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Name: ___________________________________ Date: __________________

Year/Session/Course: _______________________ Subject: ________________
5 – Excellent 3 – Satisfactory 2 – Fair 1 – Poor
Criteria/Statements Levels of Performance
5 3 2 1
I – Non-verbal Communication/Eye Contact/Connection
The speaker exhibits positive movement and maintains
consistent eye contact with the audience. The audience is
II – Voice Clarity and Dynamics
The speaker has good volume and projection and vocal
variation. The speaker talks at an understandable and steady
rate of speed.
III – Content
The speaker demonstrates an understanding of the prompt and
provides solid supporting details.
IV – Spontaneity and Naturalness
The speaker delivers a speech very naturally and spontaneously
with appropriate pauses
V – Time
Speaking time is 1:30 or longer.

TOTAL RAW SCORE: ______ / 25

Criteria/Statements Levels of Performance

5 3 2 1
I – Non-verbal Communication/Eye Contact/Connection
The speaker exhibits positive movement and maintains
consistent eye contact with the audience. The audience is
II – Voice Clarity and Dynamics
The speaker has good volume and projection and vocal
variation. The speaker talks at an understandable and steady
rate of speed.
III – Content
The speaker demonstrates an understanding of the prompt and
provides solid supporting details.
IV – Spontaneity and Naturalness
The speaker delivers a speech very naturally and spontaneously
with appropriate pauses
V – Time
Speaking time is 1:30 or longer.

TOTAL RAW SCORE: ______ / 25 Comments/Suggestions:

Evaluated by:

Amethyst B. Briones

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