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ch-10 (dvics)

Urban uivelihood PAGE


AnkA Hawket a pekAm Lushe uavelsPm
place to placeselling heuueheld things
Ank2 Casual wettkeus ae tembetzatu ukesta.
they getwetk as amd uthin ugllzsd
buythe Empleyek
Anu3 cemtishelbs te At eut p deal
with pAPblemdaced by CuatemiA and
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Cemmputihl pmaltelephene

muy RLIELal peeple migualL Te ciiDs nseavch

e beinz jobsamd te imbecevethuz
standard eLing

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The goveunment has indEduted AeALeal
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Rduicalthe uhal youtth
These akill useuld helh them e dt up
thun un buuaimea amd make them
Ael uliant.

AnA4 Daily wa92 labeuwreorR A Richs haw puler

OR 2-A-keA n CnmAucien-
Casual tkers e 3 Wkes inatm
amd ladeut

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