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I ,__________________________________________, a Philippine citizen and resident of

________________________________________________________, declare under oath that:

1. I am a taxpayer with Tax Identification Number of ______________________________;

2. I entered into an employment agreement with Boldr Inc., effective ________________ as
3. I had no employer or contractor from _________________ up to ______________________;
4. During my employment with Boldr Inc., I have no other employer or contractor until
December 31, 2022;
5. As a result, I confirm I have not earned any compensation, salary, fees and other income
that is subject to income taxes due to an employer-employee or contractual relationship
with a third party;
6. I have no other means of income, whether from any business or income-generating entity
that I am an owner of;
7. All the income and compensation reported and filed by Boldr Inc. on behalf of myself is
complete, verified and signed off by myself;
8. I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing statements and to
explicitly allow Boldr Inc. to file for my Individual Income Tax Return for the Taxable Year
of 2022.

Printed Name and Signature

I, _______________________________________, a Philippine citizen and resident of

________________________________________________________, declare under oath that:

1. I am a taxpayer with Tax Identification Number of ______________________________;

2. I entered into an employment agreement with Boldr Inc., effective ________________ as
3. Prior to my employment with Boldr Inc., I was employed by
__________________________________ as ____________________________ and was properly
compensated between _________________ to _____________________;
4. As a result, I confirm I have earned compensation or fees subject to income taxes due to
an employer-employee or contractual relationship with a third party which can properly be
supported and certified by the BIR Form 2316 or 2307 that I have submitted to Boldr Inc.;
5. I have no other means of income, whether from any business or income-generating entity
that I am a sole owner of;
6. All the income and compensation reported and filed by Boldr Inc. on behalf of myself is
complete, verified and signed off by myself;
7. I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing statements and to
explicitly allow Boldr Inc. to file for my Individual Income Tax Return for the Taxable Year
of 2022.

Printed Name and Signature

I, _______________________________________, a Philippine citizen and resident of

________________________________________________________, declare under oath that:

1. I am a taxpayer with Tax Identification Number of ______________________________;

2. I entered into an employment agreement with Boldr Inc., effective ________________ as
3. Prior or during my employment with Boldr Inc., I am one of the following:
a. I was/am employed as an employee
b. I was/am employed as a contractor
c. I have earned income from other sources outside of an employee-employer or
contractual relationship
4. As a result, I confirm I have earned compensation, fees, profit subject to income taxes due
to an employer-employee, contractual relationship with a third party or personal business
for which I am unable to properly support and submit on or before the 15th of December,
2022 to Boldr Inc.;
5. All the income and compensation reported by Boldr Inc. on behalf of myself only refers to
the compensation income I earn from the Company;
6. As a result, I am not availing of the substituted income tax filing by Boldr Inc.
7. I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing statements and to
explicitly free Boldr Inc. from any risk and liability of filing for my Individual Income Tax
Return for the Taxable Year of 2022.

Printed Name and Signature

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