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Grade 5 9:45- 11:05

Make a compound word from the pool of words below. Write the meaning of the word beside the
compound word.

time work life under

market stream dog
slept locker home hopper grass super
fire back foot under over ground pack
under back up foot

1. Lifetime- the duration of a person's life.

Grade 7 1:00- 2:00

Copy and answer (notebook)

Analyze the senteces. Write A if the verb is followed by one object, B- if the verb is followed by two
objects, and C- if the verb is followed by infinitive.

1. The restaurant served 3 kinds of barbeque.

2. The family hikes the Pulag Trail every year.
3. My mother gave me new shoes.
4. Edgar needs to explain himself in the office.
5. Our father discussed to us our family history.
6. That boy never gave me the time of day.
7. Grace hates to hear criticism from others
8. Jane Austen wrote six full novels.
9. I don’t plan to shop downtown for new clothes.
10. Duterte rules the country since 2016.

Grade 7 2:00-3:00 ICT

1. Group the class into seven.

2. Create a poster advertisement of any existing product in the canteen.
3. Choose one product only and plan your poster today. (Tagline, picture/s, text, layout)
4. Those who can bring laptop tomorrow may bring it at their own risk. (Kung sino lang ang pwede
Grade 6 3:15- 4:35

Copy and answer (One whole sheet of paper)

Read each statement and then circle whether it is a fact or opinion. Explain your answer.
1. Manuel Roxas was the first President of the Common Wealth.
Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

2. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

3. It is wrong for people under the age of 21 to drink alcohol.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

4. Oranges contain both calcium and vitamin C.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

5. Diamonds are the hardest substance on Earth.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

6. McDonalds sells more hamburgers than any other restaurant chain in the world.
Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

7. Horse manure smells awful.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

8. The price of gas has grown to become too expensive.

Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

9. Cell phones emit radiation that may or may not cause brain cancer.
Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

10. People should not be allowed to talk on cell phones in a movie theater.
Fact or Opinion Explain: _____________________________________________________________

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