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Avian Pathology

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Pathology and diagnosis of necrotic enteritis: is it


Joan A. Smyth

To cite this article: Joan A. Smyth (2016) Pathology and diagnosis of necrotic enteritis: is it clear-
cut?, Avian Pathology, 45:3, 282-287, DOI: 10.1080/03079457.2016.1158780

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Published online: 31 May 2016.

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VOL. 45, NO. 3, 282–287


Pathology and diagnosis of necrotic enteritis: is it clear-cut?

Joan A. Smyth
Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science, University of Connecticut, USA


The ability to correctly recognize the disease necrotic enteritis (NE) is important not only to Received 21 December 2015
those involved in control and treatment of the disease at farm level, but it is also critically Revised 17 January 2016
important to the search for virulence factors, since a fundamental part of that process is the Accepted 25 January 2016
correct assignation of strains of Clostridium perfringens with respect to virulence. Thus,
diagnosticians and investigators need to be able to correctly recognize the lesions of NE. To Necrotic enteritis;
do this, they must be able to distinguish NE lesions from (1) other enteric diseases such as Clostridium perfringens;
coccidiosis or viral enteritis, (2) normal features of the intestine, such as the small raised, pathology; histopathology;
sometimes red, foci that represent gut-associated lymphoid tissue, (3) autolytic change which autolysis; intestine;
may be mistaken for lesions, especially at the microscopical level, by the inexperienced. diagnosis; poultry; chicken
Errors in diagnosis of NE due to C. perfringens or failure to culture affected areas in which the
bacteria of interest with respect to NE are definitively found, might explain some of the early
apparently conflicting results with respect to the role of netB in NE. This paper describes at
the gross, microscopical and bacteriological level, important features of the intestine of
normal poultry and those with NE due to C. perfringens, as well as the common interpretative
pitfalls that can lead both to underdiagnosis and overdiagnosis of NE, and to incorrect
determination of the virulence of individual C. perfringens strains.

Introduction of death and which is commonly mistaken for patho-

logical change.
The disease, necrotic enteritis (NE) of poultry caused
The purpose of this review is to make investigators
by Clostridium perfringens, was first reported in 1961
aware of the considerations necessary in reaching a
(Parish, 1961) but has been well controlled for many
correct diagnosis of NE, and to understand how
years by the use of the so-called “antibiotic growth pro-
this can affect conclusions of scientific research,
moters” (AGPs) in feedstuffs (Van Immerseel et al.,
and also to assist beginning investigators in the
2004; McDevitt et al., 2006). In recent years, there
interpretation of necropsy findings in the intestine
has been intense research interest in this disease, as
of poultry.
part of the effort to find alternate control measures
because the use of AGPs has been restricted or elimi-
nated by legislation in many countries (Bywater, Diagnosis of C. perfringens disease in birds
2005; Thompson et al., 2006). Critical to the successful
Unless a disease has a particular pathognomonic indi-
interpretation of all of the scientific studies is accuracy
cator, definitive diagnosis of disease is based on mul-
of diagnosis of the disease, so that researchers (1) are
tiple criteria such as the nature of any pathological
sure that the C. perfringens isolates they are working
findings, microbiological findings and so on. In the
with are truly from NE lesions, or not, and (2) interpret
case of enteric diseases caused by C. perfringens,
correctly the disease outcome of either field- or labora-
interpretation of pathological and microbiological
tory-based bird studies designed to examine virulence
findings presents particular challenges given that
factors or the effects of intervention strategies such as
C. perfringens is carried in the intestine of normal
birds, and that the clostridia (including
Definitive diagnosis of the clostridial enteric diseases
C. perfringens) are major causes of post-mortem putre-
is fraught with difficulties, even for experienced veter-
faction. Putrefaction of tissues hinders the ability to
inary pathologists, especially for (1) those not familiar
recognize lesions and poses significant interpretive
with this disease and/or the other common enteric dis- problems that can result in incorrect diagnosis: either
eases of poultry such as coccidiosis, which can have a failure to recognize lesions that are present, or conver-
wide range of presentations (2) those without knowl- sely, interpreting autolytic change as pathological
edge of the effects of and appearance of autolytic change. In birds dead from clostridial disease, the clos-
change of the intestine especially at the microscopical tridia are usually present in large numbers before
level, change which starts to develop within minutes death, consequently the rate of putrefaction is

CONTACT Joan A. Smyth Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, USA
© 2016 Houghton Trust Ltd

accelerated and interpretive difficulties increased. To should be evaluated histologically. Demonstration of

assist interpretation, many investigators have exam- clonality of the C. perfringens isolates should similarly
ined intestinal content for the presence of the relevant raise suspicion of NE.
clostridial toxins, surmising that presence of detectable
levels of these toxins supports diagnosis. However, it is
Accurate recognition of lesions of NE
known that some clostridial toxins are degraded by
intestinal proteases (Popoff & Stlies, 2005; Rioseco To be able to accurately recognize lesions of NE due to
et al., 2012), and furthermore toxins can be present C. perfringens, it is important to be familiar with the
in the intestine of healthy birds and/or be elaborated appearance of the normal intestine in both freshly
post-mortem. For example, C. perfringens alpha toxin dead poultry and poultry that have been dead for a
was detected in the small intestine of some clinically period of hours or days. The intestine is one of the
normal chickens (McCourt et al., 2005; Coursodon most difficult organs to interpret during a necropsy
et al., 2010). To further confound interpretation of examination due to the effects of autolysis, which can
intestinal toxin levels, it is known that method of sto- present with many and varied appearances. At the
rage of the sample pre-testing also influences detect- microscopical level, alterations due to autolysis are evi-
ability (Niilo, 1980; Rioseco et al., 2012). All of these dent within minutes of death, causing interpretive dif-
diagnostic challenges are considerations relevant to ficulty, and may be misdiagnosed as pathological
diagnosis of NE in poultry, and furthermore, in the change by the inexperienced.
case of poultry, it is not known yet which toxin
would be the relevant one to test for, and whether its
Normal intestine, including autolytic and
presence/absence would have diagnostic meaning.
artefactual changes
Macroscopical (gross) appearance: The normal intes-
Diagnosis of NE in poultry
tine of a freshly dead chicken or turkey is thick walled
For diagnosis of NE in poultry caused by C. perfringens, by comparison to the intestine of similarly sized mam-
identification of the characteristic intestinal lesions mals, and has good smooth muscle tone. In chickens
together with cultural or immunohistochemical confir- dissected immediately after death, the duodenum is
mation of the presence of C. perfringens is essential, normally quite red in colour due to its rich blood
since other bacteria including other clostridial species supply and this may be mistaken for pathology. This
can produce lesions of virtually identical gross and his- red colouration rapidly dissipates, especially if samples
tologic appearance, for example, Clostridium colinum are harvested immediately after death. Smooth muscle
(Songer & Uzal, 2013) and Clostridium sordellii tone and contraction are apparent for some minutes
(Rimoldi et al., 2015). However, the recovery of after death, such that intestine opened along its length
C. perfringens from the small intestine, even from an immediately after death will tend to evert, and may
abnormal small intestine, does not warrant a diagnosis even form a cylinder with the mucosal surface outer-
of NE (see below). most. The mucosal surface of the intestine is pale
cream-pink, and is slightly texturized. It is soft,
especially in the duodenum, and it is easy to introduce
Significance of recovery of C. perfringens
artefactual depressions and fissures with dissection
from poultry small intestine
instruments. There are no circular or longitudinal
C. perfringens may be recovered from normal small folds, rather the surface is even. There may be
intestine and from intestine affected by diseases other occasional red and/or raised foci (0.5–1 cm) (Figure 1
than NE, and even within an individual bird, these (a)) which represent gut-associated lymphoid tissue
are frequently of multiple types as shown by pulsed (GALT). The intestinal wall becomes thinner as the
field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) (Nauerby et al., time interval from death increases, due to autolysis,
2003). In a study of broiler chickens dead from diseases and the accumulation of gas which distends and
other than NE, C. perfringens were recovered from the stretches the wall. Smooth muscle tone is frequently
small intestine of 56% of 91 birds (Smyth & Martin, lost with increased time interval after death. The intes-
unpublished observation). Thus, isolation of tine may acquire green discolouration due to decompo-
C. perfringens from the small intestine does not war- sition. This may have a patchy distribution.
rant a diagnosis of NE. However, the recovery of Microscopical (histological) appearance: histological
C. perfringens together with the characteristic pathol- examination shows that most of the thickness of the
ogy of NE, enables diagnosis. avian intestine is due to a very well developed mucosal
Isolation of netB-positive strains of C. perfringens in layer. The avian intestine has very long villi compared
pure, or almost pure, culture from the small intestine of to those of the mammal (Figure 1(b)). The villi are
chickens should raise strong suspicion of NE, and if no longest in the duodenum and become progressively
NE lesions were detected by the prosector, the intestine shorter moving distally along the intestine. In
284 J. A. SMYTH

Figure 1. (a) Longitudinally opened section of ileum from a normal broiler chicken. Good smooth muscle tone is evidenced by the
curling of the tissue at the edges. There is a raised reddened focus, which represents GALT. The edge of any such reddened focus
should always be carefully checked for evidence of necrosis, such as that seen later in this figure. (b) Longitudinal histological sec-
tion of proximal to mid-jejunum. The villi are very long, and account for most of the thickness of the intestinal wall. (c) Histological
section of duodenum. The surface epithelium of the villi is separating from the lamina propria, there are detached individualized
and clusters of epithelial cells and amorphous eosinophilic material (arrows) in the lumen. These changes are all the result of auto-
lysis; the sample was collected from a normal chicken within 5 to 10 minutes of euthanasia and fixed immediately. (d) Longitudin-
ally opened section of jejunum from a chicken with naturally occurring NE. Diffusely, the mucosa has a tan granular appearance
(necrosis); the necrotic tissue is firmly adherent. (e) Longitudinally opened section of jejunum, chicken. In some areas the mucosa
is very moist, soft and tan-coloured. There are also areas where this fibrinonecrotic material has sloughed from the surface exposing
a relatively smooth glistening surface, which histological evaluation showed was re-epithelialized. (f) Multifocal necrosis, ulceration
and mucosal sloughing. Necrotic mucosa is tan-discoloured (black arrows). The ulcers have a red base e.g. at the top right corner,
while re-epithelialized craters have a smooth glistening base (white arrow). Necrosis is evident at the margins of both the craters
and ulcers. (g) Histological section of jejunum, NE. The superficial part of the mucosa is markedly eosinophilic (coagulative necrosis)
and is separated from viable mucosa by an intense zone of heterophilic inflammation (arrows). The necrotic coagulum is coated by a
thick layer of bacteria (C. perfringens) (stained blue). (h) Histological section of a thin-walled area of jejunum. There is marked
reduction in villus length in the right half of the section, and complete loss of villi in the left half. Crypts are elongated.

longitudinal section, the villi have the classic thin slen- to coalescing, or in severe cases may be diffuse, affect-
der fingerlike profiles, but in transverse section, the ing the entire small intestine. While lesions are most
profiles are broader (reflecting the fact that the villi, commonly found in the proximal part of the jejunum
especially in the jejunum and ileum, are leaf-shaped), (between the distal end of the duodenum and Meckel’s
and the surface epithelium may have a multilayered diverticulum), any part of the small intestine as well as
appearance especially if the section has been cut the caecum and/or colorectum may be affected. Necro-
slightly tangentially. This multilayered appearance of tizing and fibrinonecrotizing lesions can be recognized
the epithelium is artefactual, and should not be inter- as tan discolouration of the mucosa (Figure 1(d–f)). In
preted as epithelial hyperplasia. While it is very easy some cases, the mucosa becomes thickened due to
and therefore tempting to process transverse sections build-up of adherent fibrin and necrotic debris, and
for microscopical examination, longitudinal sections has a marked coarsely granular texture and may be
are better. moderately firm and adherent (Figure 1(d)) or soft
The microscopical appearance of the intestine alters and moist (Figure 1(e)). Ulcers may be recognized as
very rapidly (within minutes) of death. Changes occur- depressed foci with a roughened red exposed surface
ring after death have been systematically studied in calves (Figure 1(f)), and there may be some limited haemor-
(Pearson & Logan, 1978), sheep, rabbits and rats (Fell, rhage at the margins or in the lumen. In birds with
1961) and the present author confirms that virtually iden- NE, all crater-like lesions are commonly classified as
tical autolytic changes also occur in chickens and turkeys ulcers, when in fact many of these represent areas of
(unpublished observations). The development of sube- mucosal thinning where necrotic mucosa that has
pithelial spaces were the earliest detectable changes, and been underrun by new epithelium, has sloughed
these were seen as early as three minutes after severance (Figure 1(f)). Such areas are characterized by having
of the carotid arteries of a disease challenged calf. It is a smooth, often glistening, surface which is depressed
noteworthy that these changes occurred more quickly compared to the surrounding mucosa. Often the rim
in the disease challenged calf than in a healthy control of mucosa surrounding these re-epithelialized craters
calf. Autolytic changes were most severe in the proximal and ulcers is necrotic, again evidenced by tan dis-
small intestine and were marked by seven minutes, and colouration (Figure 1(f)). Ulcers and re-epithelialized
included denuded villi, detached strips of epithelium craters are often visible from the serosal surface.
and dissociated epithelial cells. Figure 1(c) illustrates Sloughing of large areas of mucosa together with loss
autolytic change in chicken duodenum. Even where of smooth muscle tone result in a thin flaccid intestinal
mucosal biopsies are surgically collected (from humans), wall. Foul-smelling gas and sloughed necrotic material
artefactual separation of the villus surface epithelium may accumulate in the intestinal lumen. Frequently,
from the lamina propria or focally denuded epithelium abnormally thick dark-green coloured bile discolours
are not unusual findings, and are attributed to the biopsy the mucosal surface or luminal content in the duode-
procedures (Gramlich & Petras, 2007). Similarly, rough num and proximal jejunum.
handling of intestine during post-mortem sampling can Birds dead from NE undergo rapid decomposition,
accentuate the artefacts that will occur and fracture the and this decomposition can mask the presence of
villi. The mucosal surface should not be touched during lesions, especially if there has been ante-mortem thin-
collection procedures. Autolytic changes occur most ning of the wall. Not only does the decomposition
rapidly in the proximal small intestine, especially the duo- make the intestine friable and difficult to open, it can
denum; the distal small intestine appears to be more also cause necrotic mucosa to detach and fragment
resistant. In trying to interpret mucosal changes at the very easily, and even to liquefy in some cases. This frag-
microscopical level, lack of inflammatory change, for mented and or liquefying content may be mistaken for
example, fibrin accumulation or heterophilic infiltrate/ food particles or chyme. Careful handling and close
exudate are evidence that such changes are artefactual. inspection, including gentle washing to expose the
It is critically important to collect (and examine!) samples mucosal surface are often needed. If the prosector is
from control birds collected and processed under exactly not vigilant, lesions may be overlooked.
the same conditions. It is this author’s experience that, Histologically, lesions of NE have a very character-
even using a standardized approach, there can be istic appearance, but as mentioned previously, this
between-bird variation in the degree of autolytic and arte- appearance is not pathognomonic for C. perfringens;
factual change, so it is important that multiple control other clostridia can produce very similar pathology.
birds are evaluated before drawing conclusions on the Lesions can affect scattered single villi, or one or
findings in the test subjects. more clusters of villi, or may affect all the villi in a sec-
tion. There is usually a variably thick superficial zone of
intensely eosinophilic necrotic material which is coated
Intestine with NE due to C. perfringens
by a thick mat of clostridia and which is sharply demar-
The gross lesions of NE due to C. perfringens vary in cated from healthy tissue by an intense zone of predo-
both extent and severity and may be focal, multifocal minantly heterophilic infiltrate (Figure 1(g)).
286 J. A. SMYTH

Sometimes necrotic lamina propria and bacteria are 2003; Gholamiandekhordi et al., 2006), which may be
found underlying relatively normal epithelium. Large explained at least in part, by the recent finding that
clumps of bacteria may also be found within the necro- netB-positive NE strains exclusively produce the bac-
tic coagulum. The re-epithelialized craters previously teriocin, perfrin (Timbermont et al., 2014). However,
described at the gross level, are evident as areas with C. perfringens can also be recovered from the normal
markedly reduced villus height (Figure 1(h)) and small intestine, especially if the bird has been dead
increased crypt depth. for a while and there is time for post-mortem prolifer-
Changes such as separation of epithelium from the ation of the organisms. C. perfringens strains recovered
lamina propria, denuded villi, strips of detached epi- from individual birds that do not have NE are fre-
thelial cells and dissociated cells must be interpreted quently of multiple PFGE types (Nauerby et al.,
with caution (see the section describing histologic fea- 2003), and these strain types are usually different to
tures of autolysis and Figure 1(c), features which can be those found in NE lesions. Obviously, the intralesional
erroneously interpreted as pathology and/or evidence organisms are the ones that investigators need to iso-
of NE). late, so it is important to specifically swab lesions.
However, lesions may be focal or regional, and the
intestine is over 1 m long in broiler chickens over
Importance of accurate diagnosis of NE to
two weeks of age, so if the lesions are not correctly
interpretation of research findings
identified at the time of necropsy, it is entirely possible
As may be recognized from the preceding paragraphs, that the swab site may be distant to the lesion and
misidentification of either other intestinal diseases or therefore, that any isolates recovered may very well
autolytic change as NE, will lead to isolates wrongly not be those responsible for the lesions! This type of
identified as “NE-associated C. perfringens strains”. sampling error may lead to results that are hard to
This author had acquired several “NE-associated explain, for example some of the early conflicting
C. perfringens strains”, but not all of these produced data with respect to the role of netB. Among the earlier
NE in a disease model (Smyth & Martin 2010). This described netB negative isolates of C. perfringens
result was at first surprising and suggested complexities reported to have been recovered from cases of NE,
in disease development not fully addressed by disease but which failed to cause NE in an experimental
modelling systems. However, examination of the netB model (Smyth & Martin 2010), was an isolate later dis-
status of the isolates showed that the “NE-associated covered to have been made from a chicken with focal
C. perfringens strains” that produced disease in the NE lesions that had only been detected during histo-
NE model were netB positive, while those that did logical evaluation. Since the NE lesions were not recog-
not produce disease in the NE model were netB nega- nized at the time of necropsy, it is highly likely that the
tive. While this on one hand provided strong support isolate was recovered from a non-lesioned area and
for the importance of netB to disease-producing ability, therefore not a true “NE isolate”. This sort of sampling
the apparent recovery of netB negative isolates from error, among other causes, might explain some of the
naturally occurring cases of disease does not support other netB negative NE isolates that have been
an absolute requirement for netB in disease-producing recorded.
strains. However, the clear separation of outcomes
according to netB status was noteworthy, and
Concluding remarks
prompted the author to examine closely the history
of the netB negative NE-associated C. perfringens To reach an accurate diagnosis of NE or not-NE, diag-
strains. For one of the isolates, gross images and histo- nosticians and investigators must thoroughly inspect
logic sections of the source bird were available for the intestine for evidence of the characteristic lesions
examination, and were found to be consistent with a and demonstrate the presence of C. perfringens in the
diagnosis of coccidiosis due to Eimeria necatrix and lesions. The main pitfalls to reaching the correct diag-
not NE, that is, there had been a misdiagnosis, and nosis are (1) erroneously interpreting normal features
therefore the isolate had been wrongly classified. This and autolytic changes (especially at the microscopical
finding, illustrates the importance of correct original level) as NE pathology, (2) not performing a detailed
diagnosis to the conclusions that may be drawn from enough examination of the intestine especially in
research findings. birds where autolysis makes tissue handling difficult,
and overlooking NE pathology (3) misidentifying the
pathology of other diseases as NE (e.g. coccidiosis
Site of sampling for isolation of causal
due to E. necatrix and (4) diagnosing NE because
bacterium is critically important
C. perfringens was present in small intestine. Such
C. perfringens are present in very large numbers in NE errors can lead to isolates of C. perfringens being
lesions (Figure 1(g)) and the organism within the wrongly identified as “NE strains” and/or “non-NE
lesions are usually of one clonal type (Nauerby et al., strains” which will add difficulty to elucidating

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