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Learning Another Language Can Be a Great Convenience for People

Ivanna Molina

School of Business and Management, City University of Seattle

ENG 102: English Composition

Steve Cave

February 28, 2021


Learning Another Language Can Be a Great Convenience for People

 Knowing two or more languages gives a lot of opportunities, this type of knowledge

provides a lot of opportunities in a great number of fields, knowledge is something that provides

power to a person; therefore, the study of another language should be considered a necessity.

One of these good interests can be in the workplace and personal life as well. Learning another

language can be a great convenience for people; gives you a new perspective, improves

competitiveness in the job market and it can slow the effects of old age. 

Gives a New Perspective

The first convenience of being bilingual or knowing more than one language is that

provides a new perspective for people, knowing how to communicate in other language gives the

opportunity to experience other cultures and idioms that are used in that dialect, therefore

Kestuik (2021) mentions that “Many people who speak more than one language also report

feeling “like a different person” when they speak the other language.” This type of knowledge

allows people to become, in some way, someone else. People should understand that this type of

skill changes the perspective of things, by this they are opening to the possibility of making

something different and entering another perspective that they have never encountered. 

 Improves Competitiveness in the Job Market

The second convenience is that when a person knows more languages is considered a

more important candidate when choosing for a spot in the job market. The International Business

Seminaire (2018) states that when knowing another language people can easily set themselves

apart from anyone else in the work field, people who are interested in making a great impression

can add to their curriculums this essential knowledge that is going to make a change in what

regards to the career they are pursuing and the opportunities that come with this.

It Can Slow the Effects of Old Age

The third and last convenience is that learning these skills can provide a better lifestyle

and even ameliorate the situation that some people are going through. Bak (2020) mentions that

“People who are bilingual develop dementia 4-5 years later than people who speak one language

only and are twice as likely to recover their cognitive abilities after a stroke” it is important to

acknowledge that this is not only about people who decide to learn something new or not, but

also about people who want to feel better when speaking to others and at the same time taking

care of themselves and their future life. 

Learning Another Language Can Take a Lot of Time

It is true that learning another language can take a lot of time; however, dominating

another dialect is an advantage over many others who only speak one language. Even if learning

this can take a lot of time, there are many ways to practice, such as, taking classes, watching

movies in the selected language, reading books, traveling, etc. The domination of another form

of speech can be obtained by practicing.


Being bilingual can provide a great number of good changes in a person's life.  Providing

the chance to stand out and be chosen because of their knowledge and capability is something

great, but also being able to act differently or even delay some illness by just learning another

language should be an essential decision to make, is important to remember that learning another

language can be a great convenience for people; gives you a new perspective, improves

competitiveness in the job market and it can slow the effects of old age. Developing this skill

takes a great amount of time but spending time studying is never considered reckless.


Bak, T.  (2020). Age UK.


Benefits of knowing a second language. (2018). International Business Seminars.

Kostuik, K. (2021). Foreing Language

 Immersion Online.

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