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Task 1

The diagrams below give information about the manufacture of frozen fish
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
The diagram demonstrates the process of producing frozen fish pie as well as the
ingredients that go into a factory-made fish pie.
Fresh fish, peas, sauce, and cut potatoes make up the major ingredients and are
cooked separately. The potatoes are washed, peeled, and sliced after being supplied
up to a month in advance. The pieces are cooked, cooled, and then kept until
required. Compared to the preparation of the potatoes, the preparation of the fish
requires more work. The fresh fish is steamed with salt and lemon juice within a
day of being supplied to the plant. The skin and bones are then manually removed
and discarded before a visual inspection.
The pies are then put together in microwave-safe containers. The prepared peas
and sauce are then combined with the fish, and a layer of sliced, boiled potatoes is
placed on top. After that, the pies are wrapped and frozen. They are now prepared
for shipment, yet they might perhaps be kept in the manufacturer until shipment.

Task 2
In some countries it is thought advisable that children begin formal education
at four years old, while in others they do not have to start school until they are
seven or eight.
How far do you agree with either of these views?

Some people argue that children should begin formal education at four years old,
while others believe that it is better for them to start when they are seven or eight
years old. In my opinion, there is no such thing as right or wrong
On one hand, proponents of early formal education argue that starting at four years
old will provide children with the foundation they need for academic success.
Early education will help children develop skills such as reading, writing, and
numeracy, which are essential for success in later years. Furthermore, starting
formal education early can help children develop social skills, improve their self-
confidence, and promote healthy learning habits.
On the other hand, opponents of early formal education argue that it can be
detrimental to a child's development. They argue that at four years old, children are
not developmentally ready for formal education and that forcing them into a
structured environment may cause stress and anxiety. Instead, children should be
allowed to learn through play and exploration until they are developmentally ready
for formal education.
In conclusion, the appropriate age for children to begin formal education should
depend on individual factors such as the child's developmental readiness, culture,
and social environment. In general, a balance should be struck between early
education and play-based learning, with an emphasis on providing children with a
safe, stimulating, and nurturing learning environment that meets their unique

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