Anglais TleA Mini Session1 College Bilingue Retraite 2022 2023

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3 5 a= Hee COLLEGE CATHOLIQUE BILINGUEDE LA RETRATTE: ‘anarrars cAriotic itnhatcOLLADE Gp HARMONISED TEST N°t CLASSE: TLE Ad \ Nona eee Time allowed:$h = Prénoms: es Cocks EPREUVE = ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEST Ne rienécrireici N° de table ‘Signature du Surveiliant /20 Ne rienéerireiei EPREUVE D’ANGLAIS Mini-Session N°1 SECTION A:GRAMMAR(10marks) 1 Complete the cloze test below with your own words. Smks In the 1960°s women tennis players received little or no prize money ball, Nowadays, however, although prize money for women is still less (1) ____ for men, top women players can earn twice a$ much in a fornight as a sucessful company diteetor does in (2) entire year. But official prize money only accounts for a fraction of the total earnings of both men and women players these days. Most (3) tennis player’s incomes come (4) sponsoring contracts with fashion and sports wear companies rather than major championships. Players have paid huge sums of'money, to wear arlything from tennis shoes to a wristwatch. ‘The massive sponsorship deals have turned tennis stars, some still 6) their teens, into millionaires. With (6) much money in the bank and the world at their feet at (7) an early age, it is not really surprising that some young stars have not been able (8) cope with the pressure that fame (9) _____ brought and have become victims of (0) own success. What promised to be brilliant early careers have ended in personal failure and oN trauma for more than a few. Ul. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use up to five words including the word you ure given. Do not change this word. 2,5mks 1) It is ages T saw Ardy (for) 1 ____along time, 2) Maria works so hard that she always gets the highest exam marks(such) 3) As the heat increased, we drank more water.(hotter) The more water we drank au If J would have answered the phone, in’t answer the phone because | didn’t know it was you. (had), Page isurs 5) I don’t swim here. It is dangerous (warned) ‘The man there because it was dangerous. IIL Complete these sentences by putting the verbs in brackets in the correct formv/2,5mks 1) Itisno good (run) in a marathon if you're not Wearing right shoes. 2) I didn’t know my way around the city because I (never be) there before. 3) We firmly believe the world (be) a better place in 40 years? time. 4) Nick hasn't rung. You (hear) the telephone if he had. 5) When I (arrive) in Douala, Fwasn’tallowed into the country because I 7 (lose) my passport. SECTION B: VOCABULARY (10 marks) 1. Complete this extract from a telephone conversation with phrases from the box. 4mks to leave a message ~ like to speak to ask him tophone - could I speak could we meet -you through it’s not a problem - got a problem now Amtel communtications. Good morning. Hello, Pd (1) MrsKamdem in the sales office, please. One momient, I'l! put (2) Sales office. Good morning, Hello, (3) Pmsorty he’s not available just now. He's 2 to MrKamdem, please? 9 Bepy> w > ‘a meeting. Would you like (4) B. Yes please. It is about our meeting next week. Unfortunately. I've (5) © C.T'll give him the message. later in the afternoon? I hope (7) for him. Page 2sur5 B. Thanks. Could you (8) me when he's back? He’s got my number. TL Use the words giyen in brackets in the paragraph to form a word that fits in the gap. There is an example at the beginning. 4mks The (0) preparations (prepare) for the festival in my town are an extremely (1) _ (excite) time, Months before, the organisers of the committee start making all the necessary () __ (arrange) and finalizing the details of the processions (act) that are going on to take place. They also keep the main @ (Participate) up to date with what is going on, When thatday finally arrives, it becomes (5) _| (possible) to drink in the city since the streets are really crowded with local people, visitors from other nearby towns and even mote some tourists, The whole town appears (6) __ (Chao) and disorganized. People dress up in traditional costumes, young people stay out all night with their friends and it Is quite normal 19 see people who are (7) (usual) quietaind Fespectable dancing in the streets, For me, hovjever, the firework displays are the most (8) impress) part. and other (3) IIL Cirele the best alternative from the words in brackets./ 2marks 4) Sheila (spent/past/passed) her holiday painting the children’s bedroom, ») There is no doubt that air travel (causes/does/makes) a lot 6f pollution, ©) Itis the best painting (that/which/what) I have ever seen, 4) Excuse me, I'm a bit lost. Can you tell me the best (journey/vay/travel) to the bus station? SECTION C: COMPREHENSION/10marks Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow it. Use full English sentences, My first bike. My biking beginnings can be summed up in two words: teenage love. My first girlfriend was small with short mousy blonde hair, and 1 was mad about her. Our romance came to an abrupt end, however, when she started going out with another guy in my hometown, Crieff. He rode a 50 ec road bike first and then a 125.\And whereas, had always walked my gitlffiend home, suddenly she was going back with this guys T was nearly sixteen by then and already heartbroken. Then one day, on the way back from a shopping tip to Perth with my mum, we passed Buchan's, the local bike shop. I urged my mother to Stop the car. I'got out, walked up the short hill to the shop and pressed my nose to the window, There Was a light blue $02 bike on display right atthe front of the shop. I didn’t know what make it was, or if it wasiany good. Sich trivialites were irevelant to me. All { know was that I could get it in three or four months” time when I was sixteen and allowed to rie it, Maybe I could even get my gitltiend back. 1.4 Tddemmy frst bike when 1 was about six. My father organized a tiny red Honda See and ‘we headed off to a field that belonged to a family friend. I clambered on and shot off. I went all over the field. 1 thought it was just the best thing. I loved the smell of it, the sound of it, the look of it, the rush of it, the high-pitched ‘screaming of the engine. Best of all, there was a Land Rover Parked next to two large piles of straw with about a metre and half between them. I knew that from where the adults were standing it looked as if there was no distance between them. Just one large heap of straw. J Page 3surS thought I would have a go. I came racing towards the adults, shot right through the gap in the straw. I ‘Was thrilled to hear the adults scream and elated that it had frightened them. It was my first time on a motorbike. It was exciting and I wanted more. So when I looked through Buchan’s window in Perth that day it suddenly all made sense to me. Teas what had to happen. I can’t remember whether it was to win back my ex-girlfiend’s heart or not, but more than anything else it meant that, instead of having to walk everywhere, I could ride my Motorbike to school and the games fields at the bottom of Crieff and when I went out at weekends, | started to fantasise about it.I spent all my waking hours thinking about getting on and starting 4p the bike, putting on the helmet and riding around Crieff. ! couldn't sleep. Driven to desperation by my desire for a bike. I made a series of promises to my mum: I won’t do anything stupid: Bul in fact I was making the promises up ~1 never thought about keeping them. Tis built on a hill. It's a small town and my whole childhood was spent Walking around'the town, from my parents’ Rouse to school to friends’ houses. It was great, but I was getting to that age When children become aware of the possibilities of venturing further afieldy Chrieff is smaGk in the ‘middle of Scotland, no mare than a day's drive from anywhere in the country. Unless, ike us, you went everywhere by bicycle. With so many beautiful places nearby, the idea of getting a motorbike was too much to resist, Adapted from Long Way Round by Ewan MeGregor and Charley Boorman. io 1) Why did Ewan’s relationship with his first gielftiend finish? 1,5mks 2) Why didn’t Ewan buy the bike immediately? A Smks 3) The adults were frightenéd the first time Ewan rode a sai Why? 1,5mks 4) What was Ewan’s main teason for buying the motorbike? 1,5mks- 5) How did Ewan's desire for the bike affect his behavior? 1,5mks 6) What does Ewan mean by “venturing further afield? Imrk Page 4sur5 7) Who, according to the whole passage, was most against Ewan getting a motorbike? Why? 2mks SECTION D :ESSAY WRITING/10Marks Write an essay of no more than 300 words on anyone of the following topics. 1. Your uncle by name Liyouha smokes cigarettes. He also drinks beer, wine sachet Whisky like “Frighters”, “Kitoko” and “Gold Bond”.He always looks drunk and tired. Many of your family members have talked (o him but he still smokes and drinks heavily. Write a letter fo him waming him about ~ His present state ~ The dangers of drinking sachets whiskey and smoking. Your name Billy Kola and your address GHS Lambi, Post Office Box 378 Bipindi. 2. You realized after conducting an HIV/AIDS test that you are positive. Tellus how you felt and what you did. What would you advise youths to do to control theit Sexual life $0 as to maintain their status and stay healthy? 3. You are very sad because some of your family membérs were involved in a fatal road accident and they all died leaving behind young children, Write an essay in which you talk about : - The major causes of road accidents, ~ Their consequences on the relatives and the eountry as a whole, ~ The measures the government of your country and individuals should take to solve the problem of road accidents, Page Ssurs

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