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Background of the problem

The Dim Light Company is a subsidiary of a major producer of a electrical

product. It produces Electrical lamp and employs about 2000 workers. They are still
using traditional technologies in making their proposal. Cultural Change it is the main
problem in the company failed to recognize that their operating targets and profits
dropped by 15%. And they need to choose between traditional technologies or the new
and Hi tech technologies. Jim West he is the general manager an mba from Tri State
University who has been running this subsidiary successfully for the past five years but
didn't recognize the failing of operating targets and profits dropped by 15%. Dr. Spinks
director of R&D he was hired by West after resigning from a major competitor. He
received a number of awards from Scientific societies. The scientist and engineers in
hid groups respect his technical competence amd high level of moral. He thinks that the
Dim Light Company is lack of creativity and innovations that's why their operating
trargets and profit failed. He submit the solution by using the micro miniamaturization a
technology. He sees that this is the lamp of the future. Carol Pieston accountant of the
Dim Light Company. She is not favor in micro miniamaturization. According to her the
company can't afford to wait for long result and if they don't do something about the
bottom line right now they may not be here to enjoy it. Bill Boswell production manager
agreed with Pieston he said that they need new machinery for current production line
but they need it immediately. Pet Nimwell marketing manager.He said that the, he don't
think they can put their head in a sand. If they don't keep up competitively how can their
sales people be able to keep selling absolute lightning products .

II. Statement of the problem

I. Being outdated with the new ideas and technology

a. The company is starting to fail.

II. Shortage of Cash Resources

a. Gamble between risking with the new ideas or improve their

existing technologies.
III. Causes of the problem

The Dim Light Company is a subsidiary of a major producer of a electrical

product. Its been running successfully for the past five years but didn't recognize that
their operating targets and profit started to fail. Being outdated in the new ideas and
technology is one of the main problem. Lack of creativity and innovation might be the
cause why this problem occur. They are still using the traditional technologies that result
for not meeting their expected productions. Another cause of this problem is lack of
leadership. Other managers feel that Dr.Spinks is often autocratic, strong willed and
impatient thats the reason why can't decide if they will approve the project proposal.
They don't have cooperation that leads to wrongful decision.

Dr. Spinks submitted a proposal project namely Micro Miniaturization. He sees

this is a Lamp of the Future, and if successful, it would be successor to LED lights.
They are shortage of cash resources and this project would require capital from
corporate headquarters which cannot afford of the company. Also his proposal projecf
required a long term. Process but the company need it immediately. They are now
thinking if they will approved the micro miniaturization or improved their existing

IV. Decision Criteria and Alternative Solution

The first alternative solution for this problem is to push the purpose project of
Dr. Spinks. He sees that Micro Miniaturization is the Lamp of the Future. The Advantage
of Micro Miniaturization have 70% of success also Dr. Spinks is a big asset of the
company, he will not let the company fail. He received a numerous award and the
scientist and engineer have so much respect on him. While disadvantage, it will be a
long term process but the company need it immediately. Also they don't have enough
budget to pursue the Micro Miniaturization. The second alternative solution is to
conduct a meeting and ask for another ideas in the project to substitute in Dr. Spinks
proposal. It seems that other managers misunderstand the behavior of Dr. Spinks that's
why they are hard in trusting Dr. Spinks proposal Forum is one of the solution in this
problem they need to listen to one another and work as a team for the sake of their
company. Company will not work if the managers and employees have different goals for
the company.

The advantage of this solution is they can make new decision that is more
appropriate than Micro Miniamaturization. They can make another proposed
project that has a short term process. While the disadvantage is Dr. Spinks might
resigned in the company if they don't accept his proposal. The company will lost
him as one of their asset.
V. Recommended Solution, Implementation and Justification

Mr. West should approved Dr. Spinks proposal and the Corporate Head quarters
need to give capital for the Micro - Miniaturization. Dr Spinks was hired by West. West work
hard for the company for the past years so he will not hire Dr.Spinks if he will not have enough
skills in this field. They need to work as a team. The company needs change in order to keep up
with the customers and new idea and innovation,This is how you stay ahead of the competition.
The micro miniaturization is a long term process but it has 70% chance to be success and no
new idea starts with immediate feedback you have to think into the future. Also they can
suggest Drn Spinks if he can make the project proposal short. They need to step up in their
comfort zone or else they will miss the opportunities.

This solution will be implemented in the company in a way that Mr. West will
approved and the head quarters will give capital for this project proposal. The management
team will support this project and incase they encounter problem they need to face it as one. By
doing this project they can have more profit and the company can have a competitive

To justify this solution Dr. Spinks project proposal have 70% of success, he can
make the company successful. Either it has a long term process he give all his knowledge and
skills. To have enough budget they can invest other company to make the project possible. The
General Manager and and the team, Dr. Spinks project proposal because it will lead them to
be more creative and have a cooperation. We didn't choose the other alternative solution
because Dr. Spinks will resign if his proposal does not accept. He will be a big lost to the asset
of a company. Also, if they do not approved the proposal, and just make another project it can
be waste of time it can be also a long term.
VII. Reference

Luke 12, February 22,2016 , The Dim Light Company Case Analysis

Leader: Ayon, Rissa

Members: Bagos, Vhia Anne D.

Advincula, Mary Ann G.

Almendras, Ellah Mae.

Bancoro, Vonn Patrick

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