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Economic and Technical Potential

of Geothermal Energy in the Kingdom

of Saudi Arabia

Omar K. M. Ouda, Abdulaziz M. Al-Bassam, and Aref A. Lashin

Abstract The paper introduced the potential geothermal resources

in the KSA and highlighted the key barrier toward its full
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is almost com-
utilizations. Finally, the study recommended the devel-
pletely dependent on fossil fuel to satisfy its energy
opment of pilot projects for geothermal energy genera-
demand of all its economic sectors. The KSA vision of
tions at the high-technical potential areas. These pilot
2030 calls for the diversification of energy sources in the
projects will contribute to a full assessment of geothermal
Kingdom. Accordingly, the KSA has launched a promis-
energy feasibility in the kingdom and facilitate private
ing plan that aims to gradually power the major industrial
sector investment in geothermal energy production.
activities in the country by renewable and low-carbon
energy sources. The geothermal sources are among the

promising renewable sources that can support the
achievement of the country vision and energy mix plan. Renewable energy Geothermal resources Economic
Saudi Arabia is rich with several geothermal resources Environment Saudi Arabia
especially in the western and southwestern regions along
the Red Sea area. The potential of the basaltic fields,
called Harrat, that covers more than 80,000 km2 in the
west of the Arabian shield is considered a sizeable 1 Introduction
opportunity for producing geothermal power. Harrats are
considered high-enthalpy resources that could be used for Renewable energy has received additional momentum in
power generation if a comprehensive geothermal resource 2015 through adapting the sustainable development goal
assessment was achieved. Moreover, the north and (SDG), which calls for substantially increasing the share of
northwestern parts of the Arabian shield are rich in renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030 (United
high-generating granite which is a type of hot dry rocks Nations, 2020). The International Renewable Energy Agency
with a huge reserve of stored energy. These granites are (IRENA) reported a renewable energy share of electricity
estimated to yield a heat production in the range of 15– generation in 2018 of about 25% in the total global electricity
134 lW/m3. This paper provided an overview of the generation (The International Renewable Energy Agency
status of geothermal energy in the world and document (IRENA) 2018). The total amount of electricity generated
international key challenges for resources development. from renewables was 6586 TWh. Renewable hydropower
accounted for about 63% of this (4149 TWh), followed by
O. K. M. Ouda  A. M. Al-Bassam wind energy (1263 TWh), solar energy (562 TWh), bioen-
National Centre for Water Research and Studies,
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MEWA), ergy (523 TWh), geothermal energy (88 TWh), and marine
Eastern Ring Road, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia energy (1 TWh) in 2018 (The International Renewable
A. A. Lashin (&) Energy Agency (IRENA) 2018) (Table 1). The global
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department, weighted-average costs (US$/KWh) of electricity generation
College of Engineering, King Saud University, from the various types of renewable sources in 2018 were
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia bioenergy 0.062; geothermal 0.072; hydro 0.047; solar pho-
tovoltaics 0.085; concentrating solar power 0.185; offshore
A. A. Lashin wind 0.127; and onshore wind 0.056 (The International
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Benha University,
P.O. Box 13518 Benha, Egypt Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 2018).

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 391
V. Naddeo et al. (eds.), Water-Energy-Nexus in the Ecological Transition, Advances in Science,
Technology & Innovation,
392 O. K. M. Ouda et al.

Table 1 Renewable energy generation in 2018 per type and region

Region Renewable energy generation (TWh)
Hydro Wind
Bioenergy Solar Geothermal Marine Total
Africa 129 14 3 9 5 160
Asia 1719 440 165 293 26 <1 2644
Central America and Caribbean 29 6 6 3 4 48
Eurasia 266 20 3 8 8 <1 306
Europe 578 384 192 132 13 <1 1298
Middle East 19 1 <1 6 27
North America 710 321 81 90 24 <1 1226
Oceania 44 17 4 10 8 <1 84
South America 655 60 69 11 <1 <1 794
World Total 4149 1263 523 562 88 1 6586
Source Adapted after (The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 2018)

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is almost com- First, the geothermal power has considerable potential for
pletely dependent on fossil fuel to satisfy the energy demand growth while the amount of heat within 10,000 m of the
of all economic sectors (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Vision, earth’s surface is estimated to yield 50,000 times more energy
2020). In April 2016, the KSA launched the Saudi Vision than all oil and gas resources. Second, the costs for electricity
2030 as a strategic framework to reduce the Kingdom generation from geothermal technologies are becoming
dependency on oil, diversify its economy, and develop increasingly competitive and its cost continues to drop (The
public services. The Kingdom vision has an impressive plan International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (2017);
to generate up to 9.5 GW of energy from renewable International Energy Agency (IEA) (2020). Third, the
resources (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Vision, 2020). The geothermal energy is available yearlong and around the clock,
country is going to be completely powered by renewable and and finally, it can be found around the globe.
low-carbon forms of energy by the end of the year 2030. So Geothermal electricity generation and cost rely mainly on
it has become clear that the KSA is moving forward in the used technology such as dry steam plants, flash plants
investing in renewable energy including solar, wind, (single, double, and triple), binary plants, and combined-
geothermal, and bioenergy as alternatives to fossil fuels. cycle or hybrid plants. Typical total capital costs for
Accordingly, the geothermal resources are among the geothermal power plants range from about 2000 to about
promising renewable sources that can support the achieve- 5000 US$ per kilowatt (kW) (The International Renewable
ment of the country vision and energy diversification plan. Energy Agency (IRENA) 2018). The U.S. Energy Infor-
mation Administration estimated the capital costs for
geothermal plants that would come online in 2020 in the
2 Geothermal Energy USA by about 2680 US$ per kW. The binary plants are
normally more expensive than direct dry steam and flash
Geothermal energy is a renewable energy generated within plants. The leveled cost of electricity (LCOE) of a
the earth and can be transformed into electricity or used geothermal power plant ranges from 0.04 US$ to 0.14 US$
directly for heating (The International Renewable Energy per kilowatt-hour (kWh) (The International Renewable
Agency (IRENA) (2017). Global geothermal energy genera- Energy Agency (IRENA) 2018). The International Renew-
tion has grown from about 52 TWh in 2000 to about 92 TWh able Energy Agency conducted cost breakdown analysis
in 2019 (International Energy Agency (IEA)) with an average study for two 110 MW geothermal power plants in
growth rate of 3.2% (Fig. 1.). With this growth, the Indonesia. The study identified the percentage for cost
geothermal energy will not achieve the stated SDG 2030 components as follows: power plant construction 42%,
target of producing 282 TWh of energy from geothermal production wells 15%, steam field development 14%, con-
resources globally. In order to meet the stated target, the tingency 9%, site infrastructure 7%, exploration 4%, injec-
geothermal market needs to grow by, on average, 10.7% per tion wells 4%, project management and engineering
year over the coming 10 years. Worth to notice that the SDG supervision 3%, test wells 1%, and owner’s costs 1% (The
2030 target is globally achievable given the following facts. International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (2017).
Economic and Technical Potential of Geothermal Energy in the Kingdom 393

3 Geothermal Resources in Saudi Arabia The hydrothermal system located in Jizan and Al-Lith areas,
with a surface thermal water temperature up to 96 °C, is a
The most promising geothermal sources in Saudi Arabia are very promising medium-enthalpy resource. The large
located in the western part of the kingdom represented by the basaltic fields of the Harrats area constitute a favorable target
hydrothermal systems, basaltic fields that cover more than for geothermal power generation. Harrat Khaybar is the most
80,000 km2 and high-heat production granite. Most of the interesting due to its wide area of extension and its proximity
geothermal resources of Saudi Arabia are associated with to a very densely populated area of the Almadinah Almun-
these tectonic and volcanic eruptions (Fig. 2) (Gettings, warah (Roobol et al. 2002; Hussein et al. 2013; Lashin et al.
1982). 2014, 2015, 2020; Chandrasekharam et al. 2016). The
The geothermal sources of Saudi Arabia can be catego- Saudi geothermal energy can also be generated from the
rized as low, medium, and high-enthalpy resources. high-enthalpy radioactive granites located in the northwest
Low-enthalpy resources are accessible with a temperature the Arabian shield (Midyan and Haal granites). It is esti-
range up to 97 °C and represented mainly by thick sedi- mated that this granite can produce up to 160  1012 kWh
mentary sequence of deep-seated basins in the eastern and of electricity (Chandrasekharam et al. 2015b).
central parts of Saudi Arabia. Medium-enthalpy resources
are represented by the hydrothermal systems and hot springs
that are located along the southwestern coastal plain of Saudi 4 Discussion
Arabia, i.e., Al-Lith and Jizan areas. The surface temperature
of these springs reaches up to 96 °C in some locations (Ain The study showed the significance of the geothermal energy
Al Harrah-Al-Lith) (Chandrasekharam et al. 2015a). The in the global energy market. It has several technical, eco-
basaltic eruptions that constitute approximately 80,000 km2 nomic, and environmental competitive advantages over
of lava fields, known as Harrats are the main figure of Saudi almost all types of renewable and non-renewable energy
high-enthalpy resources. The Harrats of Khaybar and Rahat sources. The global technical potential for electricity gen-
attain potential geothermal reservoirs with high-heat flow, eration from geothermal resources is estimated to be
good enthalpy, and observed fumarole activity (Pint 2006; 240 GW with a lower limit of 50 GW and an upper limit
Roobol et al. 1995, 2002). The pre- and post-orogenic between 1000 and 2000 GW (The International Renewable
granites, located in the north and northwestern parts of Saudi Energy Agency (IRENA) (2017). Furthermore, the
Arabia (Midyan and Haal granites), occupying an area of geothermal energy production cost is in the lower to medium
375 km2, is another high-enthalpy geothermal target. It is range in comparison with other renewable energy sources.
enriched with high uranium, thorium, and potassium con- The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimated the
centrations with a heat generating capacity range of 15– capital costs in US$ per kW for various types of renewable
134 µW/m3 (Chandrasekharam et al. 2015b). energy plants that would come online in 2020 in the USA as
Geothermal resources of Saudi Arabia can be utilized in follows: biomass 4140; hydropower 2752; wind offshore
an industrial scale. It can be used for low-grade direct 5446; wind 1319; solar thermal 7191; solar photovoltaic
applications, desalination, and even in energy production. 1331, and geothermal 2680 (U.S. Energy Information

Fig. 1 Trend of global

geothermal energy generation
(Adapted after (International
Energy Agency (IEA). 2020))
394 O. K. M. Ouda et al.

Fig. 2 Map showing the major geothermal resources of Saudi Arabia (Gettings, 1982)

Administration, 2020). Despite these facts, the world is not the country vision 2030 energy mix plan. The study findings
progressing to achieve the sustainable development goal for call for pilot projects for geothermal energy generations in
geothermal energy generation of 282 TWh in 2030. They the identified areas in this study (Sect. 3). The pilot projects
key barrier is the relatively the high exploration and drilling will contribute to a full assessment of geothermal energy
cost which is considered a high risk to both investors and feasibility in the kingdom and encourage private sector
financial institutions. This risk is due to the high-capital investment in geothermal energy production.
requirements for the confirmation of resource presence or
exploitability. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not an
exception, and this is a key barrier that hinders the 5 Conclusion
geothermal energy development in the country. This calls for
introducing a modern financing mechanism such as blended A review of the geothermal energy global status and
or green finance coupled with a good risk-sharing scheme potential in the KSA was carried out based on the available
between the governments and investors in order to reduce data and the previous studies. The review shows the
the overall risk associated with geothermal energy explo- high-potential contribution of geothermal energy to global
ration and development. energy demand and its competitive advantages over most of
The utilization of renewable energy in the KSA is energy sources. The technical potential for geothermal
insignificant to date; only a few pilot level solar and wind energy development is the KSA which is very high, and
projects are in place at various locations in the Kingdom. further, in-depth study including field investigation and pilot
Plans for large-scale projects that focus mainly on solar and project is still needed to approve its feasibility. The study
wind sources are in place currently and mainly under fea- shall include a comprehensive evaluation of the potential
sibility study stage (Ouda et al. 2019). The study shows the economic, social, and environmental benefits of geothermal
significant potential contribution of the geothermal energy to energy utilization to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Economic and Technical Potential of Geothermal Energy in the Kingdom 395

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