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Co. No.

7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Enquiry No.

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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

1. Coerce
CGL 4/6/19 Morning
(a) enchant ➢ प्रसन्न करना
(b) pressurize ➢ दबाव डालना
(c) cajole ➢ फुसलाना
(d) leave ➢ छुट्टी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

2. Chronic
CGL 4/6/19 Morning
(a) Ordinary ➢ साधारण
(b) persistent ➢ ज़िद्दी
(c) common ➢ सामान्य
(d) temporary ➢ अस्थायी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

3. Garrulous
CGL 4/6/19 Noon
(a) guttural ➢ कण्ठ से उच्चारण ककया हुआ
(b) throaty ➢ गला
(c) concise ➢ संक्षिप्त
(d) talkative ➢ बातूनी

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

4. Tilt
CGL 4/6/19 Noon
(a) slant ➢ ततरछा
(b) straighten ➢ सीधा
(c) cross ➢ पार करना
(d) support ➢ सहायता

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

5. Inept
CGL 4/6/19 Evening
(a) capable ➢ काबबल
(b) fit ➢ उपयक्
ु त
(c) strong ➢ म़िबत

(d) clumsy ➢ अनाडी

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

6. Inarticulate
CGL 4/6/19 Evening
(a) fluent ➢ सहज
(b) inevitable ➢ अतनवायय
(c) eloquent ➢ सव
ु क्ता
(d) incoherent ➢ बेतुका

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

7. Indelible
CGL 6/6/19 Morning
(a) Illegal ➢ गैरकानूनी

(b) Illegible ➢ अस्पष्ट

(c) Inerasable ➢ अममट

(d) Ineffective ➢ अप्रभावी

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

8. Triumph
CGL 6/6/19 Morning
(a) Fight ➢ झगडा करना
(b) Victory ➢ ववजय
(c) Attack ➢ आक्रमण करना
(d) Peace ➢ शांतत

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

9. Entice
CGL 6/6/19 Noon
(a) ensue ➢ पीछा करना
(b) entail ➢ आवश्यक
(c) enrage ➢ क्रोधधत करना
(d) entrap ➢ फंदे में फंसना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

10. Dubious
CGL 6/6/19 Noon
(a) Certain ➢ कुछ
(b) fishy ➢ मछली का/ संददग्ध
(c) loyal ➢ तनष्ठावान
(d) steady ➢ जस्थर

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

11. Drag
CGL- 6/6/19 Evening
(a) rush ➢ जल्दबा़िी करना
(b) pull ➢ खींचना
(c) push ➢ धकेलना
(d) rest ➢ आराम

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

12. Engulf
CGL- 6/6/19 Evening
(a) encroach ➢ दबा लेना
(b) enshrine ➢ संजोना
(c) entangle ➢ उलझाना
(d) envelop ➢ लपेटना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

13. Lethal
CGL-7/6/19 Morning
(a) harmless ➢ हातनरदहत
(b) healthy ➢ सेहतमंद
(c) fatal ➢ घातक
(d) strong ➢ म़िबत

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

14. Prevalent
CGL- 7/6/19 Morning
(a) unusual ➢ असामान्य
(b) common ➢ सामान्य
(c) rare ➢ दल
ु भ

(d) different ➢ अलग

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

15. Rampant
CGL-7/6/19 Noon
(a) excessive ➢ अत्यधधक
(b) limited ➢ सीममत
(c) rare ➢ दल
ु भ

(d) gentle ➢ सज्जन

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

16. Exempt
CGL-7/6/19 Noon
(a) hinder ➢ बाधा पहुंचाना
(b) exclude ➢ तनकालना
(c) reduce ➢ कम करना
(d) prevent ➢ रोकना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

17. Reticent
CGL 7/6/19 Evening
(a) silent ➢ चुपचाप
(b) garrulous ➢ बातन
ू ी
(c) extrovert ➢ बदहमख
ुय ी
(d) confident ➢ आत्मववश्वासी

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

18. Fury
CGL 7/6/19 Evening
(a) sorrow ➢ दख

(b) anger ➢ गस्
ु सा
(c) cruelty ➢ क्रूरता
(d) fright ➢ भय

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

19. Precarious
CGL 10/6/19 Morning
(a) abundant ➢ काफी
(b) dangerous ➢ खतरनाक
(c) valuable ➢ कीमती
(d) premature ➢ अकाल

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

20. Sterile
CGL-10/6/19 Morning
(a) pure ➢ शद्
ु ध
(b) productive ➢ उत्पादक
(c) barren ➢ अनुपजाऊ
(d) sordid ➢ तघनौना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

21. Pensive
CGL-10/6/19 Noon
(a) spontaneous ➢ सहज
(b) spiteful ➢ द्वेषपण
ू य
(c) reflective ➢ धचंतनशील
(d) tragic ➢ दख
ु द

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

22. Vindictive
CGL-10/6/19 Noon
(a) watchful ➢ चौकन्ना
(b) revengeful ➢ प्रततदहंसक
(c) forceful ➢ बलशाली
(d) helpful ➢ मददगार

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

23. Lament
CGL-10/6/19 Evening
(a) distress ➢ तनाव
(b) torment ➢ यातना
(c) afflict ➢ पीडा दे ना
(d) mourn ➢ शोक

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

24. Repudiate
CGL-10/6/19 Evening
(a) renounce ➢ छोडना
(b) sanction ➢ प्रततबंध
(c) regret ➢ खेद
(d) enforce ➢ लागू

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

25. Perplex
CGL-11/6/19 Morning
(a) surprise ➢ आश्चयय
(b) bewilder ➢ भल
ु ाना
(c) complex ➢ जदटल
(d) deceive ➢ धोखा दे ना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

26. Defer
CGL-11/6/19 Morning
(a) dread ➢ डर लगना
(b) despair ➢ तनराशा
(c) dictate ➢ हुक्म
(d) delay ➢ दे री

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

27. Mammoth
CGL-11/6/19 Noon
(a) gigantic ➢ ववशाल
(b) minuscule ➢ एक प्रकार का हस्तलेख
(c) perilous ➢ जोखखम
(d) magnificent ➢ शानदार

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

28. Taciturn
CGL-11/6/19 Noon
(a) phlegmatic ➢ सस्
ु त
(b) talkative ➢ बातूनी
(c) reticent ➢ मौन रहने वाला
(d) placid ➢ सौम्य

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

29. Exalt
CGL- 11/6/19 Evening
(a) challenge ➢ चुनौती
(b) praise ➢ तारीफ़ करना
(c) condemn ➢ तनंदा करना
(d) extract ➢ तनकालना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

30. Concise
CGL- 11/6/19 Evening
(a) brief ➢ संक्षिप्त
(b) detailed ➢ ववस्तत

(c) complex ➢ जदटल
(d) lengthy ➢ लंबा

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

31. Renown
CGL - 12/6/19 Morning
(a) obscurity ➢ अंधकार
(b) fame ➢ यश
(c) wisdom ➢ बद्
ु धध
(d) conceit ➢ मान

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

32. Evout
CGL - 12/6/19 Morning
(a) revered ➢ श्रद्धेय
(b) loyal ➢ तनष्ठावान
(c) pious ➢ पववत्र
(d) distant ➢ दरू ी

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

33. Intricate
CGL - 12/6/19 Noon
(a) complete ➢ परू ा
(b) colourful ➢ रं गीन
(c) connected ➢ जड
ु े हुए
(d) complex ➢ जदटल

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

34. Assist
CGL-12/6/19 Noon
(a) help ➢ मदद
(b) mend ➢ सुधार
(c) create ➢ बनाएं
(d) change ➢ पररवतयन

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

35. Adept
CGL-12/6/19 Evening
(a) skilled ➢ कुशल
(b) kind-hearted ➢ दयालु
(c) alone ➢ अकेला
(d) unknown ➢ अज्ञात

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

36. Initiate
CGL-12/6/19 Evening
(a) sign ➢ संकेत
(b) slow ➢ धीमा
(c) start ➢ शरू

(d) show ➢ ददखाना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

37. Obstacle
CGL-13/6/19 Morning
(a) benefit ➢ फ़ायदा
(b) clearance ➢ भुगतान
(c) accessory ➢ सहायक
(d) barrier ➢ रुकावट

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

38. Endeavour
CGL-13/6/19 Morning
(a) success ➢ सफलता
(b) result ➢ पररणाम
(c) achievement ➢ उपलजधध
(d) attempt ➢ कोमशश करना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

39. Insult
CGL-13/6/19 Noon
(a) remove ➢ तनकालना
(b) apply ➢ आवेदन करना
(c) offer ➢ प्रस्ताव
(d) offend ➢ कष्ट पहुंचाना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

40. Hostility
CGL-13/6/19 Noon
(a) enmity ➢ शत्रत
ु ा
(b) sympathy ➢ सहानभ
ु तू त
(c) goodwill ➢ सद्भावना
(d) friendship ➢ दोस्ती

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

41. Attribute
CGL-13/6/19 Evening
(a) respect ➢ आदर
(b) speech ➢ भाषण
(c) praise ➢ तारीफ़ करना
(d) quality ➢ गण
ु वत्ता

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

42. Fuse (V)

CGL-13/6/19 Evening
(a) correct ➢ सही
(b) unused ➢ तनकम्मा
(c) break ➢ तोडना
(d) combine ➢ ममलाना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

43. Obligatory
CGL 3/3/20 Morning
(a) Useless ➢ बेकार
(b) Mandatory ➢ अतनवायय
(c) Reckless ➢ लापरवाह
(d) Aggressive ➢ आक्रामक

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

44. Scintillating
CGL 03 /3/20 Morning
(a) Flattering ➢ चापलस
ू ी
(b) Glittering ➢ शानदार
(c) Stinging ➢ चभ
ु ता
(d) Boring ➢ उबाऊ

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

45. Pathetic
CGL 03/3/20 Noon
(a) Pitiful ➢ रहमददल
(b) Dull ➢ उदासीन
(c) Insignificant ➢ तुच्छ
(d) Curious ➢ जजज्ञासु

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

46. Penitence
CGL 03 /3/20 Noon
(a) Patience ➢ धैयय
(b) Repentance ➢ पछतावा
(c) Misery ➢ कष्ट
(d) Admiration ➢ प्रशंसा

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

47. Glorious
CGL 03 /3/20 Evening
(a) enormous ➢ ववशाल
(b) gentle ➢ सज्जन
(c) unusual ➢ असामान्य
(d) splendid ➢ शानदार

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

48. Implore
CGL 03 /3/20 Evening
(a) Refuse ➢ अस्वीकार करना
(b) Command ➢ आज्ञा
(c) Plead ➢ तनवेदन करना
(d) Honour ➢ सम्मान

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

49. Revere
CGL 04 /3/20 Morning
(a) Respect ➢ आदर
(b) Condemn ➢ तनंदा करना
(c) Enjoy ➢ आनंद लेना
(d) Repeat ➢ दोहराना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

50. Prevent
CGL 04 /3/20 Morning
(a) Construct ➢ तनमायण
(b) Allow ➢ अनम
ु तत दे ना
(c) Avert ➢ टालना
(d) Provoke ➢ उकसाना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Enquiry No.

Your Comments matter

For Printable PDF

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

51. Acknowledgement
CGL 04 /3/20 Noon
(a) Confusion ➢ उलझन
(b) Elimination ➢ तनकाल दे ना
(c) Compensation ➢ मुआव़िा
(d) Confirmation ➢ पष्ु टीकरण

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

52. Prodigal
CGL 04 /3/20 Noon
(a) Trivial ➢ मामल
ू ी
(b) Humble ➢ ववनम्र
(c) Extravagant ➢ कफजल
ू खची
(d) Arrogant ➢ अमभमानी

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

53. Fury
CGL 04 /3/20 Evening
(a) Sin ➢ पाप
(b) Risk ➢ जोखखम
(c) anger ➢ गस्
ु सा
(d) crime ➢ अपराध

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

54. Solitary
CGL 04 /3/20 Evening
(a) Singular ➢ अनोखा
(b) Stubborn ➢ ज़िद्दी
(c) Splendid ➢ उत्कृष्ट
(d) Sensible ➢ समझदार

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

55. Expensive
CGL 05 /3/20 Morning
(a) Mild ➢ हल्का
(b) Sober ➢ गंभीर
(c) Gentle ➢ सज्जन
(d) Dear ➢ वप्रय

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

56. Retain
CGL 05 /3/20 Morning
(a) Convoy ➢ काकफले
(b) Maintain ➢ बनाए रखना
(c) Destroy ➢ नष्ट करना
(d) Gain ➢ पाना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

57. Erudite
CGL 05 /3/20 Noon
(a) Fashionable ➢ सजीला
(b) Illiterate ➢ तनरिर
(c) Strong ➢ म़िबत

(d) Learned ➢ सीखा

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

58. Violent
CGL 05 /3/20 Noon
(a) Kind ➢ दयालु
(b) Calm ➢ शांत
(c) Mild ➢ हल्का
(d) Aggressive ➢ आक्रामक

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

59. Catastrophic
CGL 05 /3/20 Evening
(a) Mysterious ➢ रहस्यमय
(b) Delicate ➢ ना़िक

(c) Disastrous ➢ ववनाशकारी
(d) Tough ➢ कदठन

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

60. Deficiency
CGL 05 /3/20 Evening
(a) Abundance ➢ अधधक मात्रा मे
(b) Efficiency ➢ िमता
(c) Inadequacy ➢ अपयायप्तता
(d) Sufficiency ➢ काफी

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

61. Preferred
CGL 06 /3/20 Morning
(a) Compared ➢ तल
ु ना
(b) Adored ➢ बहुत ही पसंदीदा
(c) Feared ➢ आशंका
(d) Favoured ➢ इष्ट

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

62. Ovation
CGL 06 /3/20 Morning
(a) Preparation ➢ तैयारी
(b) Creation ➢ तनमायण
(c) Applause ➢ वाहवाही
(d) Censure ➢ तनंदा

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

63. Cordial
CGL 06 /3/20 Noon
(a) cold ➢ ठं डा
(b) rude ➢ रूखा
(c) warm ➢ गरम/हाददय क
(d) hard ➢ कदठन

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

64. Disheartened
CGL 06/3/20 Noon
(a) disgraced ➢ अपमातनत
(b) depressed ➢ उदास
(c) disgusted ➢ घदटया
(d) disliked ➢ नापसंद

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

65. Repercussion
CGL 06 /3/20 Evening
(a) Rearrangement ➢ पन
ु र्वययवस्था
(b) Recollection ➢ याद
(c) Reaction ➢ प्रततकक्रया
(d) Reminder ➢ स्मरण-पत्र

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

66. Juvenile
CGL 06 /3/20 Evening
(a) Mature ➢ तैयार होना
(b) Insane ➢ पागल
(c) Wise ➢ समझदार
(d) Childish ➢ बचकाना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

67. Sacred
CGL 07 /3/20 Morning
(a) Precious ➢ कीमती
(b) Valued ➢ महत्वपण
ू य
(c) Holy ➢ पववत्र
(d) Scarce ➢ अपयायप्त

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

68. Weary
CGL 07 /3/20 Morning
(a) Restless ➢ बेचेन होना
(b) Touchy ➢ धचडधचडा
(c) Lively ➢ जीवंत
(d) Exhausted ➢ थका हुआ

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

69. Affluent
CGL 07 /3/20 Noon
(a) Prosperous ➢ संपन्न
(b) Authentic ➢ असली
(c) Hostile ➢ ववरोधी
(d) Impoverished ➢ गरीब

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

70. Accurate
CGL 07 /3/20 Noon
(a) Erroneous ➢ ग़लत
(b) Compact ➢ सघन
(c) Precise ➢ एकदम सही
(d) Capable ➢ काबबल

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

71. Assault
CGL 07 /3/20 Evening
(a) Anger ➢ गस्
ु सा
(b) Alibi ➢ अनुपजस्थतत
(c) Attack ➢ आक्रमण करना
(d) Anxiety ➢ धचंता

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

72. Thrive
CGL 07 /3/20 Evening
(a) Shrink ➢ मसकुडना
(b) Crave ➢ तरसना
(c) Flourish ➢ फलना-फूलना
(d) Languish ➢ दब
ु ल

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

73. Solemn
CGL 09 /3/20 Morning
(a) Furious ➢ आगबबल
ू ा
(b) Serious ➢ गंभीर
(c) Ignorant ➢ अनजान
(d) Ordinary ➢ साधारण

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

74. Eradicate
CGL 09 /3/20 Morning
(a) Magnify ➢ बढाना
(b) Condense ➢ गाढा
(c) Approve ➢ मं़िरू ी दे ना
(d) Uproot ➢ जड से उखाडना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

75. Abort
CGL 09 /3/20 Noon
(a) End ➢ अंत
(b) Begin ➢ शरू

(c) Continue ➢ जारी रखना
(d) Hate ➢ घण
ृ ा

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

76. Exceed
CGL 09 /3/20 Noon
(a) Decrease ➢ घटाना
(b) Surpass ➢ पार
(c) Improve ➢ सुधार करना
(d) Decline ➢ पतन

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

77. Relief
CGL 09 /3/20 Evening
(a) Anger ➢ गस्
ु सा
(b) Aid ➢ सहायता
(c) Emotion ➢ भावना
(d) Stress ➢ तनाव

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

78. Inclement
CGL 09 /3/20 Evening
(a) Pleasant ➢ सुखद
(b) Dignified ➢ अमभमानी
(c) Wonderful ➢ आश्चययजनक
(d) Storm ➢ आंधी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

79. Philanthropist
CGL Tier II - 11/9/19
(a) humanitarian ➢ मानवीय
(b) philosopher ➢ दाशयतनक
(c) humanist ➢ मानवतावादी
(d) misanthropist ➢ मनुष्यद्रोही

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

80. Impoverished
CGL Tier II - 11/9/19
(a) spendthrift ➢ ग़बन करने वाला
(b) generous ➢ उदार
(c) wealthy ➢ धनवान
(d) penniless ➢ गरीब

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

81. Stoical
CGL Tier II - 11/9/19
(a) ruffled ➢ झालरदार
(b) apathetic ➢ उदासीन
(c) panicky ➢ भगदड
(d) equivocal ➢ गोलमोल

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

82. Evidence
CGL Tier II - 12/9/19
(a) indication ➢ संकेत
(b) refutation ➢ तनराकरण
(c) denial ➢ इनकार
(d) concealment ➢ आड

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

83. Persist
CGL Tier II - 12/9/19
(a) continue ➢ जारी रखना
(b) cease ➢ बंद करना
(c) halt ➢ पडाव
(d) forget ➢ भल
ू जाओ

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

84. Cogent
CGL Tier II - 12/9/19
(a) convincing ➢ ठोस
(b) weak ➢ कम़िोर
(c) ineffective ➢ अप्रभावी
(d) pathetic ➢ तनराश

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

85. Mercurial
CGL Tier II - 13/9/19
(a) interchangeable ➢ ववतनमय करने योग्य
(b) predictable ➢ उम्मीद के मुताबबक
(c) permanent ➢ स्थायी
(d) volatile ➢ पररवतयनशील

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

86. Onerous
CGL Tier II - 13/9/19
(a) arduous ➢ कदठन
(b) abundant ➢ काफी
(c) honourable ➢ माननीय
(d) accessible ➢ पहुंच योग्य

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

87. Diminutive
CGL Tier II - 13/9/19
(a) petite ➢ खब
ू सूरत
(b) expeditious ➢ जल्दी
(c) dangerous ➢ खतरनाक
(d) fallacious ➢ ग़लत

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

88. Estimate
CGL Tier II - 15/11/20
(a) believe ➢ ववश्वास करना
(b) discover ➢ खोज करना
(c) assess ➢ आंकना
(d) solve ➢ हल करना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

89. Motive
CGL Tier II - 15/11/20
(a) reason ➢ कारण
(b) benefit ➢ फ़ायदा
(c) chance ➢ अवसर
(d) utility ➢ लाभ

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

90. Reluctant
CGL Tier II - 15/11/20
(a) unwilling ➢ तैयार नहीं
(b) afraid ➢ डरना
(c) steady ➢ तनयममत
(d) pleased ➢ खश

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

91. Revive
CGL Tier II - 16/11/20
(a) Restore ➢ वापस दे ना
(b) Damage ➢ खराब
(c) Depress ➢ दबाना
(d) Review ➢ समीिा

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

92. Ramification
CGL Tier II - 16/11/20
(a) Inception ➢ आरं भ
(b) Satisfaction ➢ संतजु ष्ट
(c) Source ➢ स्रोत
(d) Consequence ➢ पररणाम

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

93. Efficiency
CGL Tier II - 16/11/20
(a) Capability ➢ िमता
(b) Tendency ➢ प्रववृ त्त
(c) Fluency ➢ प्रवाह
(d) Disability ➢ ववकलांगता

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

94. Astonishment
CGL Tier II -18/11/20
(a) Wonder ➢ आश्चयय
(b) Composure ➢ धैयय
(c) Fright ➢ भय
(d) Expectation ➢ अपेिा

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

95. Condescending
CGL Tier II -18/11/20
(a) Stimulating ➢ प्रेरणादायक
(b) Patronising ➢ संरिण
(c) Creating ➢ बनाना
(d) Accusing ➢ आरोप लगा

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

96. Accurately
CGL Tier II - 18/11/20
(a) Moderately ➢ मध्यम
(b) Correctly ➢ सही ढं ग से
(c) Promptly ➢ तत्काल
(d) Partially ➢ थोडा थोडा करके

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

97. Amplify
CPO 12 /3/19 Morning
(a) magnify ➢ बढाना
(b) electrify ➢ ववद्युतीकरण करना
(c) satisfy ➢ संतष्ु ट करना
(d) supply ➢ आपतू तय

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

98. Replete
CPO 12 /3/19 Morning
(a) restful ➢ शांत
(b) occupied ➢ कध़िा होना
(c) full ➢ भरा हुआ
(d) calm ➢ शांत

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

99. Forego
CPO 12 /3/19 Morning
(a) forget ➢ भूल जाओ
(b) give up ➢ छोड दे ना
(c) ban ➢ प्रततबंध
(d) go ahead ➢ आगे बढो

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

100. Harass
CPO 12 /3/19 Morning
(a) refuse ➢ अस्वीकार करना
(b) bother ➢ परे शान करना
(c) help ➢ मदद
(d) care ➢ दे खभाल

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Enquiry No.

Your Comments matter

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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

101. Massive
CPO 12 /3/19 Morning
(a) thick ➢ मोटा
(b) strong ➢ म़िबत

(c) solid ➢ ठोस
(d) huge ➢ बहुत बडा

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

102. Feign
CPO 12 /3/19 Evening
(a) prefer ➢ पसंद करना
(b) prepare ➢ तैयार करना
(c) pester ➢ मचलना
(d) pretend ➢ ददखावा करना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

103. Commendable
SSC CPO 12 /3/19 Evening
(a) praiseworthy ➢ सराहनीय
(b) grateful ➢ आभारी
(c) courteous ➢ ववनम्र
(d) satisfying ➢ संतुजष्ट दे ने वाला

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

104. Ecstasy
CPO 12 /3/19 Evening
(a) danger ➢ खतरा
(b) fear ➢ डर
(c) grief ➢ दख

(d) happiness ➢ खश
ु ी

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

105. Dame
CPO 12 /3/19 Evening
(a) man ➢ आदमी
(b) female ➢ मदहला
(c) lady ➢ मदहला
(d) girl ➢ लडकी

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

106. Affluent
CPO 12 /3/19 Evening
(a) wealthy ➢ धनवान
(b) clever ➢ चालाक
(c) joyous ➢ आनंददत
(d) strong ➢ म़िबत

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

107. Awkward
CPO 13 /3/19 Morning
(a) skillful ➢ तनपण

(b) clumsy ➢ अनाडी
(c) pleasant ➢ सुखद
(d) graceful ➢ संद
ु र

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

108. Accurate
CPO 13 /3/19 Morning
(a) precise ➢ एकदम सही
(b) truthful ➢ ईमानदार
(c) condensed ➢ गाढा
(d) pacify ➢ शांत करना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

109. Immerse
CPO 13 /3/19 Morning
(a) drown ➢ डुबकर मरना
(b) bathe ➢ स्नान
(c) shower ➢ फर्ववारा
(d) submerge ➢ डूब

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

110. Velocity
CPO 13 /3/19 Morning
(a) flight ➢ उडान
(b) race ➢ दौड
(c) speed ➢ रफ़्तार
(d) hurry ➢ जल्दी

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

111. Radical
CPO 13 /3/19 Morning
(a) trivial ➢ मामल
ू ी
(b) absolute ➢ शद्
ु ध
(c) minor ➢ नाबामलग
(d) moderate ➢ उदारवादी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

112. Excursion
CPO 13 /3/19 Evening
(a) trekking ➢ ट्रै ककंग
(b) holiday ➢ छुट्टी
(c) boating ➢ नाव चलाना
(d) tour ➢ यात्रा

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

113. Nincompoop
CPO 13 /3/19 Evening
(a) bold ➢ तनडर
(b) innocent ➢ मासम

(c) clever ➢ चालाक
(d) foolish ➢ मख
ू य

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

114. Avoid
CPO 13 /3/19 Evening
(a) evade ➢ बचना
(b) face ➢ सामना करना
(c) approach ➢ दृजष्टकोण
(d) pursue ➢ पाने की कोमशश करना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

115. Execute
CPO 13 /3/19 Evening
(a) apply ➢ आवेदन करना
(b) occupy ➢ कधजा
(c) variety ➢ प्रकार
(d) implement ➢ अमल में लाना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

116. Remedy
CPO 13 /3/19 Evening
(a) bearing ➢ असर पडना
(b) healing ➢ धचककत्सा
(c) cure ➢ इलाज
(d) restore ➢ पन
ु स्थायवपत करना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

117. Fillip
CPO 14/3/19 Morning
(a) flip ➢ पलटना
(b) knock ➢ दस्तक
(c) blow ➢ फूँू क मारना
(d) boost ➢ बढाना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

118. Tread
CPO 14/3/19 Morning
(a) follow ➢ अनस
ु रण करना
(b) walk ➢ टहलना
(c) run ➢ दौडना
(d) climb ➢ चढना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

119. Damsel
CPO 14/3/19 Morning
(a) hag ➢ डायन
(b) maiden ➢ कन्या
(c) witch ➢ चुडल

(d) spinster ➢ अवववादहत

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

120. Visionary
CPO 14/3/19 Morning
(a) creative ➢ रचनात्मक
(b) pragmatic ➢ र्वयावहाररक
(c) futuristic ➢ भववष्यवादी
(d) imaginative ➢ कल्पनाशील

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

121. Profess
CPO 14/3/19 Morning
(a) lead ➢ नेतत्ृ व करना
(b) teach ➢ पढाना
(c) predict ➢ भववष्यवाणी करना
(d) admit ➢ भती होना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

122. Fake
CPO 14/3/19 Evening
(a) false ➢ असत्य
(b) real ➢ असली
(c) factual ➢ वास्तववक
(d) genuine ➢ असली

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

123. Extricate
CPO 14/3/19 Evening
(a) delete ➢ ममटाना
(b) intricate ➢ जदटल
(c) remove ➢ तनकालना
(d) complicate ➢ जदटल

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

124. Substitute
CPO 14/3/19 Evening
(a) replace ➢ बदलना
(b) reserve ➢ संरक्षित
(c) displace ➢ स्थान से हटाना
(d) avoid ➢ टालना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

125. Gratuitous
CPO 14/3/19 Evening
(a) voluntary ➢ स्वैजच्छक
(b) confidential ➢ गप्ु त
(c) grateful ➢ आभारी
(d) unnecessary ➢ अनावश्यक

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

126. Vagabond
CPO 14/3/19 Evening
(a) tourist ➢ पययटक
(b) pilgrim ➢ तीथय
(c) visitor ➢ आगंतुक
(d) tramp ➢ आवारा

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

127. Compliant
CPO 15 /3/19 Morning
(a) submissive ➢ ववनम्र
(b) protestor ➢ प्रदशयनकारी
(c) obdurate ➢ हठी
(d) resolute ➢ दृढ

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

128. Launching
CPO 15 /3/19 Morning
(a) introducing ➢ पररचय
(b) driving ➢ चलाना
(c) running ➢ दौडना
(d) navigation ➢ मागयदशयन

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

129. Stimulation
CPO 15 /3/19 Morning
(a) enthusiasm ➢ उत्साह
(b) indolence ➢ आलस
(c) provocation ➢ उकसावा
(d) eagerness ➢ उत्सक
ु ता

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

130. Replaced
CPO 15 /3/19 Morning
(a) removed ➢ तनकाला गया
(b) moved ➢ ले जाया गया
(c) instituted ➢ संस्थावपत
(d) substituted ➢ एक के स्थान पर दस
ू रे का प्रयोग

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

131. Contaminating
CPO 15 /3/19 Morning
(a) investing ➢ तनवेश
(b) polluting ➢ प्रदष
ू ण
(c) containing ➢ युक्त
(d) encompassing ➢ शाममल

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

132. Infuse
CPO 15 /3/19 Evening
(a) feel ➢ अनभ
ु व करना
(b) fill ➢ भरना
(c) enrich ➢ समद्
ृ ध
(d) apply ➢ आवेदन करना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

133. Persuade
CPO 15 /3/19 Evening
(a) mislead ➢ गम
ु राह
(b) argue ➢ बहस करना
(c) dissuade ➢ मना करना
(d) convince ➢ मनवाना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

134. Indistinguishable
CPO 15 /3/19 Evening
(a) comparable ➢ तल
ु ना करने योग्य
(b) profound ➢ गहरा
(c) reflective ➢ धचंतनशील
(d) equivalent ➢ बराबर

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

135. Discern
CPO 15 /3/19 Evening
(a) discriminate ➢ भेदभाव
(b) control ➢ तनयंत्रण
(c) regulate ➢ तनयंत्रण करना
(d) analyse ➢ छान-बीन करना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

136. Hardship
CPO 15 /3/19 Evening
(a) mystery ➢ रहस्य
(b) misery ➢ कष्ट
(c) difficult ➢ कदठन
(d) privacy ➢ गोपनीयता

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

137. Contravene
CPO 16 /3/19 Morning
(a) Breech ➢ पीछे का भाग
(b) Broach ➢ सीख
(c) Flaunt ➢ अकडना
(d) Brake ➢ ब्रेक लगाना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

138. Exasperating
CPO 16 /3/19 Morning
(a) Exalting ➢ प्रशंसा करना
(b) Frustrating ➢ तनराशा
(c) Exhausting ➢ थकाऊ
(d) Saddening ➢ दख
ु द

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

139. Lyrical
CPO 16 /3/19 Morning
(a) Brilliant ➢ प्रततभाशाली
(b) Overwhelming ➢ ़िबदय स्त
(c) Prosaic ➢ सामान्य
(d) Musical ➢ संगीत

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

140. Memoir
CPO 16 /3/19 Morning
(a) Diary ➢ डायरी
(b) Anecdote ➢ ककस्सा
(c) Story ➢ कहानी
(d) Episode ➢ प्रासंधगक

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

141. Enigmatic
CPO 16 /3/19 Morning
(a) Inquisitive ➢ जजज्ञासु
(b) Resolute ➢ दृढ
(c) Purgative ➢ पेट साफ़ करनेवाली
(d) Mysterious ➢ रहस्यमय

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

142. Requisite
CPO 16 /3/19 Noon
(a) dominant ➢ प्रमख

(b) dynamic ➢ गततशील
(c) critical ➢ गंभीर
(d) obligatory ➢ जरूरी

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

143. Clinched
CPO 16 /3/19 Noon
(a) bounded ➢ तघरे
(b) finalized ➢ अंततम रूप ददया
(c) devoted ➢ समवपयत
(d) argued ➢ तकय ददया

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

144. Elusive
CPO 16 /3/19 Noon
(a) distorted ➢ ववकृत
(b) wrong ➢ गलत
(c) intangible ➢ न छूने योग्य
(d) refined ➢ शद्
ु ध

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

145. Detractors
CPO 16 /3/19 Noon
(a) devotees ➢ भक्त
(b) reviewers ➢ समीिक
(c) critics ➢ आलोचकों
(d) admirers ➢ प्रशंसकों

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

146. Imminent
CPO 16 /3/19 Noon
(a) important ➢ महत्वपण
ू य
(b) forthcoming ➢ आगामी
(c) immature ➢ बचकाना
(d) truthful ➢ ईमानदार

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

147. Pledged
CPO 16 /3/19 Evening
(a) honored ➢ सम्मातनत
(b) promised ➢ वादा
(c) respected ➢ आदरणीय
(d) fulfilled ➢ परू ा

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

148. Disproportionately
CPO 16 /3/19 Evening
(a) unvaryingly ➢ तनजश्चत रूप से
(b) unreasonably ➢ अनधु चत रूप से
(c) unknowingly ➢ अनजाने में
(d) unscientifically ➢ अवैज्ञातनक रूप से

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

149. Preventive
CPO 16 /3/19 Evening
(a) predicted ➢ भववष्यवाणी
(b) prophetic ➢ ईश्वर का दत

(c) protective ➢ रिक
(d) prepared ➢ तैयार

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

150. Neglected
CPO 16 /3/19 Evening
(a) negated ➢ नकारना
(b) superfluous ➢ फ़ालतू
(c) unknown ➢ अज्ञात
(d) ignored ➢ अवहे लना करना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Enquiry No.

Your Comments matter

For Printable PDF

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

151. Beneficiaries
CPO 16 /3/19 Evening
(a) recipients ➢ प्राप्तकताय
(b) donors ➢ दाताओं
(c) addressers ➢ पता करने वाले
(d) profiteers ➢ मन
ु ाफाखोरों

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

152. Contaminate
CPO 9 /12/19 Morning
(a) Sanctify ➢ पववत्र
(b) Cleanse ➢ शद्
ु ध
(c) Purify ➢ शुद्ध
(d) Pollute ➢ नापाक ककया हुआ

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

153. Subsequent
CPO 9 / 12/19 Morning
(a) Preceding ➢ वपछले
(b) Prior ➢ पहले
(c) Antecedent ➢ पूव-य इततहास
(d) Consecutive ➢ लगातार

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

154. Adequate
CPO 9/12/19 Morning
(a) Inept ➢ अयोग्य
(b) Unfit ➢ अयोग्य
(c) Sufficient ➢ पयायप्त
(d) Meagre ➢ थोडा

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

155. Tranquil
CPO 9/12/19 Morning
(a) Wild ➢ जंगली
(b) Agitated ➢ उत्तेजजत
(c) Calm ➢ शांत
(d) Nervous ➢ घबराया हुआ

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

156. Fascinating
CPO 9/12/19 Morning
(a) appealing ➢ आकषयक
(b) boring ➢ उबाऊ
(c) stupid ➢ बेवकूफ
(d) tiring ➢ थकाऊ

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

157. Condemn
CPO 9/12/19 Evening
(a) Commend ➢ सराहना
(b) Denounce ➢ आरोप लगा दे ना
(c) Approve ➢ मं़िरू ी दे ना
(d) Compliment ➢ प्रशंसा

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

158. Engulf
CPO 9/12/19 Evening
(a) Dry ➢ सख
ू ा
(b) Uncover ➢ उजागर
(c) Neglect ➢ अनादर पाट
(d) Inundate ➢ बाढ लाना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

159. Offend
CPO 9/12/19 Evening
(a) Assuage ➢ शांत करना
(b) Aid ➢ सहायता
(c) Assist ➢ सहायता दे ना
(d) Annoy ➢ धचढाना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

160. Parsimony
CPO 9/12/19 Evening
(a) Generosity ➢ उदारता
(b) Bounty ➢ इनाम
(c) Readiness ➢ तत्परता
(d) Frugality ➢ ककफायत

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

161. Apparent
CPO 9/12/19 Evening
(a) Dubious ➢ संददग्ध
(b) Obvious ➢ ़िादहर
(c) Doubtful ➢ संददग्ध
(d) Obscure ➢ अस्पष्ट

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

162. Redundant
CPO 11/12/19 Morning
(a) Unnecessary ➢ बेकार
(b) Unsuitable ➢ नामन
ु ामसब
(c) Uninterested ➢ ग़ैरददलचस्प
(d) Unparalleled ➢ बेममसाल

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

163. Trivial
CPO 11 /12/19 Morning
(a) warm ➢ गरम
(b) Meaningful ➢ अथयपण
ू य
(c) Essential ➢ आवश्यक
(d) Superficial ➢ मामल
ू ी

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

164. Scanty
CPO 11 /12/19 Morning
(a) enough ➢ पयायप्त
(b) Adequate ➢ पयायप्त
(c) plentiful ➢ प्रचुर
(d) Meager ➢ अल्प

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

165. Fatigue
CPO 11 /12/19 Morning
(a) liveliness ➢ सजीवता
(b) weariness ➢ थकावट
(c) earnestness ➢ ईमानदारी
(d) Freshness ➢ ता़िगी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

166. Complacent
CPO 11 /12/19 Morning
(a) amicable ➢ मैत्रीपण
ू य
(b) discontent ➢ असंतोष
(c) smug ➢ आत्मसंतुष्ट
(d) aggressive ➢ आक्रामक

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

167. Flourish
CPO 11 /12/19 Evening
(a) Wither ➢ मरु झाना
(b) Languish ➢ दब
ु ल

(c) Thrive ➢ फलना
(d) Shrivel ➢ सख
ू ना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

168. Perpetuate
CPO 11 /12/19 Evening
(a) Cease ➢ बंद करना
(b) Preserve ➢ संरक्षित करना
(c) Prevent ➢ रोकना
(d) Release ➢ मक्
ु त करना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

169. Discern
CPO 11 /12/19 Evening
(a) Neglect ➢ अनादर
(b) Disregard ➢ उदासीनता
(c) Perceive ➢ समझना
(d) Daunt ➢ वश में करना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

170. Inimical
CPO 11 /12/19 Evening
(a) Deliberate ➢ जानबझ
ू कर ककया गया
(b) Comparable ➢ तोलने योग्य
(c) Influential ➢ प्रभावशाली
(d) Hostile ➢ ववरोधी

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

171. Venerable
CPO 11 /12/19 Evening
(a) Reliable ➢ भरोसेमंद
(b) Valuable ➢ कीमती
(c) Esteemed ➢ सम्मातनत
(d) Redeemed

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

172. Incessant
CPO 12 /12/19 Morning
(a) Inconstant ➢ अजस्थर
(b) Intermittent ➢ रुक-रुक कर
(c) Transient ➢ अस्थायी
(d) Persistent ➢ ज़िद्दी

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

173. Sanction
CPO 12 /12/19 Morning
(a) Denial ➢ इनकार
(b) Grace ➢ संद
ु र
(c) Mercy ➢ दया
(d) Approval ➢ अनम
ु तत

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

174. Jeopardy
CPO 12 /12/19 Morning
(a) Promotion ➢ पदोन्नतत
(b) Prevention ➢ रोक-थाम
(c) Peril ➢ जोखखम
(d) Protection ➢ सरु िा

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

175. Ignominy
CPO 12 /12/19 Morning
(a) morality ➢ नैततकता
(b) virtue ➢ गण

(c) disgrace ➢ अपमान
(d) esteem ➢ आदर

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

176. Incessant
CPO 12 /12/19 Morning
(a) intermittent ➢ रुक-रुक कर
(b) persistent ➢ ज़िद्दी
(c) transient ➢ िखणक
(d) inconstant ➢ अजस्थर

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

177. Opinion
CPO 12 /12/19 Evening
(a) sense ➢ वववेक
(b) chance ➢ अवसर
(c) view ➢ दे खना
(d) wisdom ➢ बद्
ु धध

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

178. Loyal
CPO 12 /12/19 Evening
(a) legal ➢ कानन
ू ी
(b) Routine ➢ ददनचयाय
(c) devoted ➢ समवपयत
(d) varied ➢ ववमभन्न

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

179. Incredible
CPO 12 /12/19 Evening
(a) Unwilling ➢ तैयार नहीं
(b) Unnoticed ➢ ककसी का ध्यान नहीं
(c) Disturbing ➢ परे शान
(d) Unbelievable ➢ अववश्वसनीय

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

180. Aloof
CPO 12 /12/19 Evening
(a) detached ➢ अलग
(b) rocky ➢ चट्टान
(c) steady ➢ तनयममत
(d) protected ➢ सरु क्षित

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

181. Intensify
CPO 12 /12/19 Evening
(a) Eliminate ➢ हटाना
(b) Terminate ➢ बखायस्त
(c) Destroy ➢ नष्ट करना
(d) Strengthen ➢ मजबत
ू बनाना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

182. Exasperate
CPO 13 /12/19 Morning
(a) Infuriate ➢ क्रोध से भरना
(b) Appreciate ➢ प्रशंसा करना
(c) Imitate ➢ नकल करना
(d) Desperate ➢ तनराश

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

183. Feign
CPO 13 /12/19 Morning
(a) Hinder ➢ रोकना
(b) Instruct ➢ समझाना
(c) Foretell ➢ पहले से कह दे ना
(d) Pretend ➢ ददखावा करना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

184. Efficacious
CPO 13 /12/19 Morning
(a) Voracious ➢ पेटू
(b) Effective ➢ असरदार
(c) Audacious ➢ साहसी
(d) Impotent ➢ नपंस
ु क

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

185. Beguile
CPO 13 /12/19 Morning
(a) Repulse ➢ हटाना
(b) Hasten ➢ जल्दी करना
(c) Deceive ➢ धोखा दे ना
(d) Disenchant ➢ जाद ू टोने के प्रभाव से छुडाना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

186. Deference
CPO 13 /12/19 Morning
(a) Contrast ➢ अंतर
(b) Delay ➢ दे री
(c) Ignorance ➢ अज्ञान
(d) Obeisance ➢ श्रद्धा

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

187. Disastrous
CPO 13 /12/19 Evening
(a) Noisy ➢ शोरगल
ु करने वाला
(b) Wicked ➢ दष्ु ट
(c) Impressive ➢ प्रभावशाली
(d) Calamitous ➢ नक़
ु सानदे ह

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

188. Fatigue
CPO 13 /12/19 Evening
(a) Energy ➢ ऊजाय
(b) Warmth ➢ गरमाहट
(c) Lightness ➢ चमक
(d) Tiredness ➢ थकान

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

189. Surreptitious
CPO 13 /12/19 Evening
(a) Aggressive ➢ आक्रामक
(b) Spacious ➢ ववशाल
(c) Secretive ➢ गप्ु त
(d) Adventurous ➢ साहसी

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

190. Reprimand
CPO 13 /12/19 Evening
(a) Complt ➢ मशकायत
(b) Repeat ➢ दोहराना
(c) Rebuke ➢ फटकार
(d) Command ➢ आज्ञा

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

191. Malady
CPO 13 /12/19 Evening
(a) illness ➢ बीमारी
(b) mischief ➢ शरारत
(c) wickedness ➢ दष्ु टता
(d) disturbance ➢ अशांतत

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

192. Foundation
CPO 23/11/20 Morning
(a) top ➢ ऊपर
(b) base ➢ आधार
(c) building ➢ इमारत
(d) structure ➢ ढांचा

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

193. Just
CPO 23/ 11/ 20 Morning
(a) partial ➢ अधरू ा
(b) fair ➢ गोरा
(c) favouring ➢ पि में
(d) courtly ➢ सभ्य

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

194. Imitation
CPO 23/ 11/ 20 Morning
(a) fake ➢ नकली
(b) real ➢ असली
(c) genuine ➢ असली
(d) original ➢ असली

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

195. Fiction
CPO 23/ 11/ 20 Morning
(a) fact ➢ तथ्य
(b) truth ➢ सच
(c) literature ➢ सादहत्य
(d) fantasy ➢ कल्पना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

196. Accurate
CPO 23/ 11/ 20 Morning
(a) appropriate ➢ उधचत
(b) correct ➢ सही
(c) sincere ➢ ईमानदार
(d) complete ➢ परू ा

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

197. Condone
CPO 23/ 11/ 20 Evening
(a) forbid ➢ रोकना
(b) forgive ➢ िमा करना
(c) prevent ➢ रोकना
(d) impose ➢ थोपना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

198. Catastrophe
CPO 23/ 11/ 20 Evening
(a) expansion ➢ ववस्तार
(b) calamity ➢ आपदा
(c) prosperity ➢ समद्
ृ धध
(d) restraint ➢ संयम

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

199. Conceited
CPO 23/ 11/ 20 Evening
(a) arrogant ➢ अमभमानी
(b) diffident ➢ संकोची
(c) tentative ➢ अंततम
(d) inferior ➢ घदटया

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

200. Absurd
CPO 23/ 11/ 20 Evening
(a) meaningful ➢ अथयपण
ू य
(b) ridiculous ➢ भद्दा
(c) important ➢ महत्वपूणय
(d) rational ➢ तकयसंगत

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Enquiry No.

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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

201. Cordial
CPO 23/ 11/ 20 Evening
(a) friendly ➢ दोस्ताना
(b) cold ➢ ठं डा
(c) rude ➢ अमशष्ट
(d) aloof ➢ अलग

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

202. Sumptuous
CPO 24/ 11/ 20 Morning
(a) bereft ➢ दीवाना
(b) stingy ➢ कंजस

(c) meager ➢ थोडा
(d) opulent ➢ धनी

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

203. Wrench
CPO 24 / 11/ 20 Morning
(a) reject ➢ अस्वीकार करना
(b) supply ➢ आपतू तय
(c) wrest ➢ मरोड
(d) deter ➢ टालना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

204. Despise
CPO 24 / 11/ 20 Morning
(a) admire ➢ प्रशंसा करना
(b) adore ➢ प्यारा
(c) approve ➢ मं़िरू ी दे ना
(d) Abhor ➢ घण
ृ ा करना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

205. Fasten
CPO 24/ 11/ 20 Morning
(a) halt ➢ पडाव
(b) affix ➢ जोडना
(c) allow ➢ अनुमतत दे ना
(d) hurry ➢ जल्दी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

206. Gaudy
CPO 24/11/20 Morning
(a) plain ➢ मैदान
(b) simple ➢ सरल
(c) proper ➢ उधचत
(d) flashy ➢ चमकीला

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

207. Lofty
CPO 24/11/20 Evening
(a) humble ➢ ववनम्र
(b) plain ➢ मैदान
(c) towering ➢ ऊंचा
(d) silent ➢ चप
ु चाप

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

208. Coveted
CPO 24/11/20 Evening
(a) renounced ➢ त्याग
(b) covered ➢ ढका हुआ
(c) despised ➢ तुच्छ
(d) desired ➢ इच्छा

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

209. Shove
CPO 24/11/20 Evening
(a) halt ➢ पडाव
(b) shout ➢ धचल्लाना
(c) poke ➢ झांकना
(d) pull ➢ खींचना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

210. Tumult
CPO 24/11/20 Evening
(a) surprise ➢ आश्चयय
(b) peace ➢ शांतत
(c) clarity ➢ स्पष्टता
(d) uproar ➢ कोलाहल

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

211. Intriguing
CPO 24/ 11/ 20 Evening
(a) simultaneous ➢ एक साथ
(b) monotonous ➢ उबाने वाला
(c) investigating ➢ जांच
(d) gripping ➢ मनोरं जक

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

212. Spontaneous
CPO 25/ 11/ 20 Morning
(a) planned ➢ योजना बनाना
(b) impulsive ➢ आवेगशील
(c) intended ➢ इरादा करने का
(d) prejudiced ➢ पिपातपण
ू य

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

213. Desolate
CPO 25/ 11/ 20 Morning
(a) protected ➢ संरक्षित
(b) cultivated ➢ खेती
(c) bleak ➢ बेरंग
(d) inhabited ➢ बसे हुए

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

214. Benign
CPO 25/ 11/ 20 Morning
(a) severe ➢ गंभीर
(b) malignant ➢ घातक
(c) harsh ➢ कठोर
(d) favourable ➢ अनक
ु ूल

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

215. Prodigal
CPO 25/ 11/ 20 Morning
(a) talented ➢ प्रततभावान
(b) wasteful ➢ अपर्वययी
(c) intelligent ➢ बुद्धधमान
(d) modest ➢ मामल
ू ी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

216. Chaste
CPO 25 / 11/ 20 Morning
(a) divine ➢ अलौककक
(b) pure ➢ शद्
ु ध
(c) defiled ➢ अशुद्ध
(d) liberated ➢ मक्
ु त

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

217. Oblivious
CPO 25/11/20 Evening
(a) sensitive ➢ संवेदनशील
(b) ignorant ➢ अज्ञानी
(c) attentive ➢ सचेत
(d) Obvious ➢ ़िादहर

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

218. Authentic
CPO 25/11/20 Evening
(a) counterfeit ➢ नकली
(b) genuine ➢ असली
(c) incredible ➢ अववश्वसनीय
(d) dubious ➢ संददग्ध

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

219. Flabbergasted
CPO 25/ 11/ 20 Evening
(a) motivated ➢ प्रेररत
(b) disturbed ➢ अशान्त
(c) Terrified ➢ भयानक
(d) Astonished ➢ आश्चययचककत

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

220. Auspicious
CPO 25/ 11/ 20 Evening
(a) favourable ➢ अनक
ु ूल
(b) playful ➢ चंचल
(c) hapless ➢ दखु खया
(d) Suspicious ➢ संददग्ध

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

221. Gradual
CPO 25/ 11/ 20 Evening
(a) hasty ➢ जल्दी
(b) continuous ➢ तनरं तर
(c) abrupt ➢ आकजस्मक
(d) Uneven ➢ अतनयममत

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

222. Magnify
CPO Tier II - 27/9/19
(a) enlarge ➢ बडे आकार में
(b) withdraw ➢ तनकालना
(c) shrink ➢ मसकुडना
(d) decrease ➢ घटाना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

223. Solid
CPO Tier II - 27/9/19
(a) flat ➢ समतल
(b) firm ➢ अटल
(c) vacant ➢ खाली
(d) hollow ➢ खोखला

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

224. Applause
CPO Tier II - 27/9/19
(a) approval ➢ अनम
ु तत
(b) condemnation ➢ तनंदा
(c) attack ➢ आक्रमण करना
(d) blame ➢ दोष

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

225. Adversary
CHSL- 1/7/19 Evening
(a) helper ➢ सहायक
(b) assistant ➢ सहायक
(c) rival ➢ ववरोधी
(d) supporter ➢ समथयक

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

226. Expose
CHSL- 1/7/19 Evening
(a) Hide ➢ तछपाना
(b) Bury ➢ दफ़नाना
(c) Reveal ➢ प्रकट करना
(d) Protect ➢ रिा करना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

227. Hind
CHSL- 2/7/19 Morning
(a) near ➢ पास में
(b) rear ➢ वपछला
(c) first ➢ पहला
(d) front ➢ सामने

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

228. Innuendo
CHSL- 2/7/19 Morning
(a) implication ➢ असर
(b) evidence ➢ प्रमाण
(c) verification ➢ जाूँच
(d) proof ➢ सबूत

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

229. Current
CHSL- 2/7/19 Noon
(a) antiquated ➢ प्राचीन
(b) uncommon ➢ असामान्य
(c) old ➢ परु ाना
(d) present ➢ वतयमान

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

230. Adhere
CHSL- 2/7/19 Noon
(a) comply ➢ अनुपालन करना
(b) ignore ➢ अनदे खा करना
(c) release ➢ मक्
ु त करना
(d) detach ➢ अलग करना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

231. Embed
CHSL- 2/7/19 Evening
(a) pull ➢ खींचना
(b) bury ➢ दफ़नाना
(c) dig up ➢ खोदना
(d) rise ➢ उठना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

232. Combustible
CHSL- 2/7/19 Evening
(a) nonexplosive ➢ कोई ववस्फोटक नहीं
(b) fragile ➢ कम़िोर
(c) unbreakable ➢ अटूट
(d) inflammable ➢ ज्वलनशील

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

233. Enthrall
CHSL- 3/7/19 Morning
(a) disgust ➢ घण
ृ ा
(b) free ➢ मुक्त
(c) mesmerize ➢ सम्मोदहत
(d) repel ➢ पीछे हटाना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

234. Fortify
CHSL- 3/7/19 Morning
(a) secure ➢ सरु क्षित
(b) harm ➢ चोट
(c) loosen ➢ ढीला
(d) neglect ➢ उपेिा करना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

235. Erode
CHSL- 3/7/19 Noon
(a) fix ➢ हल करना
(b) disintegrate ➢ टुकडे टुकडे करना
(c) preserve ➢ संरक्षित करना
(d) built ➢ बनाना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

236. Entangle
CHSL- 3/7/19 Noon
(a) exclude ➢ तनकालना
(b) clarify ➢ स्पष्ट करना
(c) implicate ➢ फंसाना
(d) release ➢ मक्
ु त करना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

237. Thwart
CHSL- 3/7/19 Evening
(a) impede ➢ बाधा
(b) aid ➢ सहायता
(c) support ➢ सहायता
(d) face ➢ सामना करना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

238. Handy
CHSL- 3/7/19 Evening
(a) hard ➢ मजु श्कल
(b) convenient ➢ सुववधाजनक
(c) useless ➢ बेकार
(d) clumsy ➢ अनाडी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

239. Avenge
CHSL- 4/7/19 Morning
(a) punish ➢ स़िा दे ना
(b) cheer ➢ खश
ु करना
(c) encourage ➢ प्रोत्सादहत करना
(d) comfort ➢ आराम

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

240. Scrap
CHSL- 4/7/19 Morning
(a) hoard ➢ ढे र
(b) save ➢ बचाना
(c) store ➢ इकट्ठा करना
(d) reject ➢ अस्वीकार करना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

241. Sane
CHSL- 4/7/19 Noon
(a) foolish ➢ मख
ू य
(b) crazy ➢ पागल
(c) sensitive ➢ संवेदनशील
(d) sensible ➢ समझदार

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

242. Candid
CHSL- 4/7/19 Noon
(a) sweet ➢ ममठाई
(b) frank ➢ स्पष्टवादी
(c) arrogant ➢ अमभमानी
(d) cruel ➢ तनदय यी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

243. Pathetic
CHSL- 4/7/19 Evening
(a) powerful ➢ ताकतवर
(b) plentiful ➢ काफी
(c) purposeful ➢ उद्दे श्यपूणय
(d) pitiful ➢ रहमददल

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

244. Opportune
CHSL- 4/7/19 Evening
(a) rarely ➢ कभी-कभार
(b) likely ➢ संभाववत
(c) timely ➢ समय पर
(d) barely ➢ मजु श्कल से

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

245. Stern
CHSL- 5/7/19 Morning
(a) mellow ➢ मधरु
(b) proud ➢ गवय
(c) shrewd ➢ चालाक
(d) strict ➢ कठोर

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

246. Thrifty
CHSL- 5/7/19 Morning
(a) grand ➢ भर्वय
(b) rigid ➢ कठोर
(c) frugal ➢ ककफायती
(d) discreet ➢ ववचारशील

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

247. Temperate
CHSL- 5/7/19 Noon
(a) tentative ➢ अंततम
(b) moderate ➢ उदारवादी
(c) extreme ➢ चरम
(d) temporary ➢ अस्थायी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

248. Defiance
CHSL- 5/7/19 Noon
(a) resistance ➢ प्रततरोध
(b) pretence ➢ ददखावा
(c) assistance ➢ सहायता
(d) deference ➢ सम्मान

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

249. Reprimand
CHSL- 5/7/19 Evening
(a) reproach ➢ ततरस्कार
(b) reward ➢ इनाम
(c) eradicate ➢ उन्मल
ू न करना
(d) applaud ➢ सराहना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

250. Sordid
CHSL- 5/7/19 Evening
(a) dirty ➢ गंदा
(b) solid ➢ ठोस
(c) clean ➢ साफ़
(d) pure ➢ शद्
ु ध

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Enquiry No.

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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

251. Resolute
CHSL- 8/7/19 Morning
(a) unsure ➢ अतनजश्चत
(b) determined ➢ दृढ तनश्चय वाला
(c) uncertain ➢ संददग्ध
(d) hesitant ➢ दवु वधा में पडा हुआ

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

252. Intrepid
CHSL- 8/7/19 Morning
(a) gallant ➢ वीर
(b) cowardly ➢ कायर
(c) insecure ➢ असरु क्षित
(d) invisible ➢ अदृश्य

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

253. Pitfall
CHSL- 8/7/19 Noon
(a) haven ➢ आश्रय
(b) retreat ➢ पीछे हटना
(c) refuge ➢ शरण
(d) hazard ➢ खतरा

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

254. Vital
CHSL- 8/7/19 Noon
(a) trivial ➢ मामूली
(b) essential ➢ आवश्यक
(c) insignificant ➢ तुच्छ
(d) needless ➢ बेकार

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

255. Discover
CHSL- 8/7/19 Evening
(a) neglect ➢ अनादर
(b) find ➢ पाना
(c) hide ➢ तछपाना
(d) ignore ➢ अनदे खा करना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

256. Ignominious
CHSL- 8/7/19 Evening
(a) wonderful ➢ आश्चययजनक
(b) disgraceful ➢ शमयनाक
(c) innocuous ➢ नक
ु सान न पहुंचानेवाला
(d) generous ➢ उदार

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

257. Quest
CHSL- 9/7/19 Morning
(a) search ➢ खोज
(b) path ➢ पथ
(c) destination ➢ स्थान
(d) route ➢ मागय

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

258. Orthodox
CHSL - 9/7/19 Morning
(a) civilized ➢ सभ्य
(b) habitual ➢ आदी
(c) traditional ➢ परं परागत
(d) deliberate ➢ जानबझ
ू कर ककया गया

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

259. Ideology
CHSL- 9/7/19 Noon
(a) contract ➢ अनब
ु ंध
(b) belief ➢ आस्था
(c) mark ➢ तनशान
(d) recognition ➢ मान्यता

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

260. Meddle
CHSL- 9/7/19 Noon
(a) manage ➢ संभालना
(b) interfere ➢ दखल दे ना
(c) repair ➢ मरम्मत
(d) elaborate ➢ ववस्तार में बताना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

261. Anomalous
CHSL 9/7/19 Evening
(a) indirect ➢ अप्रत्यि
(b) common ➢ सामान्य
(c) unhealthy ➢ बीमार
(d) peculiar ➢ ववधचत्र

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

262. Fleeting
CHSL 9/7/19 Evening
(a) complete ➢ पूरा
(b) momentary ➢ िखणक
(c) ready ➢ तैयार
(d) lasting ➢ दटकाऊ

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

263. Identical
CHSL10/7/19 Morning
(a) similar ➢ समान
(b) legible ➢ पढने योग्य
(c) detailed ➢ ववस्तत

(d) perfect ➢ उत्तम

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

264. Ostentatious
CHSL 10/7/19 Morning
(a) distinct ➢ अलग
(b) complete ➢ परू ा
(c) flashy ➢ चमकीला
(d) trusted ➢ भरोसा

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

265. Recapitulation
CHSL 10/7/19 Noon
(a) summary ➢ सारांश
(b) movement ➢ आंदोलन
(c) prominence ➢ शोहरत
(d) readiness ➢ तत्परता

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

266. Radiance
CHSL 10/7/19 Noon
(a) depth ➢ गहराई
(b) dryness ➢ सख
ू ापन
(c) sparkle ➢ चमक
(d) redness ➢ लालपन

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

267. Wary
CHSL 10/7/19 Evening
(a) rash ➢ खरोंच
(b) inattentive ➢ असावधान
(c) lax ➢ ढीला
(d) alert ➢ चेतावनी

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

268. Recede
CHSL 10/7/19 Evening
(a) increase ➢ बढोतरी
(b) intensify ➢ तेज
(c) waver ➢ डगमगाने
(d) wane ➢ पतन

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

269. Accurate
CHSL 11/7/19 Morning
(a) real ➢ असली
(b) sincere ➢ ईमानदार
(c) precise ➢ एकदम सही
(d) Genuine ➢ असली

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

270. Dedication
CHSL 11 /7/19 Morning
(a) contentment ➢ संतोष
(b) trepidation ➢ घबराहट
(c) determination ➢ दृढ तनश्चय
(d) commitment ➢ वायदा

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

271. Miniature
CHSL 11 /7/19 Noon
(a) diminutive ➢ छोटा
(b) mammoth ➢ ववशाल
(c) colossal ➢ बहुत भारी
(d) gigantic ➢ ववशाल

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

272. Camouflage
CHSL 11 /7/19 Noon
(a) exhibit ➢ ददखाना
(b) disguise ➢ तछपाना
(c) divulge ➢ प्रकट करना
(d) expose ➢ उजागर करना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

273. Climax
CHSL 11 /7/19 Evening
(a) preface ➢ प्रस्तावना
(b) epilogue ➢ उपसंहार
(c) culmination ➢ चरम बबंद ु
(d) prologue ➢ प्रस्ताव

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

274. Manual
CHSL 11 /7/19 Evening
(a) dictionary ➢ शधदकोष
(b) thesaurus ➢ कोश
(c) directory ➢ तनदे मशका
(d) handbook ➢ पजु स्तका

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

275. Assertion
CHSL 12/10/20 Morning
(a) Continuation ➢ ववस्तार
(b) Declaration ➢ घोषणा
(c) Rejection ➢ अस्वीकार
(d) Discussion ➢ बातचीत

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

276. Guile
CHSL 12/10/20 Morning
(a) Intuition ➢ अंतज्ञायन
(b) Surfeit ➢ अततभोजन करना
(c) Sincerity ➢ सच्चाई
(d) Deceit ➢ छल

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

277. Furtive
CHSL 12/10/20 Noon
(a) Secretive ➢ गप्ु त
(b) Abortive ➢ तनष्फल
(c) Adhesive ➢ गोंद
(d) Positive ➢ सकारात्मक

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

278. Agile
CHSL 12/10/20 Noon
(a) Visible ➢ दृश्यमान
(b) Guile ➢ छल
(c) Nimble ➢ चतुर
(d) Docile ➢ ववनम्र

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

279. Insidious
CHSL 12/10/20 Evening
(a) Crafty ➢ चालाक
(b) Benevolent ➢ परोपकारी
(c) Sincere ➢ ईमानदार
(d) Callous ➢ कठोर

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

280. Diligent
CHSL 12/10/20 Evening
(a) Untiring ➢ जो थके ना
(b) Lethargic ➢ सुस्त
(c) Weary ➢ थका
(d) Inattentive ➢ असावधान

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

281. Opulent
CHSL 13/10/20 Morning
(a) Distant ➢ दरू
(b) Virulent ➢ ववषैला
(c) Luxurious ➢ शान शौकत
(d) Shabby ➢ नीच

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

282. Enrage
CHSL 13/10/20 Morning
(a) Alleviate ➢ कम
(b) Infuriate ➢ क्रोधधत करना
(c) Moderate ➢ उदारवादी
(d) Placate ➢ तसल्ली दे ना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

283. Constraint
CHSL 13/10/20 Noon
(a) Hazard ➢ खतरा
(b) Burden ➢ बोझ
(c) Concern ➢ धचंता
(d) Control ➢ तनयंत्रण

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

284. Foliage
CHSL 13/10/20 Noon
(a) Foolishness ➢ बेवकूफी
(b) Urgency ➢ तीव्र इच्छा
(c) Firmness ➢ दृढता
(d) Greenery ➢ हररयाली

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

285. Nebulous
CHSL 13/10/20 Evening
(a) Stable ➢ जस्थर
(b) Dearly ➢ नरमी से
(c) Faith ➢ आस्था
(d) Vague ➢ अस्पष्ट

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

286. Rind
CHSL 13/10/20 Evening
(a) Leaf ➢ पत्ता
(b) Peel ➢ छीलना
(c) Shade ➢ छाया
(d) Petal ➢ पत्ती

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

287. Aura
CHSL 14/10/20 Morning
(a) Colour ➢ रं ग
(b) Shriek ➢ कूक
(c) Noise ➢ शोर
(d) Halo ➢ प्रभामंडल

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

288. Mandible
CHSL 14/10/20 Morning
(a) Jaw ➢ जबडा
(b) Human ➢ इंसान
(c) Glory ➢ वैभव
(d) Praise ➢ तारीफ़ करना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

289. Prejudice
CHSL 14/10/20 Noon
(a) Advantage ➢ फ़ायदा
(b) Tolerance ➢ सहनशीलता
(c) Justice ➢ न्याय
(d) Bias ➢ पिपात

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

290. Persecution
CHSL 14/10/20 Noon
(a) Perfection ➢ पण
ू त
य ा
(b) Affliction ➢ यातना
(c) Oppression ➢ उत्पीडन
(d) Stimulation ➢ उत्तेजना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

291. Mandate
CHSL 14/10/20 Evening
(a) Man-made ➢ कृबत्रम
(b) Broken promise ➢ टूटा वादा
(c) Last trip ➢ वपछली यात्रा
(d) Official order ➢ आधधकाररक आदे श

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

292. Rotund
CHSL 14/10/20 Evening
(a) Rolled ➢ घम
ू ा हुआ
(b) Rocky ➢ चट्टान
(c) Range ➢ श्रेणी
(d) Round ➢ गोल

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

293. Holistic
CHSL 15/10/20 Morning
(a) Dissimilar ➢ मभन्न
(b) Sketchy ➢ अधरू ा
(c) Superficial ➢ सतही
(d) Comprehensive ➢ चौडा

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

294. Lurk
CHSL 15/10/20 Morning
(a) Vibrate ➢ कंपन
(b) Tremble ➢ घबराना
(c) Prowl ➢ तलाशी करना
(d) Sing ➢ गाना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

295. Integrate
CHSL 15/10/20 Noon
(a) Divide ➢ ववभाजजत करना
(b) Disappear ➢ गायब होना
(c) Increase ➢ बढोतरी
(d) Unite ➢ ममलाना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

296. Tolerance
CHSL 15/10/20 Noon
(a) Endurance ➢ धैयय
(b) Impatience ➢ बेसब्री
(c) Oppression ➢ उत्पीडन
(d) Aggression ➢ आक्रमण

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

297. Interspersed
CHSL 15/10/20 Evening
(a) Scattered ➢ फैला हुआ
(b) Wore ➢ पहनना
(c) Met ➢ मुलाकात
(d) Collected ➢ एकत्र ककया हुआ

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

298. Masqueraded
CHSL 15/10/20Evening
(a) Disappeared ➢ गायब हुआ
(b) Dropped ➢ छोडा हुआ
(c) Acted ➢ में काम ककया
(d) Managed ➢ र्वयवजस्थत

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

299. Derogatory
CHSL 16/10/20 Morning
(a) Favourable ➢ अनुकूल
(b) Appreciative ➢ सराहना
(c) Sarcastic ➢ तनन्दापूणय
(d) Lethargic ➢ सुस्त

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

300. Deplete
CHSL 16/10/20 Morning
(a) Reduce ➢ कम करना
(b) Complete ➢ पूरा
(c) Raise ➢ उठाना
(d) Increase ➢ बढोतरी

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Enquiry No.

Your Comments matter

For Printable PDF

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

301. Rowdy
CHSL 16/10/20 Noon
(a) Charming ➢ आकषयक
(b) Boisterous ➢ उधमी
(c) Calm ➢ शांत
(d) Amenable ➢ जजम्मेदार

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

302. Barren
CHSL 16/10/20 Noon
(a) Fertile ➢ उपजाऊ
(b) Bountiful ➢ भरपूर
(c) Desolate ➢ उजाड
(d) Fruitful ➢ उपयोगी

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

303. Idleness
CHSL 16/10/20 Evening
(a) Energy ➢ ऊजाय
(b) Industry ➢ उद्योग
(c) Lethargy ➢ सुस्ती
(d) Cheerfulness ➢ उत्साह

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

304. Reproach
CHSL 16/10/20 Evening
(a) Indulge ➢ तप्ृ त करना
(b) Train ➢ रे लगाडी
(c) Supervise ➢ पययवेिण
(d) Berate ➢ गाली दे ना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

305. Remorse
CHSL 19/10/20 Morning
(a) Indifference ➢ उदासीनता
(b) Reproach ➢ ततरस्कार
(c) Affection ➢ स्नेह
(d) Regret ➢ खेद

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

306. Timid
CHSL 19/10/20 Morning
(a) Shy ➢ शमीला
(b) Willful ➢ जान-बझ
ू कर
(c) Kind ➢ दयालु
(d) Strong ➢ म़िबत

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

307. Morose
CHSL 19/10/20 Noon
(a) Optimistic ➢ आशावादी
(b) Friendly ➢ दोस्ताना
(c) Sullen ➢ उदास
(d) Cheerful ➢ खश

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

308. Affluent
CHSL 19/10/20 Noon
(a) Destitute ➢ बेसहारा
(b) Proficient ➢ तनपण

(c) Impoverished ➢ गरीब
(d) Wealthy ➢ धनवान

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

309. Glum
CHSL 19/10/20 Evening
(a) Bright ➢ चमकदार
(b) Afraid ➢ डरना
(c) Nervous ➢ घबराया हुआ
(d) Dismal ➢ तनराशाजनक

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

310. Opulent
CHSL 19/10/20 Evening
(a) Economical ➢ ककफ़ायती
(b) Sumptuous ➢ वैभवशाली
(c) Depressed ➢ उदास
(d) Poor ➢ गरीब

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

311. Reconcile
CHSL 20/10/20 Morning
(a) Agitate ➢ आंदोलन
(b) Scatter ➢ फैलाव
(c) Refuse ➢ अस्वीकार करना
(d) Resolve ➢ संकल्प

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

312. Salvage
CHSL 20/10/20 Morning
(a) Hurt ➢ नक
ु सान
(b) Lose ➢ खोना
(c) Waste ➢ बबायद करना
(d) Save ➢ बचाना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

313. Motif
CHSL 20/10/20 Noon
(a) Design ➢ बनावट
(b) Reason ➢ कारण
(c) Purpose ➢ उद्दे श्य
(d) Creation ➢ तनमायण

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

314. Accrue
CHSL 20/10/20 Noon
(a) Range ➢ श्रेणी
(b) Variety ➢ ववववधता
(c) Collect ➢ इकट्ठा करना
(d) Spread ➢ फैलाना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

315. Delinquent
CHSL 20/10/20 Evening
(a) Charming ➢ आकषयक
(b) Despairing ➢ तनराश
(c) Rewarding ➢ पुरस्कृत
(d) Offending ➢ हमलावर

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

316. Prodigious
CHSL 20/10/20 Evening
(a) Unimportant ➢ महत्वहीन
(b) Exciting ➢ रोमांचक
(c) Proud ➢ गवय
(d) Immense ➢ अत्यधधक

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

317. Fraudulent
CHSL 21/10/20 Morning
(a) Repellent ➢ घखृ णत
(b) Prevalent ➢ चालू
(c) Deceitful ➢ छल से
(d) Genuine ➢ असली

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

318. Indomitable
CHSL 21/10/20 Morning
(a) Justifiable ➢ तकयसंगत
(b) Changeable ➢ अजस्थर
(c) Accessible ➢ पहुंच योग्य
(d) Invincible ➢ न जीते जाते योग्य

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

319. Congenial
CHSL 21/10/20 Noon
(a) Compatible ➢ अनक
ु ूल
(b) Servile ➢ ग़ल
ु ामी
(c) Aloof ➢ अलग
(d) Bombastic ➢ आडंबरपण
ू य

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

320. Pedigree
CHSL 21/10/20 Noon
(a) Forbidden ➢ मना ककया हुआ
(b) Illegitimate ➢ अवैध
(c) Mongrel ➢ दोगला
(d) Lineage ➢ वंश

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

321. Altruist
CHSL 21/10/20 Evening
(a) Individualist ➢ र्वयजक्तवादी
(b) Philanthropist ➢ परोपकारक
(c) Nutritionist ➢ पोषण ववशेषज्ञ
(d) Impressionist

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

322. Haughty
CHSL 21/10/20 Evening
(a) Humble ➢ ववनम्र
(b) Talkative ➢ बातन
ू ी
(c) Arrogant ➢ अमभमानी
(d) Quiet ➢ शांत

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

323. Enunciate
CHSL 26/10/20 Morning
(a) Confine ➢ सीममत
(b) Create ➢ बनाएं
(c) Articulate ➢ स्पष्ट, गाूँठदार
(d) Engage ➢ काम पर लगाना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

324. Assemble
CHSL 26/10/20 Morning
(a) Disband ➢ उखडना
(b) Detach ➢ अलग करें
(c) Address ➢ पता
(d) Amass ➢ एकत्र करना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

325. Reproach
CHSL 26/10/20 Noon
(a) Indulge ➢ मलप्त
(b) Berate ➢ गाली दे ना
(c) Supervise ➢ पययवेिण
(d) Train ➢ रे लगाडी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

326. Idleness
CHSL 26/10/20 Noon
(a) Energy ➢ ऊजाय
(b) Industry ➢ उद्योग
(c) Cheerfulness ➢ उत्साह
(d) Lethargy ➢ सुस्ती

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

327. Deteriorate
CHSL 26/10/20 Evening
(a) Enliven ➢ सजीव
(b) Worsen ➢ खराब
(c) Fasten ➢ जकडना
(d) Improve ➢ सुधार करना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

328. Despondent
CHSL 26/10/20 Evening
(a) Energetic ➢ शजक्तशाली
(b) Neutral ➢ उदासीन
(c) Cheerful ➢ खश

(d) Depressed ➢ उदास

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

329. Trust (n)

CHSL 17/3/20 Morning
(a) Safety ➢ सरु िा
(b) Welfare ➢ कल्याण
(c) Belief ➢ आस्था
(d) Ability ➢ िमता

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

330. Alluring
CHSL 17/3/20 Morning
(a) Deceitful ➢ छल से
(b) Distracting ➢ ध्यान भंग
(c) Cheating ➢ बेईमानी करना
(d) Attractive ➢ आकषयक

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

331. Surge
CHSL 17/3/20 Noon
(a) Hygienic ➢ स्वच्छ
(b) Clean ➢ साफ़
(c) Smooth ➢ धचकना
(d) Rush ➢ हडबडी

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

332. Cove
CHSL 17/3/20 Noon
(a) Pit ➢ गड्ढा
(b) Hollow ➢ खोखला
(c) Bay ➢ खाडी
(d) Crater ➢ गड्ढा

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

333. Resilient
CHSL 17/3/20 Evening
(a) Baseless ➢ तनराधार
(b) Lazy ➢ आलसी
(c) Furious ➢ आगबबल
ू ा
(d) Supple ➢ कोमल

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

334. Occur
CHSL 17/3/20 Evening
(a) Hinder ➢ बाधा पहुंचाना
(b) Hasten ➢ जल्दी करना
(c) Happen ➢ होना
(d) Hamper ➢ टोकरी

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

335. Jovial
CHSL 18/3/20 Morning
(a) Joyous ➢ आनंददत
(b) Judgmental ➢ अनम
ु ान
(c) Jealous ➢ ईष्याय
(d) Jeering ➢ म़िाक उडाना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

336. Choosy
CHSL 18/3/20 Morning
(a) Productive ➢ उत्पादक
(b) Frank ➢ स्पष्टवादी
(c) Tricky ➢ मजु श्कल
(d) Selective ➢ चुननेवाला

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

337. Kit
CHSL 18/3/20 Noon
(a) Equipment ➢ उपकरण
(b) Information ➢ जानकारी
(c) Element ➢ तत्व
(d) Particle ➢ कण

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

338. Anodyne
CHSL 18/3/20 Noon
(a) Harmful ➢ हातनकारक
(b) Benign ➢ सौम्य
(c) Hostile ➢ ववरोधी
(d) Gigantic ➢ ववशाल

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

339. Explicit
CHSL 18/3/20 Evening
(a) Equivocal ➢ गोलमोल
(b) Lucid ➢ स्पष्ट अथय का
(c) Unintelligible ➢ अस्पष्ट
(d) Compatible ➢ अनुकूल

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

340. Instigate
CHSL 18/3/20 Evening
(a) Stagnate ➢ बहना
(b) Kindle ➢ प्रज्वमलत करना
(c) Instill ➢ टपकाना
(d) Imbibe ➢ पी लेना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

341. Quarrelsome
CHSL 19/3/20 Morning
(a) Querulous ➢ धचडधचडा
(b) Ambiguous ➢ अस्पष्ट
(c) Pragmatic ➢ र्वयावहाररक
(d) Opaque ➢ अस्पष्ट

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

342. Adjustment
CHSL 19/3/20 Morning
(a) Coordinating ➢ समन्वय
(b) Balancing ➢ संतल
ु न
(c) Compromising ➢ समझौता
(d) Cooperating ➢ सहयोग

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

343. Tarnish
CHSL 19 /3/20 Noon
(a) Damage ➢ आघात
(b) Appease ➢ खश

(c) Heighten ➢ बढाना
(d) Decorate ➢ सजाना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

344. Pleasant
CHSL 19/3/20 Noon
(a) Tedious ➢ थकाऊ
(b) Refreshing ➢ ता़िगी
(c) Exasperating ➢ तंग करनेवाला
(d) Tiresome ➢ थकाने वाला

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

345. Penury
CHSL 19/3/20 Evening
(a) Poverty ➢ गरीबी
(b) Readability ➢ पढने योग्यता
(c) Compatibility ➢ संगतत
(d) Temporality

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

346. Festivity
CHSL 19/3/20 Evening
(a) Calibration ➢ जांच करना
(b) Foundation ➢ नींव
(c) Botheration ➢ परे शानी
(d) Celebration ➢ उत्सव

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

347. Deepen
MTS 02/08/19 Morning
(a) Soothe ➢ शांत करना
(b) Neutralize ➢ बेअसर
(c) Relieve ➢ छोडना
(d) Intensify ➢ तेज

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

348. Courage
MTS- 02/08/19 Morning
(a) Meekness ➢ नम्रता
(b) Valour ➢ वीरता
(c) Humility ➢ ववनम्रता
(d) Timidity ➢ कायरता

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

349. Misfortune
MTS 2/08/19 Noon
(a) Benefit ➢ फ़ायदा
(b) Calamity ➢ आपदा
(c) Support ➢ सहायता
(d) Miracle ➢ चमत्कार

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

350. Capable
MTS 2/08/19 Noon
(a) Complacent ➢ आत्मसंतुष्ट
(b) Consistent ➢ एक जैसा
(c) Conceited ➢ अमभमानी
(d) Competent ➢ सिम

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Enquiry No.

Your Comments matter

For Printable PDF

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

351. Demolish
MTS- 02/08/19 Evening
(a) Repair ➢ मरम्मत
(b) Taunt ➢ उपहास
(c) Reveal ➢ प्रकट करना
(d) Dismantle ➢ नष्ट

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

352. Chide
MTS- 02/08/19 Evening
(a) Flatter ➢ चापलूसी
(b) Commend ➢ सराहना
(c) Approve ➢ मं़िरू ी दे ना
(d) Rebuke ➢ फटकार

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

353. Immense
MTS- 5/08/19 Morning
(a) Minute ➢ ममनट
(b) Dull ➢ उदासीन
(c) Insignificant ➢ तच्
ु छ
(d) Massive ➢ बडा

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

354. Former
MTS- 5/08/19 Morning
(a) Inferior ➢ नीचा
(b) Superior ➢ बेहतर
(c) Regular ➢ तनयममत
(d) Previous ➢ पहला

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

355. Lavish
MTS- 5/08/19 Noon
(a) Scarce ➢ अपयायप्त
(b) Bountiful ➢ काफी
(c) Austere ➢ सीधा-सादा
(d) Simple ➢ सरल

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

356. Accountable
MTS- 5/08/19 Noon
(a) Blameless ➢ बबना तनंदा
(b) Unreliable ➢ अववश्वसनीय
(c) Slack ➢ ढीला
(d) Answerable ➢ जवाबदे ह

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

357. Courteous
MTS- 5/08/19 Evening
(a) Optional ➢ वैकजल्पक
(b) Arrogant ➢ अमभमानी
(c) Polite ➢ ववनम्र
(d) Meritorious ➢ प्रततभाशाली

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

358. Infuriate
MTS- 5/08/19 Evening
(a) Endow ➢ प्रदान करना
(b) Enhance ➢ बढाना
(c) Enrage ➢ क्रुद्ध करना
(d) Engage ➢ काम पर लगाना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

359. Obvious
MTS- 6/08/19 Morning
(a) Vague ➢ अस्पष्ट
(b) Various ➢ ववमभन्न
(c) Flexible ➢ लचीला
(d) Evident ➢ प्रत्यि

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

360. Optimist
MTS- 6/08/19 Morning
(a) Critic ➢ आलोचक
(b) Distinct ➢ अलग
(c) Idealist ➢ आदशयवादी
(d) Pessimist ➢ तनराशावादी

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

361. Benevolent
MTS- 6/08/19 Noon
(a) Miser ➢ कंजस

(b) Cruel ➢ तनदय यी
(c) Malevolent ➢ द्रोही
(d) Generous ➢ उदार

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

362. Harass
MTS- 6/08/19 Noon
(a) Assist ➢ सहायता दे ना
(b) Molest ➢ तंग करना
(c) Scare ➢ डराना
(d) Comfort ➢ आराम

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

363. Profuse
MTS- 6/08/19 Evening
(a) Thrifty ➢ ककफ़ायती
(b) Sparse ➢ कम घना
(c) Aplenty ➢ कसरत से
(d) Scarce ➢ अपयायप्त

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

364. Rectify
MTS- 6/08/19 Evening
(a) Raid ➢ छापा
(b) Bend ➢ झक
ु ना
(c) Folly ➢ मूखत
य ा
(d) Amend ➢ सध
ु ार करना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

365. Forgive
MTS- 7/08/19 Morning
(a) Accuse ➢ आरोप
(b) Forget ➢ भल
ू ना
(c) Pardon ➢ िमा
(d) Compel ➢ मजबरू

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

366. Agile
MTS- 7/08/19 Morning
(a) Dull ➢ उदासीन
(b) Stiff ➢ अकडन
(c) Rigid ➢ कठोर
(d) Quick ➢ जल्दी

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

367. Eager
MTS- 7/08/19 Noon
(a) Satisfied ➢ संतष्ु ट
(b) Keen ➢ उत्सक

(c) Active ➢ सकक्रय
(d) Alert ➢ चेतावनी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

368. Strange
MTS- 7/08/19 Noon
(a) Despair ➢ तनराशा
(b) Abnormal ➢ असामान्य
(c) Natural ➢ प्राकृततक
(d) Conventional ➢ पारं पररक

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

369. Tangled
MTS- 7/08/19 Evening
(a) Regulate ➢ तनयममत करना
(b) Knotted ➢ गाूँठ
(c) Organized ➢ आयोजजत
(d) Orderly ➢ र्वयवजस्थत

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

370. Proclaim
MTS- 7/08/19 Evening
(a) Produce ➢ उत्पाद
(b) Declare ➢ प्रचार
(c) Conceal ➢ तछपाना
(d) Oppose ➢ ववरोध

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

371. Exceptional
MTS- 8/08/19 Morning
(a) Usual ➢ साधारण
(b) Mundane ➢ सांसाररक
(c) Extraordinary ➢ असाधारण
(d) Common ➢ सामान्य

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

372. Brisk
MTS- 8/08/19 Morning
(a) Languid ➢ सुस्त
(b) Quick ➢ जल्दी
(c) Sluggish ➢ सुस्त
(d) Frugal ➢ ककफायती

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

373. Enhance
MTS- 8/08/19 Noon
(a) Reduce ➢ कम करना
(b) Shrink ➢ मसकुडना
(c) Improve ➢ सुधार करना
(d) Frighten ➢ डराना

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

374. Hate
MTS- 8/08/19 Noon
(a) Deny ➢ अस्वीकार करना
(b) Defer ➢ टालना
(c) Defile ➢ अशुद्ध
(d) Detest ➢ घण
ृ ा करना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

375. Dedicate
MTS- 8/08/19 Evening
(a) Decide ➢ तय करना
(b) Design ➢ डड़िाइन
(c) Denounce ➢ आरोप लगा दे ना
(d) Devote ➢ समवपयत

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

376. Awkward
MTS- 8/08/19 Evening
(a) Clumsy ➢ अनाडी
(b) Scared ➢ डरा हुआ
(c) Worthy ➢ योग्य
(d) Likeable ➢ ददलकश

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

377. Aroma
MTS- 9/08/19 Morning
(a) Sneeze ➢ छींक
(b) Scent ➢ महक
(c) Stench ➢ बदबू
(d) Stink ➢ बदबू

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

378. Confusion
MTS- 9/08/19 Morning
(a) Assurance ➢ बीमा
(b) Muddle ➢ गडबडी
(c) Devotion ➢ भजक्त
(d) Clarity ➢ स्पष्टता

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

379. Impolite
MTS- 9/08/19 Noon
(a) Intelligent ➢ बुद्धधमान
(b) Brave ➢ बहादरु
(c) Rude ➢ अमशष्ट
(d) Irrelevant ➢ अप्रासंधगक

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

380. Remember
MTS- 9/08/19 Noon
(a) Reign ➢ शासन
(b) Recall ➢ याद करना
(c) Revie ➢ समीिा करें
(d) Retail ➢ खद
ु रा

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

381. Slender
MTS- 9/08/19 Evening
(a) Sturdy ➢ तगडा
(b) Slim ➢ छरहरा
(c) Strong ➢ म़िबूत
(d) Slippery ➢ कफसलाऊ

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

382. Apparent
MTS- 9/08/19 Evening
(a) Obsolete ➢ परु ाना
(b) Objective ➢ उद्दे श्य
(c) Obscure ➢ अस्पष्ट
(d) Obvious ➢ ़िादहर

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

383. Fundamental
MTS 13/08/19 Morning
(a) Trivial ➢ मामल
ू ी
(b) Extra ➢ अततररक्त
(c) Secondary ➢ माध्यममक
(d) Basic ➢ आधार

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

384. Detain
MTS- 13/08/19 Morning
(a) Advance ➢ प्रगतत
(b) Delay ➢ दे री
(c) Permit ➢ आज्ञा दे ना
(d) Allow ➢ अनम
ु तत दे ना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

385. Calm
MTS 13/08/19 Noon
(a) Violent ➢ दहंसक
(b) Peaceful ➢ शांततपण
ू य
(c) Windy ➢ तूफ़ानी
(d) Storm ➢ आूँधी

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

386. Relevant
MTS 13/08/19 Noon
(a) Unconnected ➢ बेमेल
(b) Applicable ➢ उपयुक्त
(c) Inapplicable ➢ अयोग्य
(d) Unrelated ➢ असंबंधधत

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

387. Swift
MTS- 13/08/19 Evening
(a) Quick ➢ जल्दी
(b) Slow ➢ धीमा
(c) Harsh ➢ कठोर
(d) Turn ➢ मोड

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

388. Massive
MTS- 13/08/19 Evening
(a) Weak ➢ कम़िोर
(b) Tiny ➢ छोटा
(c) Huge ➢ बहुत बडा
(d) Strong ➢ म़िबत

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

389. Revive
MTS- 14/ 08/19 Morning
(a) Repeat ➢ दोहराना
(b) Review ➢ समीिा
(c) Ruin ➢ नष्ट करना
(d) Recover ➢ वापस पाना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

390. Engage
MTS- 14/ 08/19 Morning
(a) Dismiss ➢ नकार दे ना
(b) Occupy ➢ कधजा
(c) Settle ➢ तनपटारा करना
(d) Release ➢ मक्
ु त करना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

391. Integration
MTS 14/ 08/19 Noon
(a) Separation ➢ ववभाजन
(b) Unification ➢ इकट्ठा करना
(c) Division ➢ ववभाजन
(d) Segregation ➢ ववयोग

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

391. Acclaim
MTS 14/ 08/19 Noon
(a) Censure ➢ तनंदा
(b) Blame ➢ दोष
(c) Critics ➢ आलोचक
(d) Praise ➢ तारीफ़ करना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

393. Vigilant
MTS- 14/ 08/19 Evening
(a) Negligent ➢ लापरवाह
(b) Inattentive ➢ असावधान
(c) Careless ➢ लापरवाह
(d) Watchful ➢ चौकन्ना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

394. Lucid
MTS- 14/ 08/19 Evening
(a) Confusing ➢ भ्रामक
(b) Clear ➢ साफ़
(c) Ambiguous ➢ अस्पष्ट
(d) Unclear ➢ अस्पष्ट

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

395. Affluence
MTS- 16/08/19 Morning
(a) Poverty ➢ गरीबी
(b) Wealth ➢ संपवत्त
(c) Hardship ➢ कष्ट
(d) Bankruptcy ➢ ददवामलयापन

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

396. Zest
MTS- 16/08/19 Morning
(a) Indifferent ➢ उदासीन
(b) Detachment ➢ सेना की टुकडी
(c) Unconcern ➢ उदासीनता
(d) Enthusiasm ➢ उत्साह

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

397. Intricate
MTS 16/08/19 Noon
(a) Simple ➢ सरल
(b) Plain ➢ मैदान
(c) Straightforward ➢ सीधा
(d) Complicated ➢ उलझा हुआ

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

398. Ferocious
MTS 16/08/19 Noon
(a) Gentle ➢ सज्जन
(b) Domesticated ➢ पाला हुआ
(c) Fierce ➢ भयंकर
(d) Tame ➢ पालतू

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

399. Beneficial
MTS- 16/08/19 Evening
(a) Worthless ➢ बेकार
(b) Harmful ➢ हातनकारक
(c) Adverse ➢ हातनकर
(d) Advantageous ➢ लाभदायक

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

400. Dubious
MTS-16/08/19 Evening
(a) Certain ➢ कुछ
(b) Sure ➢ ़िरूर
(c) Definite ➢ तनजश्चत
(d) Doubtful ➢ संददग्ध

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

401. Abandoned
MTS-19/08/19 Morning
(a) Continued ➢ तनरं तर
(b) Adopted ➢ गोद लेना
(c) Initiated ➢ शुरू ककया
(d) Deserted ➢ वीरान

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

402. Advantageous
MTS19/8/19 Morning
(a) Unlucky ➢ बदककस्मत
(b) Crucial ➢ महत्वपण
ू य
(c) Adverse ➢ हातनकर
(d) Favourable ➢ अनक
ु ूल

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

403. Anthology
MTS-19/08/19 Noon
(a) Inheritance ➢ ववरासत
(b) Legacy ➢ परं परा
(c) Currency ➢ मुद्रा
(d) Collection ➢ संग्रह

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

404. Absolved
MTS-19/08/19 Noon
(a) Scolded ➢ डाटना
(b) Pardoned ➢ माफ करना
(c) Punished ➢ दं डडत
(d) Boycotted ➢ बदहष्कार करना

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

405. Destroy
MTS-19/08/19 Evening
(a) Assist ➢ सहायता दे ना
(b) Preserve ➢ संरक्षित करना
(c) Restore ➢ पुनस्थायवपत करना
(d) Ruin ➢ नष्ट करना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

406. Popular
MTS-19/08/19 Evening
(a) Particular ➢ ववमशष्ट
(b) untidy ➢ लापरवाह
(c) Specific ➢ ववमशष्ट
(d) Favourite ➢ पसंदीदा

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

407. Humdrum
MTS-20/08/19 Morning
(a) Musical ➢ संगीत
(b) Synchronic ➢ समकामलक
(c) Noisy ➢ शोरगल

(d) Monotonous ➢ उबाने वाला

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

408. Obtain
MTS-20/08/19 Morning
(a) Suppress ➢ दबाने
(b) Inspire ➢ प्रेररत करना
(c) Lessen ➢ कम
(d) Achieve ➢ प्राप्त करना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

409. Encumbrance
MTS-20/08/19 Noon
(a) Destroy ➢ नष्ट करना
(b) Despair ➢ तनराशा
(c) Obstacle ➢ बाधा
(d) Stimulant ➢ उत्तेजक पदाथय

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

410. Recently
MTS-20/08/19 Noon
(a) Normally ➢ सामान्य रूप से
(b) Lately ➢ हाल ही में
(c) Usually ➢ आम तौर पर
(d) Immediately ➢ तरु ं त

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

411. Artful
MTS-20/08/19 Evening
(a) Crafty ➢ चालाक
(b) Naive ➢ अनाडी
(c) Artistic ➢ कलात्मक
(d) Creative ➢ रचनात्मक

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

412. Morbid
MTS-20/08/19 Evening
(a) Nasty ➢ बहुत खराब
(b) Prompt ➢ तत्पर
(c) Pretty ➢ संद
ु र
(d) Lively ➢ जीवंत

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

413. Persuade
MTS-21/08/19 Morning
(a) Halt ➢ पडाव
(b) Deplete ➢ खाली करना
(c) Impose ➢ आरोवपत करना
(d) Coax ➢ फुसलाना

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

414. Inclination
MTS-21/08/19 Morning
(a) Aptitude ➢ कौशल
(b) Repulsion ➢ घण
ृ ा
(c) Indifference ➢ उदासीनता
(d) Aversion ➢ घण
ृ ा

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

415. Impious
MTS 21/08/19 Noon
(a) Irreligious ➢ अधाममयक
(b) Devout ➢ धाममयक
(c) Skilled ➢ कुशल
(d) Loyal ➢ तनष्ठावान

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

416. Judicious
MTS 21/08/19 Noon
(a) Dull ➢ उदासीन
(b) Foolish ➢ मख
ू य
(c) Prudent ➢ वववेकी
(d) Unfair ➢ अनधु चत

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

417. Chaste
MTS-21/08/19 Evening
(a) Lustful ➢ लंपट
(b) Pure ➢ शद्
ु ध
(c) Loyal ➢ तनष्ठावान
(d) Fascinating ➢ मनोहर

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

418. Prodigy
MTS-21/08/19 Evening
(a) Anger ➢ गस्
ु सा
(b) Genius ➢ ते़ि ददमाग वाला
(c) Plight ➢ वचन
(d) Tranquil ➢ शांत

ANS. (b)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

419. Mock
MTS-22/08/19 Morning
(a) Cheer ➢ खश
ु करना
(b) Praise ➢ तारीफ़ करना
(c) Amuse ➢ मन बहलाना
(d) Taunt ➢ उपहास

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

420. Contempt
MTS-22/08/19 Morning
(a) Permit ➢ आज्ञा दे ना
(b) Respect ➢ आदर
(c) Approve ➢ मं़िरू ी दे ना
(d) Hatred ➢ घण
ृ ा

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

421. Anxious
MTS-22/08/19 Noon
(a) Elegant ➢ संद
ु र
(b) Determined ➢ दृढ तनश्चय वाला
(c) Nervous ➢ घबराया हुआ
(d) Bored ➢ ऊबा हुआ

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

422. Control
MTS-22/08/19 Noon
(a) Regulate ➢ तनयममत करना
(b) Resign ➢ इस्तीफ़ा दे ना
(c) Relieve ➢ छोडना
(d) Reduce ➢ कम करना

ANS. (a)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

423. Drowsy
MTS-22/08/19 Evening
(a) Lively ➢ जीवंत
(b) Alert ➢ चेतावनी
(c) Active ➢ सकक्रय
(d) Sleepy ➢ सस्
ु त

ANS. (d)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Choose the correct SYNONYM of the underlined word:

424. Enormous
MTS-22/08/19 Evening
(a) Puny ➢ नन्हा
(b) Tiny ➢ छोटा
(c) Huge ➢ बहुत बडा
(d) Petty ➢ छोटा

ANS. (c)

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Enquiry No.

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

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