Daniel Pramandana Lumunon, Raihanita Zahra: Referensi

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Daniel Pramandana Lumunon1, Raihanita Zahra2

1Departement of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Resident, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia
2 Departement of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Attending Staff, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia

Introduction Before the patient entered the operating room, 2 mg of midazolam was prevent additional airway passage damage. A tracheal tube should be
Although laryngotracheal injuries are uncommon, they have a significant administered, and analgesia remifentanil was administered beginning at positioned directly above the vocal cords using the bogie as the introducer.
3ng/ml via TCI with the Minto model. The patient was quite cooperative when Therefore, if the main intubation plan fails, there is only one alternative to
fatality rate. These injuries can be either penetrating or blunt and can occur in the
preoxygenation with 100% fractional oxygen was administered through the prevent the condition from becoming worse: surgical tracheostomy.2The patient
supraglottic, glottic, or infraglottic regions. They are caused by penetrating
mask. Intubation was successful on the first attempt with visualization of the was also routinely evaluated by cardiothoracic surgeons in the intensive care
trauma, assault, attempted strangulation, near hanging, and clothesline-type larynx using a C-MAC Videolaryngoscope. Induction began with a propofol 100 unit (ICU) and the ward to assess the clinical sign of the restoration of the
injuries.1 In one study, thirty percent of cut throat injuries were the result of mg titration and Rocuronium 60 mg dose. The operation proceeded without laryngeal tissue and the psychiatric department to control the patient's mental
suicide.6 Airway trauma may result in acutely life-threatening airway lacerations, incident, and intraoperative hemodynamics were steady. The hemorrhage was state until he was mentally stable, ensuring that he was cooperative enough
obstructions, hemorrhages, and blood aspiration.2 estimated to be roughly 200 ml, and the operator discovered the larynx was and improved his recovery. Laryngeal reconstruction takes an average of 5.6
The perioperative management of patients with laryngeal damage and lacerated and performed the surgery during the examination. days (3 to 10 days). Steroids, antibiotics, and anti-reflux medications should be
Post operatively the patient was transferred to the ICU without considered. Before extubation, a second endoscopic inspection may be
severe psychosis presents another challenge to the anesthesiologist, as both
extubation, adequate analgesics, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories were necessary to prevent problems.
surgery and anesthesia pose a significant risk for this patient. There are some given to prevent infection and tissue inflammation, antipsychotic drugs were Summary
things that add to the risk; difficulty to interact with the patient to elicit accurate still given together with sedative agents, after confirming clinical signs that In the event of cut-throat or penetrating neck injuries, the larynx,
history, to expect cooperation for evaluation, and to acquire informed consent for there were no difficulty breathing or swallowing. So that the patient remains pharynx, trachea, esophagus, and main neck vessels are susceptible to injury. A
anesthesia and surgery.3 Antipsychotic medications continue to be the primary compliant, extubation is performed while the patient is sedated. multidisciplinary cooperation approach with a psychiatrist is necessary for the
effective treatment for managing schizophrenia.5 The intraoperative findings of efficient therapy of afflicted patients. The anesthesiologist must secure the
Discussion airway and ensure that intubation does not cause additional damage. The
the surgeon must be relayed; postoperatively, these patients must be thoroughly
Larynx injuries account for fewer than one percent of all traumatic surgeon evaluates the injury and repairs the severed tissues in order to restore
followed in the critical care unit for at least the first night; and extubation must be
injuries. They are infrequent but sometimes quite severe. After intracranial swallowing, phonation, and respiration. During and following surgical therapy,
performed with patient cooperation to prevent further injury. the psychiatrist provides proper care and supervision.4
injuries, it is the second most prevalent cause of death in individuals with head
Case Presentation and neck trauma. According to the Schaefer categorization method for Referensi
Male, 32-year-old, arrived to the ER (emergency department) with probable assessing the severity of laryngeal injuries, the patient has been diagnosed with
level group III injuries, which include extensive oedema, major mucosal 1. Shaker K, Winters R, Jones EB. Laryngeal Injury. [Updated 2022 Jul 1]. In: StatPearls.
laryngeal damage following a suicide attempt by cutting his own throat. The
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cardiothoracic surgeon diagnosed the patient with a rupture of the sternothyroid lacerations, and displaced fractures with exposed cartilage. Physical https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK556150/
and thyroid cartilage. After ensuring that the main assessment is secured, the examination begins with a comprehensive assessment of the patient's
patient was referred to ENT surgeons and psychiatrist. Risperidone and respiratory status and hemodynamic stability (Airway, Breathing, Circulation). A 2. Mercer, S. J., Jones, C. P., Bridge, M., Clitheroe, E., Morton, B., & Groom, P. (2016).
thorough examination, including flexible laryngoscopy and chest x-ray to Systematic review of the anaesthetic management of non-iatrogenic acute adult airway
Lorazepam were administered to a patient diagnosed with paranoid
trauma. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 117, p49–p59
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression in order to make the visualize the larynx and pahranx, is required. Acute psychosis is a challenge for
patient calmer and more cooperative for further evaluation. From the ENT, the anesthesiologists since it is difficult to anticipate cooperation for examination 3. Balavenkatasubhramanian J, Mistry T, Gurumoorthi P, Shankar BR. (2020).
evaluation of the airway was assessed with right hypopharynx mucosal laceration and treatment of acute psychotic patients. It is vital for this patient to receive Perioperative care in a patient with acute psychosis: Challenges and management. Bali
information regarding laryngeal injury damage before speeding the surgery to Journal of Anesthesiology, 4(3), p122-124
from the rhinopharyngolaringoscopy. The surgeon then scheduled for the patient
to undergo exploration and airway reconstruction in the operating room make sure that there is no life threatening airway obstruction such as
4. Hungund S, Hirolli DA, Shaikh SI. Role of anesthesiologist in managing a rare case of
(Operating Room). The patient was evaluated as having ASA (American Society of respiratory distress, severe neck hematoma, major bleeding, subcutaneous neck homicidal cut-throat injury. Anesth Essays Res. 2016 Jan-Apr;10(1):114-7
Anaesthesiologist) physical status 3 with a possible laryngeal damage and emphysema and stridor. After consultation with the surgeon, the presence of
schizophrenia. Before beginning induction, communication is conducted in the blood and debris within the lumen of the airway, an injury within the airway 5. Attri JP, Bala N, Chatrath V. Psychiatric patient and anaesthesia. Indian J Anaesth. 2012
operation room. The selected anesthetic technique is modified RSI without cricoid wall itself, or an injury outside the wall, should be regarded contraindications
pressure, while the operator is sterile to prepare if there is an emergency condition for surgical or percutaneous cricothyroidotomy.2 6. Rai S, Anjum F. Laryngeal Fracture. [Updated 2022 Aug 22]. In: StatPearls. Treasure
such as false route intubation. Preparation includes setting up a We performed the Modified RSI on the patient without cricoid pressure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan. Available from:
due to the patient's psychotic diagnosis from the psychiatrist. We used a video https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK562276/
videolaryngoscope, boogie, and reversal drugs such as sugamadex.
laryngoscope to see the vocal chord and investigate the potential injury site to 1

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