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Avian Pathology

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NetB and necrotic enteritis: the hole movable


Julian I. Rood, Anthony L. Keyburn & Robert J. Moore

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and necrotic enteritis: the hole movable story, Avian Pathology, 45:3, 295-301, DOI:

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Published online: 31 May 2016.

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VOL. 45, NO. 3, 295–301


NetB and necrotic enteritis: the hole movable story

Julian I. Rooda,b , Anthony L. Keyburnb,c and Robert J. Moorea,b,d
Infection and Immunity Program, Biomedicine Discovery Institute and Department of Microbiology, Monash University, Clayton, VIC,
Australia; bPoultry Cooperative Research Centre, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia; cAustralian Animal Health Laboratory,
CSIRO, Geelong, VIC, Australia; dSchool of Science, RMIT University, Bundoora, VIC, Australia


Clostridium perfringens is the primary causative agent of avian necrotic enteritis. Our Received 19 January 2016
understanding of the pathogenesis of this economically important disease has been Accepted 8 February 2016
enhanced by the discovery of C. perfringens NetB toxin, which belongs to the α-haemolysin
family of β-pore-forming toxins. In a chicken disease model, the analysis of an isogenic set of Clostridium perfringens;
strains comprising the wild type, a netB mutant, and its complemented derivative, fulfilled necrotic enteritis; NetB
molecular Koch’s postulates and revealed that NetB was essential for disease. These results toxin; vaccine; conjugative
were consistent with epidemiological surveys, which generally found that there was a higher plasmid
prevalence of netB carriage in C. perfringens isolates from diseased poultry compared to
healthy birds. The netB gene has been shown to be located on large conjugative plasmids
that are closely related to other toxin plasmids from C. perfringens, which has potential
implications for the epidemiology of necrotic enteritis infections. The crystal structures of
both monomeric NetB and the heptameric NetB pore have been determined, the latter
revealed a central pore diameter of approximately 26 Å. Finally, it has been shown that
vaccine preparations that include NetB can protect chickens against disease and a series of
single amino acid substitution derivatives of NetB that have potential value for vaccine
formulations have been isolated and analysed. It is likely that NetB will be an important
antigen to include in an effective, commercially viable, necrotic enteritis vaccine.

Introduction suffering from necrotic enteritis (Keyburn et al., 2008).

It was previously thought that α-toxin was the major
Carriage of the netB gene distinguishes virulent strains
toxin involved in necrotic enteritis (Al-Sheikhly &
of Clostridium perfringens that are capable of inducing
Truscott, 1977a, b; Fukata et al., 1988). Almost all
necrotic enteritis in poultry from strains that do not
C. perfringens strains produce α-toxin, a major extra-
cause this syndrome. NetB was discovered following
cellular toxin that has been shown to be essential for
the clear demonstration that α-toxin, previously
clostridial myonecrosis (Awad et al., 1995). Earlier
thought to be the principal virulence factor, was not
work indicated that secreted products from
essential for pathogenesis (Keyburn et al., 2006). A
C. perfringens were able to cause lesions typical of
search for an alternative toxin quickly identified NetB
necrotic enteritis in chickens and since α-toxin was
and subsequently genetic studies, biochemical and bio-
known to be a major secreted component it was
physical analysis, strain surveys and vaccination studies
inferred that it was responsible (Al-Sheikhly &
have revealed the importance of this toxin in the patho-
Truscott, 1977b). The limitation of this interpretation
genesis of necrotic enteritis. NetB toxin fulfils molecu-
is that it does not take into account other secreted
lar Koch’s postulates (Falkow, 1988) and therefore has
toxins that the bacteria may have produced. While
been demonstrated to be an essential virulence factor in
C. perfringens isolates are toxinotyped by the presence
the development of necrotic enteritis (Keyburn et al.,
of four major toxins (α, β, ε and ι toxins) various strains
2008). In this review, we will briefly describe the discov-
can also produce other so-called minor toxins such as
ery and initial analysis of NetB and subsequent studies
CPE, β2 toxin, perfringolysin O (θ-toxin) and collagen-
on its genetics, its structure and its potential role in the
ase (κ-toxin); the term minor toxin does not refer to the
next generation of necrotic enteritis vaccines.
importance or level of production of these toxins, but
rather to the fact that they are not part of the toxino-
typing scheme (Uzal et al., 2014). In addition, spon-
Identification and analysis of NetB
taneous α-toxin mutants of a virulent avian
NetB was discovered in an Australian strain of C. perfringens isolate were found to have lost their abil-
C. perfringens type A that was isolated from a chicken ity to cause disease in a chicken challenge model

CONTACT Julian I. Rood

© 2016 Houghton Trust Ltd
296 J. I. ROOD ET AL.

(Thompson et al., 2006). While these data suggested with the wild-type netB gene, revealed that the develop-
that α-toxin may be important for virulence the ment of necrotic enteritis in chickens was dependent on
authors noted that additional mutations could have the ability to produce functional NetB. Importantly, the
occurred and therefore a clear link between α-toxin gross lesions observed in the bird model were consistent
and virulence could not be established. No comple- with necrotic enteritis lesions previously reported from
mentation studies were done to clarify the role of α- experimental and field cases of the disease (Helmboldt
toxin. Another inconsistency in the assumptions & Bryant, 1971; Long et al., 1974; Keyburn et al., 2006).
regarding the role of α-toxin in necrotic enteritis is
the extent of heterophil, lymphocyte and plasma cell
Epidemiology of netB carriage
infiltration in infected tissues (Al-Sheikhly & Truscott,
1977b; Shane et al., 1985; Gazdzinski & Julian, 1992). Surveys of C. perfringens isolates from chickens (Table
In clostridial myonecrosis (gas gangrene), a disease pri- 1) have generally found a higher prevalence of netB
marily mediated by the α-toxin of C. perfringens, there carriage in strains from diseased birds compared to
is marked leukostasis and lack of inflammatory infil- strains from healthy birds, although a Danish survey
trate in tissues infected by C. perfringens cells (Stevens found a higher netB incidence in isolates from healthy
et al., 1997; Flores-Diaz & Alape-Giron, 2003). In birds (Abildgaard et al., 2010). The isolation of netB-
necrotic enteritis, there is typically an extensive positive strains from healthy birds indicates that simple
immune cell infiltration, indicating quite a different infection is not sufficient to induce disease. The need
mechanism of pathogenesis compared to classical α- for predisposing factors to be present in order for dis-
toxin-induced disease. Finally, we showed that a ease to develop is well recognized (Williams, 2005; Sho-
defined α-toxin null mutant of the chicken necrotic jadoost et al., 2012; Moore, 2016). The common
enteritis strain EHE-NE18 was still virulent in a finding that a proportion of C. perfringens strains iso-
chicken necrotic enteritis disease model (Keyburn lated from diseased birds do not carry the netB gene
et al., 2006). In that study, the α-toxin null mutants has sometimes been suggested to indicate that NetB
were capable of causing as much disease as the isogenic is not an essential virulence factor or that other factors
wild-type strain, indicating that α-toxin is not an essen- can cause virulence in its absence (Drigo et al., 2009;
tial virulence factor in avian necrotic enteritis. Martin & Smyth, 2009). The validity of this conclusion
Subsequently, we used a dual biochemical and geno- cannot be ruled out in all cases, but when netB-negative
mics approach to identify a new toxin that is almost strains have been tested for virulence, they have not
exclusively found in virulent avian C. perfringens iso- been found to reproduce disease whereas netB-positive
lates (Keyburn et al., 2008). Culture supernatants strains can readily induce disease (Keyburn et al., 2010;
from the previous EHE-NE18-derived α-toxin mutant Smyth & Martin, 2010). These findings are consistent
were tested against various mammalian and chicken across a range of strains using different disease induc-
cell lines to determine whether any novel cytotoxic fac- tion models. It is likely that the netB-negative strains
tors could be identified. Chicken primary hepatocellu- isolated from diseased birds are either pathogenic
lar carcinoma epithelial Leghorn male hepatoma strains that have lost the NetB plasmid during isolation
(LMH) cells were found to be sensitive to an unknown and culturing or are non-pathogenic strains that co-
protein in the supernatant of both the α-toxin null infect diseased birds. There is one published report of
mutant and the wild-type strain, indicating that the disease caused by experimental inoculation of netB-
cytopathic effect was not due to α-toxin. Consequently, negative strains (Cooper & Songer, 2010), but the
LMH cytotoxicity was used to follow this toxic activity interpretation of this outcome is uncertain as it is not
during the purification process. At the same time, we clear whether the causative bacteria were re-isolated
determined the sequence of the parent EHE-NE18 gen- from the lesions and tested for the presence of netB,
ome. The N-terminal sequence of the purified toxin an essential step since disease may have been caused
protein was determined and used to search the genome by other environmentally derived strains. Within our
sequence. Bioinformatic analysis identified a putative laboratory, we have always found that in the rare
toxin gene that encoded a 323 amino acid protein, instances where lesions are found in birds inoculated
including a 30 amino acid secretion signal sequence. with netB-negative strains, the strains isolated from
Since this protein had similarity to C. perfringens β- these lesions always carry the netB gene. Presumably,
toxin (38% identity), it was designated necrotic enteri- the lesions are caused by pre-existing infections, bac-
tis toxin, β-like, NetB (Keyburn et al., 2008). teria carried by the birds into the facility or new strains
The role of NetB in disease was determined by con- introduced in feed or from other contaminated sources.
structing a structural gene (netB) mutant in strain
EHE-NE18 and assessing its virulence in a chicken dis-
The movable story
ease model (Keyburn et al., 2008). Virulence testing of
an isogenic series of strains consisting of the wild-type, Sequence analysis of seven avian necrotic enteritis iso-
the netB mutant, and the netB mutant complemented lates revealed the presence of three loci that were

Table 1. Prevalence of netB in C. perfringens toxinotype A isolates from the gastrointestinal tract of chickens.
Necrotic enteritis-diseased chickens Healthy chickens
Origin netB incidencea
% netB positive netB incidencea % netB positive Reference
Australia 31/44 70 2/55 4 Keyburn et al. (2010)
Canada 39/41 95 7/20 35 Chalmers et al. (2008)
Denmark 12/25 48 14/23 61 Abildgaard et al. (2010)
Iran 19/36 53 0/43 0 Tolooe et al. (2011)
Italy 16/30 53 4/22 18 Drigo et al. (2009)
Netherlands 43/45b
96 c
Allaart et al. (2012)
Sweden 31/34 91 d
25 Johansson et al. (2010)
USA 17/20 85 10/31 32 Hibberd et al. (2011)
USA 7/12 58 6/79 8 Martin and Smyth (2009)
Number of isolates netB positive/number of isolates tested.
Toxinotype C strains were also found; 108 of 115 isolates carried the netB gene. Not all isolates were from birds with overt necrotic enteritis.
Isolates from healthy birds were not investigated.
The number of healthy isolates tested was not given.

conserved and appeared to be preferentially associated pJIR3535; PCR analysis revealed that the NELoc-1
with C. perfringens isolates from cases of necrotic region from 11 NetB plasmids was highly conserved
enteritis (Lepp et al., 2010). The major plasmid-deter- (Parreira et al., 2012).
mined locus, the 42-kb NELoc-1 region, included the The conjugation results have significant impli-
netB gene and was located on an ca. 85-kb plasmid cations for the epidemiology of necrotic enteritis.
that also carried known C. perfringens conjugation They imply that exogenous C. perfringens strains that
genes. This study, and subsequent studies in our lab- carry a NetB plasmid do not need to be able to colonize
oratories (Bannam et al., 2011), revealed the complex- the avian gastrointestinal tract to lead to a disease out-
ity of the plasmid profiles of these strains, which was break. The conjugative transfer of the NetB plasmid to
consistent with that of other C. perfringens strains an endogenous C. perfringens strain that has already
from animals (Li et al., 2013). Five of the North Amer- colonized may be sufficient to cause disease under
ican necrotic enteritis isolates were examined in detail the appropriate predisposing conditions, provided
and shown to carry from two to five large (45–90 kb) that relevant chromosomal genes are present. A similar
plasmids, most of which carried the C. perfringens scenario has been suggested for C. perfringens entero-
transfer clostridial plasmid (tcp) conjugation locus toxin-dependent non-foodborne outbreaks of diar-
(Lepp et al., 2010). Although no conjugation studies rhoea in humans (Brynestad et al., 2001).
were carried out in this study, these data suggested
that all of these plasmids, including the NetB plasmids,
The hole story
were conjugative. Direct evidence that these plasmids
were conjugative was obtained from detailed studies At least 35% of the known protein toxins produced by
(Bannam et al., 2011) on the Australian isolate EHE- bacteria belong to the pore-forming group of mem-
NE18, the strain from which NetB originally was ident- brane damaging toxins (Alouf, 2001). These toxins
ified (Keyburn et al., 2008). form pores that disrupt the phospholipid membrane
The complexity of the plasmid profiles in these bilayer of both human and animal cells, causing
strains, with individual strains carrying multiple plas- changes to host signal transduction pathways and to
mids with large regions of almost identical sequences, an influx of ions (i.e. Na+, Cl—, Ca2+, etc.) that may
created problems for next-generation sequencing eventually lead to osmotic cell lysis. Many of these tox-
approaches to the determination of the sequences of ins have been demonstrated to contribute to bacterial
these plasmids (Lepp et al., 2010; Bannam et al., virulence and to play a key role in the pathogenesis
2011; Parreira et al., 2012). Subsequently, a combi- of human and animal infections (Los et al., 2013;
nation of bacterial genetics and bioinformatics Popoff, 2014).
approaches was used to determine the individual NetB induced morphological changes in LMH cells,
sequences of the plasmids in strain EHE-NE18. The resulting in significant rounding and cell lysis. These
results showed that it carried three large plasmids, morphological changes and subsequent cellular lactate
each of which was independently conjugative and car- dehydrogenase release were able to be blocked by poly-
ried the tcp locus (Bannam et al., 2011). In this strain, ethylene glycol (PEG)1000 and PEG1500, indicating
NetB was encoded on an 82-kb plasmid, pJIR3535, that these changes were caused by the toxin-dependent
which was closely related to the 70-kb β2-toxin-encod- formation of pores in the plasma membrane. Osmotic
ing plasmid pJIR3844 and the 49-kb tetracycline resist- stabilizers such as PEG can inhibit the lysis of target
ance plasmid pJIR3537 from the same strain. cells if they are unable to pass through the pore gener-
Subsequent studies involved the determination of the ated by a pore-forming toxin (Ballard et al., 1993).
complete sequence of another NetB plasmid, pNETB- Based on the estimated Stokes radii of various PEG
NE10 (81.7 kb), which had 99.1% identity to molecules (Scherrer & Gerhardt, 1971), the results
298 J. I. ROOD ET AL.

Figure 1. The crystal structure of NetB. (a) Structure of the NetB monomer. Reproduced from (Uzal et al., 2014) with permission
from Future Microbiology as agreed by Future Medicine Ltd. (b) Structure of the NetB pore. The β-sandwich domain is shown
in green, the rim domain in blue and the stem domain in yellow. Reproduced from Savva et al. (2013) with permission of the

suggested that NetB formed a hydrophilic pore with a was enhanced by cholesterol, which was postulated to
functional diameter of 1.6–1.8 nm in the cell mem- play an important role in pore formation.
brane. Subsequent determination of the crystal struc- Both site-directed mutagenesis and random muta-
ture of the NetB pore complex revealed an internal genesis have been used to isolate single amino acid sub-
pore diameter of ca. 26 Å (Savva et al., 2013), which stitution derivatives of NetB that have reduced biological
was consistent with this initial finding. activity (Savva et al., 2013; Yan et al., 2013; Fernandes da
The structure of the NetB monomer has been deter- Costa et al., 2014). Mutations were obtained in the rim
mined to a resolution of 1.8 Å (Yan et al., 2013), which domain, presumably affecting membrane binding, and
revealed that it had the β-sandwich, latch, rim and pre- in the β-sandwich domain, affecting oligomerization.
stem domains that are typical of proteins that belong to These derivatives shed light on NetB structure–function
the α-haemolysin family of β-pore-forming toxins relationships and are likely to be invaluable for sub-
(Figure 1(a)). It has an almost identical structure to sequent studies that utilize NetB derivatives for the
δ-toxin from C. perfringens despite the fact that these development of new necrotic enteritis vaccines.
toxins have very different amino acid sequences.
NetB has a four amino acid deletion in the rim domain,
in a region that in other β-pore-forming toxins is
Vaccination studies demonstrate the
responsible for lipid binding, suggesting that NetB
protective efficacy of NetB
has a different cell surface target. Finally, analysis of
the ability of NetB to form pores in planar phospholi- Several groups have shown that vaccination with NetB
pid bilayers revealed that the NetB pore channels have induces an immune response that delivers a degree of
a preference for cations over anions (Yan et al., 2013). protection from the development of necrotic enteritis.
The structure of the NetB pore, without the first 20 Protection has been shown both in directly vaccinated
N-terminal amino acids, has been solved to a resol- birds (Jang et al., 2012; Fernandes da Costa et al.,
ution of 3.9 Å after solubilization and purification of 2013, 2016; Keyburn et al., 2013b; Jiang et al., 2015)
the complex from lipid vesicles (Savva et al., 2013). and in chicks derived from vaccinated hens (Keyburn
Like the monomer, the pore structure shows similarity et al., 2013a). It is difficult to compare these studies as
to staphylococcal α-haemolysin (Figure 1(b)). It com- they each used different vaccination schedules, different
prises seven NetB monomers in a ring structure, with challenge models and different scoring procedures, but
the predicted hydrophobic transmembrane domain in general it appears that protection levels of 70–80%
spanning residues I121 to V146 (numbering from the can be achieved using recombinant NetB, native NetB,
N-terminal amino acid of the secreted toxin). Lipo- or toxoids and bacterin vaccines containing NetB at
some studies showed that oligomerization of NetB levels sufficient to induce strong immune responses.

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