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for Technology and Livelihood Education 10-Dressmaking

Subject Facilitator: Mariane Sibay Grade & Section: G-10 Silver Date/Time: M/ 8:00-9:30 AM

Lesson Title: Classifications of Tools and Their Uses in Garments

Grade Level: Grade 10

Lesson Length: 1hour&30 minutes

I. Analyze Learners

Learners’ general characteristics: The lesson is designed for 11th grade high school
students. This is an in-class support class comprised of 10 male and 28 female students, of which 20
students don’t have background in Garments. Academic ability and learning styles vary. In general,
students become easily distracted and lose focus quickly.

Entry characteristics: The students in this class are skilled in the use of computers and
cellphones. However, their proficiency with this technology is limited to the use of few applications
that they used during online class.

Learning styles: The class is comprised of students of all learning styles, the majority of
students in this class are visual learners.

II. State Standards and Objectives

This lesson is designed to provide basic knowledge regarding the classifications and uses of
tools in Garments.

At the end of the lesson the students are expected

Objective 1:
- Identify the different classifications of tools. (During the discussion they are going observe
and take down notes.)
Objective 2:
- Describe the difference of each classification of tools. (During the discussion students are
encouraged to participate in oral recitation.)
Objective 3:
- Participate in group activity
Objective 4:
- Create a pre-recorded video or infographic containing the different classifications of tools.

III. Select Strategies, Methods, Media, and Materials

Strategies. A variety of teacher-centered and student-centered strategies have been designed

for this lesson.

Technology and Materials. Students will have access to computers, printers, microphones,
headphones, word processing software, video and audio editing software, and the Internet.

Media. Students will use print, audio, texts, visuals such as photos, and clip art or drawings to
create assignments.

IV. Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials

Prepare the materials:

Projector - the teacher will use the projector to present the prepared PowerPoint Presentation of the
lesson on the board so that students will be able to see it clearly to enhance their learning.

Speaker- this will used during the AV presentation or watching the step-by-step video tutorial so
that students will be able to clearly hear the sounds of the video that will aid their learning.

Whiteboard and Marker this will be used during discussion for writing additional information (for
teacher) and board work (for students).

Laptop- this will be connected to the projector and will play the overplayed slides from the

Different tools in Garments- this will be used during the lecture for actual demonstration and
activity assessment.
Prepare the environment: Desks should be set up so that small groups can work
Prepare the learners: Students will have been prepared for this lesson during the lesson

Prior. Students have notes on Different Classifications of tools given a day before the
discussion, which can be referred to as needed.

V. Require Learner Participation

Student participation in this lesson will include small group activities. The lesson is structured
to begin with small group activities.

Small group activities: The students will break into groups of three or four to demonstrate
and classify each classification and be able to perform the uses of tools. Also state the importance of
each tool.

VI. Evaluate and Revise

Student activities will be evaluated using a given rubric:

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