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Name: Maomay, Patricia Desiree Ann M. Date: November 19, 2022

Reference(s): Feist, J., Feist, G., and Roberts, T. (2018). Theories of Personality. 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co

Theory: Analytical Psychology

The structure of personality according to Analytical Psychology

Structure comprises of conscious, personal unconscious, and collective
(What is the structure of personality according to the theory?) unconscious. The images that are recognized by the ego are
called conscious, whereas unconscious aspects are unrelated to
the ego. Compared to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, Jung's view
of the ego is more constrictive. According to Jung, the ego is the
seat of consciousness but it is not the soul of the personality. The
entirety of discern events that are suppressed, forgotten, or
subconscious comprises the personal unconscious. Complexes
are what we call the items found in the personal unconscious. It
is a collection of connected ideas that have emotional overtones.
Collective unconscious can be found in the ancestry of the entire
species. The collective unconscious’ contents are not passive;
rather, they are active and have a direct effect on a person's
thoughts, feelings, and the way they behave. Archetypes are
what we call the ancient or archaic images that come from the
collective unconscious. It's important to know the difference
between archetypes and instincts. According to Jung, an instinct
is a subconscious bodily want to act, and he saw the archetype as
an instinct's mental opposite. Although there are different types
of archetypes, the persona, shadow, anima, animus, great
mother, wise old man, hero, and self are the most known
What motivates behavior or an individual's drive comes from
Dynamics teleological objectives, historical causes, and from progression
(What motivates behavior according to the theory?) and regression as well. According to the theory of causality, the
past phenomenons are what led to the present situation. On the
other hand, teleology states that current events roots from
hopes and dreams for the future, that forms a person's fate. To
achieve self-realization, an individual must adjust to his inner and
outer environments. The psychic energy's forward flow during
adaptation to the external world refers to the term progression,
while regression on the other hand means the psychic energy's
backward flow to the internal world. According to analytical
theory, an individual must undergo both regression and
progression to experience self-realization and personal growth.
In Jungian theory, life stages was divided into four different
Development periods: childhood, adolescence, middle age, and old age. The
(How does the theory explain human development, from infancy childhood stage has four different sub stages which are the
to old age?) anarchic, monarchic, and dualistic sub stages. Intermittent and
chaotic consciousness are the characteristics of anarchic sub
stage. The traits monarchic sub stage has is the ego's growth and
the beginning of logical linguistic thought. In dualistic sub stage,
the ego as a perceiver appears when the ego is divided into the
objective and subjective. The next stage, adolescence, is the time
of increased activity, where sexuality develops, awareness is
expanding, and this is where youths accepts that carefree
childhood stage is gone. According to Jung, even though a
decline may cause people in middle age stage to become more
anxious, this is the time of great potential. Middle age starts
around age 35 or 40. Lastly, the old age stage where people
becomes fearful of dying. Jung believes that people who fear
death in their later years are the people who fear life in their
early years.
(What are "abnormal" behavior patterns develop, according to In Jung’s Analytical Psychology, there is no psychopathology
the theory?) discussed.

Jung identified four different therapeutic interventions to depict

Psychotherapy the historical developmental periods of psychotherapy. The first
(What interventions for addressing personality disorders are one is the disclosure of a harmful secret. This technique proves
proposed by the theory?) true because it works well with the patient of Josef Breuer, Anna
O. who simply need to reveal her secrets. The second stage has
parts of interpretation, justification, and elucidation. This
method allowed Freud's patients to understand the history of
their neuroses but still render them unable to deal with some
social issues. Adler's method, which includes patients about
social interaction, therefore, is the third intervention. But
unfortunately, according to Jung, this just result frequently in
patients who are socially well adjusted. Transformation was
proposed also by Jung, the fourth step. By transformation, he
meant that before the therapist should covert into a healthy
individual, ideally by going through psychotherapy. For patients
to move toward completeness, individuation, or self-realization,
the therapist must follow transformation and the development
of life philosophy.
Jung's perspective on personality has given great benefits to the
Application early development of personality psychology. Most researches
(What are the contributions of the theory in the developing field about Jung centered on his elucidation of personality types.
of personality psychology?) According to Jung, the MBTI or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is
the most popular tool to discover a personality type. By including
a fifth and sixth function, judging and perceiving, the MBTI
expanded Jung's original typology, making it a total of 16
potential personality types. The MBTI has been used in research
about organizational behavior, specifically in managerial and
leadership behaviors. Some of these research suggests that as
effective managers required to focus on achieving results
through rapid problem analysis and confident decision making,
they favor mostly "thinking" over "feeling" and "judging" over
"perception". Also, Jung's personality psychology is also related
in Christian faith. A well established empirical literature in the
psychology of religion that investigates Jungian personality types
illuminated areas of church life in various Christian faiths.

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