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Juan Crisostomo Ibarra Ibarra was an earnest and idealistic

young man. Influenced by his European education, he sought

to improve the country; as part of this, he believed in the
power of education to enact reforms and made efforts to
establish a school in San Diego to this end.

Simoun was a bitter, ruthless man

set on vengeance
Basilio was a positive and happy person. And Basilio first
declined Simoun's invitation to join his revolution due to his moral
principles since he didn't want to put himself in risk or seek revenge
on his family
Maria Clara, who was caught between her love for Ibarra and
her devotion for her family despite this, made the decision to
preserve Capitan Tiago's reputation despite regretting how it
affected Ibarra.
NOLI ME TANGERE - vividly depicts the so-called "social
cancer" that is exemplified by the corrupt political structure,
the dubious practices of the church, and the bad business
practices of the affluent elite.
El Filibusterismo- is about raising a revolt against
Spanish friars, and bringing down the Spanish colonial
Noli Me Tangere El Filibusterismo
•Colonialism •Revolt against the
spanish friars
•Revolution •more explicit scenes
•Reform •Vulgar words
•Education •brutality
We can conjure or relate in the themes and main characters in the
novels in ourpresent day in the way that many of us is still
suffering dur to inequality and injustices, people and whose wealth
is in the hands of less than one percent of the population, still
suffers from the social cancer that Rizal denounced in his
masterpieces, the Noli and the El Fili. Just like Crisostomo there are
those idealistic people who hopes for the best for our country, they
are optimistic and kept on looking to the brighter side despite of the
darkness that keep on corrupting. And there are those who portrays
as Simoun, for me they are the realistic ones but the violent
individuals. They are the one who believes that the change shkuld be
insisted but viplence is needed for it to be ae ble to attain the better
change we want.
Ariane Kate Carmelotes
Christian Caballero
Faith Grace Belarga
Wayne Andrie Bigsat

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