8-10 - Excellent 5-7 - Satisfactory 3-4 - Fair 1-2 - Poor: Manuscript Reading Rating Sheet

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Name: ___________________________________ Date: __________________

Year/Session/Course: _______________________ Subject: ________________

8-10 – Excellent 5-7 – Satisfactory 3-4 – Fair 1-2 – Poor

Criteria/Statements Levels of Performance
8-10 5-7 3-4 1-2
I – Eye Contact and Audience Connection
A. Maintains eye contact with the audience
throughout the speech
B. Engages the audience throughout the speech
II – Content
A. Fully developed topic/idea with unified substantial
supporting details
III – Language Use
A. Excellent command of the language
B. Uses varied and accurate words to express ideas
C. Uses grammatically correct expressions
IV – Voice Clarity and Dynamics
A. Very clear voice
B. Uses appropriately varied voice

TOTAL RAW SCORE: ______ / 70 Comments/Suggestions:

Transmuted Grade Formula:
= (raw score/70) 50 + 50
= (_______/70) 50 + 50

Evaluated by:

Amethyst B. Briones

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