Effect of Learning Gamification Strategy To The Grade 5 With Numeracy Difficulty of Macayug Elementary School

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Good day, everyone! It's our pleasure to be here today to present our research entitled EFFECT
OF MACAYUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL but before that let me introduce my fellow researchers:
And without further ado let’s start on the Background of the study that will be presented by Ms.
Crizanel Pasana.
Numeracy skills are skills relating to numbers, from the word itself numeracy, and mathematics.
Numeracy skills are the ability to interpret, understand and work with numbers, including the use of
mathematical formulas such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, ratios and
According to Elephant Learning, LLC, 2022, The Gamification is a method of making arithmetic
play rather than work for children. When you find instances of math in real games or in the real
world, always utilizing math as the foundation, you have successfully gamified your math
education. It's really easy to accomplish and can have a huge impact on how your child feels about
math. In this article, we'll examine what gamification is, why it's important, and how you can use it
to help your child excel in arithmetic
Theoretical Framework
The THEORY OF PLAY is a body of knowledge about the connections between play and cognitive
development throughout childhood and beyond, hinting that if a child is expose to games that
revolve around a certain competency such as Mathematics then the child might excel to this certain
subject. Psychologists who have been researching how children's brains develop and how this
affects us as adults may make this argument.
Conceptual Framework
For this study, the researchers used the Input Process Output (IPO) research model to provide
clear idea on what to expect throughout the research. The Provider will be the Subject Teacher
who are in charge in teaching math or Primary teacher for teaching arithmetic.
As an input, are the research questions that are presented on the statement of the problem,
to carry out the study, the researchers employed quasi-experimental method in obtaining the
essential data using evaluation sheet to be given to the selected teacher. And the output Effect of
learning gamification strategy to the Grade 5 numeracy difficulty of Macayug Elementary School, in
which, the benefactor of this study will be the Grade 5 Pupils with numeracy difficulty, school,
community and future researchers.
This study aims to identify the effect of learning gamification strategy to the Grade 5 with
numeracy difficulty of Macayug Elementary School, Along with the main problem, this research
would also like to know:
1. What are the observe variables in this study, in terms of?
A) Psychological condition when encountering mathematics
B) Knowledge on Mathematics
C) Eagerness in learning Mathematics
2. What are effect of learning gamification strategy to the Grade 5 with numeracy difficulty of
Macayug Elementary School according to the Respondents, in terms of?
A) Psychological condition when encountering mathematics
B) Knowledge on Mathematics
C) Eagerness in learning Mathematics
3. After administering the set activities for 2 weeks, what are the level of Improvement to the grade
5 with numeracy difficulty using learning gamification strategy of Macayug Elementary School
according to the Respondents?
4. Is there a significant difference between the level of Improvement & effect of learning
gamification strategy to the grade 5 pupils with numeracy difficulty of Macayug Elementary School
according to the Respondents?
Hypothesis of the Study
H o - there is no significant difference between the level of Improvement & effect of learning
gamification strategy to the Grade 5 pupils with numeracy difficulty of Macayug Elementary
School according to the Respondents.
H a - there is a significant difference between the level of Improvement & effect of learning
gamification strategy to the Grade 5 pupils with numeracy difficulty of Macayug Elementary
School according to the Respondents
The researchers will conduct the study in the 2nd semester of Academic Year 2022-2023.
The study on the effect of learning gamification strategy to the Grade 5 with numeracy
difficulty of Macayug Elementary School, this can be applicable to Subject Teacher who are
in charge in teaching math or Primary teacher for teaching arithmetic as a evaluator of the
test group .
The given test group will be 12 Grade 5 pupils of Macayug elementary school. This are
chosen using Non-probability sampling specifically purposive sampling, with accompanied
consent in which disclosure of the whole study & mitigation activities are explained to the
parents/guardian to the said pupils.
This research used quantitative type of research. It is used because this study aims to collect and
analyze numerical data. This quantitative study applied quasi-experimental design specifically, it
applied correlational research design to establish the relationship between the two closely
connected variables which are the learning gamification and numeracy difficulties.
The study was conducted at Macayug Elementary School ground. This school selected for their
insights into effect of learning gamification strategy to the Grade 5 with numeracy difficulty of
Macayug Elementary School. The researcher used a Evaluation sheet, for the data gathering of
this study and answered by the assigned researchers.
The respondents of this study were subject teacher who are in charge in teaching math or Primary
teacher for teaching arithmetic, they will serve as evaluator of the test group which are selected
Twelve (12) Grade 5 pupils of Macayug elementary school. The test group are chosen using
Purposive sampling, with accompanied consent in which disclosure of the whole study & mitigation
activities are explained to the parents/guardian to the said pupils. In assessing the pupils, the
evaluators will give a 10 points numeracy test, in which scoring 50% below the score will nominate
the pupils as a sample.
Pre-test - Post-test method through Evaluation sheet was the method used to gather information as
data from the respondents. The Evaluation sheet was determining the following: Psychological
condition when encountering mathematics, Knowledge on Mathematics and Eagerness in learning
Mathematics. Then after giving the set activity intended final data to be acquired will be the Level of
Improvement in order to finalize the effect of learning gamification strategy to the Grade 5 with
numeracy difficulty of Macayug Elementary School.
The whole study’s duration was the whole 2nd semester of the school year 2022-2023. The
Evalauation sheet was administered to 12 grade 5 pupils through the watchfull observation of the
responents. After the Pre-test, the researcher will analyse the 1st set of data then administer
Learning gamification sheet specifically revolves around numerical concept and after 2 week a post
test will be conducted in order to identify the level of Improvement as a final set of data.
The researcher had immediately floated the evaluation sheet to the respondents after the
Evaluation sheet was approved by the researcher’s III teachers. After getting results, the
researcher had tabulated the data. Statistical treatment was used to analyse the data.
The Data that will be collected, Tabulated & Computed using Manual computation along with IBM
SPSS Statistic Software, in order for the researcher to accurately & precisely analyse the
responses of the Respondents.

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