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Viewpoints Comparison Essay

Stephanie Dorn

School of Business and Management City University of Seattle

Critical Thinking

Ivanna Molina

February 20, 2022

Viewpoints Comparison Essay

The perception that is generated in people when reading a newspaper article can be very

different. The ideas and statements that different sources publish allow people to understand and

create their own opinions. The way that news spreads is fast and sometimes confusing to people

who are not familiar with the situation or even people who have heard about it but from a

different perspective. Finding information that is stating facts without being involved in other

matters is hard but not impossible. One piece of information can change a person's life, or even

countries. The comparison between two different sources that are speaking about similar topics is

very important because it allows people to be sure that they are doing everything they can to be

sure that the information that is being posted is real and it's only purpose is to inform and create a

better understanding of the situation .

Covid-19 Requirements

Covid-19 has changed peoples lives in a permanent way. The solutions to end the

pandemic have been put into place but still there have been many ideas over how these solutions

should be removed and not implemented to people who are not interested in executing them.

Since the vaccine was created there have been many protests from anti-vaccination groups who

state their rights over not getting the vaccine. “We are talking about something being introduced

in a legal fashion that is invasive to a human space,” (Kruijff, 2022) There are many people who

believe that it's time to let the pandemic aside and start their normal lives as they were before the


In February 2022 NBC news reported the story “ Vaccine requirements are being lifted

across America as Covid cases wane” Where its stated that there have been less cases of

Covid-19 and because of this they are taking the covid requirement aside and entering a new era
where this disease is no longer a big threat to people, therefore there should be no more rules on

wearing a mask or even keeping a distance one from another. “From coast to coast, other major

cities, including Philadelphia, the Twin Cities and the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., are

doing the same as the rate of Covid-19 infections plummets. Nationally, the average number of

new daily cases has dropped by 67 percent in the last two weeks' ' (Siemaszko, 2022) Because

the cases of covid have dropped there has been many misunderstandings over the rules put upon

people on how to live their lives and on a daily basis. It’s a real situation where people have been

separated from their loved ones and at the same time have been forced to wear a mask in public,

still these methods have been applied for everyone's safety.

The way that this article handles the information is based on the idea that covid cases

have decreased, there are even high ranking people who have stated that it's time to adapt just as

people had to when covid started. “Numbers are coming down, and it is time to adapt. Required

businesses to demand proof of full vaccination or mask-wearing at all indoor venues, expired this

month. " In this situation there is a clear idea that there is a lot of support over the removal of

covid preventions. As it is stated in the article there is a lot of opinion based information that

allows people to believe that because there has been an improvement in the situation it's time to

leave aside all the rules and regulations. The information described allows people to see the

actual cases from a different perspective, because of this people are seeing this improvement as

something that allows them to stop wearing masks and stop getting vaccinations, instead of

looking at it as something that was capable of achieving because of the preventions that were

held upon.

In the other hand the article from The Los Angeles Times published in February 2022

stated “Newsletter: Essential California Week in Review: ‘No end date’ on COVID-19”
(Hubbard, 2022) In this article there is a lot of information related to the idea of COVID-19 not

ending anytime soon. “Warning that “there is no end date,” Gov. Gavin Newsom was

circumspect when he announced California’s plans to monitor and respond to COVID-19

indefinitely. While the governor lifted most statewide restrictions and rules, L.A. County’s

indoor mask mandate remained in place” (Hubbard, 2022) In this particular article there is a lot

of preoccupation related to the new laws of not wearing masks and leaving the COVID-19

requirement aside. As it is mentioned in the title there is no particular date of when this pandemic

is going to end.

This article not only approaches people with statistics and facts but also allows people to

create their own perspective on the topic. The way they mention that masks will be allowed to be

removed outdoors creates the idea that in a short period of time indoor masks will be removed as

well, but this creates sense in the people that are reading the article to realize that confort is of no

importance when speaking about a worldwide pandemic that have killed hundreds of people and

a variant has even started.


These two articles talk about the same situation that is happening worldwide, there are a

lot of differences in them, starting with the idea that one is informing people on how in a short

period of time the pandemic may be over because of the decrease of cases, on the other hand the

other article mentions how there is no specific date of when the pandemic is going to be over.

There are different perspectives of the topic and this allows people to create their own opinions.

The way these two sources handle the topic is very interesting because they are being completely

opposites but at the same time they are talking about the same problem, allowing people to

identify how the situation is being handled and even speak up about it.

Hubbard, A. (2022). Newsletter: Essential California Week in Review: ‘No end date’ on

COVID-19. Retrieved from


Kruijff, P. (2022). Protesters howl down rejection of anti-vaccine mandate petition at Fremantle

council. Retrieved from


Siemaszko, C. (2022). Vaccine requirements are being lifted across America as Covid cases

wane. Retrieved from


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