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Side Effects of 131I for Therapy

of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 62

Douglas Van Nostrand, John E. Freitas, Anna M. Sawka,
and Richard W. Tsang

Introduction Hair

The use of radioactive iodine (131I) for remnant ablation, The loss of hair secondary to 131I treatment is an infrequent
adjuvant treatment, and treatment of metastases from dif- complication and has been reported in a patient with an
ferentiated thyroid carcinoma may be associated with side underlying skull metastasis [1]. Although Alexander et al.
effects in numerous organ systems (Table 62.1). Although [2] found transient episodes of more generalized alopecia in
many articles address the side effects of 131I, the character- 28 % (57 of 203) of patients that occurred one to several
izations of these effects vary widely because of a host of weeks after discharge from 131I therapy, this side effect was
different factors (Table 62.2). This chapter attempts to not dependent on 131I dosage administered. Because hypo-
consolidate the literature by presenting, where appropri- thyroid patients suffer from hair loss and cancer patients had
ate, (1) the spectrum of signs and symptoms, as well as the been traditionally hypothyroid when 131I is administered,
frequency and severity of side effects; (2) a review of hair loss has been generally considered due to the hypothy-
selected articles; (3) a discussion of preventive measures roidism, not 131I per se. As more 131I therapies are performed
to reduce the frequency and severity of side effects; and after preparation with recombinant human thyrotropin
(4) a discussion of the medical management when selected (rhTSH) with patients euthyroid, it will be of interest to
side effects do occur. determine whether there is any associated hair loss.

D. Van Nostrand, MD, FACP, FACNM (*)
Nuclear Medicine Research, MedStar Research Institute Brain metastases diagnosed premortem are rare in patients
and Washington Hospital Center, Georgetown University with thyroid cancer and most thyroid cancer brain metas-
School of Medicine, Washington Hospital Center, 110 Irving tases are not iodine avid as determined on diagnostic
Street, N.W., Suite GB 60F, Washington, DC 20010, USA
whole-body scans (17 % in one series) [3]. Although sur-
gical resection or stereotactic radiosurgery should be
J.E. Freitas, MD
strongly considered first for the treatment (even if iodine
Department of Radiology, St. Joseph Mercy Health System,
Ypsilanti, MI, USA avid) (see Chap. 56), [3] 131I therapy may be considered in
e-mail: selected patients. If 131I is used, then patients with 131I-avid
A.M. Sawka, MD, PhD brain metastases can experience abrupt and marked dete-
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of rioration or death secondary to brain metastases swelling,
Medicine, University Health Network – University of Toronto/ hemorrhage, and/or cerebral edema in response to 131I
Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
therapy [4–6].
Prior to 131I therapy, such patients should be pretreated
R.W. Tsang, MD, FRCP(C)
with oral steroids. One approach was the pretreatment for
Department of Radiation Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada several hours with 16–32 mg of oral dexamethasone, which
e-mail: was continued in divided dosages for 5–7 days following 131I

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016 671

L. Wartofsky, D. Van Nostrand (eds.), Thyroid Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3314-3_62
672 D. Van Nostrand et al.

Table 62.1 Various sites of side effects associated with 131I therapy In general, the same precautions for spinal cord metastases
Hair apply for brain metastases. Yevgeniya et al. [10] evaluated
Brain 202 patients with spinal metastases, and neural structure
Spinal cord compression (e.g., myelopathy/radiculopathy) was present
Eye in 36 % and 72 % of patients with papillary and follicular
Salivary glands thyroid cancer, respectively.
Taste and smell
Facial nerve Eye
Vocal cord
Thyroid The three most important side effects involving the eye area
Parathyroid are inflammation of the lacrimal gland, inflammation and/or
Pulmonary obstruction of the lacrimal duct, and conjunctivitis.
Gastrointestinal system
Urinary bladder Lacrimal Gland
Bone marrow The proposed mechanism for lacrimal gland inflammation is
Fertility similar to sialoadenitis of the salivary glands with uptake of
Second primary neoplasms 131
I in the lacrimal gland resulting in radiation damage and
subsequent reduction in the production of tears. However,
Table 62.2 Various factors causing variability of characterizations of the underlying mechanism remains controversial. Although
side effects secondary to 131I therapy Spitzweg et al. [11] have reported the presence of the sodium-
Criteria for the presence of side effects iodide symporter in lacrimal ductules and glands,
Thoroughness in the search for signs and symptoms of side effects Morgenstern et al. [12] were unable to demonstrate the pres-
Various criteria for the grading of severity of side effects ence of the sodium-iodide symporter in the lacrimal gland,
Length of follow-up Wolfring and Krause glands (accessory lacrimal glands),
Prescribed activities of 131I for remnant ablation, adjuvant treatment, conjunctiva, or the canaliculus.
or treatment of known local regional or distant metastases Nevertheless, the reduction of tear production has been
Total cumulative prescribed activities of 131I
studied by Zettinig et al. [13] and appears to occur fre-
Time intervals between 131I therapies
quently after 131I therapy. In the evaluation of 88 patients, 81
Methods implemented or not implemented to prevent side effects
patients had at least one abnormal result out of a set of three
tests used to assess the quality and quantity of tears. The
Schirmer tear test, which measures the quantity of aqueous
therapy [3]. Of note, elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone tear production, was positive (decreased tears) in 40 % of
(TSH) from either thyroid hormone withdrawal or injections patients in one eye and 20 % in both eyes. The tear film
of recombinant human TSH may also increase the potential breakup time (BUT), which measures the tear film’s stabil-
for enlargement of the metastasis(es), hemorrhage, and/or ity, was abnormal in 71 % of patients in at least one eye and
cerebral edema, and earlier pretreatment with glucocorti- in 57 % of patients in both eyes. The lacrimal lipid layer that
coids should again be considered. Although glucocorticoids thickens, stabilizes, and retards evaporation of the aqueous
have been identified as a cause of reduced 131I uptake in layer underneath was abnormal in 49 % of patients in at
benign thyroid tissue in euthyroid patients, the rapidity at least one eye and in 34 % of patients in both eyes. The lipid
which this effect occurs is probably over several days (not layer is produced by the sebaceous meibomian glands in the
hours) and may not be as marked in hypothyroid individuals lids as well as by the Zeis and Moll glands along the eyelid
[7]. If an alternative to glucocorticoids is required, 50 % oral margin and lashes.
glycerol (1.2–2.0 g/kg) daily has been shown as effective to Fard-Esfahni et al. [14] evaluated 50 patients treated with
reduce cerebral edema in patients undergoing external-beam I and 50 control patients. In comparing the two groups, no
therapy of brain metastases and may have similar efficacy in significant differences in symptoms of xerophthalmia were
I-treated patients [8]. observed. However, a lower Schirmer test value was present
in the eyes of patients treated with 131I (14.5 ± 10.8 mm) rela-
tive to the control group (18.2 ± 11.0 mm [p < 0.016]).
Spinal Cord The clinical presentation of lacrimal inflammation is
xerophthalmia. Typically, the patient has no initial symptoms
Myelopathy after acute swelling of cord lesions has been of pain or swelling but subsequently develops reduced pro-
seen after rhTSH-stimulated 131I therapy, but it is difficult to duction of tears, resulting in dry eyes (xerophthalmia). The
distinguish whether the etiologic factor was TSH or 131I [9]. frequency of xerophthalmia was 16 % (14 of 88) in patients
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 673

studied. Seven patients had xerophthalmia and xerostomia, reported that epiphora was reported on the first day of 131I
and seven had only xerophthalmia [13]. Solans et al. [15] treatment in 6 % (5/78) of patients. Between 1 and 10 days
reported xerophthalmia in 33 % (26 of 79), which persisted after 131I treatment, 8 % (6/78) of patients reported epiphora.
for 1 year in 25 %, for 2 years in 17 %, and into the third year However, when the frequency of epiphora was adjusted for
in 14 % of patients. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca persisted in 14 patients who reported this symptom within 30 days prior to
% (11 of 88) of patients into the second year and in 8 % (6 of I treatment, the frequency of epiphora after 131I therapy
88) after the third year. No significant relationship of xeroph- was not statistically increased.
thalmia was found with cumulative prescribed activity of Finally, nasolacrimal duct obstruction may not only be
I. However, changes in tear function tests can be seen with suspected only when the patient complains of epiphora but it
lower amounts of therapeutic 131I prescribed activity. Koca may also be suspected when radioiodine uptake is noted on
et al. [16] reported decreased values of Schirmer test and the radioiodine SPECT-CT images medially in the area of the
tear breakup time (BUT) in patients receiving prescribed lacrimal duct and/or lacrimal sac [22].
activities of 131I of ≤30 mCi in patients treated for hyperthy-
roidism. Although one may have expected a significant Conjunctivitis
decrease in the frequency of xerophthalmia in patients The mechanism of conjunctivitis is not well understood but
receiving the lower recommended amounts of 30 mCi of 131I is most likely the result, at least in part, of documented
for remnant ablation for differentiated thyroid cancer, Koca changes in the tear quality and quantity. Zettinig et al. [13]
et al.’s study suggested that significant radiation of the lacri- showed changes in the external eye morphology, demonstrat-
mal glands may still occur. ing corneal staining with fluorescein in 42 % (37 of 88) of
patients, and 35 % of patients had abnormal conjunctival
Obstruction of Lacrimal Duct findings on visual inspection. Conjunctivitis typically pres-
The mechanism of the obstruction of the lacrimal duct, ents with pain and erythema. Alexander et al. [2] indicated a
which drains the tears to the nasal cavity, is hypothesized to frequency of chronic or recurrent conjunctivitis in 23 % (46
be the effects of radiation exposure to the duct lining from of 203) of patients.
I in the tears and/or possibly in the cells of the duct lining,
leading to subsequent inflammation, fibrosis, and narrowing. Preventive Management
I activity in the tears has been well described with as much Currently, no proven method in humans is available to reduce
as 0.01 % of the administered 131I dosage secreted in tears in the radiation exposure to the lacrimal glands, sacs, or ducts;
each eye during the first 4 h after 131I administration [17]. however, several potential protective options need further
However, an additional and potentially more important evaluation. Beutel et al. [23] evaluated the protective effects
mechanism may be present. Morgenstern et al. [12] have of amifostine, lidocaine, and pilocarpine on the lacrimal
demonstrated the presence of the Na+/I symporter (NIS) in glands in 25 rabbits. Pre 131I treatment with amifostine
the stratified columnar and epithelial cells of the lacrimal sac appeared to reduce functional and structural impairment of
and nasolacrimal duct of humans. the lacrimal glands after exposure to radiation, and lidocaine
The clinical presentation of nasolacrimal duct obstruction had the potential for significant radioprotection. Pilocarpine
is epiphora (excessive tearing). Zettinig et al. [13] reported had no evidence of radioprotection of the lacrimal glands.
epiphora in 11 % (10 of 88) of patients and epiphora with Acar et al. [24] evaluated vitamin E in 24 rats and compared
photophobia in 1 % of patients. The mechanism of photo- one group of rats treated with 3 mCi of 131I by gastric lavage
phobia was not discussed. The exact mechanism of epiphora and 1 ml of physiological saline injected intraperitoneally to
was also not discussed but must again relate to the failure of a second group of rats that were administered with 131I
normal tear drainage to the nasal cavity. Kloos et al. [18] through the same route and with the same amount but were
reported a 2.6 % incidence of epiphora (10 of 390), with not injected peritoneally with vitamin E (α-tocopherol ace-
symptoms appearing a mean of 6.5 months after the last 131I tate). Vitamin E was initiated 2 days before and continued 5
dose (range of 3–16 months). Subsequently, Burns et al. [19] days after the administration of 131I. Twenty four hours after
described a suspected incidence of obstructed nasolacrimal the last dose of vitamin E, the animals were sacrificed.
drainage of 3.4 % and 4.6 %. Fard-Esfahani et al. [20] evalu- Histological examination of the rats’ lacrimal glands demon-
ated 81 patients with dacryoscintigraphy and demonstrated strated statistically less frequent periductal and/or periacinar
findings indicative of nasolacrimal obstruction in 18 % fibrosis in all lacrimal glands in the rats that received vitamin
(29/162) of the eyes in patients treated with 1311 relative to 9 E. Koca et al. [25] recently reported histological changes in
% (3/34) in the eyes in patients who were not treated with the lacrimal glands secondary to 131I therapy and that monte-
I. The frequency of complete nasolacrimal obstruction lukast (Singular®, Montelo-10®, Monteflo®, Likotas®)
increased when the cumulative dose of 131I exceed 11.1 GBq effectively protected against that damage to the lacrimal
(300 mCi). Orquiza et al. [21] in a prospective survey glands. Montelukast is a leukotriene D4 receptor antagonist
674 D. Van Nostrand et al.

that is administered for the treatment of asthma and relief of Anatomy and Physiology
symptoms of seasonal allergies. In the lungs, montelukast
reduces bronchoconstriction otherwise caused by the leukot- To discuss the anatomy and physiology of the salivary glands
riene and results in less inflammation, and the dose for such in depth is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, the
patients is one 10 mg tablet orally per day. However, the effi- major pairs of salivary glands—the parotid, submandibular,
cacy of montelukast in reducing the radiation dose to the lac- and sublingual glands—can concentrate iodine as high as
rimal glands, sacs, and ducts needs to be further evaluated. 7–700 times the plasma levels [28–31]. The salivary glands
are composed of serous cells and mucous cells. The parotid
Management of Xerophthalmia, Lacrimal Duct glands have predominately serous cells, and its saliva is pre-
Obstruction, Epiphora, and Conjunctivitis dominately serous secretion. The submandibular glands have
The first and most important aspect regarding the manage- a mixture of serous and mucinous cells, and its saliva is pre-
ment of xerophthalmia, obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct, dominately mucinous secretion. The sublingual glands also
or conjunctivitis is for the physician and patient to be aware have a mixture of cells and make only a small contribution in
of these potential side effects and their presenting signs and volume but affect the viscosity of saliva. The parotid glands
symptoms. Thus, when they do occur, the physician can demonstrate a higher frequency of radiation sialoadenitis
implement treatment and/or refer the patient to an ophthal- than submandibular and sublingual salivary glands, the
mologist. Depending on the severity, the patient may be sim- hypothetical basis for which is that the serous cells have a
ply observed without treatment, treated with artificial tears, greater ability to concentrate 131I than the mucous cells [32].
or referred to an ophthalmologist for additional treatments, An important mechanism of salivary iodide transport is the
such as a dacryocystorhinostomy (surgical creation of com- same as in the thyroid gland, which is the sodium-iodide
munication between the lacrimal sac and nasal cavity) for symporter (NIS) in salivary ductal cells. However, despite
patients with severe epiphora. Alexander et al. [2] found that the presence of NIS, the salivary accumulation of 131I does
four of 46 patients underwent dacryocystorhinostomy. More not appear to be affected by the TSH level or the state of
recently, Ramakrishnan et al. [26] reported on the use of thyroid function [30, 31, 33]. Relating to this, the histopatho-
endoscopic management of nasolacrimal duct obstruction logic studies of Rice et al. [29] indicate that the parotid acini
secondary to 131I treatment in five patients using silicone lac- and serous cells are severely injured after external radiother-
rimal stents. Out of ten stents placed, two had to be removed apy with little discernible change in the mucous cells. The
because of patient discomfort; however, the remaining eight salivary glands are controlled by the autonomic nervous sys-
had resolution or improvement of drainage with no major tem. The parasympathetic system apparently has a more sig-
intraoperative or postoperative complications. nificant impact on saliva production than the sympathetic
In summary, side effects of 131I therapy on the lacrimal system, but the latter still has a role [34].
glands, lacrimal ducts, and conjunctivae occur frequently,
are often overlooked, may require referral to an ophthalmol-
ogist, and need further study. Radiation-Absorbed Dose

The radiation exposure to the salivary glands has not been

Salivary Gland well studied. Donachi et al. [35] reported approximately 250
cGy (250 rad) to the salivary gland from a 185 MBq (5 mCi)
Significant amounts of 131I can accumulate in the salivary dosagee, and Goolden et al. [36] demonstrated 700 cGy (rad)
glands; therefore, 131I therapy can result in significant radia- during the first 24 h. Liu et al. [37] reported radiation-
tion exposure to the salivary glands that are manifested by absorbed doses of 0.20 ± 0.10 mGy/MBq (range 0.01–0.92
both early and late untoward effects. These have been previ- mGy/MBq) and 0.25 ± 0.09 mGy/MBq (range 0.01–1.52
ously reviewed, [27] and the untoward effects include sialo- mGy/MBq) for the parotid and submandibular glands,
adenitis, xerostomia, salivary duct obstruction, and tumors of respectively. However, as noted by Jentzen et al. [38], the
the salivary gland. The latter are discussed below in this calculated radiation-absorbed doses do not correspond to the
chapter in a section entitled “Second primary malignancies.” degree of radiation damage, and further investigation is
The terms “sialadenitis” and “sialoadenitis” have been used under way to attempt to take into account the nonuniform
interchangeably in the medical literature, and the usage of distribution as La Perle et al. has demonstrated that the
either is correct and signifies inflammation of the salivary sodium-iodide symporter, hence 131I uptake, is located in the
gland. For this chapter, “sialoadenitis” will be used. salivary striated ductal cells [39].
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 675

Salivary Side Effects many months. After employing the usual salivary gland-
protective precautions, the glands of a patient treated for the
Frequency first time with a prescribed activity of 5.55 GBq (150 mCi)
The most frequently reported side effect is acute radiation or less of 131I will most likely be asymptomatic, but this does
sialoadenitis, which has an incidence ranging from 10 to 67 not negate the presence of sialoadenitis. Although an asymp-
% (see Table 62.3) [1, 2, 40–47, 59–62, 70, 198]. As noted tomatic form of sialoadenitis is difficult to confirm histo-
earlier, the variability in frequency and severity are multifac- pathologically, a “silent” sialoadenitis is indirectly or
torial (see Table 62.4), and correlations with both individual retrospectively implicated if there is subsequent develop-
prescribed activity and cumulative prescribed activity of 131I ment of xerostomia. Alexander et al. [2] reported that 56 %
have been reported. Grewal et al. [47] showed a statistically of patients with xerostomia had no prior symptoms of sialo-
significant dose response between administered radioactivity adenitis. However, many patients do develop symptoms. As
and salivary gland swelling but not xerostomia, altered taste, many as one third of patients will report at least mild pain,
or salivary gland pain. with or without tenderness and swelling of the salivary
glands. This pain may begin as early as 6 h or as late as sev-
Signs and Symptoms eral days to even several weeks after 131I treatment. The pain,
tenderness, swelling, or all three signs and symptoms may be
Early Presentation unilateral or bilateral and are more common in the parotid
The spectrum of the signs and symptoms of sialoadenitis glands. However, the submandibular and lingual glands are
range from an asymptomatic sialoadenitis to a very painful, still often involved. Alexander et al. [2] found that in the
tender, and swollen salivary gland, which may persist for group of patients with sialoadenitis (67 of 203), 80.6 % (54
of 67) involved the parotids, and 14 of these were unilateral,
Table 62.3 Incidence of sialoadenitis and 40 were bilateral. Signs and symptoms of sialoadenitis
Author (ref.) Incidence (no. of patients)
in the submandibular glands were seen in 46 % (31 of 67);
Alexander [2] 33 % (67/203)
eight were unilateral and 23 bilateral. Albrecht et al. [42]
Albrecht [42] 59 % (30/51) (parotid) found 59 % (30 of 51) of patients had parotid gland involve-
Alweiss [43] 12 % (10/87) ment, with 25 bilateral and five unilateral, whereas 16 % (8
Benua [1] 2 % (3/122) of 51) had involvement of the submandibular glands. The
Edmonds [198] 10 % (26/258) signs and symptoms may last several weeks and occasionally
Grewal [47] 39 % (102 /262) as long as 1 year. However, Grewal et al. [47] reported per-
Kahn [41] 34 % (17/50) sistent salivary side effects in 5 % or less of patients after a
Kharazi [46] (ThyCa survey) 40 % (640/742) median follow-up of 7 years. Nevertheless, most signs and
Kita [200] 50 % (46/96) symptoms resolve spontaneously within several hours to sev-
Maier [45] 8 % (3/37) eral days with no specific treatment. When treatment was
Nakada [62] 37 % (46/125) to 64 % necessary, symptoms were usually easily controlled with
(67/105) hydration, anti-inflammatory agents (e.g., aspirin and ibu-
Pan [44] 4.6 % (16/342) profen), or an analgesic (e.g., acetaminophen; see discussion
Silberstein [70] 5 % (3/60) below for more details). Sometimes, the symptoms may be
Van Nostrand [40] 67 % (9/15) more severe and chronic, and steroids may be required. If
Walters [59] 24 % (43/176) there is a suppurative parotitis, antibiotics may be required.
In three patients, Allweiss reported a suppurative sialoadeni-
Table 62.4 Multiple factors affecting the frequency and severity of
tis that needed antibiotic treatment [43].
sialoadenitis and xerostomia
Diligence in looking for signs and symptoms of sialoadenitis or
Late Presentation
Individual prescribed activity of 131I Obstruction
Cumulative prescribed activity of 131I Although patients may present with the early signs and
Interval and frequency of 131I symptoms of an acute radiation sialoadenitis, some patients
Amount of 131I uptake in the salivary glands may initially present 1–12 months after 131I therapy or after
Previous history of other salivary gland diseases initial signs of an acute radiation sialoadenitis with new and
Administration of drugs that cause xerostomia different pain, tenderness, and swelling. The process of eat-
Diligence of the patient and physician in reducing the radiation ing or just the sight of appetizing foods often evokes these
exposure to the salivary gland during 131I therapy symptoms, which may resolve within minutes to hours but
676 D. Van Nostrand et al.

are typically recurrent. The pathogenesis is different from et al. [2] showed that more than half patients (56.1 %; 63 of
inflammation of the initial acute radiation sialoadenitis and 96) who were diagnosed with xerostomia did not have clini-
is most likely a combination of (1) narrowing of the salivary cally evident sialoadenitis, and Malpani et al. [54] also found
ducts secondary to scarring from inflammation and (2) no link between significant reduction in the function of the
altered quality and/or quantity of saliva. With normal saliva, salivary glands and the symptoms of sialoadenitis.
there may be ductal narrowing with acute partial obstruction Regarding the prescribed activity of 131I, Spiegel et al.
upon salivation. With reduced flow and thicker saliva, there [55] evaluated 20 patients with thyroid cancer and reported
may be stagnation and mucus precipitation, resulting in a a dose-dependent decrease in salivary gland function. The
plug (or calculus) with obstruction. Nevertheless, the patho- same group specifically described a 40 % reduction of
genesis is probably a combination of both reduced flow and parotid gland function after prescribed activities of 9.99 GBq
narrowing of the duct to varying degrees. Although the natu- (270 mCi) [56]. Solans et al. [15] demonstrated no associa-
ral history of this side effect has not been well described, in tion between xerostomia and cumulative prescribed
the experience of one of the authors (dvn), these symptoms activity.
usually, but not always, slowly resolve over several months,
but intermittent signs and symptoms can be persistent. Complications of Xerostomia
Salivary gland dysfunction after 131I therapy has been
Xerostomia reviewed previously [57]. A major complication of xerostomia
Xerostomia (dry mouth) is an important complication of is significantly increased frequency of dental problems [57,
radiation sialoadenitis. In addition, xerostomia may also be 58]. Walters et al. [59] performed a longitudinal cohort study
accompanied by burning oral discomfort, difficulty in eating of 176 patients evaluating the dental safety profile after treat-
dry foods, decreased taste sensitivity, increased production ment with high-dose 131I. The caries risk increased by 99 %
of viscous mucus or morning expectoration, and mucosal with the presence of xerostomia, and the risk of required
ulcerations. The reported frequency of xerostomia ranges tooth extraction increased 8.14 % per gigabecquerel with
from 2 to 55 % (see Table 62.5) [1, 2, 15, 40–43, 48–50, 59, increasing cumulative prescribed activity. They also sug-
62, 70, 198], and the frequency and severity are again multi- gested that salivary gland uptake after 131I therapy predicted
factorial. If xerostomia occurs, it may begin within several the development of sialoadenitis and xerostomia with an odds
weeks after 131I therapy and usually resolves within 3 months ratio of 1.31 ([1.05–1.63], p < 0.015) and 1.58 ([1.16–2.16],
[2, 40, 51]. For the condition to last greater than 1 year is p < 0.004), respectively. Laupa et al. [58] found that despite
infrequent but does occur in 4.4–7 % of patients [2, 40, 44, the lower salivary flow rates after 131I therapy, the frequency
50]. Xerostomia may even be permanent [52, 53]. of widespread dental caries and demineralization, similar to
Interestingly, Alexander et al. [2] reported one patient whose that observed in externally irradiated patients, was not evi-
xerostomia resolved 7 years after the last 131I therapy. dent. Candidiasis is a rare but possible side effect of xerosto-
Currently, there does not appear to be a demonstrable mia, which may be severe enough to require treatment (e.g.,
relationship of xerostomia to an earlier clinically evident nystatin and clotrimazole) [60]. Recommendations for xero-
presentation of sialoadenitis. As noted above, Alexander stomia management and preventive care to minimize dental
caries are noted in Table 62.6 [61–64].
Table 62.5 Incidence of xerostomia Although xerostomia is a major complication of radiation
Author (ref.) Incidence (no. of patients) sialoadenitis, it is important to note that xerostomia is a
Albrecht [42] 22 % (11/51) reported side effect of over 500 medications [65], and the
Alexander [2] 43 % (87/203) temporal relationship of 131I ablation or treatment to xerosto-
Alweiss [43] 30 % (3/10) mia does not prove that the condition is because of prior
Benua [1] 2 % (3/122) radiation. Similarly, in a study of 65-year-old residents in
Edmonds [198] 10 % (26a/258) Maryland, an epidemiological study indicated a 17 % preva-
Hall [48] 53 % (1363/2573) lence of dry mouth [66]. In a case report, Mandel et al. [67]
Kahn [41] 18 % (10/55) further warned against assuming that the presence of xero-
Leeper [49] Common stomia after 131I therapy is secondary to that therapy.
Lin [50] 5.4 % (3/56) Radiation sialoadenitis may be the most likely cause, but a
Nakaka [62] 11 % (14/125) to 24 % (25/105) thorough evaluation is recommended.
Silberstein [70] 0 % (0/60)
Solans [15] 33 % (26/79) Stomatitis
Van Nostrand [40] 13 % (2/15) Stomatitis is rare, but if it occurs, it may be very painful [54].
Walters [59] 44 % (78/176) Its mechanism has not been clarified. If severe, stomatitis
Calculated may require treatment with dexamethasone elixir mouthwash
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 677

Table 62.6 Recommendations for the management of xerostomia and Prevention

dental caries
Referral to a dental hygienist, dentist, otolaryngologist, or oral Although Grewal et al. [47] reported that after a median of 7
surgeon years only 5 % or less of 262 patients had persistent salivary
Treatment of causes other than radiation sialoadenitis, such as side effects, the prevention and the management of salivary
changing a drug or drug dosage that is causing xerostomia
complications are very important.
Adequate hydration
Impeccable dental hygiene
Artificial saliva swirled in the mouth and swallowed every 3–4 h
Prevention Prior to 131I Therapy
Repeated massages of the gland as necessary
The most important aspect of treatment to prevent or minimize
Avoidance of anticholinergics
sialoadenitis is to begin with preventive measure prior to the
Administration of sialagogues [61] first therapy. However, three factors often undermine our pre-
Pilocarpine (Salagen®), 5–10 mg postoperatively t.i.d. Oral tablet ventive efforts to aggressively reduce radiation exposure to
may need to be taken for 6–12 weeks before full benefit is realized the salivary glands on the first therapy. First, the initial signs
Cevimeline [62] (Evoxac®), cholinesterase inhibitor, 30 mg or symptoms of radiation sialoadenitis are either silent or
postoperatively TID mild and transient after the first 131I therapy, which in turn
Anethole trithione (Hepasulfol®, Mucinol®, Sialor®, discourages future aggressive preventive management with
Sonicur®, and Sufralem®). The standard dose is 37.5–75 mg
the first therapy. Second, most patients will never require
typically in divided doses before meals. Doses of up to 150 mg
daily have been used another 131I therapy. Third, staging helps predict which group
Chewing gum of patients is at risk for metastasis and thus for additional 131I
Trial of saliva-stimulating tablets [63], including such potential therapies. However, neither the relative minor initial signs
agents as disaccharides and low-dose interferon-α lozenges and symptoms, the likelihood of not needing another 131I ther-
Acupuncture [64] apy, nor the implication of staging helps the individual patient
Fluoride therapy in the form of topical fluoride applications, who does need additional 131I therapies and is at risk for sialo-
fluoride mouthwashes, and fluoride toothpastes adenitis and its associated consequences. Thus, because the
Hydrogen peroxide mouthwash diluted with mouthwash (e.g., patient always has the potential of additional 131I therapies
Listerine®) Antibiotics for suppurative sialoadenitis
and to reduce the severity and frequency of subsequent sialo-
adenitis and its associated consequences, one author (dvn)
strongly recommends aggressive measures to minimize the
radiation-absorbed dose to the salivary gland beginning with
Table 62.7 Approaches to minimize radiation sialoadenitis and its the first 131I therapy. This will serve to reduce the severity and
frequency of subsequent sialoadenitis and its associated con-
Pre-therapy sequences (see Table 62.7).
• Assessment of salivary glands on pre therapy radioiodine
whole-body scans
Assessment of the Salivary Glands
• Patient education about prevention
Kulkarni et al. [68] demonstrated that although there was no
• Patient participation in implementing the preventive measures
significantly statistical difference, the incidence of salivary
• Pretherapy visit and management by dental hygienist or dentist
gland dysfunction appeared to be higher in patients who
• Hydration
showed moderate and marked salivary uptake of radioiodine
• Suspension of anticholinergic medications
on the diagnostic scans than those patients who had none or
• Consideration of use of radioprotectants (e.g., amifostine,
reserpine) mild salivary gland uptake. Although these preliminary data
Immediately posttherapy should not alter the aggressive management to minimize
• Hydration radiation dose to the salivary glands, assessment of the
• Sialagogues (see text for discussion) uptake in the salivary glands on such scans still may be pre-
• Parotid gland massage dictive. For example, asymmetric, persistent, relatively
Posttherapy increased uptake in one parotid gland may forewarn of a
• Anti-inflammatory agents problem in that gland. Alternatively, minimal or no radioac-
• Steroids tivity in any of the salivary glands may suggest a lower radia-
tion dose to the salivary glands from 131I and thus a lower
chance of radiation sialoadenitis in that patient. In patients
considered for high empiric or dosimetrically determined 131I
or mouthwash containing viscous lidocaine, diphenhydramine prescribed activities, marked salivary gland uptake may indi-
and aluminum, and magnesium hydroxides [54]. Referral to cate the need to consider a reduction in prescribed activity to
an otolaryngologist is advised. minimize sialoadenitis. However, as discussed below, the
678 D. Van Nostrand et al.

time of imaging after the administration of food or other saliva to bond to and strengthen the enamel. Home fluoride
sialagogues may affect the uptake of radioiodine in the sali- treatments have been shown to reduce tooth decay. Custom
vary glands on the diagnostic study. Further research is trays can even be fabricated for home use to be worn
warranted to evaluate the utility of the salivary gland uptake 5–10 min per day.
on pretherapy 131I scans, yet until those data are available, a During the pretreatment stage, the dental hygienist will
general assessment of salivary gland uptake may be useful. also give valuable recommendations to be implemented dur-
ing treatment. The dental hygienist will instruct patients to
Patient Education continue with optimal oral hygiene. The hygienist will edu-
Two crucial factors to reducing the radiation-absorbed dose cate the patient on the possible side effects such as mucositis,
to the salivary gland are (1) educating the patient about the stomatitis, and xerostomia and recommend avoiding denti-
importance of minimizing the radiation-absorbed dose to the frices containing sodium lauryl sulfates (SLS) and mouth-
salivary gland, along with the techniques to do so, and (2) washes containing alcohol, which may cause irritation and
encouraging the patient to be part of the treatment team, dryness of the oral mucosa. To ensure sufficient lubrication
thereby promoting compliance with preventive measures. of the lips and mouth, certain products will be recommended.
Over-the-counter mouthwashes containing enzymes and
Prophylactic Dental Hygiene proteins found naturally in saliva provide temporary relief
An important recommendation for the preventive manage- for dry mouth. Xylitol-containing products draw moisture
ment of patients who are going to receive high prescribed into the mouth naturally, though they should be tried by the
activity of 131I is to see a dental hygienist or dentist prior to patient prior to the treatment phase. Excessive use of xylitol-
their 131I therapy with proper assessment and, if necessary, containing products can result in unwanted digestive side
treatment of the patient with preexisting conditions such as effects. If mucositis occurs, the dentist can prescribe one of
periodontal disease, caries, broken teeth, ill-fitting bridges, various magic mouthwash mixtures such as mouthwash
partials, and dentures. The dental hygienist will help ensure solution containing benadryl, bismuth subsalicylate
an optimal environment for radiation therapy [69], and den- (Kaopectate®), and lidocaine (Xylocaine®) for short-term
tal hygienists are an important part of the treatment team. use. The dental hygienist is also valuable in the management
Because of the special needs of the thyroid cancer patient, of long-term xerostomia, which is discussed in the section on
it is important that dental care is performed in a timely fash- the management of xerostomia.
ion. As already discussed in more detail above, 131I therapy If the patient already has an existing hygienist or dentist
may result in sialoadenitis and subsequent xerostomia. In for his or her dental care, the physician administering 131I may
addition to dysgeusia and sialoadenitis, the lack of salivary wish to inquire about the patient’s dental health with the treat-
flow allows both the oral environment to become more acidic ing hygienist or dentist. The hygienist or dentist can advise
and oral biofilm to grow out of control, making these patients regarding not only how long it has been since dental treatment
more susceptible to periodontal disease, rampant caries, has occurred but also if there is current disease that needs to
tooth hypersensitivity, or the worsening of a preexisting be addressed prior to 131I therapy or if there are existing condi-
condition. tions that may worsen after 131I therapy. If the patient does not
For the pretreatment stage, the dental hygienist will edu- have an existing hygienist or dentist, several resources can be
cate the patient and reinforce the need for proper oral hygiene used to help facilitate the patient’s access to dental care. The
during ALL phases of treatment. The hygienist will instruct American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (www.aaosh.
daily brushing, flossing, and rinsing techniques. He/she will com) will allow the patient to search by location for either a
perform scaling and prophylaxis procedures to ensure a dentist or dental hygienist with a special interest in oral sys-
healthy environment and administer a fluoride varnish to temic health. If none is available, the American Dental
help prevent tooth decay. The fluoride varnish is of particular Hygienists Association ( is a national organi-
importance because it makes the oral cavity less hospitable zation with state and local chapters. Searching and contacting
to bacteria by making the tooth surface more difficult to officers via the Internet at the state and local level is recom-
attach to. At a minimum, during the pretreatment stage, a mended to the patient to use as a valuable resource. The
varnish is suggested because fluoride is only available on the American Dental Association ( is a national
outer 6 μm of tooth enamel and is quickly eroded in an acidic organization for dentists, which also has state and local chap-
environment. Nutritional counseling will typically be offered ters that may help. If cost is an issue, other options are avail-
and includes recommendations of reducing sugar and refined able including public health dental clinics, dental hygiene
carbohydrates in the diet that could augment tooth decay. schools, and dental schools. Some of these facilities treat
Emphasis will be on the use of saliva-stimulating foods such patients at reduced or no cost. Nevertheless, good dental
as sugar-free gum containing xylitol and sugar-free lemon hygiene from a qualified dental hygienist or dentist is impor-
drops. Chewing hard cheese has been found to raise the pH tant care prior to and during 131I therapy. After 131I therapy and
level in the mouth and to increase bioavailable calcium in the radiation safety precautions have been terminated, the
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 679

patient should discard any radioiodine-contaminated tooth- Because of its value for external radiotherapy for head
brush, toothpaste tubes, and floss. The recommendation is for and neck tumors, amifostine has been proposed for use in
a dental follow-up visit 3 months posttreatment for consider- patients with thyroid cancer [75]. With salivary gland scin-
ation of prophylaxis and fluoride varnish application. At this tigraphy, Bohuslavizki et al. [76] assessed the influence of
visit, effects of 131I treatment can be assessed and a treatment amifostine on the adverse effects of 131I therapies on salivary
plan, if necessary, developed for the patient. gland function and demonstrated that parotid and subman-
dibular function was reduced by approximately 40 % in the
Hydration placebo group and remained unchanged in the amifostine
Although there is no direct evidence to demonstrate the group. However, Kim et al. [77] was unable to demonstrate
value of hydration to reduce the radiation dose to the sali- any cytoprotective effects of amifostine on the salivary
vary glands, hydration is recommended on an intuitive glands in 42 patients. Nevertheless, even if amifostine has a
basis. Dehydration is known to lower saliva production, protective effect on the salivary glands, amifostine is pres-
thereby increasing stasis of saliva, potentially increasing ently not widely used in patients receiving 131I therapy
stasis of 131I in the salivary glands, and potentially increas- because of concern that amifostine may protect tumors from
ing the radiation-absorbed dose to the salivary glands. the effects of radiation therapy [78].
Hydration is also important for renal clearance of 131I cir-
culating in the blood, thus reducing the amount and dura- Reserpine
tion of 131I available in the blood for the salivary gland to In addition to the innervation of the salivary glands by the
take up. parasympathetic system, the salivary glands are also inner-
vated by the sympathetic system. Therefore, antisympatho-
Cholinergic and Anticholinergic Medications mimetic agents may have utility. Levy et al. [79] evaluated
Although anticholinergic drugs may decrease the initial 131I 12 patients: nine received reserpine and three did not. Based
uptake in the salivary glands in some patients, as a general on 131I uptake on whole-body images relative to patients not
rule, all anticholinergic medications should be discontinued. given reserpine, their data suggested that patients taking
Cholinergics (e.g., pilocarpine, cevimeline, anetholetri- reserpine had a significant decrease in the ratio of parotid-to-
thione, and bromhexine) may be useful to stimulate saliva- background counts. However, it is uncertain whether the
tion and hopefully increase 131I turnover or throughput in the reduced salivary gland uptake was secondary either to the
salivary gland. An empiric treatment plan based on a 5-day reserpine or stunning from a 370 MBq (10 mCi) diagnostic
regimen, beginning 2 days prior to 131I treatment, has been prescribed activity of 131I or partial treatment of the salivary
proposed [54]. However, the utility of cholinergic drugs gland from the 3.7–5.55 GBq (100–150 mCi) ablative pre-
remains controversial. Alexander et al. [2] and Silberstein scribed activities of 131I.
[70] showed no difference in the frequency and severity of
sialoadenitis in those who received pilocarpine compared to Vitamin E (α-Tocopherol Acetate)
those who did not. As vitamin E has been evaluated as a radioprotective agent
for the lacrimal glands, it has been evaluated by Bhatriya
Amifostine et al. [80] as a radioprotective agent for the salivary glands
Amifostine (WR-2721, Ethyol) has been shown to protect demonstrating a pronounced decrease in lipid peroxidation
the salivary gland from the damaging effects of ionizing and an increase in endogenous enzymes. Human studies with
radiation of external radiotherapy for head and neck tumors vitamin E are warranted.
[71–73]. Amifostine is an organic thiophosphate and is
dephosphorylated to its active metabolite WR-1065. The Ocimum sanctum
latter is a scavenger of oxygen-free radicals, which are the Ocimum sanctum (O. sanctum) is a medicinal plant used in
primary cause of radiation-induced tissue damage. India and is reported to have beneficial effects including
Amifostine concentration can be 100 times greater in nor- radioprotection against 60Co gamma radiation [81]. Leban
mal tissue than tumor tissue [74], and the conversion of et al. evaluated rats that were presupplemented with O. sanc-
amifostine to WR-1065 is more effective in an alkaline tum or amifostine and then exposed to 131I exposure [81].
environment. Normal tissue is more alkaline than tumor tis- Subsequent histology of the parotid glands of the rats pre-
sue. One side effect of amifostine was a temporary drop in supplemented with O. sanctum or amifostine was compara-
blood pressure that required temporary suspension of the ble to control rats that were not exposed to 131I. However, the
infusion. However, this is usually not a problem; if it histology of the parotid glands of those rats exposed to 131I
occurs, it is manageable. without presupplemented O. sanctum or amifostine demon-
680 D. Van Nostrand et al.

strated multifocal areas of lipomatosis and atrophy. Further

evaluation of this plant extract is warranted.

Montelukast Sodium
Koca et al. [82] evaluated montelukast administration as a
potential preventive agent to reduce the radiation effects of
I in the salivary glands. The proposed mechanism of
montelukast was discussed earlier in the section on pre-
venting side effects of the lacrimal glands. They evaluated
technetium pertechnetate scintigraphy and histopatho-
logical examinations in 50 rats after 131I therapy with and
without montelukast administration in various groups. The
pathological changes were more significant in the groups
treated with 131I without montelukast than in the groups
prophylactically treated with montelukast. Additional
potential agents have been evaluated including zinc and
turmeric extract (Curcuma longa), which is a member of
the Zingiberaceae family. An excellent review is available
by Noaparast et al. [83].

Immediate Posttherapy
Fig. 62.1 For antegrade massage, push with the fingers mildly on the
Hydration parotid gland cephalad and then anteriorly (Concept from Mandel and
On the day of therapy and immediately afterward, hydration Mandel [57]. Reproduced with permission from Keystone Press from
the book entitled “Thyroid Cancer: A Guide for Patients.”)
is again thought to be indicated and valuable. This additional
fluid intake may also be valuable to increase urine flow and
reduce radiation dose to the urinary bladder, the latter dis- the residence time of 131I activity in the salivary glands should
cussed later in this chapter. An alternative to oral intake of be considered.
fluid would be continuous intravenous hydration; however, if
the intravenous line is placed after therapy, this may raise Sialagogues
radiation safety issues for the phlebotomist. Despite their generally accepted empiric use, some authors
have questioned the utility of sialagogues, and specifically,
Massage the use of sialagogues within the first 24 h after 131I therapy
Massage of the parotid glands may also be beneficial, espe- remains controversial [70, 85–90].
cially if there is initial partial-flow obstruction (see Fig. 62.1) Nakada et al. [86] reported that postponing the use of
[53]. Kim et al. [84] evaluated the effectiveness of parotid sialagogues until 24 h after the administration of 131I thera-
massage. Thirty patients had parotid massage performed 20 peutic dosage reduced sialoadenitis from 63.8 % (67 of
times over 1 min, and a Tc-99 m pertechnetate salivary scans 105) to 36.8 % (46 of 125), hypogeusia (abnormally dimin-
were performed immediately prior to and after the parotid ished acuteness of the sense of taste) or taste loss from 39
massage. During the massage, patients contracted their jaw % to 25.6 %, and dry mouth from 23.8 % to 11.2 %.
and masticator muscles. The control group had the same two Permanent xerostomia decreased from 14.3 % to 5.6 %.
salivary scans performed with no parotid massage between Based on this data, Nakada et al. recommended that siala-
the salivary scans. While patients who received the parotid gogues should not be administered during the first 24-h
massage demonstrated no differences in the mean parotid period after 131I therapy. As the proposed mechanism for
gland counts on the pre- and post-massaging images, the increased radiation-absorbed dose to the salivary glands
group that had no massage had significantly higher mean with sialagogues, they report using Doppler flow assess-
counts (6 %) on the second salivary scan. They concluded ment in several patients demonstrating that salivation
that parotid gland massage could help prevent salivary dam- increased blood flow to the salivary glands. They hypothe-
age secondary to 131I therapy. Although this study does not sized that this increased flow increased delivery and uptake
prove that one can reduce damage to the parotid glands sec- of 131I to the salivary glands, which in turn increased the
ondary to 131I I therapy and although the authors did not eval- radiation-absorbed dose to the salivary glands. Van
uate the effectiveness of massage with and without the use of Nostrand et al. [27] have referred to this proposed mecha-
sialagogues, anything that is easy and can potentially reduce nism as a “rebound effect.”
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 681

Liu et al. [87] evaluated 75 patients of which four groups or severity of sialoadenitis, his frequency for acute siaload-
of patients were administered 100 mg of vitamin C orally at enitis was 5 % (3/60), chronic sialoadenitis 1.7 % (1/60),
one hr (18 pts), 5 h (18 pts), 13 h (19 pts), and 25 h (17 pts) subjective xerostomia 0 % (0/60), and dysgeusia 5 % (3/60).
after 131I therapy, and patients received additional vitamin C These frequencies were significantly less than Nakada et al.’s
every 4 h thereafter for the next 6 days, excluding the hours reported responses, regardless of whether sialagogues were
between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. They concluded that “… salivary used or not (see Table 62.8). Silberstein not only used con-
stimulation with vitamin C at any time has only a limited tinuous sialagogues while awake for a week but also every 3
effect on salivary absorbed dose in thyroid cancer patients.” h throughout the night for three nights. These data strongly
Jentzen et al. [88] calculated the salivary radiation- indicated that the continuous use of sialagogues significantly
absorbed doses per administered 131I activity in ten patients reduces radiation sialoadenitis. However, of note, Silberstein
based on 124I PET-CT. Patients began chewing lemon slices also administered dexamethasone to all his patients, and
20 min after the administration of the 124I. Reportedly, these thus, one cannot determine how much of the lower incidence
patients continuously chewed lemon slice over the first day. of 131I-induced sialoadenitis might have been due to the con-
Ten minutes elapsed between stimulation with the lemon tinuous administration of sialagogues or the use of steroids.
slices and 124I scans. The stimulated patients subsequently Van Nostrand et al. [89] evaluated the radiopharmacoki-
ate lunch 2–4 h later, a snack after 6–7 h, and dinner 9–10 h netics of radioiodine in 26 patients with preablation salivary
later. No comment was stated about continued sialagogues gland scans with the administration of 123I. One-minute
during the night. The nonstimulated group “… did not chew images were obtain every minute for two consecutive phases
lemon slices during the 124I pre-therapy procedure and were of 1 h each with RealLemon® juice administered 5 min into
not allowed to have food or drink until after the completion each phase. These images were initiated 2 h after the admin-
of the last PET scan on the first day, approximately 4 h after istration of the 123I. A typical time activity curve is shown in
I administration.” Thereafter, patients had lunch after the Figure 62.2, and the time activity curves demonstrated that
first 4-h 124I PET scan and then followed eating a snack and indeed lemon juice is effective in stimulating the salivary
dinner as the other group. Imaging was performed 0.5, 1, 2, gland to secrete radioiodine rapidly (mean time to nadir = ~4
4, 48, and >96 h after the administration of 124I. They con- min) and effectively (mean washout = ~84 %); however, the
cluded that the radiation-absorbed dose to the salivary glands reaccumulation of radioiodine was rapid requiring a mean
was higher when sialagogues were administered. However time to reaccumulate back to pre-lemon juice radioactivity of
and as subsequently discussed below, patients with lemon only 21 and 40 min during the first hour and second hour of
stimulation had 10 min to reaccumulate the 124I before imaging, the time activity curves, respectively. By analyzing the area
and patients who were nonstimulated had no lemon or food under the time activity curves of all of patients and conserva-
for only the first approximately 4 h. In addition, the calcula- tively assuming that there would have been no further radio-
tion of the monoexponential function determined from the iodine accumulation had the lemon juice not initially been
average salivary gland 124I uptake curve only used the data given, Van Nostrand et al. [89] calculated that if lemon juice
points from the 4 h time point and later with extrapolation of was readministered at the time the radioactivity had returned
the data back to time zero. Thus, no data points were obtained to baseline (i.e., the level prior to the administration of the
prior to 4 h with the time between the successive data points RealLemon® juice), one would have potentially reduced the
having durations of 20, 24, and 48 h. relative radiation-absorbed dose to the parotid glands by
Several reports have been published suggested that 37–47 %, at least for these two 1-h periods.
sialagogues do decrease sialoadenitis and/or the radiation- In order to determine whether or not a “rebound” effect
absorbed dose [70, 89]. may exist, Kulkarni et al. [90] evaluated nine patients who had
Silberstein [70] evaluated 60 patients for the effects of both a radioiodine salivary gland performed with and without
pilocarpine in reducing sialoadenitis. Although he concluded the administration of RealLemon® juice on two different
that pilocarpine was not effective in altering the frequency days, thereby allowing the patient to act as his/her own con-

Table 62.8 Comparison of the data from Nakada et al [86] versus Silberstein [70]
Nakada et al. [86] Silberstein [70]
SG every 2–3 h while awake No SG for the first 24 h SG continuously during the day and q3 h during the night
Acute sialoadenitis 63.8 % (67/105) 36.8 % (46/125) 5 % (3/60)
Chronic sialoadenitis Not separated out Not separated out 1.7 % (1/60)
Subjective xerostomia 23.8 % (25/105) 11.2 % (14/125) 0 % (0/60)
Dysgeusia 39.0 % (41/105) 25.6 % (32/125) 5 % (3/60)
682 D. Van Nostrand et al.

Fig. 62.2 A typical background-corrected time activity curve (TAC) of imaging (min) to point A. F: The time after start of imaging (min) to
demonstrating the response to the oral administration of lemon juice. The point B. G: The time after start of imaging (min) to point C. H: The time
numbers on the X-axis are minutes, and the numbers on the Y-axis are after start of imaging (min) to point D. Note the prompt response to lemon
counts/minute. This figure demonstrates the time points used for the calcu- juice with subsequent reaccumulation and the similar response following
lation of the radiopharmacokinetic parameters. A: The peak activity the second administration of lemon juice at 65 min into the acquisition.
(counts/min) when lemon juice was administered. B: The nadir (counts/ These two phases were initiated 2 h after the administration of 131I (This
min) after lemon juice administration. C: The point where activity returned figure was originally published in Van Nostrand et al. [89]. Reproduced
to activity approximately equal to activity at point A. D: The maximum with permission from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers)
activity (counts/min) during the 1 h of imaging. E: The time after the start

Fig. 62.3 This graph demonstrates two curves, which represent two time tered) after either the first or second administration of lemon juice. These
activity curves obtain over the parotid glands on two different days after images also demonstrate that the percent washout of radioiodine was even
the administration of 123I. The blue (darker or upper curve) curve repre- greater after the second administration of lemon juice. Finally, even if
sents the time activity curve obtained 2 h after the administration of 123I continued imaging had demonstrated that the reaccumulation of radioio-
without the administration of any sialagogues. The red (lighter or lower dine may have exceeded the radioiodine accumulation had a sialagogue
curve) curve represents the time activity curve that was obtained in the not been administer (e.g., the “rebound effect”), these images suggest that
same patient also 2 h after the administration of 123I, and RealLemon® readministration of lemon juice would have aborted any “rebound effect”
juice was administrated 5 min and 65 min after the initiation of the images. (The above figure is reproduced with permission from Kulkarni [90] and
The images demonstrate that there is no “rebound effect” (e.g., the radio- the publishers, Wolters Kluwer)
activity becoming even greater than if lemon juice had not been adminis-
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 683

trol. No rebound effect was observed in any of the nine patients Table 62.8, but he also administered continuous siala-
during the time period imaged (see Fig. 62.3) and the mean gogues as discussed above.
percent reduction in radiation-absorbed dose was 34 ± 17 %.
Kulkarni et al. also observed that spontaneous salivation
occurred 20 times in seven salivary scans that were performed Management of Complications
without the administration of sialagogues.
The reports by Van Nostrand et al. and Kulkarni et al. Sialoadenitis
raise questions that the time frame of administration of If signs and symptoms indicating acute sialoadenitis occur,
sialogogues of 2-3h and 4h in Nakada et al.'s and Liu et al's no guidelines have been evaluated to one author’s (dvn)
report, respectively, are too long. Indeed, avoidance of knowledge regarding when to begin anti-inflammatory
sialagogues for the first 24 h may be superior to siala- agents, which anti-inflammatory agents are to be used, and/
gogues given every 2–3 h. However, from the reports of or for how long. Van Nostrand [27] has previously proposed
Silberstein, Van Nostrand et al., and Kulkarni et al., the an algorithm based on the National Cancer Institute’s clas-
sialagogues need to be administered more frequently and sification for salivary gland side effects (see Table 62.9), but
preferably continuously. In addition, the sialagogues may as noted by Van Nostrand, no data are available to demon-
need to be administered not only during the day but fre- strate that these guidelines are any better than any other pro-
quently during the night. Although Jentzen et al. reported posal or even any better than not administering
administering sialagogues continuously, this was only for anti-inflammatory drugs. Further study is needed.
4 h before both groups were eating, snacking, and having
dinner. However, more importantly, calculating the radia- Xerostomia
tion-absorbed dose based on measurements of only four Multiple recommendations have been proposed for the man-
time points beginning at 4 h with periods of 20–48 h agement of xerostomia, and a compilation of these recom-
between subsequent time points does not capture what the mendations appears in Table 62.10. One caveat regarding
continuous lemon slices had achieved during the short 4-h xerostomia is that one should not assume that the presence of
period prior to the first data point. The radiopharmacoki- xerostomia is the result of a prior radioiodine therapy. Many
netics of iodine in the salivary gland are in fact “minute by etiologies and combinations of etiologies may exist.
minute” and are not reflected accurately when measured However, a good history of the presence or absence of xero-
by periods of “4 to 24 hours.” stomia prior to 131I therapy and, if present, the severity of the
Finally, the recommendation of avoiding sialagogues dur- patient’s xerostomia prior to 131I therapy will be helpful. If
ing the first 24 h to avoid salivation is not possible when one does not wish to manage persistent xerostomia, then the
patients are eating and drink lunches, snacks, and dinners, patient should be referred to a dentist, oral surgeon, or otolar-
which patients of both Nakada et al. and Jentzen et al. appar- yngologist who does manage such.
ently did. Thus, those patients could not avoid salivation
within the first 24 h period. Further, even if one was on NPO Stomatitis
for 24 h, it would appear based on Kulkarni’s preliminary Stomatitis may be treated with dexamethasone elixir mouth-
work—and we would submit based on everyone’s personal wash or mouthwash that contains viscous lidocaine, diphen-
experience - that spontaneous salivation cannot be avoided hydramine and aluminum, and magnesium hydroxides [53].
during a 24-h period [90]. As a result, spontaneous salivation Referral of the patient to a dental hygienist, dentist, oral sur-
defeats, at least in part, the proposed objective of avoidance geon, or otolaryngologist is highly recommended.
of sialagogues for 24 h.
The controversy regarding the use of sialagogues will Salivary Duct Obstruction
continue, but future studies must consider the dynamic min- The symptoms of obstruction (as described earlier) should nei-
ute-by -minute radiopharmacokinetics of iodine in the sali- ther be mistaken as acute or chronic sialoadenitis nor treated as
vary gland. acute or chronic sialoadenitis. Although a component of
chronic sialoadenitis may be present and warrant treatment,
Anti-inflammatory Agents ductal obstruction should be considered because the manage-
Whether patients should prophylactically take anti- ment is different. If the pain and swelling is mild owing to mild
inflammatory agents to reduce the inflammation and/or the obstruction from a mucous plug and/or radiation fibrosis, then
signs and symptoms of sialoadenitis is not known. increased retrograde or antegrade pressure with massage may
However, Silberstein has report prophylactic use of ste- resolve the symptoms by helping the normal or thickened
roids in all patients [70]. His reported frequency of sialo- saliva pass the ductal narrowing or help spontaneously extrude
adenitis and/or xerostomia was low and already noted in a mucous plug (see Fig. 62.1). If the symptoms are not mild or
684 D. Van Nostrand et al.

Table 62.9 Proposed guidelines for the management of sialoadenitis, based on the severity of the signs and symptoms1,2
Category Description Treatment
Mild Mild pain (NCI grade I = mild pain not interfering with Nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory medication for 3 days
function with a duration of <1 h)
No swelling
No tenderness to the touch
Moderate (one Moderate pain (NCI grade II = moderate pain or analgesics Anti-inflammatory medication for 7 days
or more of the for pain interfering with function, but not interfering with
following) activities of daily living of ≥1 h of duration)
Any swelling
Any tenderness to the touch
Severe (one or Severe pain (NCI grade III = pain or analgesics severely Anti-inflammatory medication for 7 days,
more of the interfering with activities of daily living of any duration)
following) Moderate to severe swelling (very subjective)
Moderate to severe tenderness to the touch (very subjective) Methylprednisolone dose pack or equivalent and
Referral to dental hygienist, dentist, oral surgeon, or
Extreme Suppurative sialoadenitis Emergency referral to otolaryngologist, oral surgeon, and/or
dentist with special expertise in salivary gland management
Hydration is not listed, because this should already be encouraged and continued
No data are available to suggest that these guidelines are any more or less effective than any other guidelines or even no treatment at all

Table 62.10 Options for the management of xerostomia and dental caries
Maintain good hydration
Refer patient to a dental hygienist, dentist, oral surgeon, or otolaryngologist
Treat causes other than radiation-induced xerostomia such as reducing the dose of a drug or changing a drug that is causing xerostomia
Take frequent sips of sugar-free water or drinks
Drink frequently while eating
Keep a glass of water by one’s bedside for dryness during the night or on awakening
Pause often while speaking to sip some liquids
Avoid coffee, tea, and soft drinks
Chew sugarless gum
Suck sugarless mints or hard sugarless candy allowing them to dissolve in your mouth (cinnamon and mint are often more effective)
Avoid tobacco and alcohol
Avoid spicy, salty, and highly acidic foods that may irritate the mouth
Use a humidifier, particularly at night
Maintain impeccable dental hygiene with regular checkups (3–6 months)
Use fluoride toothpaste routinely
Use nonalcoholic mouth washout such as a nonalcoholic mouthwash mixed with hydrogen peroxide
Consider fluoride therapy in the form of topical fluoride applications, fluoride mouthwashes, and fluoride toothpastes
Artificial saliva swirled in the mouth and swallowed every 3–4 h
Avoidance of anticholinergic medications
Administration of sialagogues [61]
Pilocarpine (Salagen®), 5–10 mg p.o. t.i.d. Oral tablet may need to be taken for 6–12 weeks before full benefit realized
Cevimeline (Evoxac®), cholinesterase inhibitor, 30 mg p.o. t.i.d.
Anethole trithione (Hepasulfol®, Mucinol®, Sialor®, Sonicur®, Sufralem®). The standard dose is 37.5–75 mg typically in divided doses before
meals. Doses of up to 150 mg daily have been used
Trial of saliva-stimulating tablets (SST) [63] including potential agents as disaccharides and low-dose interferon-α lozenges
Acupuncture [64]
Antibiotics for suppurative sialoadenitis
Reproduced with permission from Blackwell Munksgaard
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 685

transient, then referral to otolaryngologist is strongly recom- greater than 7.4 GBq (200 mCi) who had nasal complaints.
mended. The otolaryngologist can then evaluate for other, One patient had dry nasal mucosa at 1 week, followed by
albeit unlikely, etiologies of obstruction, consider ductal dila- easily controlled epistaxis, and a tender nose with clots
tion of Stensen’s duct with sialoendoscopy, and, in rare cases, and scabs during the second week. The lining of the nose
consider tympanic neurectomy or ligation of the duct. Nahlieli has mucous cells that can accumulate 131I. This accumula-
and Nazarian evaluated 15 patients with sialoadenitis after 131I tion can be most prominent in the tip of the nose, which is
therapy with sialoendoscopy under local anesthesia. All frequently seen and confirmed on 131I whole-body scans
patients were reported to be free of swelling and pain in the (see Chap. 12) [95]. At the present time, little is known
parotid glands after one sialoendoscopy for a follow-up period regarding methods to reduce this infrequent side effect of
of 1–4 years. Except for immediate swelling after sialoendos- I. However, if performing dosimetry and planning to
copy of the affected salivary gland in all patients, there were no administer prescribed 131I activity higher than 7.4 GBq
other complications observed. The swelling resolved spontane- (200 mCi), the pretherapy scan for nasal uptake can be
ously after 12 h [91]. Bomeli et al. [92] have reported on the use assessed to anticipate this potential complication. If there
of interventional sialoendoscopy in 32 salivary glands in 12 is facial activity with focal uptake in the nose area, con-
patients. They were successful in 27 glands (84.4 %) with duc- sider a lateral view with appropriate markers. If there is
tal stenosis in 30 % and mucus plugs removed in 44 %. marked uptake in the tip of the nose and if a high pre-
Sialoendoscopy improved symptoms in 75 % (9/12) of patients scribed activity of 131I is being considered, then the pre-
with no serious complications. Allweiss et al. [43] reported one scribed activity can be reduced. Further research is
patient who required parotidectomy because of intractable sali- warranted evaluating drugs that may reduce this nasal
vary gland pain and discomfort, but excision of the gland uptake.
should obviously be avoided. Finally, a secondary infection can
occur that may require antibiotics.
In summary, sialoadenitis is an important side effect of Facial Nerve
I therapy. Awareness of this side effect, its subsequent
complications, and appropriate preventive care and treat- I has been associated as a rare cause of transient facial
ment can be very important. nerve paralysis. Levinson et al. [96] reported two patients
who rapidly developed transient facial paralysis after 131I
therapy. The proposed mechanism was the passage of the
Taste and Smell affected nerve through the parotid gland, and the paralysis
was attributed to the gland swelling secondary to radiation
Alteration of taste and smell is well documented after 131I ther- sialoadenitis with ischemia of the nerve. After resolution of
apy [2, 40, 41, 93] and may be described as simply a loss of the sialoadenitis, the facial nerve palsies resolved.
taste, loss of smell (2), metallic taste, or chemical taste [93].
Occasionally, these patients may describe a salty taste that
may be secondary to inadequately absorbed sodium and chlo- Thyroid Tissue
ride ions in the saliva [45]. The frequency varies from 2 to 58
% of patients as noted in Table 62.11 [1, 2, 40, 42, 50, 93, 94]. Radiation Thyroiditis
The loss or change in taste or smell may occur as early as 24 h
after 131I ablation and was reported to occur within 168 h [93]. Radiation thyroiditis posttherapy is commonly seen in
Although transient, the change in taste may persist from 4 patients with large benign thyroid remnants (≥10 % neck
weeks to as long as 52 weeks in 37 % of those patients [45]. uptake), especially when treated with >2.8–3.7 GBq (≥75–
Alexander et al. [2] found that it occurred up to several weeks 100 mCi) or more of 131I, delivering radiation doses more
after discharge and persisted for 1–12 weeks. The mechanism than 50,000 rad (cGy). In ten patients studied retrospec-
is most likely 131I uptake in von Ebner’s serous gland, located tively after lobectomy only, more patients demonstrated
in the vicinity of the taste buds containing circumvallate neck pain or tenderness (60 %) with 131I ablation of the
papilla [53, 93]. Albrecht et al. [42] demonstrated a depen- residual lobe than with 131I ablation after more extensive
dence or direct relationship on administered activity of 131I. excision (6 %) [97]. Neck and ear pain, dysphagia, painful
swallowing, thyroid tenderness, and even airway compro-
mise requiring intubation can be seen beginning 2–4 days
Nasal Effects posttherapy. With more extensive surgery, such as total or
near-total thyroidectomy (<5 % neck uptake), radiation thy-
Pain in the tip of the nose and epistaxis are rare but real roiditis is infrequently seen. Cherk et al. [98] demonstrated
side effects of 131I. Van Nostrand et al. [40] described two that the acute thyroiditis was related to 131I uptake and not
of 15 patients who had received prescribed 131I activities the amount of prescribed activity of 131I.
686 D. Van Nostrand et al.

Table 62.11 Incidence of change in taste and/or smell closely adherent parathyroid glands. Only two cases of
Author (ref.) Incidence (no. of patients) permanent hypoparathyroidism after 131I therapy of thy-
Albrecht [42] 58 % (30/51) roid cancer have been reported to our knowledge in
Alexander [2] 27 % (55/203) patients known to be normocalcemic prior to treatment
Benua [1] 2 % (3/122) [105, 106]. Glazebrook et al. [106] have postulated that
Kahn [41] 16 % (8/50) many thyroid cancer patients treated with 131I exhibit
Kita [200] 9.8 % (9 /92) diminished parathyroid reserve, as shown by stress testing
Lin [50] 1.8 % (1/56) in 53 patients post-thyroidectomy. When salt and water
Orquiza [94] 44 % (34/78) loaded prior to forced diuresis, 58 % of the 53 patients
Van Nostrand [40] 33 % (5/15) treated with 2.96–5.55 GBq (80–150 mCi) demonstrated
Varma [93] 48 % (41/85) transient hypocalcemia. In this prospective study, affected
patients were more likely to have lower prestress serum
calcium levels than unaffected patients. In the absence of
However, with extensive neck metastases that are 131I symptoms, routine monitoring of calcemic status does not
avid, patients may also demonstrate marked pain and swell- appear to be warranted.
ing and even hemorrhage following 131I therapy, particularly Zhu et al. [107] reported in 58 patients that the blood
if the radiation-absorbed doses exceed 40,000 cGy (rad). parathyroid hormone (PTH), blood calcium, and blood phos-
Strong consideration should be given to surgical removal of phorus were not significantly affected by 131I therapy with
all palpable neck metastatic disease to prevent such sequelae. 1.48–3.70 GBq (40–102 mCi). However, in five patients,
A less common phenomenon is painless neck swelling that is PTH levels transiently decreased to below normal levels
manifested by edematous and firm induration of the neck, returning to normal 4 months after 131I therapy.
typically seen within 1–2 days of 131I therapy of more than
10–15 g of thyroid tissue [99]. This is frequently associated
with a neck-tightening sensation that can be very alarming to Carotid Artery
some patients. Although mild symptoms often recede with
just analgesics, an oral prednisone burst and taper may be Cunha et al. [108] have reported a case of a rupture of a
both necessary and beneficial in some patients with painful carotid artery following 131I therapy in a patient with dif-
radiation thyroiditis and most patients with painless neck ferentiated thyroid carcinoma. This patient had a large
edema, using 30–60 mg daily for 3–5 days initially, followed expansive solid mass with radioiodine uptake that was
by a gradual taper over 7–10 days. located at the base of the skull with tumor invasion of the
left masticatory muscle and adjacent subcutaneous tissue.
However, there was no invasion of the carotid space. As the
Thyrotoxicosis authors pointed out, one should be cautious with masses
that have good radioiodine uptake and are adjacent to
Thyrotoxicosis has been well documented in patients with important structures.
functioning differentiated thyroid carcinoma after 131I ther-
apy [100–103]. Although rare, this is most typical of wide-
spread metastatic follicular thyroid carcinoma. Trunnel et al. Vocal Cords
[103] reported that the signs and symptoms of hyperthyroid-
ism appeared within 2 weeks of therapy. Cerletty et al. [104] Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury or direct trauma from endo-
described two cases in which the failure to control the thyro- tracheal tube placement during thyroidectomy can induce
toxic state led to thyroid storm and death. transient or permanent vocal cord paralysis, manifested by
stridor or hoarseness. In symptomatic patients seen prior to
anticipated 131I therapy, direct laryngoscopy can document
Hypoparathyroidism vocal cord dysfunction and should be performed. 131I treat-
ment of residual thyroid bed tissue can cause significant thy-
Therapeutic prescribed activity of 131I can easily deliver roid tissue swelling that is associated with laryngeal nerve
greater than 10,000 cGy (rad) to the thyroid bed with lesser compression and dysfunction [109, 110]. As reported by Lee
radiation to adjacent parathyroid tissue at 5–6 weeks post- et al. [109], 5.55 GBq (150 mCi) prescribed activity of 131I
thyroidectomy when surgically induced parathyroid injury given to treat residual right thyroid bed tissue in a patient
may still be present. However, 131I β particles (electrons) with papillary thyroid cancer was followed by the gradual
have a range of only 2.5 mm in soft tissue, and parathyroid development of bilateral vocal cord paresis within 72 h.
irradiation would only be significant for intrathyroidal or As only right thyroid bed irradiation occurred (no significant
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 687

left-lobe uptake present), it was believed that a partial left however, if formed, the hyaline membrane is more prominent
recurrent laryngeal nerve injury had been present since the in ARP. This description is similar to the autopsy reports
surgery, necessitating an emergent tracheostomy. Fortunately, of the two patients with ARP and PF, as reported by Rall
the bilateral vocal cord dysfunction resolved after 8 weeks. et al. [113].
PF is a late clinical sequela of ARP. Although PF is
typically present in most individuals who recover from ARP,
Pulmonary Effects PF can develop in patients who never had an initial acute
illness. Most patients who develop PF are symptomatic 1
Acute radiation pneumonitis (ARP) and pulmonary fibrosis year later. If PF does occur, it is usually established and sta-
(PF) are potentially serious complications of 131I treatment in ble by 1 year after exposure and is irreversible. However,
patients who have pulmonary metastasis from differentiated Delanian et al. [ 121 ] reported a decrease in fibrosis
thyroid carcinoma. Fortunately, this is very rare; however, with treatment with a combination of pentoxifylline and
because it is rare, most of the information regarding ARP tocopherol, but again, these data involved external radiation
and PF secondary to 131I comes from (1) radiation pathology therapy. PF can also be chronic and progressive. The patho-
from external radiotherapy [111, 112], (2) two important physiology of PF involves progressive fibrosis of the alveo-
case reports described in 1957 by Rall et al. [113], and (3) lar septa. The laboratory changes include mildly reduced
several additional reports in the literature [41, 50, 51, 114– pulmonary functions, such as decreased vital capacity,
116, 198]. The occurrence of ARP, PF, or both is directly decreased forced expiratory volume (FEV1), decreased car-
related to the extent of pulmonary metastasis, the prescribed bon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCO), mild arterial
activity of 131I, and its uptake and retention in the lung hypoxia, decreased compliance, and reduced alveolar-capil-
lesions. However, based on the information derived from lary membrane integrity. Radiographically, computed
these resources, radiation pneumonitis and pulmonary fibro- tomography (CT) is again a more sensitive test than chest
sis are expected to be infrequent and rare complications of radiography and can demonstrate a progressive decrease in
I treatment. lung volumes, a reduction of pulmonary blood flow, and the
fibrotic changes associated with PF. The pathophysiology
may be the result of multiple agents including transforming
Presentation growth factor-beta, interleukins, KL-6, surfactant proteins,
and adhesion molecules [112].
Based upon radiation pathology from external radiotherapy Risk factors for clinical radiation pneumonitis are contro-
[111, 112], the time of ARP onset is usually 1–20 weeks versial. Monson [119] demonstrated an increase in clinical
after initial therapy. Its clinical presentation includes dys- radiation pneumonitis in patients with a low Karnofsky
pnea, nonproductive cough, possible pleuritic pain, malaise, performance status, a history of smoking, comorbid lung
occasional fever, and rales. Radiographic changes are simi- disease, or low pulmonary function tests (PFTs). In those
lar to other pneumonitis secondary to other causes, and patients with an FEV1 of two or less, 24 % (16 of 66) of
computer tomography is more sensitive than chest X-ray in patients developed clinical radiation pneumonitis, whereas
identifying the radiographic changes. The initial findings in patients with an FEV1 above two, only 6 % (1 of 17) devel-
are typically perivascular haziness, which is followed by oped clinical radiation pneumonitis. In those patients with a
alveolar filling densities. Although these changes from forced vital capacity (FVC) of 3 liters or less, 31 % (17 of
external radiation therapy are typically confined to the field 54) developed clinical radiation pneumonitis, but no patient
of irradiation, they may occur outside the field, known as with an FVC more than 3 liters developed clinical radiation
abscopal effects [117–119]. Morgan et al. [120] suggested pneumonitis. These patients had received external radiother-
that these changes outside the irradiation field are from apy for lung carcinoma [119]. However, there is a diversity
other mechanisms, such as generalized immunologically of opinions regarding these risk factors such as pulmonary
mediated lung damage. function [122].
The pathologic changes include congestion and intra- As noted previously, limited reports exist in the literature
alveolar edema with alveolar macrophages, and the initial regarding ARP and PF secondary to 131I treatment in patients
lesions probably occur in the endothelial cells of alveolar who have differentiated thyroid carcinoma with pulmonary
wall capillaries. Protein-rich fluid then leaks through the metastasis. One of the most detailed reports provides valu-
damaged capillary wall into the interstitium and alveolar able descriptions of two patients with documented fatal ARP
lumen, with resultant edema in the alveolar septa and and PF. Several salient features about these two patients are
hyperplasia of the alveolar-lining cells. A hyaline mem- summarized here [113]. First, the initial respiratory symp-
brane may occur, comparable to the pathogenesis of other toms occurred approximately 60 and 61 days after their 131I
etiologies of acute respiratory distress syndromes (ARDS); treatments. For one patient, the presenting symptoms were
688 D. Van Nostrand et al.

shortness of breath and substernal pressure during exertion. Table 62.12 Fractionated radiation dose and side effects on the lung
For the other patient, symptoms were coldness, fatigue, 34.9 Gy (3490 rad), 15 fractions over 19 days = 50 % developed
shortness of breath, and a slightly nonproductive cough. The radiographic evidence of lung damage [123]
time interval from the initially reported respiratory symp- 40 Gy (4000 rad), 20–30 fractions = 8–15 % severe ARP clinically
toms to death from respiratory failure was 48 and 49 days, [117, 124]
respectively. Rapid deterioration appeared to occur over 54 Gy (5400 rad; fractionation N/A) = 20 % developed
clinical ARP [119]
the last 23 and 38 days. Steroids were used in one patient,
Occasionally severe lesions have occurred with lower doses
which produced a significant but only transient improve-
Of 377 patients treated to the mantle for Hodgkin’s disease, 20
ment. Although other reports of ARP and PF are noted, no developed ARP; three died with less than 600 cGy (600 rad) to one
other significant information is available regarding time until whole lung. Five died after 600–1500 cGy (600–1500 rad) [125]
symptoms, course of respiratory failure, the use of steroids, N/A = not available
and so on.
Although these are only two cases and little additional
information is available in the literature, several warnings Table 62.13 Single radiation dose (SD) and side effects on the lung
appear to be appropriate and prudent. First, the signs or After 600–1000 cGy (rad) single dose, 17.5 % developed ARP 100
symptoms of ARP and/or its sequelae do not necessarily days later and 15 % died of ARP within 2 weeks [126]
occur immediately after treatment but can be delayed as long 820 cGy (rad) for 5 % incidence of ARP
as 8 weeks and possibly longer. Second, the initial symptoms 930 cGy (rad) for 50 % incidence of ARP
may appear to be minor and nonspecific but should not be 1100 cGy (rad) for 90 % incidence of ARP [127]
dismissed as unimportant or owing to other causes. Third, 700 cGy (rad) for SD to both lungs is currently proposed limit
there may be an initial symptomatic period where early treat-
ment with steroids may possibly alter the patient’s course
before progressive, irreversible respiratory failure begins.
Table 62.14 Pulmonary fibrosis
Difficult to establish because it is typically asymptomatic but
Radiation Dose to the Lung probably very frequent [130]
After 3000 cGy over 10–15 days, 30 % had radiographic changes
[123, 127]
Estimating the radiation dose to the lung from 131I treatment
After 5000 cGy (rad) over 25 days, 90 % had radiographic changes
is problematic on several counts. There are challenges in [123, 127]
estimating 131I uptake in a pulmonary lesion, inhomogeneous
I uptake within the lesion, lesion depth, attenuation of the
radioactivity, radioactivity clearance from the lesion, lesion complication rate and a 50 % complication rate, and Burman
volume, and the radiation exposure to adjacent normal pul- et al. [135] further used this model to interpolate clinical data
monary tissue. Consequently, the radiation exposure to the to provide estimates of radiation pneumonitis to normal lung
lungs or even a portion of the lungs from 131I is difficult to tissue based on dose and irradiated volume. Graham et al.
accurately determine. Additional studies are underway using [136] evaluated clinical dose-volume histograms for pneu-
I, which are discussed further in Chap. 103. However, monitis for 3D radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer.
more specific data are available from external radiotherapy They reported that the total lung volume exceeding 20 Gy
on the relationship between radiation dose and side effects (2000 rad), larger effective volume, higher total lung volume
on the lung (see Tables 62.12, 62.13, and 62.14) [112, 117, mean dose, and location of the tumor (lower lung) to be sta-
119, 123–130]. The data from external radiotherapy are use- tistically significant for the development of ARP. Wilner
ful for an overall perspective, but extrapolation of the data to et al. [133] evaluated the relationship of ARP to “a little
I therapy is again difficult. Similarly, although dosimetric (dose) to a lot (of volume) or a lot to a little,” and the risk of
analysis of radiation exposure to the lungs from 131I with ARP increased significantly with increasing levels of high
phantoms has been reported, the information is limited [131]. radiation dose volume. Reducing high-dose volumes reduced
However, several groups have attempted to define dose- ARP more than reducing the low-dose volumes. Although
volume histograms to help predict radiation-induced lung these data are again based on external radiation therapy and
disease [132, 133]. Gopal et al. [132] demonstrated a signifi- a full discussion is beyond the scope of this chapter, these
cant decrease in DLCO with the local lung dose exceeding data raise the possibility that ARP may be more likely after
13 Gy, but interestingly, the threshold was increased to I therapy in patients with diffuse pulmonary metastases
36 Gy when the patient was treated with amifostine. Emami versus individual areas of pulmonary macronodular disease.
et al. [134] attempted to compile tolerance for normal lung In the literature on ARP and PF secondary to 131I treat-
tissue with estimates of tolerance doses resulting in a 5 % ment, the most valuable data are again from Rall et al. [113]
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 689

Fig. 62.4 These data were compiled

from Rall’s original article by one author
(dvn). Changes in pulmonary function
begin to appear after 131I deposited in the
chest at 24 h exceeded 125 mCi. The
effect of pulmonary function was graded
as follows: 0 = none, 1 = minimal X-ray
reaction, 2 = moderate X-ray reaction, 3 =
moderate X-ray reaction + symptoms, 4 =
death from pulmonary insufficiency

Fig. 62.5 The two fatalities from

radiation pneumonitis reported by Rall
et al. each had over 1 Ci-day of 131I
retention in the lung. This was calculated
by summing the calculated lung retention
for each day over 20 days. The amount of
I uptake and the amount and duration of
I retention appear important, which is
what one would expect. The effect of
pulmonary function was graded as
follows: 0 = none, 1 = minimal X-ray
reaction, 2 = moderate X-ray reaction, 3 =
moderate X-ray reaction + symptoms, 4 =
death from pulmonary insufficiency

and Benua et al. [1]. Rall et al. observed 15 patients with pul- the highest estimates of 131I exposure to the chest with over 1
monary metastasis from differentiated thyroid carcinoma Ci-day. Furthermore, no patient with approximately 0.75
who were treated with 131I. Four of these patients developed Ci-day of 131I deposited in the chest developed radiographic
pulmonary changes, and two subsequently died from the pul- changes or symptoms to suggest any pulmonary changes
monary changes as already noted. Figure 62.4 demonstrates secondary to radiation. In 1961, Benua et al. [1] reported on
the relationship between the amount of prescribed 131I activ- an expanded group of patients at Memorial Sloan Kettering
ity deposited in the chest and the pulmonary assessment. Cancer Center (MSKCC), which included patients of Rall
When the study was reported in 1957, the pulmonary assess- et al.; 59 patients were treated with 122 doses of 131I. Radiation
ment was made by X-ray and evaluation of symptoms. No pneumonitis occurred in five of these patients. However,
patient who retained less than 4.63 GBq (125 mCi) in the radiation pneumonitis did not occur when the calculated
chest at 24 h developed radiographic changes or symptoms radiation dose to the blood was less than or equal to 200 cGy
to suggest pulmonary changes secondary to radiation effects. (rad) and the whole-body retention of 131I at 48 h was less
In Fig. 62.5, Rall’s data demonstrate an association between than or equal to 2.96 GBq (80 mCi) (see Chap. 58).
pulmonary assessment and the quantity of 131I deposited in Based on their early experience, Benua and Leeper pro-
the chest over the first 20 days following treatment. The posed and implemented the above restrictions for patients with
quantity of 131I deposited was expressed in units of “curie- pulmonary metastasis. In 1982, Leeper reported that no subse-
day,” which represents the sum for each of the 20 days of 131I quent radiation pneumonitis had been observed at MSKCC
estimated quantity deposited in the lungs. Both fatalities had over approximately 20 years since the original group of five
690 D. Van Nostrand et al.

Table 62.15 Review of the literature of pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis
Author (ref.) Pneumonitis or impairment Fatal Dosimetry Comments
Aldrich [115] 7/35 2/35 No Impairment may have been part of thyroid
cancer or concomitant lung disease
Benua [1] 5/59 1/59 2/59 Yes
Brown [51] 0/31 0/31 0/31 No 1. Dosage typically 150 mCi
2. Maximum dosage 680 mCi
Edmonds [198] 0/5 1/5 0/5 No 1. Dosage typically 150 mCi
2. Range 378–973 mCi
3. Follow-up 8–17 years
4. Progressive impairment, which may have
been part of disease itself
Leeper [201] 0/70 0/70* 0/70* Yes 1. Average dosage of 309 mCi
2. Range 70–654 mCi
Maheshwari [140] 0/53 1/53 0/53 No Dosage typically 50–200 mCi
Menzel [116] 0/23 0/23 0/23 No Used empiric dosages as high as 300 mCi
Pacini [139] 1/86 1/86 No Respiratory failure from thyroid cancer and 131I
therapy, or both could not be differentiated
Samuel [137] 1/35 1/35 0/35 No 1. Highest dosage 270 mCi
2. Highest total dosage 1194 mCi
3. Data based on 99mTc-DTPA clearance
Schlumberger [138] 0/23 0/23 0/23 No Administer repeated dosages of 100 mCi
Van Nostrand [40] 0/6* 0/6* 0/6* Yes Highest dosage 450 mCi
Total 2 % (6/305) 2.8 % (12/426) 1.2 % (5/426)
*After restriction imposed of not exceeding 80 mCi of 131I whole body retention at 48 h

patients [48]. In the intervening years, other institutions have either THW or rhTSH for 131I therapies in patients with focal
adopted the Benua and Leeper (MSKCC) dosimetry protocol or diffuse pulmonary metastases could have greater or lesser
with the above restrictions. A review of the literature of those complications is not known. However, Goffman et al. [141]
patients who have had pulmonary metastases and were treated have reported a case with near-lethal respiratory failure after
with a prescribed activity of 131I, either according to dosimetry the use of rhTSH. This case report is a caveat in the use of
with the above restrictions or an empiric formula, is noted in rhTSH in patients with pulmonary metastases and indicates
Table 62.15 [1, 40, 51, 115, 116, 137–140, 198, 201]. The that further study is warranted to evaluate whether or not the
frequency of observed radiation pneumonitis in the pooled side effects are due to the rapid increase of TSH from the
group of patients was 2 %, PF was 2.8 %, and death secondary injection of rhTSH, 131I therapy, or a combination of both and
to radiation effects to the lung was 1.2 %. whether or not pretreatment with steroids is warranted.
Thus, despite the absence of prospective data in the litera-
ture and the inability to extrapolate the data from external
radiation therapy, significant empirical data has been accu- Appropriate Time Interval between 131I
mulated over the last 60 years. These data allow at least one Treatments
approach that has a reasonably acceptable risk of ARP and
PF complications. It is also problematic to determine the appropriate time inter-
val between 131I treatments to minimize the patient’s chance
of developing ARP and PF. Schlumberger et al. [138] found
Thyroid Hormone Withdrawal Versus no ARP or PF in a patient group with pulmonary metastases
Recombinant Human Thyroid-Stimulating who were treated with 131I every 4–6 months, but the pre-
Hormone scribed activity used was only ~3.7 GBq (100 mCi). Hindié
et al. [142] also reported no ARP or PF with treatments every
The use of thyroid hormone withdrawal (THW) versus 6 months until a cumulative prescribed activity of 18.5 GBq
recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone (rhTSH) (500 mCi), at which time the interval was increased to 1 or 2
for the preparation of patients with distant metastases for 131I years. However, Hindié et al. [142] also treated patients with
has been discussed elsewhere in Chaps. 10, 60 and 103. prescribed activities of 3.7–5.55 GBq (100–150 mCi). Rall
However, whether or not the preparation of patient with et al. suggested that the recovery from ARP was exponential
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 691

and that multiple doses should be separated by intervals of 6 (d) The disease pattern is more regional than diffuse, such
months or more [113]. Leeper, who administered much as one or two macronodular areas of disease in one lobe
higher prescribed activities of 131I, empirically recommended instead of diffuse micronodular or miliary disease
extending the time between treatments to approximately 1 throughout both lungs. (However, note that patients
year [48]. Although further study is needed, these studies with a micronodular or miliary pattern of metastases
will be difficult to perform. with good 131I uptake may have an improved response
and prognosis after treatment with 131I) [1, 146, 147].
6. Determine the response on clinical exam, chest X-ray,
Existence of Prior Pulmonary Disease CT, PFT with DLCOs, 131I scans, and blood thyroglobu-
lin levels after all previous 131I therapies.
Aldrich et al. [115] evaluated pulmonary function in 12 of 35 7. Recommend dosimetry, and follow the restrictions for
patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma metastatic to pulmonary metastases as described by Benua and Leeper.
the lung. Five patients had other known causes for lung dis- (a) Do not exceed an amount of 131I prescribed activity
ease, but no distinctive type of abnormal pulmonary function that would result in whole-body retention at 48 h of
(e.g., obstructive, restrictive, or mixed) was identified with more than 2.96 GBq (80 mCi).
pulmonary metastases. Interestingly, no patient died from (b) Do not exceed an amount of 131I prescribed activity
pulmonary complications of 131I treatment if the pretherapy that would result in greater than 200 cGy (rad) to the
pulmonary functions tests were normal. blood (bone marrow).
8. If an empiric prescribed activity of 7.4 GBq (200 mCi)
or more is going to be used and the patient has a diffuse
Recommended Pretherapy Management micronodular or miliary pattern of metastases in the
of Pulmonary Metastases To Minimize lung, we strongly recommend that a reliable effort be
Complications made to estimate the whole-body retention at 48 h (or
the whole lung retention at 24 h) and adjust the pre-
If a patient has known pulmonary metastases secondary to scribed activity based on Benua’s recommendation of
differentiated thyroid carcinoma, one author (dvn) recom- whole-body retention when lung metastasis are present.
mends the following approach. Of note, Esposito et al. [148] reported in 53 patients with
lung metastases that the percentage (number) of patients
1. Obtain a history of any pulmonary disease and the who would have received more than 200 cGy (rad) to
results of all previous pulmonary function tests, if any. the blood (e.g., surrogate for bone marrow) if empiric
2. Assess the extent of pulmonary metastases based on chest dosages of 131I of 100 mCi (3.7 GBq), 150 mCi (5.55
X-ray and chest computer tomography (CT) with or with- GBq), 200 mCi (7.4 GBq), 250 mCi (9.25 GBq), and
out contrast. If CT was performed with contrast, then 131I 300 mCi (11.1 GBq) had been administered would have
therapy can be delayed until the iodine has cleared as mea- been 0 %(0), 7 %(4), 17 %(9), 24 %(13), and 30 %(16),
sured by spot urine iodine/creatinine measurements. respectively. For all patients, regardless if lung metasta-
3. Examine present pulmonary function using PFTs and ses are present or not, Leeper [49] reported that 19 % of
diffuse capacity for the lung to clear carbon monoxide I prescribed activities that delivered 200 cGy (rad) to
(DLCO) [143]. (Note: Hughes et al. [143] have sug- the blood were below 7.4 GBq (200 mCi). Tuttle et al.
gested that these studies may overestimate the diffusion [149] reported that 5 % of patients receiving 200 mCi
limitation by 30 %.) (7.5 GBq) of 131I would have received 200 rad (cGy) or
4. If the patient has a single pulmonary metastasis with no more to the blood. In 127 patients, Kulkarni et al. [150]
evidence of distant metastases elsewhere by a thorough reported that if 3.7 GBq (150 mCi), 7.4 GBq (200 mCi),
evaluation, consider a pulmonary metastasectomy and 5.55 GBq (300 mCi) of 131I had been administered,
[144, 145]. Although the report of Liu et al. report did 5 %, 11 %, and 17 % of the patient, respectively, would
not include thyroid cancer, metastasectomy of a solid have received 200 cGy (rad) to the blood (e.g., bone
pulmonary metastasis may be a reasonable option to marrow). This is discussed further later in this chapter.
consider [145]. 9. Reduce the amount of prescribed activity of 131I in the
5. Assess the pattern of metastases on chest X-ray, chest presence of impaired pretherapy PFTs.
CT scan, and 131I scan. According to the limited litera- 10. With higher empiric or dosimetrically determined pre-
ture (and intuitively), the risk of ARP and PF appears to scribed activity, retreat with 131I no sooner than 1 year
be lower when: from the last 131I therapy.
(a) The radioactive uptake in the lungs is lower. 11. For patients with changes indicating PF from previous
(b) The radioactivity in the lungs clears faster. I therapy, consider pulmonary biopsy to assess the
(c) The disease is a single focus, rather than multiple foci. degree of PF.
692 D. Van Nostrand et al.

Recommended Posttherapy Management reduce the risk even further. Nevertheless, additional research
is needed in this area. If ARP does occur, early detection and
In follow-up for 131I treatment of patients who have function- treatment are strongly recommended.
ing pulmonary metastases from well-differentiated thyroid
carcinoma, one author (dvn) recommends the following:
Gastrointestinal Effects
• Educate the patient regarding the signs and symptoms to
carefully monitor, including any cough or shortness of I ingestion is followed by rapid absorption through the
breath, which may be the initial warning of pulmonary stomach and small bowel wall into the systemic circulation,
complications. with subsequent active gastric mucosa concentration and
• Encourage the patient to seek early evaluation for any secretion. This direct stomach irradiation engenders no
respiratory symptoms. symptoms in most patients at ingested dosages below
• Schedule routine follow-up evaluations at 1 and 2 months 1.11 GBq (30 mCi). However, as the administered 131I dos-
posttherapy. age escalates, nausea is experienced by more patients; 5.35 %
• Recommend PFTs at 1 and/or 2 months. (Until data is of patients complain of this side effect at a standard dose of
available to demonstrate that there is no value of PFTs at 1.48 GBq (40 mCi) [32]. In 78 patients treated with a stan-
these time points, one author (dvn) believes these should dard ablation prescribed activity of 2.78 GBq (75 mCi) for
be performed as part of the assessment for early pulmo- residual thyroid bed activity, nausea was reported in 12 % of
nary changes, to assess for both decreases in PFTs that patients when questioned at 4–5 days post-ablation (jf,
may be a complication of 1311 or improvement as a thera- unpublished data). The majority of patients (50–67 %)
peutic benefit secondary to 131I. treated with prescribed activity of 5.55 GBq (150 mCi) of 131I
• Repeat PFTs at periodic intervals such as 6 and/or 12 months. will complain of nausea that usually develops after 18–24 h
but can be seen within 2–4 h of therapy and persists for
For those patients with possible ARP and PF, we recom- 24–48 h [40, 41. Khorjekar et al. [151] evaluated the
mend the following: responses of patients to a national survey offered through the
Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. (ThyCa) regard-
• Begin treatment as soon as possible. Don’t wait. ing the patient’s last 131I outpatient therapy and vomiting. Out
• Consider initial therapy with nonsteroidal anti- of 801 patients responding, 10 % (81) had vomiting of which
inflammatory agents or inhaled steroids, but: vomiting was described as mild in 25 % (19), moderate in 42
• Consider the early use of oral or intravenous steroids and % (32), and severe in 32 % (24) in 75 respondents. In addi-
antibiotics. For the treatment of ARP secondary to exter- tion, patients were statistically more likely to vomit if they
nal radiation therapy to the lungs, Gomez and Rosenzweig were younger and female and/or had a higher level of anxiety
recommend treatment with at least 60 mg/day of predni- to radiation. Khorjekar et al. [152] reported vomiting with or
sone for 2 weeks and then gradually decreasing the dose without preceding nausea in 7.6 % [30/397] of patients
over 3–12 weeks [112]. However, no data are available receiving a prescribed activity of less than 5.55 GBq (<150
regarding whether or not this schedule is effective for mCi) and 15 % [41/274] with amounts of 131I prescribed
ARP secondary to 131I therapy. activity greater than 5.55 GBq (150 mCi). Whether the fre-
• For patients who develop end-stage lung disease due to quency of 131I associated nausea is accentuated by the con-
I-induced pulmonary fibrosis, lung transplantation is comitant use of sialagogues is not known.
often the only subsequent option. Prior to May 29, 1997, the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) guidelines mandated inpatient hospital-
ization for any patient whose whole-body retention exceeded
Summary 1.11 GBq (30 mCi) of 131I (equivalent to ≥5 mR at 1 m). If
In summary, ARP and PF can be serious conditions of 131I vomiting occurred in the inpatient setting, 131I in gastric con-
treatment in patients who have functioning pulmonary tents was contained within a controlled area [153]. New
metastases from differentiated thyroid cancer. Although sci- NRC guidelines, the so-called Patient Discharge Rules, are
entific data are still limited, evidence is available based on “exposure” based, rather than patient “activity” based.
approximately 60 years of clinical experience that suggests Patients receiving up to 7.4 GBq (200 mCi) of 131I are now
empiric and dosimetric approaches for 131I treatment of pul- routinely released by many licensees when the total effective
monary metastases are associated with a minimal risk of dose equivalent of a member of the public exposed to the
complications of ARP and PF. When the percent 48-h whole- patient is not likely to exceed 5 mSv (0.5 rem) [154]. Patients
body retention is obtain and one does not exceed the recom- treated with more than 3.7 GBq (>100 mCi) of 131I have
mendations of Benua et al. regarding such, this may help returned to a medical facility after vomiting unknown quan-
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 693

tities of 131I in an uncontrolled location. The possibility of an and aplastic anemia. Leukemia is discussed later in this
outpatient vomiting over 1.85 GBq (>50 mCi) of 131I in the chapter in section “Secondary primary malignancies risk in
home environment (or local motel), significantly contami- thyroid cancer survivors”.
nating family members or the general public, has greatly
heightened the awareness of this issue. Patients with a multi-
plicity of disease processes are at increased risk of vomiting Review of the Literature
ingested 131I, including anxiety disorder, cerebral palsy, any
pharyngeal or esophageal motility disorder, gastroesopha- Like all side effects of 131I therapy, the variability in the
geal reflux disease, gastroparesis, gastric outlet obstruction, reported frequency and severity of bone marrow suppression
and other similar entities. To lessen the chance of dealing is multifactorial, and some of these factors are noted in
with a large quantity of vomited 131I, one patient with a prior Table 62.16. A summary of the frequency of occurrence of
vomiting history shortly after diagnostic 131I ingestion and bone marrow suppression based on a review of the literature
another patient with marked diabetic gastroparesis received is presented in Table 62.17 [1, 40, 44, 48, 103, 116, 158–166,
their therapy intravenously by sterilization of the commer- 198]. To demonstrate examples of the severity of bone mar-
cially available oral formulation with no subsequent nausea, row suppression according to National Cancer Institute
vomiting, or other sequelae. However, intravenous 131I does (NCI) criteria and the typical time courses, two hypothetical
not eliminate the possibility of vomiting 131I entirely because cases are shown in Figs. 62.6 and 62.7. The Common
blood clearance curves of oral and intravenous 131I are simi- Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events for hematologic
lar and nausea and vomiting may originate centrally rather toxicities are noted in Table 62.18. A review of the literature
than locally in the stomach. Additionally and as noted above, on the frequency of reported aplastic anemia or death due to
a significant percentage of the intravenously administered bone marrow suppression is noted in Table 62.19 [1, 2, 40,
I will be secreted into the stomach within the next 24 h 48, 114, 116, 158, 160, 163, 166, 167, 198]. The specifics of
resulting in a local stimulus of nausea and vomiting. selected articles are subsequently discussed.
For most patients, nausea and vomiting can usually be Alexander et al. [2] reported that nine out of 203 patients
averted or ameliorated by premedication with antiemetic treated with between 3.7 and 7.4 GBq (100–200 mCi) of 131I
preparations, such as ondansetron (Zofran®), prochlorpera- demonstrated hematological abnormalities involving moder-
zine (Compazine®), or triethylperazine (Torecan®). ate reduction of their leukocytes that ranged from 3200 to
Emphasizing the possible side effects of nausea and vomit- 4200 per μL (normal range 4300–10,000/μL). They also
ing seems to help precipitate their occurrence, especially in reported no signs of thrombocytopenia or aplastic anemia,
anxious patients. Our current practice is to provide the and the total cumulative prescribed activity ranged from 0.1
patient with a prescription for six ondansetron 8 mg tablets, to 1.9 Ci (3.7–70.3 GBq).
taking one tablet three times daily beginning 30 min prior to Benua et al. [1] reported bone marrow suppression in 38
I therapy. If necessary, the first 8 mg dose of ondansetron of 59 patients who received 122 treatments. Serious bone
can be administered intravenously if the patient neglects to marrow depression was observed following these treatments
take the medication as prescribed. in eight patients; two patients subsequently died of bone
Finally, Kinuya et al. [155] reported a Mallory-Weiss syn- marrow suppression. Benua has suggested a relationship of
drome caused by 131I therapy for metastatic thyroid carci- significant bone marrow suppression when the total radiation
noma. The patient had massive hematemesis secondary to a
tear at the gastroesophageal junction, with only mild nausea Table 62.16 Variability of frequency and severity of bone marrow
and no initial vomiting. suppression
Individual prescribed activity of 131I
Patient’s rate of 131I clearance
Radiation Cystitis Frequency of 131I therapies
Interval between 131I therapies
Balan et al. [156] and Dobyns et al. [157] each reported one Total cumulative prescribed activities of 131I
case of cystitis. Frequency of prescribed activities delivering greater than 200 or
300 cGy (rad) to the bone marrow determined empirically
Performance of Benua and Leeper dosimetry
Bone Marrow Variability in the definition of bone marrow suppression
Variability in the diligence in evaluating bone marrow suppression
Bone marrow suppression, aplastic anemia, and leukemia are Patient bone marrow reserve
some of the most serious potential untoward affects of 131I Extensive bone metastases
therapy. This section discusses bone marrow suppression Prior or concomitant radiation therapy to the bone
694 D. Van Nostrand et al.

Table 62.17 Summary of bone marrow suppression

Author (ref.) Year Total Abnormality Hemoglobin WBC Platelets
Alexander [2] 1998 203 4.4 % (9) 0 % (0) 4.4 % (9) No evidence
Benua [1] 1962 122 31 % (38)a – – –
Dorn [158] 2003 25 100 % (25) – – –
Leeper [49] 1982 No permanent bone
marrow suppression
Edmonds [198] 1986 258 1.1 % (3)b – – –
Grunwald [159] 1994 567 1.4 % (8) – – –
Haynie [160] 1963 159 – 34 % (54) 10 % 8.4 % (5)
Keldsen [161] 1988 27 26 % (15) – 33 % in female 30 % in female
(and increased in and 17 in male
Matthies [162] 2004 68 22 % (15) 12 % (8)
Menzel [116] (low 1996 84 3.6 % (3)c 0 % (0) 3.6 % (3) 0 % (0)
prescribed activity;
see text)
Menzel [116] 1996 78 50 % (29)d – – –
(high prescribed
activity; see text)
Molinaro [163] 2009 206 No change 9.7 % decrease 5.8 % decrease
from baseline at from baseline at
1 year 1 year
Pan [44] 2004 – – – 4.00 % 10.40 %
Petrich [164] 2001 107 37.4 % (40/107) – – –
Robeson [165] 2002 12 42 % (5/12) 25 % (3/12) 42 % (5/12) 17 % (2)
Schober [166] 1987 296 24 % (71) 11 % (33) 35 % (104)
Trunnell [103] 1949 9 100 % (9) – – –
Van Nostrand [40] 1986 10 90 % (9) – – –
Total of 59 patients and 122 doses. Six of the 122 treatments produced severe bone marrow suppression, with two resulting in death.
It isunclear from the article if the asuthor looked for bone marrow suppression other than when it as fatal.
Prescribed activites of radioiodine were 1.8-5.5 GBq (49-200 mCi).
Prescribed activities of radioiodine were greater than 7.4 GBq (200mCi). Bone marrow suppression was mild in thiryy, grade II in three patients,
and severe in one patient. The data were not fully described.

dose to the blood exceeded 200 cGy (rad). Serious complica- from 170 cGy (rad) to 582 cGy (rad). However, all had been
tions, including bone marrow suppression, were observed in previously treated. For six of the eight patients with severe
21 % when total radiation to the blood exceeded 200 cGy bone marrow suppression in whom total blood radiation dose
(rad) but in only 3 % when the total radiation to the blood could be calculated for the cumulative 131I administered, the
was less than 200 cGy (rad). Furthermore, bone marrow sup- total radiation dose to the blood ranged from 300 to 1100
pression was also increased when the whole-body retention cGy (rad). Severe bone marrow suppression was not observed
at 48 h exceeded 4.44 GBq (120 mCi). Initially, Benua if the total cumulative radiation dose to the blood was less
reported severe and permanent bone marrow suppression in than 300 cGy (rad).
eight of 59 patients. However, after Benua imposed the Dobyns et al. [157] noted that the most likely change in
restrictions of (1) a maximum of 200 cGy (rad) to the blood the blood is a decline in the lymphocytes.
and (2) 4.44 GBq (120 mCi) whole-body retention at 48 h, Dorn et al. [158] performed 104 therapies with prescribed
no subsequent cases of permanent bone marrow suppression activities determined by a dosimetric MIRD methodology
have occurred as reported by Leeper [49]. (see Chap. 59). In 100 % (25/25) of patients who received
Benua further reported that the mean whole blood radia- absorbed doses of lower than 300 cGy (rad) to the bone mar-
tion dose from 131I therapies in the 59 patients was 267 cGy row, transient bone marrow suppression was present.
(rad), with a range of 45–740 cGy (rad). For the eight patients However, no permanent bone marrow suppression was
with severe bone marrow suppression, the calculated total observed. The maximum single administered dose was
radiation dose to the blood from the last 131I therapy ranged 38.5 GBq (1040 mCi).
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 695

Fig. 62.6 Hypothetical course of ANC

National Cancer Institute (NCI)
grade I mild to moderate bone Platelet
marrow suppression
4000 250000

Platelet Count
ANC Count
3000 200000
1000 50000
0 0


4 k

5 k

6 k

2 k











Fig. 62.7 Hypothetical course of

National Cancer Institute (NCI) ANC
grade IV severe bone marrow Platelet
suppression 300,000

Platelet Count
ANC Count
3000 200,000
2000 150,000
1000 50,000
0 0
















Table 62.18 The NCIa common terminology criteria for adverse events
Adverse event Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5
Hemoglobin <LLN–10.0 g/dL <10.0–8.0 g/dL <8.0–6.5 g/dL <6.5 g/dL Death
Leukocytes (total WBCs) <LLN–3000 mm3 <3000–2000 mm3 <2000–1000 mm3 <1000 mm3 Death
Neurtophilis/gran/ganluocytes <LLN–1500 mm3 <1500–1000 mm3 <1000–500 mm3 <500 mm3 Death
Platelets <LLN–75,000 mm3 <75,000–50,000 mm3 <50,000–25,000 mm3 <25,000 mm3 Death
<LLN, less than the lower limits of normal for that particular laboratory. Criteria are from v 3.0, December 12, 2003
NCI National Cancer Institute

Table 62.19 Aplastic anemia or death attributed to bone marrow Edmonds and Smith found that three patients from a
group of 258 developed aplastic anemia and died within 4
Author (ref.) Year Aplastic anemia or death years; they had extensive metastases and were treated multi-
Alexander [2] 1998 0 % (0/203) ple times [198]. The total radioactivity was 63 GBq (1700
Benua [1] 1962 1.6 % (2/122) mCi), 40 GBq (1080 mCi), and 31 GBq (850 mCi). In this
Dorn [158] 2003 0 % (25/25) study, patients were initially treated with 2.9 GBq (80 mCi)
Edmonds [198] 1986 1.2 % (3/258) for ablation and, when additional therapies were necessary,
Haynie [160] 1963 0 % (0/159)
with 5.5 GBq (150 mCi) every few months.
Leeper [49] 1982 0 % (0/70)
Grunwald et al. [159] indicated that 1 % (7 of 567) of patients
Menzel [116] 1996 0.5 % (1/167)a
who had 131I therapies had persistent changes in blood counts. In
Petrich [164] 2001 3.7 % (4/107)
patients who received prescribed cumulative activities of less
Schober [166] 1987 1.0 % (3/296)
than 18.5 GBq (500 mCi), only five of 469 had a hemoglobin
Schumichen [167] 1983 0.75 % (3/400)
less than or equal to 9.0, white blood cell count (WBC) 2500 or
Tollefson [114] 1964 0 % (0/70)b
less, and/or platelets 50,000 or less. For prescribed activities of
Van Nostrand [40] 1986 0 % (0/10)
18.5 GBq (500 mCi) to less than 37 GBq (<1000 mCi), one of
Patient rejected for additional treatments because of persistent severe
bone marrow suppression 77 patients had changes, and with prescribed activities of
In the evaluation of 70 fatalities in patients with thyroid cancer, none 37 GBq (≥1000 mCi), six of 21 patients had blood changes, and
were because of bone marrow suppression four of these patients had pancytopenia.
696 D. Van Nostrand et al.

Haynie and Beierwaltes reported their observations in 159 Menzel et al. [116] evaluated a group of 26 patients with
patients who received 131I for the treatment of thyroid cancer 167 therapies. He reported that only three of 84 therapies
at 3-month intervals (if needed) between 1947 and 1960. with a low-131I prescribed activity of less than 1.8–5.55 GBq
Evaluation of these patients included a baseline and at least (<49–150 mCi) resulted in mild hematological toxicity (leu-
one posttherapy complete blood count (CBC). Patients kocytes <3000/nL and/or thrombocytes <75,000/nL). For
received prescribed activities of usually 3.7–11.1 GBq (100– patients who received high prescribed activities of 11.1 GBq
300 mCi) of 131I with follow-up CBC at 3-month and 1-year [300 mCi] or higher, 38 % (30 of 78) of therapies caused a
intervals for 10 years after completion of therapy. The most mild decline of leukocyte count. Three patients developed
frequently observed abnormality was a subnormal hemoglo- World Health Organization (WHO) grade II hematotoxicity.
bin concentration, which occurred in 34 % (54 of 159). One patient had four therapies totaling 44.4 GBq (1200
However, only five of 159 developed a significant anemia mCi); one had two therapies that totaled 22.2 GBq (600
less than 10 g percent. The hemoglobin concentration returned mCi), and one patient developed severe leucopenia and
to the normal range in all but eight patients by 1 year. thrombocytopenia (WHO grade III) after three high pre-
Subnormal WBC was observed in about 10 % of these scribed activity therapies. Patients in this study were typi-
patients, and the lowest value was 2000 per mm3. No leuko- cally treated at 3-month intervals.
penia persisted beyond 1 year. Thrombocytopenia was seen Molinaro et al. [163] evaluated 206 consecutive patients
in only five (3 %) patients, whose levels were only slightly who had a complete blood count (CBC) before and after 131I
decreased below the normal limits. If it did occur, thrombocy- therapy. The median prescribed activity of 131I was 3.7 GBq
topenia was always transient and returned to normal by 1 (100 mCi) with the CBC performed 1 year later. The total
year. The degree of suppressed blood counts did appear to white blood cell count dropped from 6.7 ± 2.1 × 109 to
correlate with several factors: total 131I dosage, prior radiation 6.0 ± 1.8 × 109, which was a decrease of 9.7 % (p < 0.001).
therapy, and the presence of widely disseminated metastases. The platelet count drop from 272 ± 67 to 250 ± 655 × 109,
Nevertheless, the authors reported that the suppressed blood which was a decrease of 5.8 % (p < 0.001).
count duration was brief and not associated with symptoms. Pan et al. [44] evaluated 342 patients over approximately
They also reported no incidence of aplastic anemia. 10 years. Transient platelet reduction was noted in 10.4 %,
Keldsen et al. [161] reported that 26 % (15 of 27) of and transient leukopenia was found in 4 % of patients. The
their patients’ WBC count dropped below 2500 and/or frequency of abnormalities was higher with cumulative 131I
platelet count fell less than 150,000 at some point after prescribed activities greater than 18.5 GBq (500 mCi).
treatment. The drop in platelet count was 30 % (305,000– Petrich et al. [164] described the side effects of 131I in the
212,000) in females and 17 % (271,000–224,000) in males. treatment of 107 patients who had bone metastases second-
The WBC decreased 33 % (6000–4400) in women and ary to well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Of 107 patients,
increased in men. 40 (37.4 %) had a change in their blood counts. Most of the
In a group of 70 patients treated from 1973 to 1982, Leeper changes were WHO grade I or grade II. A total of ten patients
observed no permanent bone marrow suppression [48]. As had grade III and four patients had bone marrow aplasia.
previously noted, the average single therapeutic dose was With prescribed activities of 131I equal to or exceeding 80
11.4 GBq (309 mCi), with a range of 2.59–24.2 GBq (70–654 % of the dosimetrically determined dosage, Robeson et al.
mCi). No additional data was reported pertaining to the extent [165] found that 42 % (5 of 12) of patients had mild leukope-
of reversible bone marrow suppression. nia, 17 % (2 of 12) had mild thrombocytopenia, and 25 % (3
Matthias et al. [162] reported on the hematologic toxicity in of 12) had anemia. Hypocellular bone marrow biopsy was
68 patients who received cumulative 131I prescribed activities noted in one patient. They reported no difference in the
that ranged from 18.5 to 153.5 GBq (500–4150 mCi). average cumulative prescribed activity in patients with and
Thrombocytopenia occurred in five patients with grade I or without bone marrow suppression.
II and in three patients with grade III or IV. Grade I com- Schober et al. [166] reported on 296 patients who were
prises anemia of 9.5–10.0 g Hgb/100/mL, thrombocytopenia treated with an average cumulative prescribed activity of
of 75,000–99,000/mm3, or leukopenia of 3000–3900 mm3. 19.8 GBq (535 mCi). The observation period was a median
Grade II is anemia of 8.0–9.4 g Hgb/100 mL, thrombocyto- of 65 months. The most frequently observed hematologic
penia of 50,000–74,000/mm3, or leukopenia of 2000–2900/ change was thrombocytopenia, occurring in 35 % of patients.
mm3. Grade III is classified as persistent and distinct anemia Erythrocytopenia occurred in 24 %, and the leukocytes
of less than 7.9 g Hgb/100 mL, thrombocytopenia of less decreased in 11 % but increased in 23 %, with a median
than 49,000/mm3, or leukopenia below 1900/mm3. decrease of 7 %. The most severe decreased counts occurred
Leukopenia was observed in 14 patients with grade I or II after a high dose of 37 GBq or more (≥1000 mCi).
and one patient with grade IV. The specific-grading scale Pancytopenia was present in 4.4 % of all patients and was
used was not noted. probably a contributing cause of death in three patients.
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 697

Tollefsen et al. [114] examined the cause of fatalities in 1. Obtain baseline complete blood counts (CBC) with dif-
70 patients who had thyroid carcinoma. None of these deaths ferential. If the patient is undergoing thyroid hormone
were attributed to bone marrow suppression. Notably, some withdrawal, the baseline CBC with differential should be
of these patients were included in earlier reports from obtained when the patient is in both a euthyroid and hypo-
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. thyroid state. Because the absolute neutrophil count
Trunnell et al. [103] reported that all patients (nine of (ANC) may be reduced in the hypothyroid state [168,
nine) treated for metastatic thyroid cancer had depression of 169], a baseline CBC with differentiated obtained under
one or more peripheral blood elements. The greatest drop this condition may not be appropriate to use for long-term
occurred in lymphocytes from a level of one third to one follow-up. However, an additional baseline CBC with dif-
fourth of baseline. They reported one fatality from pancyto- ferential when the patient is hypothyroid just before ther-
penia that occurred 1 months after the last treatment, which apy may be useful for the short-term follow-up. This
was 9.25 GBq (250 mCi) and a total prescribed activity of information might help identify any initial decline in
638 mCi (23.6 GBq). Bone marrow aspiration biopsies were blood counts relative to the baseline euthyroid CBC as
performed in seven patients, demonstrating a uniform drop secondary to the hypothyroidism and not due to 131I.
in total cell count and reversal of the erythroid myeloid ratio. 2. For any reduction of the baseline CBC values, evaluate
With the exception of the fatality noted above, peripheral and correct any other cause for the reduced baseline CBC.
blood counts recovered in 4–6 months. 3. If the pretherapy scan demonstrates significant 131I uptake
Van Nostrand et al. [40] described nine of ten patients in the bone, lung, and/or other distant metastases, con-
who had bone marrow suppression that was transient and sider dosimetric modification of the prescribed 131I
never required any transfusions. The most severe bone mar- activity.
row suppression was <NCI grade I for hemoglobin, NCI 4. If distant metastases and “high” prescribed activity of 131I
grade II for leukocytes, and NCI grade I for platelets. 131I is selected, recommend CBC with differential at 3, 4, 5,
prescribed activities ranged from 1.9 to 16.7 GBq (51–450 and 6 weeks after 131I therapy. This is true whether or not
mCi), and the total previous cumulative prescribed activity the patient was administered an empirically chosen or
was 0–25 GBq (0–665 mCi). dosimetrically determined prescribed activity. If the
patient has no decrease in any blood counts after therapy,
then discontinue CBCs after 5–6 weeks. If the patient has
Recommendations for Pretherapy a significant drop in blood counts that may place the
and Posttherapy Management patient at risk for infection or bleeding within the first 6
weeks, then continue weekly blood counts until the
The difficulty with suggesting recommendations for the pre- patient clearly has a rising ANC and rising platelet count
and posttherapy management of possible bone marrow sup- and is no longer at risk for infection or bleeding.
pression secondary to 131I therapy is that there are no good 5. For significant bone marrow suppression, administer
studies that have evaluated the efficacy of any specific pre- or colony-stimulating factor(s) or transfusion as may be
posttherapy plan. However, the physician must still act. In clinically warranted. An oncologist should be part of the
the absence of good prospective data, the recommendations treating team in determining when the bone marrow sup-
must be made upon incomplete retrospective data. Various pression is significant.
suggestions have been proposed by different workers in the 6. Finally, obtain CBC with differential at 1 year after 131I
field, but a discussion of all these approaches is beyond the therapy. Although sequential CBCs with differential after
scope of this chapter. Instead, one proposed set of recom- initial 131I therapy will most likely not affect the clinical
mendations is presented below by one author (dvn). These management of these patients at that time because the
recommendations should be appropriately modified accord- counts most likely will not drop significantly enough to
ing to the specific clinical situation unique to each patient, require intervention, one author (dvn) believes these are
the objectives of the physician, the potential clinical benefit prudent to track. These data, and specifically the amount
versus the risk of irreversible bone marrow suppression, and of suppression, may be important information if a subse-
any new reports in the literature. quent therapy is considered for the treatment of bone
metastases. Sequential CBCs with differential counts
obtained after the initial 131I therapy for bone metastases
General Recommendations for All Patients may be the only information regarding the response of the
patient’s bone marrow to previous therapeutic prescribed
Several key methods are proposed for all patients regarding activities of 131I. Because of the potential value of this
the pretherapy and posttherapy management of potential information, and because four to six CBCs are relatively
bone marrow suppression: inexpensive and usually associated with minor inconve-
698 D. Van Nostrand et al.

nience, one author (dvn) again recommends that this be tion, the physician must again still make a decision, and one
obtained in every patient treated for distant metastases. author (dvn) proposes the following guidelines. If the euthy-
roid baseline CBC is reduced to NCI grade I (see Table 62.18)
and the planned prescribed activity of 131I was 5.55–7.4 GBq
(150–200 mCi), then consider a reduction of the prescribed
Specific Recommendations for Selected activity by 15–20 %. For these patients, one author (dvn)
Patients with Bone Metastases would not recommend an empiric prescribed activity of 131I
of 11.1 GBq (300 mCi). If the prescribed activity of 131I is
In selecting the prescribed activity of 131I for a patient with determined by dosimetry, then reduction of that calculated
bone metastases and if the patient’s CBC and differential prescribed activity may not be necessary. If the euthyroid
counts are abnormal and cannot be corrected, then full or baseline CBC is reduced to NCI grade II (see Table 62.18)
simplified 131I dosimetry is recommended. However, if an and the planned prescribed activity was again 5.55–7.4 GBq
empiric prescribed activity of 5.55–7.4 GBq (150–200 mCi) (150–200 mCi), then consider a reduction of the prescribed
of 131I is to be selected, then reduction of the amount of pre- activity by 20–30 %. For patients with NCI grade III, the
scribed activity of 131I should be considered. Unfortunately, benefits and risk should be discussed among the treating
no data are available regarding how much the empirically medical team and patients (see Table 62.20). For patients
chosen or dosimetrically determined prescribed activity of with NCI grade IV, the benefits and risks must again be
I should be reduced. However, despite the lack of informa- discussed among the treating medical team and patient

Table 62.20 Recommendations for the evaluation of patients with bone marrow suppression if 131I therapy is being considered
Obtain unilateral or bilateral bone marrow biopsy to assess the bone marrow cellularity and degree of adipose tissue
⚬ Unless the purpose of bone marrow biopsy is to assess a specific area for the presence of metastatic differentiated thyroid carcinoma, bone
marrow biopsy should not be obtained from a bone that is su spected to have metastasis or has had previous external radiotherapy
⚬ Fibrosis of the marrow is not a manifestation of delayed radiation injury of the bone marrow
Assess for the presence and extent of bone metastases such as with a combination of radioiodine whole-body scan, radiographic bone survey,
magnetic resonance, 18F FDG positron emission tomography scan (18F FDG PET), and/or 99mTc MDP or 18F NaF PET-CT bone scan
Review the baseline and subsequent CBCs with differential after previous 131I therapies with specific attention to the nadirs and subsequent
recovery or reduce recovery to baseline
Review the history for extent of any external radiation therapy to the bone marrow
Review the response to previous 131I therapy, such as change in scan, change in thyroglobulin level, and change in size of masses on clinical
exam and/or on other imaging studies
Recommend blood and whole-body dosimetry:
⚬ Do not exceed the prescribed activity calculated by dosimetry
⚬ Do not exceed 4.44 GBq (120 mCi) of 131I whole-body retention at 48 h (In the presence of pulmonary metastases, whole-body retention
at 48 h should not exceed 2.96 GBq [80 mCi]. See section on acute radiation pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis in this chapter and
Chap. 58 on dosimetry)
⚬ If only % 48 h whole-body retention is performed(see Chapter 59), do not exceed 70 % of the maximum tolerated prescribed activity
calculated by this method, and follow the other restrictions noted above
If the bone marrow aspiration/biopsy is normal:
⚬ Weigh the potential benefit of 131I therapy vs. other treatments, which will depend on such factors as the degree of radioiodine uptake, size
of tumor, patient desires, etc.
⚬ Consider reduction of the prescribed activity below the maximum tolerated dosimetrically determined prescribed activity as discussed in
the text
⚬ Consider pretreatment with the appropriate colony-stimulating factor(s)
If bone marrow biopsy is abnormal:
⚬ Weigh the potential benefit of 131I therapy vs. other therapies, which will depend on such factors as the bone marrow cellularity and degree
of fat on bone marrow biopsy, degree of radioiodine uptake in the metastases, tumor size, patient desires, and so forth. “Blind treatments”
(treatment when no uptake is seen on radioiodine scan) are not encouraged in these patients
⚬ Prophylactic treatment with granulocyte- or platelet-stimulating factor
⚬ Consider stem cell harvest for rescue bone marrow transplantation. No data are available regarding this option
⚬ If possible, avoid treating within 1 year from previous 131I therapy
⚬ Consider amifostine treatment. Amifostine has been proposed to help protect the bone marrow; however, no data is available regarding
whether the amifostine also protects thyroid cancer. Amifostine has been discussed elsewhere (see section on “Salivary gland side effects”
in this chapter)
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 699

(see Table 62.20), and additional hematological support availability of colony-stimulating factors, and blood transfu-
must be strongly considered prior to, during, and after 131I sions should be sufficient. Infection and hemorrhage are rare.
treatment. Of note, no prospective data are available evaluat-
ing the utility or safety of these guidelines, but the most
important message is consideration of reduction of empiri- Fertility
cally chosen or dosimetrically determined prescribed activ-
ity in patients with reduced CBCs and differentials. Gonads
For subsequent treatments for metastases in patients
whose baseline CBC, ANC, and platelet count have I therapy irradiates the gonads to a variable extent
remained normal, the empiric prescribed activity should not depending on the relative radiation contributions received
exceed 7.4 GBq (200 mCi). If the prescribed activity is from multiple sources such as circulating blood, bladder,
based on dosimetry, then one may consider administering as gut, and adjacent functioning soft tissue or bone metasta-
much 131I as one’s facility allows up to the dosimetrically ses. Such irradiation raises concerns in regard to transient
determined maximum tolerated activity. If the percent 48-h or permanent gonadal damage that could be manifest sub-
whole-body retention is calculated (see Chap. 59), then no sequently as decreased fertility or congenital anomalies in
more than 70 % of the calculated maximum tolerated activ- offspring.
ity should be administered. A minimum of 6 months and
preferably 1 year is recommended between therapies in Female
which the patient received a dosimetrically determined pre- Transient ovarian failure following a single 131I therapy
scribed activity of 131I [170]. At the present time, there is no (mean dose 9.99 GBq [270 mCi]) occurred during the first
evidence whether the total cumulative estimated radiation year posttherapy in 18 of 66 (27 %) older women (mean age
dose to the blood (not the total cumulative 131I prescribed 34 years) with regular menstrual cycles prior to therapy
activity) should influence any reduction in dosimetrically [171]. In this retrospective study, 18 women treated during
determined prescribed activity. For subsequent therapies of thyroid hormone withdrawal demonstrated temporary amen-
metastases in patients who had previous 131I treatments with orrhea with concomitant “hot flashes” that was delayed for at
an uncorrectable abnormal CBC, then again the suggestions least one menstrual cycle posttherapy when patients were not
in Table 62.20 should be considered. euthyroid. The amenorrhea persisted for less than 6 months
in 14 of the 18 women. In 23 women with repeatedly mea-
sured serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing
Summary hormone (LH), and serum estradiol (E) values, only the nine
amenorrheic women showed elevated serum FSH and LH
Bone marrow suppression is an important untoward effect with low E levels. No significant differences were noted in
of 131I therapy. Clinically significant bone marrow suppres- 131
I prescribed activity administered, thyroidal uptake, calcu-
sion as a result of a first 131I therapy is unlikely, especially lated ovarian doses, or thyroid autoimmunity between the
if 131I therapy is for remnant ablation with prescribed activi- amenorrheic and non-amenorrheic patients. The estimated
ties of 1.1–1.85 GBq (30–50 mCi). However, the overall mean ovarian dose in the amenorrheic women was 176 ver-
data indicate that the frequency and severity of bone mar- sus 156 cGy (rad) (p > 0.5) in the menstruating women, but
row suppression increases when (1) the individual pre- the amenorrheic group was significantly older (median age
scribed activity of 131I increases, (2) the individual 40 vs. 32 years [p < 0.001]). In another retrospective study,
radiation-absorbed dose to the blood exceeds 200 or 300 transient ovarian failure occurred in 34 of 409 (8 %) women
cGy (rad), (3) the frequency of therapies increases, (4) the (median age 31) and lasted for 4–10 month. The amenorrhea
interval between therapies decreases, (5) the total cumula- developed at 1–3 months post 131I therapy associated with
tive prescribed activity of 131I increases, (6) the total cumu- elevated serum FSH and LH levels and was transient in all.
lative radiation dose to the blood increases, and (7) bone The group of women who developed transient ovarian failure
marrow metastases are more extensive. was older (mean age 36) than their normal menstruating
Routine CBCs with differential counts prior to and at least cohort (mean age 31) [172]. In a prospective study of 50 nor-
1 year after all 131I remnant ablations, 131I adjuvant treat- mally menstruating women (mean age 29.8 years) treated
ments are encouraged, with more frequent CBCs with dif- with a single dose of 131I (mean dose 4.2 GBq [114 mCi]), ten
ferential counts within the first 3–6 weeks after 131I treatment (20 %) of the women developed amenorrhea with elevated
of distant metastases. The latter may be especially helpful in serum FSH levels that remitted by 1 year [173]. These stud-
those patients with distant metastases who may require ies consistently demonstrate that the onset of transient amen-
additional 131I therapies with high prescribed activity. If orrhea following 131I therapy is typically delayed for one to
bone marrow suppression does occur, good follow-up, the three menstrual cycles, suggesting that the radiation effect
700 D. Van Nostrand et al.

predominates in developing oocytes and not on the maturing scribed activity 2.8–5.55 GBq (75–150 mCi) delivering
follicle. Such ovarian radiation exposure can be reduced by 6.3–12.6 cGy (rad) [177]. Previously, a threshold prescribed
forced hydration for 24–48 h after 131I administration, fre- activity of administered 131I of 3.7 GBq (100 mCi) has been
quent urination during the day and night, and laxatives to suggested since testicular damage manifested as serum FSH
prevent constipation and 131I colonic retention. elevation was not seen at such prescribed activity [178]. As
A few retrospective controlled studies have evaluated the the mean administered cumulative prescribed activity of 131I
effect of 131I therapy on the onset of menopause. Ceccarelli increases, there is a corresponding posttherapy rise in mean
et al. [174] studied 257 women (130 patients, 127 controls peak serum FSH values reflecting progressively greater ger-
younger than 45 years) to determine age of onset of meno- minal cell damage [139]. At the same time, there was no sig-
pause in 130 women treated with 131I and suppressive doses nificant change in mean serum testosterone levels in men
of thyroid hormone and 127 control goitrous patients treated grouped by increasing cumulative administered 131I thresh-
with suppressive doses of thyroid hormone only. 131I-treated olds. Repetitive semen analysis has confirmed a decreased
group (median dose 3.7 GBq [100 mCi]) developed meno- sperm count from baseline in 35.8 % of men (19/53) 2–6
pause (mean age 49.5 years) earlier than the control group months after 131I therapy that persisted in 36.8 % (7/19) at 1
(mean age 51.0 years). In a similar fashion, Rosario et al. year [179]. Moreover, studies have shown that each subse-
[175] studied 114 women (74 patients, 40 controls) and quent 131I therapy magnifies the initial germinal cell insult
found that the onset of menopause occurred earlier in and leads to a gradual persistent elevation of baseline serum
I-treated group than the controls (mean age 46 vs. 50.4 FSH levels (measured prior to subsequent 131I therapy). In 22
years). The mean radioiodine dose for the 74 patients was men with lung metastases treated with mean cumulative 131I
4.8 GBq [130 mCi] with menopause occurring at a younger dose of 20.3 GBq (548 mCi), serum FSH values were persis-
age in the women treated with >3.7 GBq [100 mCi] (mean tently high in 12 of the 22 (54.5 %) men who received a
age 45) than in those women treated with ≤3.7 GBq (mean cumulative prescribed activity of ≥13 GBq (≥351 mCi), and
age 48). Thus, subclinical persistent ovarian damage induced oligospermia (on repeated posttherapy sperm analysis) was
by radioiodine therapy appears to manifest itself years later present in 36.3 % [179]. Similarly, in four patients treated
in a dose-related fashion by the earlier onset of menopause in with repetitive doses of 3.7–5.55 GBq (100–150 mCi) for
treated patients versus controls. resistant functioning metastatic disease, serum FSH values
progressively peaked at higher values and became persis-
Male tently elevated indicating permanent germinal cell damage.
Similarly, transient testicular failure due to germinal cell
injury ensues in male patients treated with even a single dose Infertility
of 131I. Wichers et al. [176] studied 25 men prospectively Fertility of the patient and health of subsequent offspring
who were treated with a single or sequential doses of 131I remains a concern, expressed by patients referred for 131I
(mean dose 9.8 GBq [270 mCi]) and then followed over 18 therapy following appropriate surgery for differentiated thy-
months by serum FSH, LH, inhibin B, and free testosterone roid cancer. This concern has been addressed in several
levels. At 6 months, all men demonstrated elevated serum recent studies. In 1126 women treated surgically for thyroid
FSH concentrations and depressed inhibin B levels, the best cancer, a total of 2673 pregnancies had occurred: 2078 preg-
markers of germinal cell injury, but these values returned to nancies prior to thyroid cancer therapy, 112 pregnancies fol-
normal by 18 months [176]. In a larger group (52 men, mean lowing surgery alone, and 483 pregnancies following surgery
age 45 years) treated with a single dose of 131I (mean dose and 131I therapy [180]. In pregnancies that occurred prior to
4.25 GBq [115 mCi]), testicular function was assessed by thyroid cancer therapy, 10.4 % of these pregnancies resulted
serum FSH, LH, and testosterone levels at baseline and 6, 12, in miscarriage as compared to 19 % pregnancies after sur-
and 18 months after therapy [177]. At 6 months, serum FSH gery alone and 20.7 % of pregnancies that occurred after sur-
values were markedly elevated in all patients, but 71 % of gery and 131I therapy. The incidence of stillbirths, preterm
patients showed normal values at 12 months, and all patients births, and congenital malformations was not different prior
had returned to basal values by 18 months. The mean serum to or following 131I therapy. Forty-three percent of the post
LH concentration was significantly elevated at 6 months but 131
I therapy cohort of patients received ≥3.7 GBq (100 mCi)
normalized subsequently with no significant change in free of 131I for metastatic disease with estimated radiation-
testosterone values at any time interval consistent with com- absorbed dose to the ovaries of up to 1 Gy (100 rad). Two
pensated Leydig cell function. Employing thermolumines- subsequent reviews including other smaller patient groups
cent dosimetry in 14 patients, the testicular radiation-absorbed confirmed these findings [181, 182]. Similarly, in 224 men
dose was shown prospectively to be approximately 2.3 cGy/ treated surgically for thyroid cancer, a total of 493 pregnan-
GBq/testis (0.085 rad/mCi/testis), which should be insuffi- cies had occurred: 356 pregnancies prior to thyroid cancer
cient to induce infertility with typical single therapies of pre- therapy, 23 pregnancies following surgery only, and 114
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 701

pregnancies following surgery and 131I therapy [183]. which in turn may result in the second malignancy. Radiation
Miscarriages occurred in 7.5 % of pregnancies fathered, and carcinogenesis is a stochastic effect [188]. This means that
this was not statistically different in frequency prior to or fol- there is no threshold radiation-absorbed dose, and the prob-
lowing 131I therapy. In those pregnancies conceived after ability of developing a second malignancy depends on the
paternal exposure to 131I, the estimated average radiation- radiation-absorbed dose, either in a linear or linear quadratic
absorbed dose to the testis was 9.2 cGy (rad). There was no relationship, down to zero radiation-absorbed dose. The car-
increase in untoward events in offspring fathered after 131I cinogenic risk of very low radiation-absorbed dose exposure
therapy than prior to 131I therapy. This study was underpow- (<1 cGy [10 mGy]) is controversial, but in general, 131I ther-
ered to determine if there was a decrease in male fertility in apy for thyroid cancer results in radiation-absorbed doses to
those fathers receiving >3.7 GBq (100 mCi) of 131I, who are many tissues and organs that are significant such as in the 10
most likely at risk for decreasing fertility with increasing cGy to 10 Gy range and not considered to be in the very low
cumulative 131I exposure. A review of available studies dem- range [188]. The main beta component of 131I has an energy
onstrated that the evidence of permanent germinal cell injury of 0.6 MeV with a maximum range in tissue of approximate
manifested by decreased sperm count and elevated serum 2.5 mm, and thus through physiological distribution of 131I,
FSH levels is common as cumulative doses of 131I exceed the beta component exposes the salivary gland, gastrointesti-
13 GBq (350 mCi), and the majority of men receiving nal tract, and urinary epithelium as well as the bone marrow
>22 GBq (>593 mCi) show persistent serum FSH levels to significant radiation-absorbed doses [188]. Thus, theoreti-
[184]. There are no prospective studies that compare fertility cally, such organs would be at especially high risk for devel-
rates and clinical outcomes in men with thyroid cancer opment of 131I treatment-associated second primary
treated with 131I versus men treated surgically only. malignancies. Furthermore, the gamma component exposure
of all bodily tissues could pose additional general carcino-
When Should a Pregnancy Be Conceived? genic risks.
Following 131I therapy for differentiated thyroid cancer, when
should a pregnancy be conceived? Clinical practice guidelines Second Primary Malignancy Risk in Thyroid
recommend that prospective parents should wait until their Cancer Survivors
thyroid hormone status is stable and women should delay con- It is important to consider epidemiologic studies examining
ception until 6–12 months and men should delay fathering a second primary malignancy risk in thyroid cancer survivors.
child for 3–4 months following 131I therapy [185–187]. In It is known that thyroid cancer survivors compared to the
males with extensive or resistant thyroid cancer likely to general population are at increased risk of developing a sec-
receive cumulative prescribed 131I therapy of >14.8 GBq (400 ond primary malignancy [189]. In a recent meta-analysis
mCi), family planning should be addressed. The possibility of based on pooled data from six studies of 70,844 thyroid can-
storage of sperm or fertilized ova should be discussed if future cer survivors, the incidence of second primary malignancies
offspring are desired. Reducing testicular radiation exposure in thyroid cancer survivors was increased compared to the
from each 131I therapy should be encouraged by optimizing 131I general population with an age-standardized incidence ratio
clearance through forced hydration, frequent urination, and of 1.20 (95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.17–1.24) [189]. The
prevention of constipation. risk of the following second primary malignancies was sig-
nificantly increased in thyroid cancer survivors compared to
Second Primary Malignancies the general population: salivary gland, stomach, colon/
Second primary malignancies due to radiation therapy for colorectal, breast, prostate, kidney, brain/central nervous
cancer have been a major concern for cancers that have a system, bone/joints, and adrenal cancer; soft tissue sarcoma;
high survival rate such as differentiated thyroid cancer. non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; multiple myeloma; and leukemia
Second primary malignancies may include solid cancers or [189]. Conversely, significantly reduced risks of lung and
hematologic malignancies such as leukemia. Solid cancers cervical cancers were observed in thyroid cancer survivors
have long latency periods of development, typically in excess compared to the general population [189]. The observed
of 10 years and often over 20 years, whereas myeloid leuke- elevated second primary malignancy risk in thyroid cancer
mias secondary to radiation have shorter latency periods survivors could be explained by a number of factors includ-
[188]. Ionizing radiation is carcinogenic chiefly through its ing genetic predisposition, environmental exposures, surveil-
damaging effects on cellular DNA. Experimental data would lance bias, or thyroid cancer therapy (such as 131I therapy or
suggest a “two-step” process with radiation producing DNA external-beam radiation therapy). In determining whether
breaks causing chromosomal aberrations and genomic insta- I therapy may be associated with an increased risk of sec-
bility of the exposed cells, and this can be passed onto many ond primary malignancies in thyroid cancer survivors,
cell divisions [188]. Much later, a second step occurs that Brown et al. examined data from the cancer registry records
usually involves a mutation that may result in the activation of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)
of an oncogene or deactivation of a tumor suppressor gene, program of the National Cancer Institute in North America
702 D. Van Nostrand et al.

[190]. Brown et al. reported that the risk of second primary ing second primary malignancies compared to the general
malignancies was significantly higher for irradiated thyroid population, and thyroid cancer patients treated with 131I
cancer survivors versus nonirradiated patients (relative risk appear to have an increased risk of second primary cancer
1.16, 95 % CI 1.05–1.27, p < 0.05) [190]. In this study, 7.1 % compared to thyroid cancer survivors not exposed to 131I.
of thyroid cancer survivors developed a second primary
malignancy at a median of 8.1 years after their initial thyroid Factors That May Modulate Second Primary
cancer diagnosis [190]. Furthermore, the rate of observed/ Malignancy Risk in Patients Treated with 131I
expected (O/E) second primary cancers was significantly It is important to consider factors that may modulate second
elevated at 1.23 (95 % CI 1.04–1.45) in thyroid cancer survi- primary malignancy risk in thyroid cancer survivors treated
vors treated with 131I compared to thyroid cancer patients not with 131I. In considering the impact of cumulative prescribed
treated with 131I. Of note, this study had a 36-month latency activity of 131I, Rubino et al. [191] reported that the risk of
exclusion in order to exclude cancers that may have been both solid tumors and leukemia significantly increased in a
unrelated to the therapy [190]. Brown et al. reported that the linear fashion with increasing cumulative prescribed activity.
risk of the following types of second primary malignancies An excess absolute risk of 14.4 solid cancers and 0.8 leuke-
was significantly elevated in 131I-treated patients compared to mias per GBq (i.e., 27 mCi) of 131I and 105 person-years of
those who did not receive iodine: second cancers at all sites, follow-up were reported in this study [191]. Furthermore, in
all solid tumors, stomach, prostate, lymphatic and hemato- a recent study of 1106 thyroid cancer survivors from China,
poietic diseases, and leukemia [190]. In a European cohort a cumulative 131I prescribed activity of 3.0–8.9 GBq (81–240
study including data from clinical centers in France, Italy, mCi) was independently associated with an increased risk of
and Sweden, Rubino et al. [191] reported that the relative developing a nonsynchronous second primary malignancy
risk of second primary malignancy was significantly elevated (relative risk 2.38, 95 % CI 1.04–5.26, p = 0.040) [194]. A
at 1.2 (95 % CI 1.0–1.4) in patients treated with 131I com- retrospective study from Iran suggested that the risk of sec-
pared to those not treated with 131I with a 2-year latency ond primary malignancy was dramatically increased after a
exclusion. In the European study, 8.4 % of individuals devel- cumulative prescribed activity of 40 GBq (1081 mCi) [195];
oped one or more second primary malignancies, and the however this study was limited by a very low number of
mean time from diagnosis of thyroid cancer to second pri- observed second primary malignancies, so it may have been
mary malignancy was 15 years [191]. Rubino et al. [191] underpowered for meaningful prescribed activity analysis. A
further reported that the risk of the following types of second recent reanalysis of SEER data suggested that age may mod-
primary malignancies was significantly elevated in ulate the risk of second primary malignancy because indi-
I-treated patients compared to those thyroid cancer patients viduals younger than 45 years who were treated with 131I
who did not receive 131I: cancer at all sites, salivary glands, were more likely to develop a second cancer compared to
bone and soft tissue, uterus, female genital organs, and leu- older individuals [196]. However, this observation needs fur-
kemia. Data from the SEER study [190] and the European ther validation. There is some recent evidence that the total
cohort study [191] were pooled in a meta-analysis, and the body effective half-life and radiation-absorbed dose of 131I in
overall relative risk of second primary malignancies in thy- the large intestine, breasts, ovaries, and bone marrow may be
roid cancer survivors treated with 131I was found to be signifi- lower in individuals pretreated with recombinant human thy-
cantly elevated at 1.19 (95 % CI 1.04–1.36, p = 0.010), rotropin compared to preparation with thyroid hormone
relative to thyroid cancer survivors not treated with 131I. These withdrawal prior to 131I therapy [197]. Although such data
data were from 16,502 individuals using a minimum latency are relevant to consider, it is currently not known whether the
period of 2 years after thyroid cancer diagnosis [192]. The preparation with recombinant human thyrotropin rather than
pooled risk of leukemia was also significantly increased in preparation with thyroid hormone withdrawal may signifi-
thyroid cancer survivors treated with 131I with a relative risk cantly impact the risk of second primary malignancies after
of 2.5 (95 % CI 1.13–5.53, p = 0.024) [192]. Pooling of data I therapy. In summary, there appears to be a relationship
on respective types of malignancies was limited in this meta- between cumulative prescribed activity of 131I and second
analysis due to differences in categorization of some malig- primary malignancy risk, but there are some conflicting find-
nancies between SEER and European studies [192]. ings in the literature as to an exact threshold at which the risk
However, a recent report by Gandhi et al. [193] suggested significantly escalates. More research is needed to validate
that no significant risk for second primary malignancy occurs whether young age is associated with an increased risk of
after radioactive iodine treatment in patients with differenti- second primary malignancy after 131I therapy. Also, the
ated thyroid cancer. impact of the preparation using recombinant human thyro-
In summary, the controversy continues, but thyroid can- tropin prior to 131I therapy on second primary malignancy
cer survivors appear to have an increased risk of develop- risk deserves careful study.
62 Side Effects of 131I for Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma 703

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