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Thursday, January 12th, 2023

Alex Hwang

Unit E05 study guide (Nutrition)

1. What are two factors that determine what you eat and how much you eat?
Hunger and Appetite
2. What factors influence your personal food choices?
Food availability, lifestyle, family
3. What causes people to gain weight?
Eating more calories (food) than expending
4. What two factors affect body shape?
Genes and Lifestyle
5. The body max index (BMI) is a tool used to categorize a person as underweight, normal weight,
overweight, or obese. How is the BMI used, and what are some limitations of using BMI to
assess levels of bodyfat?
Use ratio of weight and height, Muscular people are overweight
6. What are the three primary macronutrients, and what purpose do they serve?
Carbs – Energy
Protein- building blocks of body
Fat – insulate organs, vitamin absorption, aerobic energy
7. Which macronutrient is a primary source of quick energy?
8. Which macronutrient provides the building blocks for the body?
9. Which macronutrient helps to insulate and protect your organs?
10. From which macronutrient is fiber derived, and why should we consume it?
11. Our body is _____% water. Our muscles are _____% water.
60, 75
12. If choosing to consume caffeine, what is a precaution we must take?
Be hydrated before and after consumption
Don’t drink during physical activity
Not a drink to replenish hydration
13. What are some symptoms or side effects of dehydration?
Headache, fatigue, diminished physical/mental performance, constipation
14. What role do vitamins and minerals play in your health, and what are some dietary sources of
vitamins and minerals?
Vitamin – maintain health, allow growth
Minerals – bone formation
Fruits, vegetables, dairy, eggs, meats, etc.
15. What is the difference between fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins?
Fat-soluble – absorbed by fat, easily kept in the body
Water-soluble – dissolved in water, absorbed by tissue in the body for immediate use, easily
expelled, need replenish
16. If you will be participating in vigorous exercise for a long duration, how should you prepare
regarding food and water intake? Include when the food and water should be consumed and
Food – two hours before
Water – Constantly take small amount few hours before
If had immediately, have stitch, and heavy body
17. How / why does weight-training influence body composition?
Muscle up  Fat percentage down
18. How / why does endurance training influence body composition?
Burns calories effectively
19. How / why does the food you eat (diet) influence body composition?
Consume less than burn  Lose weight
Consume more than burn  Gain weight
20. What are some pros and cons of using dietary supplements?
Talk to doctor and family if there could be something that can help the body

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