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● Coca Cola Company wants its Indian branch (Coca Cola India Private LTD) to expand and
achieve more ambitious goals.
● There’s a potential shift of selling their traditional carbonated drinks and introducing more
juice-based or dairy drinks.
● However, the question is whether Coca Cola should take the chance to introduce this potential
shift. This includes rebranding the business as “total beverage company”
○ Or reintroduce its existing product lines with little tweaks
○ Create new items

Assignment Questions

1. The aim is to recast Coca Cola India as a “total beverage company”

Emotional modifier [Total] The choice of “total” as an emotional modifier communicates to

employees and internal stakeholders that the business aims to capture the
whole beverage industry, and not predominantly the soft drink industry.

Descriptive modifier [Beverage] The use of “beverage” signals that there is a potential shift of
Coca Cola just selling predominantly soft drinks, and attempt to sell other
beverages such as water and milk etc.

Brand Function [Company] Stakeholders will expect that the production is large-scaled,
expecting to be mass-produced and hence products can be sold cheaper
compared to other rival competition

2 Coca Cola India Resonance Pyramid

Anson Cheung (Z5311866)

3: The following section of the report are recommendations of potential product categories that Coca Cola
India can consider entering or expanding to become a total beverage company.

[remodifying soft drink]

Since Coca Cola India is a market leader in the soft drink industry, it will be best to keep selling their
strongest product lines as they have adequate resource and research already. However, the products
should be customised to suit the Indian market better.
- Indian oriented flavours coke (fruit) → introduction of local flavours were seen as key drivers for
juices → why not try it in the carbonated drink industry

As mentioned, in 2016 sales show that juices pushed Pepsi and Coke out of the top 5 best selling brands
in India.
- Consumers are more health-oriented → Coca Cola India can try to target loyal consumers who
are seeking healthier options
- Local fruit flavours that resonate with the Indian market

[Dairy based beverages]

Dairy beverages represent a large portion of the beverage industry. Since Coca Cola does not specialise in
dairy-based drinks, it should approach with an experimental approach.

Anson Cheung (Z5311866)

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