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Minerals can't be synthesized ( since the definition fo minerals clearly

mentions that minerals are the compounds of metals associated with their earthly
impurities and if we synthesize metals , they'll not be associated with any earthly
impurities )
Right ma'am

2. If we are asked to write the reaction of Baeyer's process for one mark , which
reaction should we write since there are 3 reactions ( under Baeyer's process )
mentioned or should I simply combine all the reactions since no new reactants need
to be introduced as the products of the preceding reaction will serve as the
reactants for the succeeding reaction

3. Page 136
What is meant by 'agitation' here

4. Page 136
Do I need to learn the reactions of the alternative method of Baeyer's process

5. Page 137
Are carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide the impurities associated with the oxygen
liberated at the anode

6. The melting point of the mixture of alumina , cryolite , and fluorspar is 950 C
whereas the meting point of Aluminium is 660 C so wouldn't it volatize out

7. Why do we prefer to use several graphite electrodes instead of a single big

graohite electrode

8. Is only Magnalium light , hard , tough , and corrosion resistant or is Duralumin

the same ( since it's not clearly given in the book if the properties specified are
only of magnalium or they are shared by both Duralumin and Magnalium )

9. Page 149 Preparation of Hydrogen Chloride gas by direct combination

What is meant by 'burning jet of hydrogen'

10. Page 150 Laboratory prepration of hydrogen chloride gas Observation

Isn't sulphuric acid a dehydrating agent

11. The formation of ammonium chloride through the reaction of hydrogen chloride
and ammonia is a reversile process
Right ma'am

12. Is the fomration of HCl in the presence of diffused sunlight a reversible


13. Page 154 Special arrangement

Instead of using the term 'rim of the trough' , can we use 'water level of the
water contained in the trough'

14. Give an example of a constant boiling mixture

15. Corundum is another name for alumina

Right ma'am

16. Do I have to learn all the scientists who discovered a compound or defined its
properties ( names of scientists that are given at the start of the chapters of the
'Study of Compounds' unit )

17. Lime water is another name for slaked lime

Right ma'am

18. Is Red lead ( Pb3O4 ) a precipitate

19. Difference between residue and precipitate

20. What is the oxidizing agent used in the formation of aqua regia

21. Nitrosyl chloride and chlorine are strong oxidizing agents which enable them to
dissolve noble metals leading to the formation of their chlorides or is it only the
nascent chlorine which has a part and nitrosyl chloride doesn't have a part in it
Right ma'am

22. Page 225 Numbering of Carbon atoms

Instead of writing 4 - ethyl 3 - methyl heptane , can we write 3 - methyl 4 -
ethyl heptane

23. What is meant by 'attacking reagent'

24. Page 228 Sources Fire damps

What are coal pockets

25. Why is methane called marsh gas ( keywords required ) ( because it is formed by
the decay of organic matter ) )

26. Alkanes are called parafins and alkenes are called olefins but what are alkynes

27. Page 232 Sources

What is thermal cracking

28. Pd represents which element

29. Page 234

Explain the chemical test given under Halogenation

30. Page 234 Halogenation

Why is the reaction of iodine difficult

31. Page 234 Halogenation

For the other two reactions they have written inert solvent on the arrow but
for the iodine reaction they haven't even though the solvent used is the same ,
i.e. , carbon tetrachloride

32. Why is the first member of a homologous series always the most important

33. Do I have to mentioned potassium oxide and alumina as promoters and haematite
as the catalyst when I'm asked to write the catalysts and promoters used in the
Haber's process or is mentioning Molybdenum as the promoter and finely divided iron
as the catalyst sufficient

34. Does haematite and potassium oxide and alumina have to be used along with
molybdenum and finely divided iron or are they substitutes of Molybdenum and finely
divided iron

35. Page 184 Laboratory method Procedure

What is a glass retort

36. What is the colour of FeSO4 solution

37. CO2 + NO2 ----> _

38. NO2 + H2O ----> _

39. Page 191 Ionization of Nitric acid Pure or concentrated nitric acid

40. Why is C + 4 HNO3 ----> CO2 + 2H2O + 4NO2 and not C + HNO3 ----> H2CO3 + NO2
( the reaction is not balanced )

41. On page 192 , they've written that nitric acid reacts with copper to form
nitric oxide but on the next page , the product formed on reaction of copper and
nitric acid is written as nitrogen dioxide . What is correct

42. Pure nitric acid ( 98 percent purity ) is called fuming nitric acid . Why

43. How can we differentiate between dilute acids and concentrated acids

44. Page 206 Contact tower point 3


45. Page 207 Temperature point 2

A rise of 10C doubles the speed of the process but at what temperature should
we increase it by 10C


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