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11 Different Types of Bamboo Around the World

Bamboo is precisely a type of grass, you may consider it as “Giant Grass”. Bamboo was
commonly used by humans for various purposes from a very early time with thousands of
It’s the fastest growing, imperishable, strong, and most multi-use plant in the world depending
on it for the living of many nations around the world.
For many centuries, people have used bamboo for furniture, food, building, and for crafts. It’s
also famous for its diversity with endless applications.
Most resources of Botanists have identified over 1,000 different species of bamboo in the
world. Other sources say that there might be more, up to 1,200 different varieties.
Most botanists place them in the tribe Bambuseae within the grass family Poaceae, Giant
bamboos are the largest members of the grass family.
The origin source of the word "Bamboo" is undefined, but it possibly comes from the
Portuguese or Dutch language, which was formerly copied from Malay.
Bamboo is evergreen and will continue to grow well throughout the year in most environments.
It doesn’t require large amounts of water and land to grow, fortunately, but can also be adapted
to grow hydroponically.
Certain species of bamboo can grow 91 centimeters (36 inches) within a 24-hour period, at a
rate of almost 40 millimeters (1+1⁄2 in) an hour (equivalent to 1 mm every 90 seconds).
This rapid growth and tolerance for marginal land, make bamboo a good nominee for climate
change concession, forestation, and carbon isolation.
And each variation has its own distinct characteristics, so some species of bamboo are
certainly more useful than others. Which leads us to ask, what are the most beneficial species
of bamboo? And how many different types of bamboo exist?
There are more types of bamboo in the world than one article could hope to list. It would take
an entire series to cover more than 1,000 species.
If you are highly interested and want to plant bamboo, it is only required to know the most
common types: know the type of bamboo that you are going to plant with, and you don’t need
to worry about the remain of 999 other varieties.
For this article, we gather only the most common species of bamboo that you might find in
botanical gardens, landscapes, and natural environments all over the world.
Here are 11 different types of bamboo around the world:

1.Bambusa Vulgaris (Common Bamboo)

Bambusa Vulgaris is the most common type of bamboo and is also referred to as common
bamboo for this reason. It’s native to Southern China and Madagascar but has become one
of the most cultivated types of bamboo almost everywhere in the world.
This is one of the most adaptable to the environment types of bamboo: they can grow in
gardens and pots anywhere if their conditions are kept right.
Evergreen and clumping, common bamboo is one of the easiest bamboo types to grow.
If you are just getting to know bamboo, common bamboo is one of the best recommendations
to start with. They do not need as much concern as other varieties of bamboo, which is what
makes them impeccable as a beginning.
Occasionally, common bamboo is also called yellow bamboo acknowledging its appearance.
Robust and fast-growing, common bamboo can flourish in any place.

2.Gigantochloa Levis (Beting)

Gigantochloa Levis is an evergreen, edible bamboo type native to the Philippines. It’s one of
the largest bamboo varieties, and care should always be taken to trim this plant down to size
in a household garden or environment.

While just as fast-growing as common bamboo, the Levis bamboo plant can grow extremely

This Levis bamboo prefers subtropical climates, though can be adapted to its surroundings if
the gardener takes adequate attention to it.

It is used often in industry, though also ornamental. Its use has been studied as a type of

3.Dendrocalamus Asper (Giant Bamboo/Betung/Petung)

Dendrocalamus Asper, this species is commonly referred to simply as Giant bamboo, but that
name can be confusing because so many other species go by the same given name, found
throughout Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the Philippines.
Other names include Dragon bamboo, Sweet bamboo, and Rough bamboo.
This prolific species is used for everything from houses and bridges to housewares and
musical instruments. Its young shoots can also be the base of a nutritious meal.
Along with Chinese Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys Edulis) and Guadua bamboo (Guadua
Angustifolia Kunth) from South America, we consider Dendrocalamus Asper one of the most
economically vital bamboo species of all.
In Indonesia, you will sometimes hear it called Petung bamboo. Petung is a bamboo that is
the strongest and largest of the three above
Under optimal conditions, plants can grow 100 feet tall with culms up to 7 or 8 inches in
diameter. On account of its superior size and strength, farmers are now planting
Dendrocalamus Asper as a commercial crop in Latin America, Equatorial Africa, and even
There are many main instances of how Dendrocalamus Asper has been used for the leading
structural support members in production, especially in Indonesia and this is growing
extremely fast.
A good habitation to observe the concentrated application of full culm Dendrocalamus Asper
for the main structural supports in buildings would be the Green School and Green Village in

4.Bambusa Bambos (Giant Thorny Bamboo)

Giant Thorny Bamboo is an evergreen, tropical type of bamboo considered native to Southern
It’s also occasionally known as Indian Thorny Bamboo, a type of clumping species that has a
preference for naturally tropical and subtropical environments. Giant thorny bamboo can have
up to a 30-year life cycle, making it one of the largest natural types.
A fast growth rate and unbelievable strength make giant thorny bamboo common for building
projects and other industries. It’s also one of the edible bamboo types: the seeds and shoots
are both considered healthful.

5.Bambusa Tulda (Timber Bamboo)

Indian Timber bamboo is also recognized as Bengal Bamboo and is considered native to India.
Timber bamboo is also a widely held type of bamboo throughout the world, also originating in
other parts of the world like South America.

Timber bamboo is one of the top types of bamboo for industrial uses. That’s why it’s called
Timber bamboo! Strength and growth speed make Timber bamboo great for industrial
applications, but also great as a decorative plant for your garden.

In its native environment, Timber bamboo is also used for paper creation.
6.Bambusa Textilis (Slender Bamboo)

Slender bamboo is one of the most common types of bamboo in the world. While native to
China, it grows favorably in any gardens and pots that can keep up with a similar climate to its

Slender bamboo is also sometimes known as Weaver’s bamboo, called this thanks to its
popular use to create fabric. Slender bamboo is one of the tallest-growing bamboo types and
can grow up to lengths of as much as 50 feet.

For a resilient bamboo type that grows fortunately almost all over the place, consider Slender
bamboo as one of your first types.

7.Bambusa Ventricosa (Buddha Belly Bamboo)

Bambusa Ventricosa is an evergreen type of bamboo native to Southern parts of China. It’s
one of the most popular decorative types of bamboo that can favorably grow in a pot but can
also shoot upwards to more than 50 feet.

It’s also called Buddha Belly bamboo thanks to the bloated look of its segments.

The unique appearance of this bamboo type has made it one of the most popular bamboo
types for homes and gardens.

It grows joyfully nearby any tropical atmosphere.

8.Gigantochloa Apus (Tall Bamboo)

Tall bamboo is one of the world’s Gigantochloa types of bamboo and is native to Southeast
Asia. It grows auspiciously in any tropical or subtropical climate of the world and can be grown
in a pot or garden.

When unaccompanied to flourish, this can become one of the greater types of bamboo in the
world. The name tall bamboo might be a clue!

It’s greatly used for local industry, and anything from utensils to building frames is made from
tall bamboo. Evergreen, is fast-growing and strong – all the best abilities you want in this type
of bamboo you pick out.
9.Bambusa Polymorpha (Burmese Bamboo)
Burmese bamboo is one of the bamboo species native to Bangladesh, Myanmar, and
Thailand. It can also be found anywhere in the world where environments are close to tropical:
this type of bamboo grows just as joyfully in a garden and a pot.

Burmese bamboo is a clumping, evergreen bamboo variety that can grow enormous (and
overall, can be a heavier type of bamboo).

One of the most characteristic uses for Burmese bamboo is the construction industry, though
it is currently more prominent than ever as a type of bamboo you will find in gardens.

Myanmar has generally 100 various types of bamboo, of which this is one of the most
prominent types.

10.Phyllostachys Nigra (Black bamboo)

The particularly dark brown (not quite black) shoots make this one of the most famous strains
of bamboo, and any nursery that sells bamboo is probable to have some of this on hand.

As the plant matures, the dark colour of the culms grows richer, making for a very attractive
contrast against the bright green leaves.

Native to the Hunan Province of southern China, gardeners currently cultivate black bamboo
all over the world. Although it flourishes best in its own subtropical environment, it can cultivate
very well in USDA zones 7-10.

If planted in rich, loamy soil, black bamboo can get 20 to 30 feet tall with developed culms of
2″ in diameter. This running bamboo spreads rapidly though, so be cautious.

A healthy specimen can easily act as the centrepiece in a garden, with its distinctly dark canes,
and its billowing foliage. Once harvested and dried, black bamboo is also admirable to work

The richly-colored poles lend themselves to any number of ornamental uses, from fencing to

11.Schizostachyum Brachycladum (Sacred Bali Bamboo)

The major purpose of this wonderful bamboo is as a garden decorative. The even golden
canes and thick green foliage make a stunning impression. But like most species of bamboo,
you can find many other uses for this magnificent grass.
With a diameter of 2 to 3 inches, the poles of Schizostachyum Brachycladum are pretty large.
But the culm walls are thin. That means they’ll sway attractively in the gentle wind but won’t
stand particularly fine in a construction assignment.
As an alternative, traditional crafters and woodworkers commonly divided this bamboo into
strips, and weave it into baskets or floor mats. You wouldn’t build a house with it, but you can
create certain wonderful picture frames or other gorgeous ornamentation for your tiki lounge.
Most Asian bamboo species have eatable shoots, popular in stir fry and other dishes. But the
young shoots of this bamboo are not considered delicious. They have a strong, bitter flavour.
If you’re hungry in Southeast Asia, you’re better off considering some Dendrocalamus Asper
or some selection of Bambusa.

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