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Functional Gynaecology

Professor Clarke

● Centered around patterns of abnormal uterine bleeding and pelvic pain

Part 1: HPO Axis and Menstrual Cycle

● The ovary controls the menstrual cycle
● This in turn, is controlled centrally from the anterior pituitary gland and hypothalamus
● GnRH from the hypothalamus
→ stimulate anterior pituitary
→ release FSH and LH
● FSH: stimulate follicles
(developing eggs) within
the ovary - important for
○ Follicles produce
oestrogen and
○ These hormones
have an impact on
organs e.g. breasts,
uterus, brain,
● Follicles lined by granulosa
cells - produce oestrogen
● Theca cells develop
following LH surge -
produce testosterone and
● Oestrogen = negative feedback effect centrally - keep hormone levels within control and
dictate menstrual cycle
● Testosterone peripherally converted to oestrogen by aromatase (produced by fat cells) -
additional oestrogen is produced in this manner

● Overweight women - more prone to heavy periods
○ More prone to endometrial cancer
○ Oestrogen driven (more fat cells)
Menstrual Cycle
● Ovulation - day 14
● Standard 28 day cycle - on average
● 21-35 days range
○ Related to length of PROLIFERATIVE PHASE - when endometrium is
proliferative (prior to ovulation)
● Luteal phase (post-ovulation) - constant → around 10-14 days
● Rising FSH → stimulate follicles to produce oestrogen (from granulosa cells)
○ Many follicles being developed

○ Oestro
gen levels rise → negative feedback to anterior pituitary → FSH levels drop
○ Most follicles will become atretic (STOP delevoping)
○ DOMINANT FOLLICLE – the one that is able to survive in low FSH environment
■ It can still produce oestrogen from granulosa cells despite drop in FSH
○ This higher level of oestrogen then becomes a POSITIVE FEEDBACK on
pituitary → further LH and FSH surge (near day 14)
○ Surge in LH → leads to ovulation

○ In IVF, LH used to make eggs ready for collection



● No progesterone in proliferative stage of cycle

○ Subsequent to ovulation, progesterone levels rise and then SUDDENLY
■ Sudden withdrawal of progesterone → menstruation

○ Oestrogen dominated proliferative phase- causes lining of womb thickens

○ Subsequent to ovulation, endometrial lining becomes secretory (glandular and
ready for implantation of developing embryo)
● In most cycles → no embryo to implant and menstruation occurs due to sudden withdrawal of

● After ovulation, empty follicle → corpus luteum (this produces progesterone from theca cells →
survive around 10 days on average – in absence of pregagncy, dies, progestrone production stops)

● HCG - developing trophoblast will produce HCG

○ Test this in pregnancy test
○ Similar in structure to LH
○ Maintains corpus luteum for 8 weeks or so, so corpus luteum continues to
produce oestrogen and progesterone for further weeks
■ This maintains early pregancy until placenta is large enough to take over
endocrine functions
○ Allows the placenta to develop more fully, and then the placenta will take over
these functions
○ HCG maintains corpus luteum and maintains production of progesterone → menstruation
does not occur

● As the progesterone withdrawal takes place, it leads to
spasm of underlying spiral arterioles
● Constriction and necrosis → shedding os superficial lining of
endometrium And bleeding from underlying spiral
● Superficial lining of endometrium sheds each month
● Deeper basal layers are regenerative
○ Under influence of oestrogen, will continue to


Natural cycle, eostrgen is produce all and progesterome

Ovarian Activity
● At time of puberty: around 400,000 primary oocytes - females are born with all the
primary oocytes that they will ever possess
○ Only 400 will develop and mature to be released as an egg (ovulation to take
● COCP - acts by preventing ovulation – therefore these women have fewer than 400
primary oocytes
○ Sperm produced in much greater quantities

● The first meiotic division will take place around ovulation

● The second meiotic division at the time of fertilisation

Menarche and Puberty

● Menarche - onset of menstruation
● Average age: 12-13
● Puberty is a process of sexual maturation

● END of reproductive life
● Permanent cessation of menstruation
● Ovaries stop producing oestrogen and eggs
● Climacteric- transition from reproductive to non- reproductive phase of life

● Menopausal symptoms
○ Vasomotor symptoms- waves of hot flushes, disturbed sleep due to uncontrolled night
sweats → due to drop in oestrogen

STRAW reproductive ageing system

● Stages reproductive life
● Helps to determine what type of conditions will affect women in certain age categories
● Reproductive Stage
○ Pelvis pain, abnormal bleeding, fertility issues
● Menopausal Transition
○ Symptoms of oestrogen
deficiency e.g. vasomotor
symptoms, mood disturbance,
vaginal dryness
● Perimenopause
● Postmenopause
○ Loss of density, urinary
incontinence, prolapse,
development of gynaecological

Delayed Menarche/Primary Amenorrhoea (beyond 16 years)

Can occur for a number of reasons:
● Imperforate hymen - structural
○ Blood unable to escape due to imperforate hymen - collection of blood and
distension of vagina (hematocolpos)
○ Associated with pain
● Vaginal agenesis - vagina may not develop
● Testicular feminisation/ androgen insensitivity
○ Phenotype XX, genotype XY

Delayed Puberty
Can occur through many reasons:
● Hypothalamic / pituitary failure
● Gonadal dysgenesis
● Turner’s Syndrome 45XO - underdeveloped ovaries, reduced production of hormones,
phenotypical features e.g. short stature, neck

Secondary Amenorrhoea
● In adult gynaecology this is more common
● Periods have started, but then stop for a duration of time
● Most commonly due to:
○ pregnancy/lactation
○ Hormonal contraception
○ Primary ovarian insufficiency/premature menopause
○ Extreme changes weight - anorexia/obesity
○ Stress
○ Hypothyroidism
○ Iatrogenic - chemotherapy → induced ovarian failure
○ hypothalamic/pituitary tumour - prolactinoma (tumour of hypothalamus or pituitary
gland - increase in production of prolactin)
■ Visual disturbance - pressure from expanding mass in pituitary
■ Discharge from

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB)

● PALM COEIN Classification
● PALM - structural causes
● COEIN - non- structural causes

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

○ Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB)
○ Intermenstrual bleeding (IMB)
○ Post coital bleeding (PCB)
○ Postmenopausal bleeding (PMB)

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

● Excessive menstrual blood loss which interferes with a women’s quality of life
○ Physical, social, emotional and/or material QoL
● Important to SOME degree to quantify amount of blood
● Lots of sanitary products, clots, bleeding through sanitary towel
● More important to know how this is impacting upon a woman’s life

Regular Cycle HMB

● Regular cycles = ovulation is taking place
● Not fully understood why periods are heavy
● When superficial lining is shed → glandular secretions
● But underlying blood vessels will bleed (normally stop bleeding through vasospasm and local
clotting mechanisms ) → problems with these mechanisms
○ Normally controlled by PGs, prostacyclins
○ Probably a local disorder in these mechanisms
○ Failure of spiral artery constriction

Irregular cycle HMB

● Usually underlying hormonal cause
● Absence of ovulation or less regular ovulation
● Lining of womb to proliferate and then bits of lining to shed at unscheduled times
○ Leads to erratic, unscheduled, heavy bleeding
● Treatment: often requires hormonal therapy or surgery
● More commonly seen at extremes of reproductive life (immature or perimenopause) → cycles
becoming less regular
○ In keeping with reduction of natural underlying fertility - ovulation is less regular
● Endometrial hyperplasia - absence of ovulation and release of progesterone, endometrium
allowed to proliferate more and more → hyperplasia
○  development of endometrial cancer over a number of years
■ Once menopause is reached, more often than not, this process reverses
● (Atypical hyperplasia - in addition to thickening, there are
cytologically abnormal/atypical cells )
○ More likely to go on and develop ovarian cancer (approx

Endometrial Polyps - from lining of women

● Outgrowths of endometrial tissue
● Usually benign
● Can be associated with IMB and subfertility

Fibroids - from underlying muscular layer (myometrium)

● Commonest benign tumour in women
● May have no symptoms at all
● Symptoms:
○ Pressure
○ Abdominal swelling
○ Pain uncommon
● Firm structures
● Interested in where the fibroids are situated
● ALWAYS arise from muscle layer
● Can remain within muscle itself - intramural
● Can lead to uterus becoming enlarged
● Some can start to grow into the womb itself - or start
to distort it → submucosal fibroids (0,1,2
○ Often don’t lead to marked enlargement of uterus
○ Distorting the shape and stretching the endometrium - increased SA
○ Disruption to underlying menstrual mechanisms - particularly causative of heavy
menstrual bleeding
○ Fertility problems and subsequent miscarriage
● Subserosal fibroids - starting from lining of womb but growing outwards
● Intramural fibroids and the subserosal fibroids → will cause the uterus to become enlarged
○ Lead to heavy periods
○ And pressure symptoms
● Large fibroids can lead to pressure symptoms - pressure on bladder or bowel
● Women's uteruses should be the size of pear - should not feel on an abdominal
● May become markedly enlarged with fibroids - can feel it abdominally
Complications of Fibroids
● Degenerative changes - most commonly seen in pregnancy
○ Women get older - fibroids can become calcified
○ Malignant changes - leomyosarcoma
○ Mostly seen in postmenopausal women
● Torsion of pedunculated fibroids (serosal)
○ On a narrow pedicle
○ Uncommon

● Deposits of endometrial tissue in myometrium (ectopic endometrium)
● Problems with dyspaenuia and heavy menstrual bleeding
● On USS - see evidence of deposits of endometrial
● Leads to uterine enlargement (tender and bulky uterus on abdominal palpation)
● Can be concurrent with endometriosis
Pelvic Pain

Primary Dysmenorrhoea
● Period pain
● Most common type - physiological
○ Pain arising from uterus from contraction of uterine muscle
○ Occurs cyclically
○ Classically: affected nulliparous women (teenagers)
○ Does not imply any pathology
○ Onset of pain may be prior to menstruation - classically will be relieved once
menstruation starts PID
○ Mechanism - PGs leading to myometrial contraction, uterine spasm and pain
● N+V, bowel disturbance

● Management: analgesia, NSAIDs, COCP (thin lining of womb leading to less uterine
contraction and less pain), mefenamic acid

Secondary Dysmenorrhea/Pelvic Pain

● Menstrual pain that does not become relieved by onset of menstrual flow- present
throughout and possibly beyond the menses

● Cyclical Causes:
○ Endometriosis
○ Adenomyosis
○ Mittelschmerz - ovulation pain (can lead to local peritonism due to blood and fluid being
release - 24-48 hours of pain) → mid cycle
● Non-cyclical Causes:
○ Ovarian Cyst
○ Tubo-ovarian abscess
○ Rarely, fibroids (HMB and pressure symptoms)
○ IBS/Urinary Issues

● 10% of women affected (1/10)
○ Most will NOT have problems with fertility
● Cyclical pain
● Can also present with deep dyspareunia
● Can have cyclical GI/urinary symptoms
● Endometrium (lining of womb) contains glands and stroma
○ Biopsies - look identical
○ Endometriosis = endometrium which is in the wrong place (ectopic)
● Most of endometrium is shed vaginally (period)
● Retrograde passage of menses and endometrial tissue = NORMAL
○ Can track back into fallopian tubes for example
○ HOWEVER, if this endometrial tissue survives → endometriosis
○ Despotis of endometrium: ovary, pouch of Douglas (deep endometriosis)
○ Most is superficial - not invading into bowel
○ Deep endometriosis can lead to
scarring and adhesions
■ Adhesions → block Fallopian
Tubes → subfertility
○ May be due to neovascularization
and impacts on local neurology
● In most women, examination will be
○ Deeper endometriosis and
scarring - uterus and pelvic
organs may be more fixed, may
have a nodular appearance at the
top of the vagina
● Can have concurrent adenomyosis

● Gold standard investigation: Laparoscopy

- telescope put into abdominal cavity through small cut made in umbilicus
○ To diagnose - has significant risks
○ Can offer some surgical treatments
● First line Rx: analgesics or hormonal treatment

Other Forms of Endometriosis

● Deep infiltrating endometriosis → 1%
○ Pain/blood on urination/defecation
○ Vaginal/rectal nodules on examination
■ Referral to specialist centre may be required
■ Surgery - may required joint surgery with colorectal surgeries
■ Potential for complications
■ GnRH analogues - injections to induce a temporary menopause
● Useful in alleviating pains
● Impact on skeleton - loss of bone mineral density
● May need HRT to offset symptoms associated with lack of
MENOPAUSE TO RELIEVE PAIN n- oestorgen is given
alongisde this (HRT to alleivate vasomotor menpausal
symptons and prevent loss of bone density)

● Chocolate cyst (endometrioma)

○ Endometriosis deposits within ovary → cystic formation → old blood (hemosiderin)
○ Rx: surgical - cystectomy laparoscopically

Pre-menopausal Ovarian Cysts

● Often asymtpomatic but can cause non-cyclical pelvic pain.
● Most are physiological cysts (simple cysts). Often can resolve on their own if left
○ <5CM usually ignored as resolve over 2-3 cycles.
○ >5CM: US surveillance vs ovarian cystectomy (lap/abdominal)
■ If symptomatic or big - beyond 5cm, certainly beyond 8cm → generally better
● Can rupture → peritonism
○ Can become ruppture (periotinsm) because hemorrhagic or torted (will lead to
necrosis, May require fallopian tube to be removed)

These complications are less frequent with the above, simple cysts
● More common with complex cysts (i.e solid, multilocular, bilateral)
○ Dermoid - heavier, more prone to twisting
○ Ovarian malignancies - women postmenopausally predominantly
■ Pain is not as common in ovarian malignancy

PID and Tubo-Ovarian Abscesses

● STI which ascends into the pelvis
○ Often gonorrhea or chlamydia - PRIMARY infection
○ Can get secondary opportunistic infections due to mucosal damage from chalmidia or
○ STIs → damage to fallopian tubes
■ Can lead to tubal blockage and subfertility
● In actute phase: Pain and fever and sepsis and vaginal discharge
● O/E- cervical excitation, inflammatory markers will be raised
● Can get subfertility and pain (adhesions)
● Rx: antibiotics
● USS - tubo-ovarian abscess? → surgical management
○ Late manifestation of untreated PID
○ Drainage usually performed surgically
● Remember contact tracing
● Required PID abx cef, doxy, met
Part 4 & 5: History and Examination
● Regularity of menstrual cycles
● Women’s fertility desires - present and future
○ Dictates potential treatment options
● Examination: bimanual pelvic examination

● HVS for MC+S
● Endocervical swab for NAAT
○ Often done for women presenting with pain and discharge
● FBC for anaemia
○ Fibroids or severe clotting disorder → marked anaemia
● Clotting and TFTs if indicated - rare
○ Hypothyroidism → can be linked absent periods (but hyper does not cause heavy)
● TA/TV US - main imaging modality in gynaecology
○ Transvaginal - higher frequency sound waves as vaginal probe is right next to the
pelvis, good images
○ Transabdominal - through a full bladder, view of uterus and ovaries
○ Less good with women of obesity or loaded bowels
● MRI - less frequently used; Main use is for 2 reasons
○ Map fibroids - size, number and site of fibroids when planning therapy
○ Deep endometriosis - allow us to see bowel involvement

Special Tests
● Hysteroscopy +/- endometrial biopsy for women at high risk of endometrial pathology
○ Small telescope inside uterus via vagina
○ OP service
○ Image inside of uterus and perform simple treatments e.g. removing small polyps
● Laparoscopy
○ Under anaesthetic
○ Under day case
○ Telescope through umbilicus
○ Can perform surgical procedures- dividing adhesions, removing cysts,

● Abnormal bleeding - in general, benign pathology

● Women at high risk of endometrial pathology:

○ Intermenstrual bleeding - may imply problem with the cervix
○ Irregular bleeding
○ Infrequent heavy bleeding who are obese or have PCOS
■ Unopposed oestrogen, lack of progesterone → hyperplastic endometrium
○ Tamoxifen - in women who have had breast cancer
■ Partial agonist of oestrogen
■ Proliferative effect on oestrogen
○ Unsuccessful medical treatment
Outpatient Hysteroscopy
● Image uterus
● Thin Pipelle biopsy device

● Conservative
○ Weight loss - particularly for women who have erratic and heavy bleeding due to
oestrogen excess (increased adipose)
● Medial
○ Non-hormonal (TXA, MFA)
○ Hormonal (Mirena, COCP, POP, injectable progestogens)
● Surgical
○ Minimally invasive/ uterine/fertility sparing
○ Radiologically

● Tranexamic Acid
○ Antifibrinolytic drug - encourages clotting of underlying arterioles when superficial
lining is shed
○ Spiral arterioles will be clotted off reducing the amount of bleeding
○ Can reduce blood loss of about 50%
○ Benefit: non-hormonal (doesn’t interfere with pregnancy)
● Mefenamic Acid
○ Treat pelvic pain
○ And to reduce blood loss to some degree

● Can be taken with the non-hormonal treatment
● Particularly effective for HMB

● Mirena
○ Small coil with a capsule in the middle - reservoir containing synthetic
○ Released in tiny quantities per day (20mcg daily)
○ High concentration in womb - atrophic endometrium
○ May stop periods all together
○ Effective for menstrual pain
○ Suppress ectopic endometrium
■ In muscle layer - adenomyosis
■ In pelvis - endometriosis
○ Very effective contraceptive
○ Endometrial hyperplasia - caused by a relative lack of progesterone
■ Mirena can be very effective at thinning the endometrium
○ Reversible
○ Needs replacing every 5 years
○ Good at regulating cycles
○ Reduce menstruation
○ Withdrawal of progesterone = menstruation
○ Take back to back with no periods at all: Higher dose of oestrogen, breakthrough
bleeding may be more common
○ Less effective contraceptive
○ If cannot take COCP: due to side effects, migraine, strong propensity to breast
cancer, smokers over 35, history of thrombosis, personally or in family
○ Rendering mucus of cervix unfavourable to sperm
○ Some can also prevent ovulation
■ Not licensed to used to treat menstrual iregulatires but can be used to
relieve HMB
● Injectable progestogens
○ Can be used unlicensed to treat menstrual problems
● GnRH analogues
○ Treatment of deep endometriosis
○ Suppress production of oestrogen - shrink fibroids (oestrogen dependent, render
endometriosis quiescent
○ Will induce oestrogen deficiency (menopause) → impact on skeleton
■ Not necessarily long term treatment
■ NOT first line
● Selective progesterone modulator
● Withdrawn from market
● Inducing liver failure

● Removal of polyp
● Can be OP or inpatient
● Biopsy - tissue sent for histopathology

Endometrial Ablation
● Device passed through cervix to uterus
● Heat is applied - strip away superficial lining of womb but also deeper basal layers where
regeneration takes place
● Menstruation does not occur (no regeneration)
○ Most women still do have some bleeding as parts of the womb are left untouched
but is much lighter
● Maintains uterus and considered minimally invasive → does take away lining of womb, only
indicated for women who do not require future fertility
● NOT CONTRACEPTIVE however - still need contraception after this technique

● Removal of womb
● Most effective treatment for heavy, painful bleeding
● Routes:
○ Key-hole approach - laparoscopically - should be first choice route
■ Minimally invasive
■ Can be day-case
○ Abdominal - if large uterus (fibroids or adenomyosis), or significant adhesions
■ Lower transverse incision
■ Midline incision for larger uteruses
■ Longer hospital stay
○ Vaginal - if significant prolapse present e.g. due to multiparity
■ No abdominal cuts
● Fallopian tubes removed
○ Source of ovarian cancer
○ No use anymore so just remove
● Generally leave ovaries in place - will continue to produce oestrogen
● Dependent on menopausal status and acceptability of HRT as oophorectomy will make
patient enter the menopausa
○ Women already perimenopausal (early 50s) or strong family history of ovarian cancers or
propensity to cysts → remove ovaries as well
■ Will require HRT to prevent menopausal symptoms

Management of Fibroids
These are Oestrogen dependent tumours of muscle wall in the womb
● Can be treated medically
● OR in form of hysterectomy
● Some want to retain uterus for future fertility
○ Myomectomy and UAE (uterine artery embolisation) - considered where fibroids
greater than 3cm in size as medical treatment may be less effective
■ UAE- cannula in femoral artery and angiogram, embolisation
■ Blocks blood supply to uterus leading to ischaemic degeneration of
fibroids - performed under LA
● Angiogram
● Embolisation
● Impact of fertility is unknown
● Fibroid being ‘enucleated’
● Have a good blood supply- risk of bleeding
● Cervical screening
● Cervical cancer
● Endometrial cancer
● Ovarian cancer
● Vaginal/vulval cancer

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