Emerald C. Villanueva Creative Writing 11 Gas - A 04 - 03 - 23 The Melting Point Exposition

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Emerald C.

Villanueva Creative Writing

11 GAS – A 04 – 03 – 23



The year is 2050, and the effects of climate change are in full swing. The world is a

different place than it was just a few decades ago. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods,

and wildfires have become more frequent and more severe. Rising sea levels have forced

millions of people to abandon their homes and move inland. The global temperature continues to

rise, and glaciers and ice caps are melting at an unprecedented rate.

In this world, we meet our protagonist, Dr. Mia Patel, a climate scientist who has

dedicated her life to studying the effects of climate change. She is passionate about her work and

spends countless hours in the lab, analyzing data and running simulations to better understand

how the planet is changing.


Dr. Patel’s research is controversial and criticized by group of influential politicians and

business leaders who deny the existence or seriousness of climate change. They claim that her

findings are based on flawed models and biased assumptions, and that her proposals for reducing

greenhouse gas emissions for reducing renewable energy sources are unrealistic and

economically damaging.
Rising Action:

As Mia and her team study the latest data, they make a shocking discovery. The rate of

melting in the Arctic is far greater than they had previously thought. The ice caps are

disappearing at an alarming rate, and the consequences could be catastrophic.

Mia realizes that action needs to be taken, and fast. She joins forces with a team of

international scientists, including glaciologists, oceanographers, and climatologists, to devise a

plan to slow down the melting and buy the world more time to adapt to the changes.


Their plan involves using cutting-edge technology to launch a massive geoengineering

project in the Arctic. They will deploy a fleet of specially designed ships that will spray seawater

into the air to create a reflective mist, which will help to cool the surface of the ice and slow

down the melting.

However, their plan is met with opposition from both political and environmental groups.

Some argue that the project is too risky and could have unintended consequences, while others

worry that it will only delay the inevitable and that the world needs to focus on reducing carbon

emissions instead.

Despite the opposition, Mia and her team press on with their plan. They know that time is

running out, and they believe that they can make a difference.

The project is launched, and the fleet of ships sets sail towards the Arctic. However, they

soon face unexpected challenges. A group of eco-activists launch an attack on the ships, claiming
that the project is a violation of nature and that it will do more harm than good. The crew is

forced to defend themselves, and the situation quickly spirals out of control.

Meanwhile, Mia and her colleagues continue to study the data and make new discoveries.

They realize that the melting in the Arctic is just the tip of the iceberg, and that the effects of

climate change are far more widespread and complex than they had previously thought.


In the end, Mia and her team succeed in slowing down the melting in the Arctic, but they

know that their work is far from over. They realize that climate change is a global problem that

requires a global solution. They continue to work tirelessly, sharing their findings and urging

governments and businesses to take action to reduce carbon emissions and invest in sustainable


Their efforts pay off, and the world slowly begins to turn the tide against climate change.

People start to recognize the urgency of the situation and take action in their own lives to reduce

their impact on the planet. Governments and businesses invest in renewable energy, electric

vehicles, and other sustainable technologies, and the world begins to shift towards a greener


Their efforts pay off, and the world slowly begins to turn the tide against climate change.

People start to recognize the urgency of the situation and take action in their own lives to reduce

their impact on the planet. Governments and businesses invest in renewable energy, electric

vehicles, and other sustainable technologies, and the world begins to shift towards a greener

Mia and her team continue to work towards a better future, driven by their passion for

science and their love for the planet. They know that the road ahead will be difficult, but they are

optimistic that together, we can make a difference and create a world that is safe, sustainable,

and just for all.

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