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Skills > Listening > A2 listening

> Understanding an explanation

Understanding an

Listen to a professor's explanation to practise

and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the

audio and do the exercises.


0:00 -2:37


Task 1

Task 2


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What was the last lecture you went to about?
Did the professor explain it clearly?



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Language level

A2 English level (pre-intermediate)

Submitted by ICM2 on Wed,

20/04/2022 - 02:50

Y had a hard time remembering, a

long time ago I was a lecturer. I think
it was from an English Architect. He
was describing his feeling about a
project of his that was being built in
the city.

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Submitted by Ehsan on Tue,

29/03/2022 - 08:20

Our company had a seminar at the

field of IT( Computer networking and
security). It was the last lecture that I
was in that. I think it was good but we
were the host and I didn't listen to it
well because we were doing some

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Submitted by jmajo on Tue,

15/03/2022 - 14:18

I think the last lecture I went to was

about the most common issues
related to MacOS systems, it was a
bit confusing at first but at the first
break all the students had the
opportunity to make some questions
and I get some really good answers
from the lecturer, so at the end it was
more clear for me and I could
understand most of the lecture.

Thanks for the lesson.

Great site!

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Submitted by azharbgskr on Thu,

25/11/2021 - 15:04

My last lecture I attended was

Discrete Mathematics. It was about
recursive function. My professor
explained it properly. I can easily
understand the material.

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Submitted by vuhoap on Tue,

09/11/2021 - 00:17

The last lecture I went to about

Japanese language about one year
ago today. Yes, my teacher explained
the usage of Japanese words very
well. Until now, I still remember these

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Submitted by Thais Gomes Ribeiro

on Fri, 15/10/2021 - 16:34

The last lecture I went to was about

Algebra and yes, the professor
explained well.

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Submitted by Suraj paliwal on Wed,

14/04/2021 - 03:31

Yes, my last lecture was held two

days before. It was about economics
it was held online due to virus.
Teacher can't explain well because
network issues. He was seem bad
academicians He had no experience
to how to teach students very well.

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Submitted by In on Mon, 08/03/2021

- 02:43

I can`t remember

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Submitted by vespinosa10 on Tue,

02/03/2021 - 18:08

i never had a lecture.

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Submitted by fariba on Tue,

16/02/2021 - 10:53

it was about labor organization and


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Submitted by Sara Kalafat on Mon,

08/02/2021 - 20:06

it was about korean alphabet

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Submitted by Minh on Thu,

07/01/2021 - 22:52

Well, if I remembered clearly, when I

was in the university that we had a
trouble with many subjects, so these
professors were willing to explain all
of things for students. However, some
subjects were difficult understand that
the one of reason was made a
number of students to fail the final

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Submitted by Suraj paliwal on Tue,

05/01/2021 - 05:47

My last lecture is on public finance.

Public finance is a branch of
economics. Lecture was held offline.
We obey the government regulations.
We made a social distancing each
other. Teacher explain about canons
of public expenditure. Teacher had
explained very well. There was no

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Submitted by Pola on Fri, 25/12/2020

- 16:52

Really, I didn't remember the last

lecture, I had took, but I'm not sure
the last one was lecture on design
thinking, oh, that was 12 years ago.

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Submitted by fatfat on Sun,

20/12/2020 - 21:30

I dont remember it. But usually the

lectures were boring because
academics were so bad.

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Submitted by Augusto Hidalgo on

Wed, 09/12/2020 - 19:56

And my last lecture is about english.

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Submitted by Augusto Hidalgo on

Wed, 09/12/2020 - 19:44

What was the last lecture you went to

about? Did the professor explain it
clearly? Yes, it was incredible and the
teacher explains clearly.

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Submitted by DJ Singh on Wed,

25/11/2020 - 07:01

My last lecture was about listening

but I didn't get it because of the
teacher had poor techniques to
explain her ideas.

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Submitted by Moon Wathan on Fri,

23/10/2020 - 17:09

I also want to know some example for

the lecture because I was
Mathematics student. I didn't know
about Math that is important in
everywhere. Teachers in my country
didn't explain like that. So, I want to
know about Math that is useful in

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Submitted by Ugulhan on Sat,

17/10/2020 - 22:55

I think it was a linguistic aspect in the

field of technical documentation. It
has been asked about how works it
the functional elements in the text?
the professor has explained the
circumstance of my question and has
given me some book.

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Submitted by habibao.medo on Wed,

07/10/2020 - 14:32

it was an English lecture about

skimming and scanning i didn't get it
very well

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Submitted by khmax on Sun,

30/08/2020 - 06:00

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Submitted by Rinaa on Fri,

14/08/2020 - 00:11

The last lecture that I attended, was

one year ago when I was a student. I
can remember one case when I had
difficulty understand the payable and
receivable accounts, and I couldn't
know the difference between them. I
asked my professor to found time to
explain it with more examples, and he
did it. He was satisfied with my
question and interest to learn, so he
approached me and explained it in
detail. I still remember his advice and
lectures about accounting.

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Submitted by Phan Bao Dung on Fri,

31/07/2020 - 18:22

My last lecture was 3 years ago when

I studied Master about Chemistry. At
that time, I didn't know how to use the
chemical equipment so my professor
gave me some instructions. She
explained it to me step by step,
clearly, slowly. Then, I could do it right

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Submitted by kbravoz on Mon,

20/07/2020 - 17:36

There's a missing number in

Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2,3,5... in
the question

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Submitted by Peter M. on Tue,

21/07/2020 - 07:57

Hello kbravoz,

The question asks about a

particular sequence ('in this
Fibonacci sequence'), so it is not
intended to be complete.


The LearnEnglish Team

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Submitted by Soe Thuya on Wed,

15/07/2020 - 16:02

I can't listen to all audio in these

days.what happen to me?

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Submitted by Peter M. on Thu,

16/07/2020 - 07:41

Hello Soe Thuya,

I'm afraid our audio content is not

working due to a temporary
technical problem. We are
working to resolve it as quickly as
we can, and apologize for the

Please check again in a few hours

or tomorrow.


The LearnEnglish Team

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Submitted by Dastenova Firuza on

Sat, 11/07/2020 - 20:06

The last lecture was on ecological

problems delivered by prof. Hanns
Moschamer from Austria where I was
an interpreter. It was very clear,
intersting and useful.

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Submitted by Hennadii on Sat,

11/07/2020 - 17:59

My last lecture at the university was

over 15 years ago so it's quite difficult
to remember what it was about ))
Honestly, it's not difficult - it's
impossible. But I think it was
something special, you know. After
those five long years with so many
lectures, so many subjects to learn,
so many exams to pass, and you
finally got the very last lecture. I think
we were happy and sad at the same
time. Happy because no more
lectures and sad because that was
the end of our funny and careless
students life.

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Submitted by Suellen Esteves on

Mon, 06/07/2020 - 20:13

The last lecture i went to was at the

university, and there were professors
who explained very well and also
there were professors who did not
explain well.

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Submitted by LarisaAlp on Fri,

03/07/2020 - 18:36

I am a professor at the university. I

hope my lectures are interesting and
my explanations are clear. Maybe I
am right. But I had to remove my few
last lectures to next year due to
coronavirus pandemic.

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Submitted by abudo93 on Thu,

02/07/2020 - 11:43

The last lecture was about 5 years

before when I was unversity student
and the professor was good when he

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