Regional Trial Court Manila City

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Republic of the Philippines


Branch 37
Manila City

Plaintiff, Civil Case No. 1217

-versus- For: Complaint for damages under Article 299 of the

Revised Penal Code (Robbery with Force Upon Things)


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I, Rico Laurenciano, of legal age as proven by the birth certificate attached to this
affidavit as “Annex A”, single, Filipino, with residence at 238 Osorio St. Tondo, Manila
City, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and
state that:

1. The taking of my Judicial Affidavit was taken and administered by Atty. Marc
Jefferson Chan Yu in his law office located at 726 Asuncion St. San Nicolas,
2. I am answering the questions asked of me fully conscious that I do so under oath
and may face criminal liability for false testimony or perjury.
3. I am executing this affidavit in a question-and-answer form in English which is a
language known to me.


This judicial affidavit of Rico Laurenciano is being offered to:

1. Prove that the plaintiff’s briefs have been repeatedly stolen.
2. Prove that the theft was done despite the plaintiff having secured the entrances
to his house, with the entryways being damaged due to the forceful entry.
3. Prove that the briefs were stolen by the defendant, Rita Dela Cruz.
4. Prove that the plaintiff has suffered actual and moral damages due to the crime
committed by the defendant.
Q1: May the witness please state his name and personal circumstances for the record.
A1: I am Rico Laurenciano, of legal age as proven by the birth certificate attached to
this affidavit as “Annex A”, single, Filipino, with postal address at 238 Osorio St. Tondo,
Manila City

Q2: What is the purpose for your visit?

A2: To give a sworn statement by way of a judicial affidavit, which will be used in place
of my direct testimony for the civil action for damages against the defendant.

Q3: Are you fully aware of the nature and legal consequences of this oath, and that you
may face criminal liability for false testimony or perjury?
A3: Yes, I am.

Q4: You are testifying in English. Is English a language known and understood by you?
A4: Yes, sir

Q5: What is the reason for your complaint?

A5: The reason for my complaint is to seek damages against the defendant. Last
month, I lost a total of 15 briefs due to it being stolen by Rica.

Q6: How did you know that your undergarments were stolen?
A6: It is my practice to hang my briefs out to dry. Last month, at first, a few went
missing. I thought that it was merely due to the wind or some other natural cause.
However, as time went by, it kept happening. It got to the point where I suspected that
someone was actually stealing my briefs so I had to dry them inside my home instead.

Q7: What happened to your briefs afterwards?

A7: Despite hanging them to dry inside my house, that didn’t stop my briefs from
disappearing. In fact, not only did I hang them inside my home, I even tied nylon cords
around the entrances to my home. I also stored the briefs inside a container which was
secured by rope, however they still disappeared and the cords and ropes around my
door and container were cut and damaged.

Q8: How much did the total incident cost you?

Q8: The prices of the briefs vary. For the first 3 pieces, I paid 130 pesos. For the next 6
pieces, I paid 190 pesos. For the most recent pieces, 180 pesos. I also paid around 500
pesos for the damaged ropes and cords and 1500 pesos for the repair of the damaged
door and container.

Q9: Did anything else happen to you afterwards?

A9: Aside from the stolen briefs, nothing physically, however I ended up being paranoid
about the whole incident. Since then I have not had a good night’s sleep for fear that
someone would break in and steal my briefs or do something worse. This has also
affected my relationship with my neighbors as this initially caused me to suspect
everyone so I stopped interacting with my neighbors and friends.

Q10: You kept mentioning that it was the defendant who stole your belongings. Are you
certain that she is the culprit?
A10: Yes, I am.

Q11: How can you be certain that it was her who stole your briefs?
A11: Due to KMJS picking up my story, they installed CCTVs inside my house. While
she was not caught directly stealing my briefs during that period, she acted weirdly and
went into a sort of trance during that time. In that state, she admitted to stealing my

Q12: Do you have anything else to state in your affidavit?

A12: No, that would be all sir.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this 10th day of April
2023, at Manila City, Philippines

Rico Laurenciano

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to me before this 11th day of April 2023, at Manila City,
Philippines. I further certify that I have personally examined the affiant and that I am
convinced that he understood and voluntarily executed this Judicial Affidavit

Atty. Jaime Ronald Sy

Notary Public for the City of Manila
Commission No. 2023-12 | Valid until December 31, 2025
Roll of Atty. No. 68204
PTR No. 264/Manila City/12-31-23
IBP Lifetime Membership No. 15204
MCLE Compliance No. VII – 65024; valid until 04/25/2025

I, Atty. Marc Jefferson Chan Yu, with office address at 726 Asuncion St. San Nicolas,
Manila, hereby attest that I have conducted and supervised the examination of Rico
Laurenciano in my office stated above.

I further declare that:

1. I faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the questions I asked and the
corresponding answers the affiant/witness gave; and
2. Neither I nor any other person then present of assisting me coached the
affiant/witness regarding the latter’s answers.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this 10th of April 2023,
at Manila City, Philippines.

Atty. Marc Jefferson Yu


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to me before this 11th of April 2023 at Manila City,
Philippines. I further certify that I have personally examined the affiant and that I am
convinced that he understood and voluntarily executed this Judicial Affidavit

Atty. Jaime Ronald Sy

Notary Public for the City of Manila
Commission No. 2023-12 | Valid until December 31, 2025
Roll of Atty. No. 68204
PTR No. 264/Manila City/12-31-23
IBP Lifetime Membership No. 15204
MCLE Compliance No. VII – 65024; valid until 04/25/2025

Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series No.
Copy Furnished:

Atty. Juan Dela Cruz

Counsel for defendant

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