Amigurumi Crochet Patterns

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Version 1.

Amigurumi Crochet Patterns

Written by @LouiesLoops Produced by Club Crochet

This amigurumi crochet pattern teaches you how to make and customize
Bawnimals, aka small spherical animals that you just can’t help but bawww
at! These patterns are all no to low sew patterns, meaning that they are
made very quickly with little to no sewing necessary.

This lesson will teach you how to crochet the base pattern (aka a Frawg)
and some various miscellaneous body parts that you can add to make your
Bawnimal fit any type of creature! We’ll then visit some patterns using the
customizations to make specific Bawnimals, like the Mawse (Mouse) and
Pawg (Pug)! We’ll also be adding magnets in the bottoms and tops of our
Bawnimals, so that they can stack!

Thank you so much for purchasing this pattern or

being a member of Club Crochet! I appreciate
your support so much.

Happy hookin!
- Louie (aka @LouiesLoops)

Share your project using #bAWnimals

and tagging the official Club Crochet account
for a chance to get featured!

You can also tag me directly using my handle

@louiesloops pretty much everywhere!
Table of Contents
Pattern Info ..................................................... 4 - 5

Frog (Base Pattern) ........................................... 6 - 9

Stuffing and Sewing Closed .................................. 9

Features and Additions .................................. 10 - 17

Facial Features (ie. Noses) .............................. 10 - 12
Ears ......................................................... 13 - 15
Tails ......................................................... 16 - 17

Mouse Pattern .............................................. 19 - 22

Ears and Tail ................................................... 20
Body ....................................................... 21 - 22

Piglet Pattern .............................................. 23 - 26

Ears and Tail ................................................... 24
Nose ............................................................ 25
Body ....................................................... 25 - 26

Bunny Pattern ............................................. 27 - 30

Ears, Teeth, and Jowls ....................................... 28
Body ...................................................... 29 - 30

Pattern Info
•The Yarn (Worsted Weight)
- Main Color
- Secondary Color (*optional)
- White
- Black *
- Pink *
•Size G6/4.00mm Hook
•6 - 8mm Safety Eyes x 2 (per Bawnimal)
•4 Mini Magnets (per Bawnimal)*
•Darning Needle

Other Info
This pattern is interactive, featuring checkmarks at pivotal Rounds and
sections to keep track of progress. It is best used when opened in a
program or app rather than a browser window.

Gauge: 5 Rnds and 4 sts per 1”

Finished Size: about 1 to 2 inches tall

Worked in the Round: In a spiral without turning

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Video Tutorial

Lefty Video Version

This pattern includes a full length video tutorial where we’ll be crocheting all the different
types of Bawnimals in this lesson. Use the time codes in brackets in the written pattern
(ie. 00:00) to follow along with this video. You can also find additional tutorials for specific
stitches and techniques by clicking any buttons that look like in the digital pattern.

The Stitches US English Terms*

ch Chain Stitch invdec Invisible Decrease

st Stitch sc2tog Single Crochet 2 Together

Rnd Round (worked in a spiral) bo Bobble Stitch (dc4tog)

sc Single Crochet mbo Mini Bobble Stitch (dc3tog)

slst Slip Stitch FLO/BLO Front / Back Loop Only

inc Increase (sc 2 in 1 st) {} Worked in the same st

hdc Half-Double Crochet Mini Picot

mp (ch 2, slst in the BLO of the
dc Double Crochet 2nd ch from the hook)

Base Pattern (Frog)
This is the base pattern for all my Bawnimals. Other body parts or alterations are
either added on with minimal sewing, or by adding stitches to the base pattern. I also
use this pattern for the first Bawnimal I designed, the Frawg! This should be the first
Bawnimal you crochet if you are just starting out to get a basic understanding of
their construction.

Video Time Code: 06:26 Colors: Green, White, Black Thread Difficulty: Easy
[Starting in Main Color] (06:26)
Magic loop

Rnd 1: sc 6 in the magic loop (6)

In the following round we’ll be making mbo (Mini Bobble) stitches for the eyes. Try crocheting
them in White to get a googly eyed look. See the video at (11:36) for a detailed example.

mbo = Mini Bobble (dc3tog) {} = Worked in the same stitch [W

W] = Stitch in white

Try not changing to white for the eyes to make a more minimalistic look to your frog. You
can also use a line in the eye instead of a safety eye to make a more realistic frog eye!

Rnd 2: inc 1, {sc 1, mbo 1 [W

W]}, inc 2, {mbo 1 [W
W], sc 1}, inc 1 (12)

Rnd 3: sc 3, inc 1, sc 5, inc 1, sc 2 (14)

Rnd 4: sc 4, inc 1, sc 6, inc 1, sc 2 (16)

Rnd 5: sc 5, inc 1, sc 6, inc 1, sc 3 (18)

Rnd 6: sc in each st (18)

(32:57) Add eyes into the mbo stitches from Rnd 2. First, insert a hook between the stitches
on either the left or right of the center. Twist the hook to separate the stitches and leave a
hole where you can insert the back of a 6mm or 8mm safety eye. Lock onto the back on the
inside. There are a few ways to do this to make your Bawnimals looking different directions,
so test a few out before locking it in place.

For a Frog, add a mouth using a line of black thread between the eyes double knotted on
the inside.
In the following round we’ll be making the legs using bo (Bobble) stitches worked into stitches
from the rounds above Rnd 6. See video at (40:18) for added details.

bo = Bobble (dc4tog)

Rnd 7: sc 6, working into the inc from Rnd 4 (two Rnds up) bo 1, A

sc 1, working into the st from Rnd 5 (one Rnd up) bo 1, B

sc 3, working into the st from Rnd 5 (one Rnd up) bo 1, C

sc 1, working into the inc from Rnd 4 (two Rnds up) bo 1, D

sc 3 (18)

B Finished

Rnd 8: [sc 1, invdec 1] 6 times (12)

Stuff mostly. Add 2 mini magnets into the top of the head to make your Bawnimals
stackable. Make sure it's flipped the correct way as it is difficult to flip it later!

Sew on any other items you want to add, like a tail to the back.

Rnd 9: invdec in each (6)

Stuff fully. Add 2 more mini magnets to the bottom (make sure
it's flipped correctly!) and sew closed.

If you didn't add a tail, try embroidering on a butt line using a

Black thread.
Stuffing and Sewing CLosed
One of the fun quirks I like to add to all of my Bawnimals is to add mini magnets on both the
top and bottom. This allows them to stick to any metal surface, or mini magnets so that they
can be worn on clothing and attached to refrigerators.

The magnets in the head also let them attach to each other, so that
your Bawnimals can now stack up on each others heads!

To stuff with a mini magnet you’ll first need the right magnets. I like
using neodymium magnets because they are super strong and
can easily stick together through the crochet fabric. Specifically,
I like using 2 size 12x2mm magnets stacked together on both the
top and bottom.

After Rnd 8 of the body, before stuffing slightly, first add the mini magnets to the top of your
Bawnimal’s head. Use extra magnets on the top to make sure that the ones inside are stuffed
as close to the top as possible and stay in place as you finish your Bawnimal.

If you have already made a magnetic Bawnimal, also make sure that the magnets are flipped
the correct way so that the negative and positive ends match up and your Bawnimals can still
stack, otherwise they will repel each other.

Once in place, stuff slightly using poly-fill and yarn threads to keep the magnet in place. Then
continue onto the final Rnd 9 of the body. Sew on any last additions, stuff fully, and finally
insert two more mini magnets into the bottom before sewing closed. Make sure, like the top
magnets, that these too are flipped the correct way for optimal stack-ability.

Features and Additions
In the following sections we’ll be looking at a variety of different features that can be
added to the base body to create noses, ears, and tails to customize your Bawnimal.

These additions will either be made separately and sewn on or simply added by
changing a few stitches in the base pattern. Refer to the video for detailed instructions.
Facial Features
In this section we’ll look at the various different types of noses,
snouts, jowls, and snoots that you can add to your Bawnimal
to create all different kinds of creatures!

(1:15:37) Bobble Nose Addition

I use this nose for animals with small snouts (aka snoots) such as a mouse (mawse) or small
dog (dawg) like a chihuahua, or fox. This is nose is the easiest to add because you don’t need
to sew it on, but rather replace the 8th stitch in Rnd 3 with a bobble stitch! Make the bobble
stitch bigger or smaller to fit the animal best (ie. mbo, or bbo). To make this nose replace Rnd
3 of the base pattern with…

Rnd 3: sc 3, inc 1, sc 2, bo, sc 2, inc 1, sc 2 (14)

Add a nose by embroidering using a contrasting color in the middle of the bobble stitch. Try
adding whiskers using white thread around the outside of the stitch.

(3:00:00) Jowls
I use this nose for animals with a flat face, like pugs, bunnies,
or cats. The downside is you need to sew this on, but they are
designed with only 2 points to sew on so it’s not too bad.

Magic loop
Rnd 1: ch 1, hdc 1, sc 3, hdc 1, slst 1

Cut the yarn, pull through and insert the tail in back
through the center. Pull the magic loop tight.

(2:01:39) Pig Nose

Pretty self explanatory, this nose is perfect for pigs and animals with more of a snout, like cows.

Magic loop
Rnd 1: sc 1, hdc 2, sc 1, hdc 2 (6)

Slst in first, cut the yarn and pull through. Hide the end and
sew this onto the face using the two tail ends.

Simultaneously secure onto the face and add a nose by

embroidering on two parallel lines in black thread or a darker
shade of yarn through the body and nose.

(2:58:50) Mini Bump

This is extremely versatile and can be sewn on just under
a nose to make your Bawnimal more derpy as a tongue,
just under the nose in white for buck teeth, sewn onto
the back for a mini tail, or used for small round ears!

Slip knot, ch 3
Rnd 1: skip 2 chs, hdc in BLO of the first ch.
Ch 1, cut the yarn and pull through.

Sew this onto the face just under the nose or mouth.

In this section we’ll look at the different types of ears that you
can add to the top of your Bawnimal’s head to add a little
more detail. All of these are made in one Rnd of a magic
loop with 2 tail ends for sewing onto the head.

How to Attach
I have 2 specific locations on the sides of both the eyes that I like to use for sewing on ears
depending on the type of ear. All the ears can be sewn on using 2 points. (3:22:00) Some
ears, like the Bunny ears, have two tail ends which can be sewn into the 2 points and double
knotted on the inside.

(1:29:20) Others, like the Large Round and Small Ears have two tail ends coming from one
side of the ear. For these, bring both tail ends through the 1st point, and using just one of the
two tails, exit out of the 2nd point, through the opposite side of the ear, and back through the
same 2nd point on the body. Double knot both tail ends to secure.

For Bawnimals with ears on the side of the head like dogs and pigs use the locations in images
A and B below. For Bawnimals with ears on the top of the head, like bunnies, or the horns
for a cow, use the locations in images C and D below. Use the video tutorial time codes for
each individual piece for specific locations.


(1:01:06) Large Round Ears
These ears are best for animals like a mouse and elephant.
Much like the noses, these are very easy to make and can
be made entirely in a magic loop. You can have anywhere
between 6 - 9 stitches to make your ear whatever size
you want. I usually find 8 is the best for a mouse.

Magic loop
Rnd 1: sc 6 to 9 sts in the magic loop (6 - 9)

Ch 1, cut the yarn, and pull through.

Pull the magic loop tight.

(1:59:21) Small Ears

These ears are best for animals with small ears, like pigs, dogs and
cats. They can be made pointy or round by including a mp (mini
picot) stitch in the center.

mp = Mini Picot
(ch 2, slst in the BLO of the 2nd ch from the hook)

Magic loop
Rnd 1: sc 1, mp 1, sc 1 (2, +1mp)

Remove the mp stitch in the middle to make your ear

more rounded. I use this for pugs, for example.

Ch 1, cut the yarn, and pull through. Pull the magic loop tight.

Try using the Mini Bump from page 12 for

an alternative small round ear option!

(2:54:29) Bunny Ears
These long ears are perfect for bunnies (I guess that was self
explanatory). They will have 2 tail ends on each side of the bottom,
so they are very easy to sew on, but should be sewn onto more
of the top of the head (See images C and D on page 9).

sc2tog = Single Crochet 2 Together

(bring 1 loop through the each of the next 2 chs,
yarn over and bring a loop through all 3 loops)

Slip knot, ch 8
Row 1: skip 2 chs, working in the BLO of the chs,
dc 2, hdc 2, sc2tog (5)

Ch 1, cut the yarn, pull through. Sew onto the head using the two tail ends.

These tiny horns are great for adding a small amount of detail
to your Bawnimal. I find they’re perfect for Cows. I find the
perfect location for these are in adjacent stitches just behind
both of the ears (once they have been sewn on).

Slip knot, ch 2
Row 1: skip 1 chs, working in the BLO of the 2nd ch,
sc 1 (1)

Ch 1, cut the yarn, pull through. Sew onto the head using
the two tail ends.

In this section we’ll look at a few different tail designs for
Bawnimals for different types of creatures. Some are sewn
on using 2 tail ends (much like some ears), while others are
made by adding a stitch to the end of the pattern.

(1:03:46) Long Tail

I use this tail for any creatures with a long tail. It can be really
easily customized for creatures like cats by changing the first
slst to a sc, or by sewing it together to make a curly cue
perfect for a pig!

Slip knot, ch 9
Row 1: skip 1 ch, working in the BLO of the chs,
slst in each ch across (8)

Change the first slst to a sc stitch for a slightly

thicker end, perfect for cats and dogs.

Ch 1, cut the yarn, pull through. Sew onto the body using the two tail ends between Rnds 7
and 8 of the body.

Chain’s back loop (BLO) Top loop

Bottom loop

Turn the long tail into a curly cue for a piglet

by using one of the two tail ends sewn through
the slsts before double knotting on the inside.
See video at (2:43:30) for detailed instructions.

(3:26:11) Bunny Tail (bobble stitch)
This tail basically just makes a little ball in the back. It was designed for bunnies, but can be
use for short tailed dogs like pugs, or animals with basically no tails at all. This technique just
replaces the 2nd st in Rnd 7 with a mini bobble stitch (mbo).

mbo = Mini Bobble (dc3tog) Highlighted so you don't miss it!

Rnd 7: sc 1, mbo 1 [in White], sc 4, working into the inc from Rnd 4 (two Rnds up) bo 1,

sc 1, working into the st from Rnd 5 (one Rnd up) bo 1,

sc 3, working into the st from Rnd 5 (one Rnd up) bo 1,

sc 1, working into the inc from Rnd 4 (two Rnds up) bo 1,

sc 3 (18)

Ch 1, cut the yarn, pull through. Sew onto the head using
the two tail ends.

Simple Mini Tail

This last tail is the most simple and doesn’t require any crocheting or sewing together to add.
It’s perfect for creatures with very small tails like cows, elephants, and deer.

To make this tail, after you sew your bawnimal closed (after stuffing fully), exit from the back
between Rnds 7 and 8. Knot the end so that it doesn’t fray too much and cut close.

Specific Patterns
The following sections combine different body parts to create a specific creature. Each pattern has
a corresponding section in the video tutorial for added details. More Bawnimal creatures and body
additions will be added in the future. To find additional Bawnimals visit!

Frog (frawg)
Video Time Code: 06:26
Pages: 6 - 9
Colors Used: Green, White, Black Thread
Difficulty: Easy

Mouse (mawse)
Video Time Code: 58:37
Pages: 19 - 22
Colors Used: Brown, White, Pink
Difficulty: Medium

Piglet (hawg)
Video Time Code: 1:54:35
Pages: 23 - 26
Colors Used: Green, White, Black Thread
Difficulty: Medium

Bunny (bawny)
Video Time Code: 2:52:34
Pages: 27 - 30
Colors Used: Yellow, White, Pink
Difficulty: Medium

Mouse Pattern
This pattern teaches how to make a mouse (aka ‘mawse’ in Bawnimal lingo). This
pattern puts together a few different body parts and makes a slight adjustment to the
base pattern to include a nose. I’ve also used a variation of this pattern to make a
few different mouse-like animals, such as opossums!

Video Time Code: 58:37 Colors: Brown, White, Black Thread Difficulty: Medium
(1:01:06) Large Round Ears Make 2

[All in Main Color]

Magic loop
Rnd 1: sc 8 sts in the magic loop (8)

Ch 1, cut the yarn, and pull through. Pull the magic

loop tight.

Make only 3 sc stitches in

the ears for mini round ears,
perfect for a opossum!

Chain’s back loop (BLO) Top loop

Bottom loop

(1:03:46) Long Tail

[All in Pink]
Slip knot, ch 9
Row 1: skip 1 ch, working in the BLO of the chs,
slst in each ch across (8)

Ch 1, cut the yarn, pull through. Sew onto the body using the
two tail ends between Rnds 7 and 8 of the body.

(1:08:29) Body
[Starting in Main Color]
Magic loop

Rnd 1: sc 6 in the magic loop (6)

In the following round we’ll be making mbo (Mini Bobble) stitches for the eyes. Try crocheting
them in White to get a googly eyed look. See the video at (1:11:21) for a detailed example.

mbo = Mini Bobble (dc3tog) {} = Worked in the same stitch W] = Stitch in white

Rnd 2: inc 1, {sc 1, mbo 1 [W

W]}, inc 2, {mbo 1 [W
W], sc 1}, inc 1 (12)

Rnd 3: sc 3, inc 1, sc 2, mbo 1, sc 2, inc 1, sc 2 (14)

Rnd 4: sc 4, inc 1, sc 6, inc 1, sc 2 (16)

Rnd 5: sc 5, inc 1, sc 6, inc 1, sc 3 (18)

Rnd 6: sc in each st (18)

(1:22:01) Add eyes into the mbo stitches from Rnd 2.

First, insert a hook between the stitches on either the
left or right of the center. Twist the hook to seperate
the stitches and leave a hole where you can insert
the back of a 6mm or 8mm safety eye. Lock onto the
back on the inside. There are a few ways to do this to
make your Bawnimals looking different directions.

(1:27:10) Embroider on a nose using Pink in between

the mbo stitch from Rnd 3. Try adding whiskers using
white thread on the outside of the mbo stitch.

(1:29:20) Sew on the ears on the outside of both the eyes. I like to make sure the ears are
slightly lower using the locations in images A and B on page 13.

Rnd 7: sc 6, working into the inc from Rnd 4 (two Rnds up) bo 1, A

sc 1, working into the st from Rnd 5 (one Rnd up) bo 1, B

sc 3, working into the st from Rnd 5 (one Rnd up) bo 1, C

sc 1, working into the inc from Rnd 4 (two Rnds up) bo 1, D

sc 3 (18) B D

Rnd 8: [sc 1, invdec 1] 6 times (12)

Stuff mostly. Add 2 mini magnets into the top of the head to make your Mouse stackable.
Make sure it's flipped the correct way as it is difficult to flip it later!

Sew on the tail between Rnds 7 and 8 around the 2nd stitch.

Rnd 9: invdec in each (6)

Stuff fully. Add 2 more mini magnets to the bottom

(make sure it's flipped correctly!) and sew closed.

Piglet Pattern
This pattern teaches how to make a piglet (aka ‘hawg’ in Bawnimal lingo). This
pattern includes a sewn on pig nose and tiny pointed ears for the face, as well as
sewing together a long tail to make a curly cue version. Make sure to get some black
thread or alternative colored cotton for adding the nostrils to the nose!

Video Time Code: 1:54:35 Colors: Pink, White, Black Thread Difficulty: Medium
(1:56:39) Small Pointed Ears Make 2

mp = Mini Picot
(ch 2, slst in the BLO of the 2nd ch from the hook)

[All in Main Color]

Magic loop
Rnd 1: sc 1, mp 1, sc 1 (2, +1mp)

Ch 1, cut the yarn, and pull through.

Pull the magic loop tight.

(1:59:21) Curly Cue Tail

[All in Main Color]
Slip knot, ch 9
Row 1: skip 1 chs, working in the BLO of the chs, slst in each ch across (8)

Ch 1, cut the yarn, pull through. Sew onto the body using the two tail ends between Rnds 7
and 8 of the body.

(2:43:30 ) After sewing this onto the body, but before double knotting on the inside, use one
of the tail ends to go up and through a stitch on the middle of the tail, and then through the
tip, then back down through the tail exiting on the inside of the body. This will make a curly
cue, perfect for a little piglet!

(2:01:39) Pig Nose
[All in Main Color]
Magic loop
Rnd 1: sc 1, hdc 2, sc 1, hdc 2 (6)

Slst in first, cut the yarn and pull through. Hide the
end and sew this onto the face using the two tail

Simultaneously secure onto the face and add a

nose by embroidering on two parallel lines in
black thread or a darker shade of yarn through
the body and nose.

(2:05:45) Piglet Body

[Starting in Main Color]
Magic loop

Rnd 1: sc 6 in the magic loop (6)

In the following round we’ll be making mbo (Mini Bobble) stitches for the eyes. Try crocheting
them in White to get a googly eyed look. See the video at (2:08:35) for a detailed example.

mbo = Mini Bobble (dc3tog) {} = Worked in the same stitch [W

W] = Stitch in white

Rnd 2: inc 1, {sc 1, mbo 1 [W

W]}, inc 2, {mbo 1 [W
W], sc 1}, inc 1 (12)

Rnd 3: sc 3, inc 1, sc 5, inc 1, sc 2 (14)

Rnd 4: sc 4, inc 1, sc 6, inc 1, sc 2 (16)

Rnd 5: sc 5, inc 1, sc 6, inc 1, sc 3 (18)

Rnd 6: sc in each st (18)

(2:18:20) Add eyes into the mbo stitches from Rnd 2. First, insert a hook between the stitches
on either the left or right of the center. Twist the hook to separate the stitches and leave a
hole where you can insert the back of a 6mm or 8mm safety eye. Lock onto the back on the
inside. There are a few ways to do this to make your Bawnimals looking different directions.

(2:22:30) Sew on the ears on the outside of both the eyes. I like to make sure the ears are
slightly lower using the locations in images A and B on page 13.

(2:28:45) Sew on the nose between the eyes. Use a black thread to secure and add nostrils!

Rnd 7: sc 6, working into the inc from Rnd 4 (two Rnds up) bo 1, A

sc 1, working into the st from Rnd 5 (one Rnd up) bo 1, B

sc 3, working into the st from Rnd 5 (one Rnd up) bo 1, C

sc 1, working into the inc from Rnd 4 (two Rnds up) bo 1, D D

sc 3 (18)

Rnd 8: [sc 1, invdec 1] 6 times (12)

Stuff mostly. Add 2 mini magnets into the top of the head to make your Pig stackable. Make
sure it's flipped the correct way as it is difficult to flip it later!

Sew on the tail between Rnds 7 and 8 around the 2nd stitch. See video at (2:43:30) for
detailed instructions on how to sew it into more of a curly cue!

Rnd 9: invdec in each (6)

Stuff fully. Add 2 more mini magnets to the bottom (make sure it's flipped correctly!) and sew

Bunny Pattern
This pattern teaches how to make a bunny rabbit (aka ‘bawny’ in Bawnimal lingo).
This pattern can easily be converted to a cat, or small dog like a pug by changing
the ears, and maybe the tail. The jowls (aka nose) used for this pattern is especially
versatile for different creatures.

Video Time Code: 2:52:34 Colors: Color A, Pink, White Difficulty: Medium
(2:54:29) Bunny Ears Make 2

sc2tog = Single Crochet 2 Together

(bring 1 loop through the each of the next 2 chs,
yarn over and bring a loop through all 3 loops)

[All in Main Color]

Slip knot, Ch 8
Row 1: skip 2 chs, working in the BLO of the chs,
dc 2, hdc 2, sc2tog (5)

Ch 1, cut the yarn, pull through. Sew onto the head using the two tail ends.

(2:58:50) Buck Tooth

[All in White
Slip knot, ch 3
Rnd 1: skip 2 chs, hdc in BLO of the first ch. Ch 1, cut the yarn and pull through.

Sew one of these onto the face just under the Jowls (easier to sew on before the Jowls).

(3:00:00) Jowls
[All in Main Color]
Magic loop
Rnd 1: ch 1, hdc 1, sc 3, hdc 1, slst 1

Cut the yarn, pull through and insert the tail in back
through the center. Pull the magic loop tight.

(2:00:00) Sew on just between the eyes. Use a

second strand of complementary colored yarn to
embroider a nose and help secure to the body.

(3:03:43) Bunny Body
[Starting in Main Color]
Magic loop

Rnd 1: sc 6 in the magic loop (6)

In the following round we’ll be making mbo (Mini Bobble) stitches for the eyes. Try crocheting
them in White to get a googly eyed look. See the video at (3:04:55) for a detailed example.

mbo = Mini Bobble (dc3tog) {} = Worked in the same stitch W] = Stitch in white

Rnd 2: inc 1, {sc 1, mbo 1 [W

W]}, inc 2, {mbo 1 [W
W], sc 1}, inc 1 (12)

Rnd 3: sc 3, inc 1, sc 5, inc 1, sc 2 (14)

Rnd 4: sc 4, inc 1, sc 6, inc 1, sc 2 (16)

Rnd 5: sc 5, inc 1, sc 6, inc 1, sc 3 (18)

Rnd 6: sc in each st (18)

(3:14:15) Add eyes into the mbo stitches from Rnd 2. First, insert a hook between the stitches
on either the left or right of the center. Twist the hook to separate the stitches and leave a
hole where you can insert the back of a 6mm or 8mm safety eye. Lock onto the back on the
inside. There are a few ways to do this to make your Bawnimals looking different directions.

Sew on the buck teeth between the eyes before adding the jowls over them. You'll be using
the same 2 stitches on the body to secure both the teeth and jowls.

Sew on the jowls between the eyes. You can use the two tail ends through the 2 stitches just
between the eyes, and embroider a nose to the end using a different shade of yarn, double
knotted in the back to secure the nose better.

Sew on the ears on the outside of both the eyes. I like to make sure the ears are slightly
higher using the locations in images C and D on page 13.

Tail bobble stitch Highlighted so you don't miss it!

Rnd 7: sc 1, mbo 1 [W], sc 4, working into the inc from Rnd 4 (two Rnds up) bo 1, A

sc 1, working into the st from Rnd 5 (one Rnd up) bo 1, B

sc 3, working into the st from Rnd 5 (one Rnd up) bo 1, C

sc 1, working into the inc from Rnd 4 (two Rnds up) bo 1, D

sc 3 (18) B D

Rnd 8: [sc 1, invdec 1] 6 times (12)

Stuff mostly. Add 2 mini magnets into the top of the head to make your Bunny stackable.
Make sure it's flipped the correct way as it is difficult to flip it later!

Rnd 9: invdec in each (6)

Stuff fully. Add 2 more mini magnets to the bottom

(make sure it's flipped correctly!) and sew closed.

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