal
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students will able
1. differentiate verbal from non-verbal
2. Identify the types of verbal and non-verbal

E. Community/Indigenized Take a picture that shows verbal and non-verbal

Competency/ies communication, then explain what makes it
verbal and non-verbal.

II. Subject Matter ENGLISH 10 verbal-nonverbal communication

and its types
III.Learning Resources
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer Let us all stand for our (A student lead the
prayer, Ms. Irish kindly prayer)
lead the prayer.
"In the name of the
In the name.... father the son the
holy spirit amen....

Our father who art in

heaven hallowed be
thy name; thy
kingdom come, thy
will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our
daily bread and
forgive us our
trespasses as we
forgive those who
trespass against us;
and lead us not into
temptation, but
deliver us from evil..
In the name of the
father and of the son
and of the holy spirit

 greetings Good Morning class Good morning/Good

afternoon Ma’am

How are you today? Were great maam

how about you?
Im fine too

Okay, let me indroduce

myself first. By the way I
am your students-
teacher form surigao
state college of
campus nice meeting you
Classroom management Okay please arrange your
chairs. Pick up some
pieces of paper and seat
Attendance So since it is our first ( The student's get
meeting, and I didn't 1/8 sheet of paper
know you yet, and I want and write their
you to get a 1/8 sheet of names)
paper and kindly write
your name.

This will served as your

attendance for today’s
Review Okay, Mr. ______ can Expected answer:
you give me a short Our topic yesterday
recap about the topic was all about
that we discussed communication
yesterday? maam.

Very Good!
Communication is usually
defined as the
transmission of
information. The term
can also refer just to the
message communicated
or to the field of inquiry
studying such
transmissions. It can be
conveyed through verbal
or nonverbal
Drill (Pretest) Lets do a drill first.
Everyone, I will show you
a pictures and I want you
to tell me what you think
it says?

Just raise your hands if Yes maam!

you want to answer or I
will call your name if no
one raised a hand,
understand everybody?


What does this hand Expected answers:

signal means?







Very good everybody

and thank you everyone
for answering correctly.

Okay so this pictures is

related to our new topic
for today which is all
about verbal and
And the pictures that I
show are all examples of
communication which
communication means
the transfer of
information through body
language, facial
expressions, gestures,
created space and more.

Did you understand Yes maam!


Okay very good.

Presentation of the Lesson
A. Activity/motivation But before anything else
I have here a color cards
the yellow cards contain
a questions and the pink
cards contain the answer,
what you need to do is to Yes maam!
put the pink card that
answers to the question
that I stamp on the
board okay?

1. ________ is defined as VERBAL

communication to COMMUNICATION
express our views,
information, and ideas in
the form of sound and
words. The spoken part
usually involves face-to-
face communication

2. ________ is the NON-VERBAL

transmission of messages COMMUNICATION
or signals through a
nonverbal platform such
as eye contact, facial
expressions, gestures,
posture, and the distance
between two individuals.

3. : Making and EYE CONTACT

____________ with an
audience when you’re
verbally communicating
or listening
communicates to the
other party that you’re
interested and engaged
in the conversation.

4. The number of people SMALL GROUP

participating in such DISCUSSION
communication is enough
to have a good
interaction with each
other; For example,
school meetings, board
meetings, press
conferences, office
meetings, team
meetings, family
gatherings, etc.

5. • It involves a massive PUBLIC

assembly of people. For COMMUNICATION
example, the Prime
Minister addressing the
public about the multiple
developing projects;
Other examples include
elections, campaigns,
public speeches, etc.

EXCELLENT! Thank you

everyone for your
B. analysis (concept
Did you know what Expected answer:
communication is?

Okay Mr. ______ can Ma'am,

you give me a short Communication is
definition what the act of conveying
communication is? or receiving
knowledge, ideas,
thoughts, feelings,
opinions, etc. It can
be conveyed through
verbal or nonverbal

How about the word Verbal

verbal and non-verbal communication
communication? Can you means is defined as
differentiate the two Ms. communication to
Fuentes? express our views,
information, and
ideas in the form of
sound and words.
While non-verbal
communication is the
transmission of
messages or signals
through a nonverbal
platform such as eye
contact, facial
gestures, posture,
and the distance
between two

Okay very good Ms.

Fuentes take your seat.

C. Abstraction (Lesson Today I am going to

Discussion) discuss what is verbal
and non-verbal
communication is.

Are you ready to listen? Yes ma’am

First, let me define what

communication is.

So, communication is the

process of interchanging
information ideas,
feelings, and opinions,
with or without the use
of words. face-to-face
conversations, telephone
calls, text messages,
email, the Internet
(including social media
such as Facebook and
Twitter), radio and TV,
written letters, brochures
and reports are all
examples of

There are two types of

communication the verbal
communication and the

Please read what is Verbal

verbal communication communication
means is defined as
communication to
express our views,
information, and
ideas in the form of
sound and words
There are four types of
communication, public
communication and small
group communication

The public
communication is
defined as the
communication of a
person with the public.

Example of public
communication is the
Prime Minister addressing
the public about the
multiple developing

Other examples include

elections, campaigns,
public speeches.
The small group
communication is
defined as
communication within
two or more people.

Example of small group

communication are,
school meetings, board
meetings, press
conferences, office
meetings, team
meetings, family
gatherings, etc

communication is
communication within us.
It is also called as
internal communication.
It includes self-thinking,
analysis, thoughts,
assessments, etc.
associated with the inner
state of mind.

Example of intrapersonal
communication is a
person may use self-talk
to calm himself down in a
stressful situation, or a
shy person may remind
herself to smile during a
social event.

communication is the
communication between
us and others over the
channel. The
communication can be
online, face-to-face,
video conference on
mobile, etc.

Example of interpersonal
communication is
communication between
a son and his father, an
employer and an
employee, two sisters, a
teacher and a student.

Now let’s move on to


What is non-verbal non-verbal

communication? Can you communication is the
read it for me Ms. transmission of
Campos? messages or signals
through a nonverbal
platform such as eye
contact, facial
gestures, posture,
and the distance
between two
There are also 6 types of
communication first is the
facial expression why
do you think facial
expression is important
to have a success
communication? Anyone?
Okay, Facial
expressions can display
personal emotions and
indicate an individual's
intentions within a social
Second are the gestures
When you speak, a
gesture can make your
message stronger.
Example, pointing out
something you want your
listener to look at more
closely is an example of
nonverbal communication
that makes your message
understood. Third eye
contact which it shows
attentiveness and
interest in what is being
said. Fourth is the Voice
they are the medium
through which we do a
lot of communicating
with the outside world:
our ideas, of course, and
also our emotions and
our personality. Fifth is
the Touch which refers
to the ways in which
people and animals
communicate and
interact via. And last is
the Body movements and
Posture can be used to
reinforce or emphasize
what a person is saying
and also offer
information about the
emotions and attitudes of
a person. Last
Body movements and
Posture can be used to
reinforce or emphasize
what a person is saying
and also offer
information about the
emotions and attitudes of None ma’am
a person.

That’s all about verbal

and non-verbal
communication and its

Any clarification?

d. Application I have here a multiple Student answers the
choice activity for you to activity.
answer write it on a ½
sheet of paper in just 5
minutes, timer starts now!

1.) What is Verbal

a. Talking to someone
b. When someone is
talking and someone
else is listening
c. When more than one
person is talking
d. Using verbal noises to
show you are listening
like “uh huh”
e. All the above

2.) What is
communication without
a. There is no
communication without
b. Non-verbal
c. Telepathy
d. Sign language
e. Gestures

3. Which of the following

is NOT a form of non-
verbal communication? a.
Body language
b. Tone of voice
c. Written communication
d. Facial expressions
e. Telepathy

4.) What needs to be

complete for there to
have been effective
a. The persons sentence
b. The documentation
c. Both the sending
and receiving of the
message d. The task
that was asked of the
e. An agreement

5.) Is text messaging an

acceptable form of
a. It is not formally
classed as
communication as
communication involves
b. Yes, in certain
c. Yes, it should be the
preferred choice when
making arrangements
d. No, under no
circumstances should you
text for work reasons
e. Yes, also, by using
emoji’s it can
demonstrate the feelings
you want to get across

6.) How can a person

correctly communicate?
a. Speaking
b. Text message
c. Email
d. Phone
e. All of the above

7.) Using your whole

body to communicate is
called what?
a. Miming
b. Body language
c. Sign language
d. Exuberant
e. Full communication

8. Waving is what type of

a. Gestures
b. Body language
c. Sign language
d. Body position
e. Tactile signing

9) Facial expressions are

a part of what?
a. Gestures
b. Sign language
c. Body language
d. Verbal communication
e. Non-effective

10.) What is sign

a. Using your hands to
make gestures that
form words
b. Another name for lip
c. Written signs
d. Using a series of
tapping to create words
e. Using facial gestures
as a code

Put your pens up in 1, 2,

3, 4, 5. Okay times up
exchange your paper
with your seatmate lets
write corrected by
understand? Yes ma’am

Okay number
1. What is Verbal b. When someone
Communication? A. b. c. is talking and
d. or e? someone else is


2.) What is b. Non-verbal

communication without communication
words? A. b. c. d. or e?

3. Which of the following e. Telepathy

is NOT a form of non-
verbal communication? A.
b. c. or e?

4.) What needs to be c. Both the

complete for there to sending and
have been effective receiving of the
communication? A. b. c. message
or e?

5.) Is text messaging an b. Yes, in certain

acceptable form of circumstances
communication? A. b. c.
or e?

6.) How can a person

correctly communicate? e. All of the above
A. b. c. or e?

7.) Using your whole b. Body language

body to communicate is
called what? A. b. c. or

8. Waving is what type of a. Gestures

communication? A. b. c.
or e?

9) Facial expressions are c. Body language

a part of what? A. b. c. or

10.) What is sign a. Using your

language? A. b. c. or e? hands to make
gestures that form
Return the paper to the words
owner, who got 10? 9?
8? 7? 6? 5? 4 bellow pass
all your papers.
D. Enrichment our next activity is Student will answer
related with facial the activity.

Direction: match the

column A. to column B.

E. Evaluation (posttest) Our last activity for today Student will answer
is called “arrange me the activity.
with a twist” which is you
need to arrange the
jumble words given after
that label the arrange
word in the picture given


F. Assignment For your assignment take

a picture in your
community that shows
verbal and non-verbal
communication 5 each,
and explain what makes
it verbal and non-verbal.
Print the picture in a long
size bond paper.


Originality – 25%
explanation - 40%
neatness- 5%

total 100%

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