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Reflective Journal #1

Subject/Section: Anatomy and Physiology for Teachers/ Sci-3 -B

Answer the following questions to test your understanding of the preceding lesson.

1. Describe two ways in which Vesalius improved medical education and set standards that
remain relevant today?
- Vealius improved medical education by performing dissections himself instead of
letting a barber surgeon do it while he just sits and read from Galen and Aristotle. He did the
dissections himself and point out the parts in which Galen was wrong about anatomy.
- Vesalius published a more accurate text of illustrations for teaching anatomy. He also
published the first atlas of anatomy that set the standards for new and updated atlases used

2. Discuss the importance of studying anatomy and physiology

- Studying anatomy and physiology is like exploring your whole being, basically your body.
Practical functionalities and theoretical concepts of your body. It helps in clearing the
fundamental concepts as to how our bodies function, we may probably have the basic
understanding and knowledge of how human body works like the senses, movements, and
needs. But unfortunately, we are having a hard time understanding the deeper side of
anatomy and physiology. By understanding how our system interacts, we can determine the
proper care for each individual especially the specific symptoms we can get. With the help of
anatomy and physiology is basically like having an owner’s manual for our own health and

3. How is our concept of human form and function today affected by inventors and
scientist? - Our concept of human form and function today is being affected by inventors and
scientist with the new discoveries in human anatomy. Using advanced microscopy and
imaging techniques, scientist have revealed new parts of the body and overturned previous
4. Draw one discovery that you think related to anatomy and physiology and explain its
importance below.

- In the last few years, a cluster of anatomical discoveries has been reported which
overturned the long existing dogmas about the structure and function of human body. First
to come was the discovery that established the existence of a Lymphatic System pertaining
to the Central Nervous System (CNS).
- The Lymphatic System is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins,
waste and other unwanted materials. Its primary function is to transport lymph, a fluid
containing infection- fighting white blood cells throughout the body. The Lymphatic System
is bigger than the vascular system and move about twice the amount of fluid on a daily basis.
It defends our body, and escorts foreign bodies away.

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