English Language Test Position Determining

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MODEL TEST PAPER 1 Maximum Marks: 40 Time allowed: One hour (inclusive of reading time) ALL QUESTIONS ARE COMPULSORY. The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ J Select the correct option for each of the following questions. Question 1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follows As you approach your career goals, you feel the need of having skill in m&Rt® presentations. These presentations open the door to a brighter, bigger and more prestigious cheer This works in two way's they open closed avenues and also bigger ones for thase who are alyadef¥n the queue. These will lead them up the pole of success, promotion and prosperity. These attem@st should not be taken carelessly or casually because they put you on the path of realization of yoxeambition. As in many other spheres marketing yourself for a job in a career stream too needsy%ub-meticulous attention and preparation This also shows your inner urges, how you look at youmfbb, your long term career perspectives, and the ultimate result from it. Failing to prepare is prepgting Yo fail! This should be your guideline. There is no-reasom to fear making a presentation if onge apely prepared for it. Plodding is not enough to create an impression and get a concept apnrgugd You have to be able to inform and convince others to get their approval. This is where your %@jeeehtation skills come into play. Absence of these skills mars your chances. Genuine preparation is the frst step€Dpia hexins with mental readiness and storing the mind with sufficient relevant matter. An empty mind canmiev/deliver the goods. Fill the mind with ideas, concepts, facts, and figures. You will have a lot of aerial for the presentation. Add to your information base. When your research base is extensive, wah, dn select the best for the presentation. Conduct research through books magazines, newspapeys, &gchpublications, interviews, informal chats, and letters exchanged with experts in the field. The pres new, more than what already knows. Add some new slants. Find a presentation with an action point ntéjon will be most appreciated when you are able to give the audience something to make it more persuasive. If you know who is going to form the majority of your audience, you can tailor 10 make your presentation to suit it. Make every effort to hit the bull's eye Begin by stating the purpose and providing a preview of what will be created. The preview should be a quick summary of the outline of what is going to follow, Arouse curiosity and anticipation, Go through the outline point by point. Be sure to cover every topic promised in the preview. In the end, sum up your points briefly but effectively. Think of some punch lines. Arrange your material in a logical sequence. Put down one idea or one piece of information and carefully link it to the next. One technique you can employ is the use of semantic bridges. For example, “Amazingly Interestingly.” can be put before the sentence runs its course. The duration is dependent on the nature of the topic, its importance, relevance to a particular situation, and the audience. The main aim is to express as well as to impress TCSE English Language MTP Jor Firat Semester Examinaton- 10 (a) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: BI (@ meticulous 1, careless questionable 3, serupulous (i) persuasive 1, forceful convincing 3, valid (Gi) anticipation 1. expectation apprehension 3. suspense (b) The need for making presentations becomes necessary when 1. you start your professional lie 2. you wish to apply for a new job, 3, you wish to improve your current position, (©) Which of the two elements from the following are essential for an effectiye presen (It should be beautiful to your audience. (i) It should have ayejear Objective. ii) It should include many pictures, (iv) It should have a Signature (¥) It should be well-rehearsed. (48) It must be Gopiplex 1.) and Git) 2. (i) and (v) (ii) and (vi) (@) While making a presentation, what should be your géfaline? 1. Achieve success in presentation 2. Failing to present equals failur Failing to prepare is preparing to fail! (©) What, according to the passage, is a gerbe preparati 1. Mental readiness and storing thghind with sufficient relevant matter 2. Preparing a script using a lot @P)deas Adding some old mater@Dap facts (0 When the author said, “Hake every effort to hit the bull's eye,” he meant t 1. focus on the majo dis. focus on the gjprby of your audience 3. stress upgn Ae prerequisites (g) What is the message conveyed in the last paragraph of the passage? 1. The objective of a presentation is to persuade. 2. Make your presentation easy and beautiful 3. The objective of a presentation is to express and impress. (hy) How far is a presentati wr one’s career? Which of the following combinat ‘of sentences best summarizes the answer? 151 1. Presentations open the door to a brighter, bigger and more prestigious career: They will lead you to the pole of success, promotion and prosperity. They also show your inner urges, how you look at your job, your long term career perspectives, and the ultimate result from i Presentations open the door to a brighter, bigger and more prestigious career. They will lead you to the pole of success, promotion and prosperity. An emply goods. Fill the mind with ideas, concepts, facts, and figures. ICSE Paglia Tamgaage MTP brighter, bigger and more prestigious career. They will lead you to the pole of success, promotion and prosperity. Arouse curiosity and anticipation. Go through the outline point by point, Be sure to cover every topic promised in the preview. In the end, sum up your points briefly but effectively Question 2, (a) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words provided after the passa; Wi I 0 (pull) up into the driveway cy (observe) the way they had (ii) (build) up the balcony. 1____ dv) _ (forget) that the bricks of the house (8) __ (be) chocolate brown. The new people (v1) ___ (emake) the tiny balcony into a study room, 1 (vii) (stare) at this house (ilip (remember) my childhood there. @ 1. pall 3. has pulled (i) 1, observed 3. obseqre (iit) 1. baat hhagepilt (oy) 1. forgets S@oMorgouen () 1. been Dwere (vi) 1. had made 2. made 3. has made (oH) 1, stare 2. were stared 3. has stared (viii) 1, remembered 2. rememberia 3 remember (b) Choose the correct of 1 (0) He hid the stolen goods $yefoor boards uni 2 palde 3. imto Gi) The teacher knew Yallthe problems of 2) trom 3. about il) ‘The boy sat still the night waiting to be called during 2. through (iv) My grandmother yQ@@\i*have fallen if Thad ter hand down 2. inside (8) My contyatt Aas been extended another year over 2. for 3. in (vi) I usually stay at home night (sil) Tokyo is the most crowded city the (viliy Raju has not slept yesterday through 2 by 3. since (©) Choose the correct option to join the following sentences without using and, but or so. [4] () He practised every day. He © As he practised every day, s 2. Since he practised every dy. ame f ace thouy he came first in the race n the race 1 he practised every day (i) She did such intricate embroidery, Her eye 1, She did such intricate embroidery thot h her eyesi ht was affected. -cted by the intricate embroidery she dl affected of the intricate embroidery she did (ii) Molly has a very good vocabulary, She reads a lot od vocabula 1. Molly has a ver y because she reads a lot 2. Molly has a very good vocabulary if she reads a lot 3. Molly has a very good vocabulary although she reads a lot (ix) They broke open the door. They saw everything was in a mess. 1. They broke open the door as they saw everything was in a mess They broke open the door when they saw everything was in a mess 3. When they broke open the door, they saw everyth (d) Read each sentence with its instructions. Choose the correct answer from the options provided beneath each 18] (“Will you lend me the book tomorrow?” Priya asked her claggmgter (Begin: Priva asked her classmate if ) 1, Priya asked her classmate if (he/she) will lend hep yi6(Qp0K the next day, 3, Priya asked her classmate if (he/she) woulge@d (her the book the next day. e if (he/she) could lend AghTHe book the next day. il) The teacher scolded him for coming late. (Begin: He. ) 1. He is scolded by the teacher for gopaing late 2. He was scolded by the teachgnfontoming late 3. He had scolded by the teaghe? ir coming late. It was so hot that the Prypéri8d could not be held Begin: It was 100%, ) 1, Tt was too hot tyne P:T, period to be h 2. It was too hat thf the PLT. periad 0 be held. 3. It was sa0(hi) for the PeT. period couldn't be held. (iv) As soon fs Gar so was over, I knew that she had won the competition. (Begin: No sooner d 1. No sooner had her song been over, than J knew she had won the competition 2. No sooner had her song been over, I knew she had won the competition 3. No sooner her song was over, than I knew she had won 1e competition (8) Our school sent up the best exhibit to the Town Hall (Re-write using: ‘better’) 1, Our school sent up the better exhibit to the Town Hall than others 2. Our schoo! sent up the better exhibit than others to the Town Hall 3. The exhibit, sent up to the Town Hall, by our school, was better than all other exhibits, TERE glad Language MIP Jor Ford Somcner Evaminaion TO 7 wo wit) Visitors under eighteen were not allowed into the hall (Begin: Only visitors 1. Only visitors above than eighteen were allowed into the ha 2. Only visitors who are eighteen were allowed into the hall 3. Only visitors above cighteen were allowed into the hall As soon as the bell rang, the children ran o (Begin: No sooner 1. No sooner did the bell ring, the children ran out 2. No sooner did the bell ring than the children ran out 3. No sooner did the bell ring than the children had ran out. They were asked to combine all their ideas into one document (Re-write using: ‘combination’) 1. They were asked to make a combination of all their ideas into one document 2. They were asked to compile a combination of all their ideas intq-ape 3. They were asked to combination of all their ideas into one dgeyihent

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