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İmpact analysis of financial integration on economic growht of developing


CHAPTER I. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of economic

growth and the financial system in the modern economy
1.1. The essence of economic growth and its characteristics
1.2. Concept of financial system and its role in economic development
1.3. Features of the interaction between the financial system and economic growth

CHAPTER II. International financial integration and economic development in

developing indivalping countries, Asian experiens
2.1. International financial integration in developing Asian countries
2.2. Economic growth and capital inflows in developing Asian countries
2.3. External integration of economies of developing Asian countries

CHAPTER III. An Analysis of the Impact of Financial Integration on Economic

Activity and Macroeconomic Volatility in Africawithin the Financial Globalization
3.1. Empirical Analysis of Impact of International Financial Integration on
Economic Growth
3.2. Econometric Analysis of the Relationship between Financia lntegration and
Economic Growth
3.3. Econometric Analysis of the Volatility of Net Capital Flows and Growth

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