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Opportunity Seizing: Innovation

o The leader and/or the assistant leader will preside the group meeting.
o One secretary will take notes of the discussion while the other one will take note of the
ideas contributed by each member.
o The leader will consolidate the discussion while the assistant leader will prepare the
report of each member's contribution in bulleted form.
Group Activity:
 Based on your analyses using the Quick Screen and VOSE - Industry and
Market criterion, select the best business opportunity that you will push
 Discuss the innovation that you will do in your chosen opportunity.
 State the innovation that you will do on your product.
 Explain the reason for your stated innovation and cite your insights or ideas
on how can it attract your target market compared to the existing ones.
For Submission:
 Innovation that you will make out of your chosen opportunity
and the explanation for such innovation.
 Report for members' contributions.
 Leader:  please rate your members' performance from 1-10
where 10 as the highest rate.

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