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The 7 densities of Existence

Watch the free mini course,

A model of Consciousness by Aquarius Academy.
Explanation of the 7 densities

Densities/level of existence (different from dimensions) are a fractal iteration of consciousness,

how dense the light is vibrating,

❤️ 1st Density - Beingness and Awareness

Red Ray - Root Chakra,
Includes all organic matter,
Fire, Air, Earth, Water, Aether
Atomic Body,
2 billion years in a cycle

🧡 2nd Density - Movement and Growth

Orange Ray - Sacral
single cell microbes to plants to animals
Chemical body
4.6 billion year cycle
Incarnation of 1-200 years

💛 3rd Density - Self Awareness and The Choice

Yellow Ray - Solar Plexus
Chemical body
75 000 years cycle
Incarnation of 30-900 years
Veil of forgetting
Choice between polarity (service to self or others)
Shortest and most intense density
Catalyst of pain/suffering for growth
Need to polarize 51% “service to others” to ascend to 4th + or
Polarize 95% “service to self” to ascend to 4th -

💚 4th Density - Love = Understanding

Green Ray link to Heart Chakra
Body is half Chemical half Light body
30 million years full evolutionary cycle
Incarnation of 90 000 years
Earth is in 4th density since 2012, the transition will take 100-700 years
Jesus Christ (Yeshua) was finishing the 4th when he decided to go back down
Reptilians are in the 4th negative
💙 5th Density - Light = Wisdom
Blue Ray - Throat Chakra
Light body
Develop powerful psychic abilities
Learn to serve without self sacrifice
Balance out Love with Light
Old Souls, most wanderers/starseeds come from here
50 million year cycle
Immortal Incarnation, decide when to die

🧿 6th Density - Unity and Balance

Indigo Ray - Third Eye
Perfect balance of Love and Light achieved
Body of pure light
Learns the lesson of foreverness/eternity
Service to self cannot polarize past 6th (Orion Empire)
Turns back to act as higher self to all previous incarnations in order to complete polarization into
7th density
75 million year cycle
Immortal Incarnation

💜 7th Density - The Gateway to Eternity

Violet Ray - Crown Chakra
Light body
Final density in our octave (universe)
Is one with all, having no memory, no identity, no past or future
Serves as guide to higher self
Enters a black hole at the end of the 7th

A Model of Universal Consciousness (Densities, Dimensions, Matrices + Grids)

A Model of Universal Consciousness (Densities, Dimensions, Matrices + Grids)

By Aquarius Academy. Watch his amazing free course on YT.

Part 1

The One, the all, the Infinite Creator, whatever you want to call it, has it’s source as the root of fractal
symmetry with nothingness, which by definition can’t exist. The only way to balance nothingness that
can’t exist, is with everything that must exist. [13th Density]

This energy is expanded into infinite expressions of universes, each of which has an incarnation and
disincarnation, governed by a collective universal soul called the God Brain or God Soul or
Multiverse. New universes are born all the time, and grow into their next life just like a human soul
does. [12th Density]

Each universe has a different structure, so let’s look at the levels of consciousness within our

First, we have the consciousness of our universe itself, composed of all within it. All other
independent universes would also fall into 11th density. [11th Density]

Within our universe, we have collectives of galactic consciousness, sort of the biggest beings here.
[10th Density]

Individual galactic consciousnesses govern the ascension of all beings within them [9th Density],
including solar consciousnesses [8th Density] which consist of a collection of, planetary
consciousnesses [7th Density], and collective souls, sometimes called over souls [7th Density].

Underneath the level of collective souls, we have our first incarnate individual beings, sixth density
beings which are fully shedding the illusion of separation, and learning to become pure energy so
they can return to non physicality. [6th Density]

These beings graduated from fifth density beings, which are learning infinite wisdom by seeing all
from all perspectives, on all timelines. [5th Density]

These beings graduated from fourth density beings, which are learning to vibrate into their own
highest timeline, together, or collectively, in the now through the power of pure unconditional love.
[4th Density] We, the Earth human collective are now in the beginning of fourth density.

Part 2

We got here from third density. In third density, we gained self awareness, and the ability to make
decisions and live out those decisions. [3rd Density]

To get to third density, consciousness builds vessels in second density, including plants and animals.
This if the first time source energy interacts with itself in an entity / environment way. [2nd Density]

And below that is the basis of the physical makeup of reality, the beingness oh- so- tuned to our
universe that is first density, elemental components, Atoms, and primary energy patterns, Earth, Fire,
Water, Air [1st Density]

There are three finished dimensional spaces of the universe, the third, the sixth, and the ninth,
holding spacetime, timespace, and entire realities, respectively.

The 10th dimension is all of these together at one point.

The 9th, 8th, and 7th are the three-axis system of every possible reality, similar to length, height, and
depth holding any 3d object.

The seventh dimension is an extension of all universes, and our universe could be represented as a
point in 7D [7]

The sixth dimension holds all time extensions, and contains entities and objects made of time. An
example of a 6 dimensional entity would be a bubble around the milky way containing all possible
histories and futures. [6]

The fifth dimension is an extension holding all possibilities of timelines. One point or plane
represents all the possible timelines of a 3D space entity.[5]

The fourth dimension is an extension of of a 3d space entity through time, called a timeline. [4]

A 3 dimensional entity has length, height, and depth, this is where we have most of our experience,
and, along with the fourth dimension, is where our physical universe is most commonly understood
and experienced by humans. [3]

The second dimension is length and height, a plane [2]

The first dimension is just length, a line [1]

And finally, the Zeroth dimension links everything to everything. It’s the dimension of consciousness,
of perspective, and the center unity point of the toroidal fabric of experienceable reality. The Zeroth
dimension gives the creator connection to every point and perspective of reality, as we ALL are the

Part 3

Okay, now we have the structure of reality and the structure of consciousness, now to the notes of
our universal song, the matrices.


The matrices are separate versions of our universal expression. They are the same fabric, like
musical notes are all sound. As musical notes rise in frequency, universal Matrices rise in
connectivity of every entity within the universe with each increasing note.
There are 12 Matrices, separate, but linked by the 11th density / seventh dimensional universal
consciousness. We can peer into a matrix above or below through a third party in that matrix, but we
can’t incarnate there, or have physical influence without going through the 11th density first.

These matrices allow for the widest range of experiences within our universe, and probably influence
each other in subtle ways, allowing each version of the universe to be very rich and full of all manner
of experience, like a song can be filled with all types of melody.

What are grids

Grids are the energetic mechanism of collective consciousness networks. They are like the internet
of the galaxy, beaming geometric vibrations through space and time. These energy webs connect
everything to everything, and create oneness where division seems to exist.

Grids are not bound by time, so they can transmit information, as condensed energy, to and from the
future and past. This works through entangles particles and energy, all traveling through the core of
a torus shape, and maintaining this entanglement throughout all of time/space.

We can measure grids in the electromagnetic spectrum, though we would only be picking up on the
tip of the iceberg, as most of the energy is too high vibrational to interact directly with our physical

That was a Reddit post:

A Model of Universal Consciousness (Densities, Dimensions, Matrices + Grids)
By Aquarius Academy. Watch his amazing free course on YouTube with stunning visuals.

What wanderers/starseed need to accept?

At 350-400 Acceptance we are ready to go to the depth of Forgiveness and Acceptance of

everything, everyone and especially ourselves.

Wanderers are souls that came down from the 4th, 5th or 6th density, most are 5th density, level
of existence (densities are different than dimensions, read previous posts). Wanderers can
come from any galaxy in the universe. Starseeds are wanderers but from specific Solar System
in our Milky Way galaxy. There’s about 90 millions wanderers/starseeds on Earth right now, a
number that grew from 65 millions when the Contact of Ra: Law of One was channeled in 1983.

Here’s the specific acceptance list for wanderers and starseeds, we need to accept:

- that we are wanderers/starseed, only 8-10% does accept it

- our sense of not belonging here on Earth was need for our awakening
- that we can’t only identity as wanderers/starseed, as it create separation, we are all everything
- that we are no better than none wanderers/starseeds
- that right now for this life we are human and we need to learn to become one with Mother
Earth and be human
- to enjoy our human physical body, have our soul merge one with it
- that if we tend to pass to much time in the etheric world, we are avoiding our physical life
- our psychic abilities
- our indigo warrior essence
- that our life mission might be scary as fuck, feeling like who am I to heal others, serving
thousands of people
- that we volunteered to come support Earth on its evolution
- that not everyone around us will understand our level of commitment to the healing journey
- that most human wont understand us
- that we are galactic wanderers, therefore its in our essence to travel, to be explore freely
- that we need to merge our galactic essence with our day to day life, not have 2 lifestyles of
working a corporate job and hiding our psychic abilities to our colleagues and family
- that its ok to sleep 12h per night sometimes as our Soul is working during our sleep and need
more rest from this physical reality
- that it’s ok to have skin rashes or allergies as our soul frequency is higher and need to adjust
to the human body

Am I missing anything on that list?

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