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Chapter es History Important Points: History makes us take pride in our nation and. country, Each historical monument, whether a fort, mosque, wells, roads or gardens has a story of our past: The first four Caliphs are called the "Righteous Caliphs” The rightly caliphs took over the administration of the government in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW) Many Pakistan's leaders dedicated people worked hard in the making of Pakistan. Leaders are role models for us as Heroes Who were honest courageous, charitable and hard-working, “ Chapter 5: Geography Important Points: © Geography deals with earth surface, people, places, and. environment © Map is a drawing of the Earth's land and water location on a flat surface. © The earth is home to humankind, the animal kingdom and nature. © We should engage in actions that are not harmful for the environment and cause dimate change. © We should avoid wastage of water and try to conserve our water resources © Natural disasters are natural occurrences around the world © Climate changes takes hundreds of years for it to happen. Chapter 6: Economics Important Points: Economic deal with the idea that desires and wants are unlimited. Taxes are compulsory money which a. government asks its citizens to pay Hyperinflation is an. extreme form of inflation. Consumers are people who buy or consume goods and. servicss Producers are people or companies who make the goods and. provide the services. Chapter ha: History “Topic: Reinforcement Worksheet Ql) Write few points about Mesopotamian dvlizaton. fe) a Se ee —— eee Q2) What does civilization mean? a. 3) Write few point about Indus Valley cvlization. as Chapter bb: History ne Topic: Reinforcement Worksheet QI. Write a note on Hazrat Unar’s acaiptance of lam. Ans Q2. Write a note on Matkah’s conquest. Ope eee eee 3. Write a note on Hazrat Ali's Caliphate. As. Chapter Wal: History Date: “Topic: Reinforcament Worksheet - QI. Write a note on Fatima Jinnah. An ee a... = ee —“—sS—s—S Q2. Write a note on Allama Igbal. ba MoS a a Q3. Write few points on Quaid-e-Azam’s politcal thinking Ans Ghapter Sa: Geography Date: “Tople: Reinforcement Worksheat Ol. What is a map? A a Q2. What isa difference between, map and obs? Ans. 03. Write the names of oceans and cantinents, Chapter 5: Geography (5d: Weather and. Climate) Date: Topic: Reinforcement Worksheet Ql. What are the dements of dimate? Ans. 02. How we ean reduce dimate change? Aas. 3. Match the columns. Column A Climate change Burning of fossil Fuds Greenhouse eect Measured over a long time Wind : ‘Ozone depletion Global. warming Measured over a short time — | weather Horizontal movernent of air a Dates Chapter 5: Geography (5e: Natural disasters and safety measures) Topic: Reinforcement Worksheet QI. What are the causes of earthquake? Ae a a ss Q2. How is an earthquake recorded? Ro ne eee a Chapter 5: Geography (5f: Population) Date: Topic: Reinforcement Werksheet QL. What is the importance of census? [a nc eric een reer ee eee ee ee Q2. What is population? pains niles Ode aces or onsen ee ee i Sa vein ene erm enum rer eee Q3. What are the problems cause by overpopulation? Lea ee Rar ee ee ChapterG; Economic. (a,b,c) Topic: Reinforcement Worksheet Ql. What is economy? Ans. Q2. Define the term inflation. An Q3. Match the column, Column A Column B Service Rise in price or price hike ‘consumer Making and. sending money ‘ Inflation restaurant roe aye a — Salling of goods - ‘Chapter & Economic (d..fg) Topic: Reiforcemient Worksheet Ol. What is trade? A ee Q2. Write types of entrepreneurs. ——— Ans. 3. What is banking? Qk. Differentiate between import and export Import Export

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