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Measurement and verification of an HF channel model

Conference Paper · February 1985


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4 authors, including:

José A. Delgado-Penín
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


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J. Serrat-Fe rnandez,* J . A. De l ga do -P e nin,*E . Munday , P. G. Farrell+

*Universidad Po lit ecn i ca de Barcelo n a , Spain; º Uni v; r s it y of Kent, U.K . , + Univ e r s i ty of

Manchester, U.K.

l. INTRODUCT I ON at f.a a n d fib (Doppl e r s hift) a nd wi t h width

(3 d BJ e qual to 2fca and 2f c b (fr e que ncy
The design and p e rf o rm a n ce analysis o f digital spread) re spectively. The s hap e of the
communicat i o n systems for HF radio c h a nn e ls s p ec trum di f fers from th e o ne propo s ed by
r e lies o n t he existence of a n appr opriate Watterso n in that he make s i t Gaus s ian. Use
channe l mo del . It is diffi c u lt to construct of a Butterworth shape aims to facilitate the
suc h a mo de l for a particular HF l ink from impl eme ntation of a channel simulator as an
general prop agation th e o ry and d at a , because exact r ep lica of the mode l.
of the extremely time v a ri able nat ure of HF
radio paths . One way of overcom in g this Th e h yp ot h eses describ e d a llow us to express
difficulty i s to p r o pa se a su it ab l e f or m for th e co r r e l a tion function of the r e al part of
the mode l, a nd t he n , by mea ns of measurements the proc e s s Gi ( t)-identi ca l to it s imaginary
on the lin k , to d eterm i ne t h e parameters of p art - in t hi s way:
the model and its va li d i ty for t he u se
in tende d . Fi ( 6t ) g E[Re{ Gi(t) }Re{ Gi( t + 6t) } ]
The contrib u tion de s cribes suc h an 1 2 Ci a(O )exp ( - 1 2 nfca6t)s in( / 2 n fca 6 t +
investigat i o n, carri e d o ut for the 1,lOOKm
path betwee n Barcelon a i n Spa i n an d n /4)cos2 nf i a6 t +
Can te rb u ry i n England. Th e t ime - var ying
imp u lse res ponse h(T, t ) of t he c hannel was + 12 Ci!:i(O)exp(-/2 Ti f c b 6 t)sin(/2nfcb6t +
meas u re d, using the pseudo - ran do m sequence
correlation technique . From the s e me asure- ( 2)
ments, t he parameters o f a two - mo d e channel
model were de t e rmined, a nd then u sed to Th e c h annel mode l will be spec ifi e d b y t he
predict t he error-ra te performance of the number of propagatio n modes and the ir
li nk. Th e res ults obtained agreed reasonabl y respective delay s (the diffe r entia l de lay s
well with the p e rfo rmance to b e expected f r om wit h out loss of gene r ality) , and for e ach mod e
such a link . A number of difficulties we r e t he six paramete rs appearing in (2) with
noted in connect ion wi th the invest i ga tio n, p h ysica l mean ing as d e s cr i be d i n r e f e rence ( 1 ) .
however, aris i n g partly from the s hort comings
of t he measureme n t system, a nd part l y from 3. MEAS UREMENT OF THE IMPULS E RES PONSE
theoret ical a nd computational d iffic ul t i e s
a ssoc iated wit h t he applicatio~ of t he model . Th e goa l of t he experime nt carri e d o u t is t o
Th ese d i ff i c ulties are disc u ssed, an d an meas u re a re alisation o f th e ra nd om process
a ssess mcnt o f the u sef ul ness of this me t hod of h( T, t ) wh ic h will determin e th e par ameters of
characterisi ng HF c han nels is presente d . the c h a nn el. The proc es s of me a s ur e ment is
simil a r t o the one used to me a s ur e t he
2. PROPOSED CHANNEL MODEL impu lse r e sponse of tim e -inv a ri a n t linear
c h a nn e l s , a nd is based on t he cross-
The propose d c hann el model for the l ink is c orre lat ion qualities (input-out put) of the
basically the Watter so n mo del ( 1 ) . It should c h an nel , whe n t he inpu t i s a p se udor a ndom
be no te d that t his is a short term fa ding seque nc e th e parameters of wh i ch s hould be
mode l, vali d i n a ba n dwi dth of 3kHz. I ts c hose n bearing in mind the c harac t eristics
main character i st i cs a re now describe d . o f t he c h a nnel under anal ys i s.

The HF channe l is a t ~n e - varia n t l i near sy st e m 3.1 S timulation Signal

whos e resp onse a t time t to an i mp u lse a p plied
T ~nits of t ime befare ca n b e writte n as : Thi s i s a PN sequence, the maximum l e ngt h of
whi c h we need to ~etermin e to set clock
n fr e qu e ncy and the period(numbe r of bits),
h(T 1 t ) l: Gi ( t ) O(T ·- \ ) (1) base d on the following crit e ria:
(a) The spectrum of th e s timul at ion s ignal
where n i s t he n umber of p at hs or s h o uld be flat in th e b a nd in que s t i on
prop a gation mo d es, ( 3kHz ).
T ~ is t he delay correspond in g t o
mode i, a nd (b ) The separat ion b etween spectral lines
G (t) is the comp l ex random pro c ess must b e such as to r esolve the
1 irr e gularities i n t he t r ansfer function
character i stic of the fad in g of
mode i . a p pearing d ue to s elect i v i ty fading
e f fects.
The comple x processes G. (t) are Gauss ian
(ampl itu de distributed [ccord i ng to t he (e ) The impulse response of the channel must
Rayleigh distribution, and uniform phas e ) , not change durin g the time when the
u ncorrelated , and have power dens i t y which c orr e lation is car r i ed out.
may be expres sed as the overlap of t wo
functions of th e Butterworth type (i n order t o (d) The volume of da ta generated wi t h t hi s
contemplate the existence of two mag net oionic expe riment mus t b e small enough to
components in each propagation mode) , c en t red fac ilitat e its acqu i s i t i on with the
r e sou r c e s available . (b) The drifts of the oscillators affect the
frequency resolution in that they may
By combining the sta t ed r equirements with the al t er the mode cor r elation function of
spectr al ch a ract e ri sti c s o f PN se qu e nc e s (2) the observable result. Nevertheless, if
and t he v al ue o f the e s t i ma te d p a rame t e rs f or the dr if t is small in the stretch of time
the li nk, i t was d e t e r mi n ed t hat the bit c lock whe n the correlation function is not z e ro,
freque ncy sho uld be lOkHz and t he length of its effects are negligible . The results
the se quen c e 63 bits . Re fere n ce (3) explains obtain e d show tha t the mode wi t h the
the c al c ul atio n s in de t ail . slowest fading rate has a corr el ation
function falling to a tenth of its
3.2 Measurement syst e m original value in 50 seconds. During
this time it was experimenta l ly verified
Sin c e h(1 ,t) is a comp l e x quantity , its that the impulse response of the trans -
mea su r emen t requires demodulation inquadrature ceivers is practical l y unaltered .
of t he r eceived signal, and correlation of a
p s eud o ra ndom sequence, iden t ical t o t hat (c) The resolu t ion in the domain of the
t ra nsmi t t e d , wi t h the output s i gn a ls o f the variab l e T is about O. lms, and this is
i n- p h a s e and quadrature branche s of the the value which delimits the uncertainty
demodu l a t or , in orde r to ob t ain th e real and found in synchronising the local PN
i ma gi n ar y parts of h(T ,t ) resp e ctive l y . sequence (2) . This uncertainty brings
Co he re nt demodulation requires the us e of about sorne difficulties when the
freq u e ncy standards a t both t er minals, statistics of the observable have to be
unjus ti f ied by the e xperiment's aim . In fact , appraised if the samples are taken at the
the goal of the experiment is not the peaks of the global response of the system
exha ustive validat i on of t he model , which has (where the maximum degree of response is
bee n c a rried out partiall y or t o t all y by obtained, and therefore where a greater
other r ese archers, but is rathe r to find sorne sensitivity to the shifting of the
ev idence of it s suitability for the proposed sampling instant can be found). It is
link , using equipme nt of low cost and general for this reason, and with a view to the
a pp licability . analysis of the hypotheses, that the
possibility of sampling the response of
Base d on this viewpoi nt , the demodulation of the system at other instants was
the s i gnal was carri e d o ut wi t h an SSB considered .
rece iv e r whose audio out p u t is c o rre l ated
wit h the local PN s e quence . Wh at may then be 3.3 Field trials
cal l e d the observab l e result of t h e experiment
is a li near combination o f the r e a l an d The trials were done on a Canterbu r y - Barcelona
i ma ginar y parts o f t h e impulse response ( 1 , lOO Km) li n k . Fo r pr a ctica l re ason s the
h(T , t ) ( 3) . The r efe r ence mentioned shows 20 met e r band was chose n, and the average
that i f the hy p o t heses of the channel model power o f the transmi t ter was set at 80W. It
were t r ue, the co r r elation f unction of t he was po ssible to i nstall t h e an te nn a s (YAGI
observ abl e of the experiment equals the t ype with 3 e l emen t s) in areas of low urba n
c orre l a ti on func tion of the real o r i maginary d e nsity, in arder t o have a low man-made no i se
p ar t of t h e impulse response h(1,t ) , for t emperature .
wh ic h (2) is the hypothetical expre ssion .
The propagation experiments last e d 22 days,
Fi g ure l(a) sh ows t h e block diagr am of the divided into three periods . The first perio d
s ys t em used f o r the f i els trials a nd from September 14th to Septe mber 23rd, 198 1 ;
Fi gu r e l ( b) shows the equ i pment use d fo r the the second from December 7th, to Dece mber 16 th,
measur e ment . Channel 1 of the r ecorder 1981 and the third from April lst to April 7th,
co nt ains the pseudorandom sequ en c e ob t ai n ed 1982 . Each experiment took place around s olar
with l(a), a nd ch a nnel 2 an impulse t rain with midday and lasted for approximately 45 mi nute s
a rep et i t i on period of 3 s econ ds approximately . divided into two periods : a first one to
The si gn al of c h annel 2 is used a s a time establish the link, followed by the tra ns -
re f e r e nc e: eac h i mpulse re l a ting t o an mission and recording of the respons e to the
i nst an t o f o bservat i o n in the t domai n. The sequence train . Out of the 22 recordings only
synch r onisat i on and contro l s ubs ys tem allows the two that offered the bes t possibilit i es
the se le ct ion o f one of t he s e instants of of success were chosen . Since the back g r ound
observati on , wh i c h select s a sh ifte d noise was low, there were few interferences
pseudorandom s e quenc e, and fr ame s t he from other users , and the dynamic margin of
corre l a t or toget her wi t h t he s tart a nd stop the r e corder had not been surpass e d duri n g
correlat i on si gn al s . I n thi s wa y , as t he the 12 minutes that the effective re c or d i ng
delay of the sequence increases wi t h re g ard had lasted . The results discussed refer to
to t he ti me origin c ho sen, a s we e p of the one of these two recordings .
impulse resp onse i n t h e T d oma in , f or t he
i nstant o f obs e rvat io n t, is obtained . 4. RESULTS OF THE EXPERIMENT

Fi nal l y, a c omment on the factors that limit The results of the measurement were 5 000
the resolut i o n of t he measuremen t system samples stored in the computer in mat r i x form
sho u l d be mad e. (200 lines , 25 columns) corresponding t o 200
observations, with 25 significant val ue s
(a) The li mi tat ion of t h e bandwid t h of the each. In this way , each column of the matrix
system t o 3kHz limits t he temporal corresponds to a random process sampled with
r esoluti on t o propagation modes with a frequency of approximately 0 . 3Hz . Ea ch
di f ferenti al delays above abo u t 0 . 5ms. process is denoted h(i,r), with i an i nteger
Neverthel e ss , this is not an obstacle variable that goes from 1 to 25 , and r a real
for th i s e xp e riment , since only two variable that identifies the sampling i nstant
modes a r e n e c e ss ar y to enabl e the in the t domain . In order to identif y the
analys is of t he indepe n dence hypothesis , possible propagation modes, the matrix was
since th e lin k examined c a n easily give plotted graphically .
two modes wit h diff e renti a l de lay abov e
After establishing the propagation mode s,
0 . 5ms.
t h e ir correlation functions were first The independence test applied to the initial
CóllCLtla ted: process was also negative, its cause being the
residual correlation among processes resulting
from the band limitation of the measurement
N-k system. To make it evident, the test was
r~l h(i,r) h(i,r+k) ( 3) administered to processes with a greater
differential delay in arder to diminish the
before-mentioned residual correlation. The
where k is an integer multiple of sampling test was positive when working with processes
periods, shifting from O to N-1 , and with a delay bigger than or e qual to 1.6ms .
N = 200 The autocorrelation test was positive for the
i nitial processes. It should be added that in
Then expression (3) was fitted to (2) by all the processes that were analysed, the mean
means of the method of least squares in arder value was always two orders of magnitude less
to determine the six parameters of each mode. than their respect i ve typical deviations which
indicated that they were zero mean processes.
Finally, tests of the three basic hypotheses
of the model, with a confidence level of 10%, 5. AN APPLICATION EXAMPLE
were carried out. For the Gaussian dispersion
hypothesis a x2 test was done; for the In order to show one of the possible uses of
independence hypothesis, a test based on the the model described, the behaviour of a digital
cross correlation between two propagation modulation scheme in fading and white Gaussian
modes; and for the hypothesis specifying the noise environment was analised by computer
modal correlation function, a test based on simulation. The final goal aimed at is to
the error resulting between (2) and (3). The determine the average error probability P(e)
details resulting frorn administering the of the modulation scheme as a function of the
tests can be seen in reference (3). modulation speed. A problem that may arise
with the H.F. channe l is that a great number
Figure 2 shows four consecutive observations of samples may have to be used in arder to
of the measured impulse response in cascade, obtain the average error probability with a
in which t he presence of two propagation modes, given precision, and this would make the
with a differential delay of 1.lms, can be methodology inapplicable.
seen. In the link und er consideration this
delay can be attributed to the reflection in DPSK with two and four phases were the
layers E and F2· Table 1 gives the parameters modulation schemes chosen, and the modulation
for each one of the modes being considered. speed was made to vary between 50 and 1,200
Note f irst that there are three and not six Bauds. The signal/noise ratio was chosen so
because the fit with two magnetoionic that the error probability would be limited to
components in each mode gave always a bigger typical values for HF. As far as the channel
error than with one component. As regards to parameters are concerned, they were given
the values of these parameters, a difference values that would cover extreme situations
of 6dB between C¡a(O) and c 2 a(O) should be enabling general conclusions to be reached.
noted, rather small for what could be expected Following the recommendations giv n by CCIR (4)
of modes E and F2· It is believed that this and in arder to simplify the task, three types
should be attributed to the antenna radiation of channel called A, B and C were chosen, the
diagrams rather than to the method of parameters of which are given in Table l .
measurement or to other related factors.
Likewise, a fading rate outstandingly higher The simulation was done in two ways. The
in the second mode is noted, as shown by the first consisted in determining the number of
Doppler and frequency spread. In any case errors created in a binary sequence by counting
the fading rate is within the estimated (Monte Carla method), and the second in giving
margins when determining the parameters of the an average for the conditionederrorprobabili ty
PN sequences. at the output of the channel, which had
previously been calculated analitycally (5).
Figure 3 shows correlation functions (2) and The reason why it was decided to salve each
(3) overlapped after the fitting process. It problem with two methodologies was to determine
should be noted that in the fastest mode the the relat i ve efficiencies (6) and also, to
sampling frequency appears somewhat critical have the possibility of checking the
to characterise the temporary evolution of coin6idence of both results. Both methods
the random process. On the other hand, for were carried out with 10 % confidence level and
a short time At, a good fit between both (0.7P(e), 1.2P(e)) confidence interval.
functions can be observed. The dispersion
noticed for an increase of longer periods can Figure 4 is a sample of the various results
be attributed to the variance of the estimator obtained. It gives specific information on
gi ven in ( 3). the P(e) of DPSK-2 for four modulation speeds,
channel type A, and three signal/noise ratios.
The hypotheses tests were administered in Considering that the two modes of channel A
principle to processes h(2,r) and h(13,r), 2 show a differential delay of lms, it could be
and 13 being the values of the i variable expected that P(e) might be similar to the one
where the two modes were identified. resulting from the presence of a slow and flat
fading. The before-mentioned figure also
The result of the Gaussian dispersion test shows the behaviour of DPSK-2 in slow and flat
was negative and this is attributed to the fading for signal/no ise ratios of 20 and 26dB;
before-men tioned effect produced by the note the match found up to 400 Bauds . For a
uncertainty of O.lms in the sampling of the speed of 600 Bauds there i s a considerabl e
response in the T domain . It is for t his increase of P(e) due to the intersymbol
reason that the test was administered again interference caused by the selectivity fading
using pairs of random processes with delay of phenomenon. In short, the results obtained
1.lms but sampling the matrix h(i,r) in areas are those that could be expected for this
of a lesser gradient . In this manner the transmission system.
result was positive for h(9,r) and h(20,r).
The compute r time used by both methods is REFERENCES
very similar, al th ough they show consi derable
differences d epe nding on the c han nel. In fact 1. Wat terson, C., 1970, "Expe rimenta l
the t im e used to obtain a sol ut ion with con f irmation of an HF channel model",
channel n is longer t h an when usin g channel A, IEEE Tran s. Comm., Vol. COM-18, pp . 792 -
a n d t hi s o ne is in t urn longer th an wit h 803.
channel C. In conclusion, simulation i s not
feasible i f th e fading is slow and fo r the 2.• MacW illi ams, F . J . , 1 976, "Pse udorandom
specif i ed enviro nment con ditions, the sequences and arrays", Proc. of IEEE,
efficiency of both met hods is similar. December .
6. CONCLUSIONS 3. Serrat, J . , 1983, "Contribu cion al
estudio d e la transmision nume rica en
Fr om the previous con si derat i ons and r esu lt s canales dispersivos de HF " , Te sis
obtained, i t may b e dedu ce d that the Doctoral, Universidad Politecnica de
proce dur e for measurement of th e imp uls e Cataluna.
respo ns e is valid for any kind of HF ch annel ,
a nd it could eve n be applied to an a lysi s of 4. "HF ionospheri c channel simulator s", 1974,
other bands . Concerning the measurement CCIR XIII Plenary Assembly, Vol . 6,
system used, i ts main limitations can be Report 549.
summarised unde r three h e ads:
5. "On board message switching and signal
( a) It doe s not allow ex hau stive validation proc e ssin g ", 19 78, CSELT/Politecnico di
of the mode l. Torino, Estec Contract 2872/76/NL/SR,
Final Report .
(b) The tempora l reso lution of differen t
propagation mode s is limited to a fa ctor 6. Shanmugam, K. S., 1980, "A modified
inversely proportional to the bandwidth Monte -Ca rla simulation technique for th e
(3kHz) of the measurement equipment. eva lu ation of the erro r rate in digital
communication systems", IEEE Trans. Comm.,
(c) The synchronisation of t h e p seudorandom Vol. COM-28, pp . 1916-1924.
sequence at the re ceiver is not accurate
e nou g h and can be the cause of mis ta kes
in measurement.

Nev e rt h eless, th e characteristi c s of t h e l in k

for which the field test s wer e don e , and
c on t inuing analysis of th e s ample , a ll ow the
c on c lusion tha t l imitati o ns b a nd e ar e not
si g ni f icant wh e n ch e ckin g t he v ali d i ty of th e
hypothes e s. On th e o th er h a nd, s eve ral
res e arch e rs have ch e cke d t he se h ypo thes e s, so
that from a physical point o f vie w, and fo r
us e in cases such as t he o n e d e scribed in the
p r evious section , limita t ion a do e s not
p r esent an un solvable ob st acl e for t he
purposes of accepting th e v a l i d it y of the
hypotheses. I mprov e men t of th e measurement
system under aspects b and c is being furt her
cons idere d, without involv i ng too much
difficulty or an increase in costs, thus
making of the sy st em a fl e xible tool for the
analys i s of HF ch an nels under any co nditions.

TABLE 1 Parameters for the me as ured and s imulated channels

Channel Mode De la y Normalis ed Doppler shift Frequency spread

(ms) a u toco r relation (Hz) (Hz)
llt =O(dB)
i ci a eo) Cib(O) f.
J.a fib 2f

UEAS1.JRW 1 o - O. 9 -0 .008 0.017

2 1.1 - 7. 1 -0.056 0.204

1 o - 3. 4'1 - 3.4 7 0.16 o . 18 o. 3'1 0 . 34
2 1 -1 0 0 . 16 0 .34

1 o - 4. 'l'/ o 0 . 01
B 2 ü .66 -4. '11 o 0 .01
3 l. 33 -4.77 o 0 . 01

e 1 ü o o 100


Figure 1 (a) System used in the trials (b) System used to measure h( y,t )

05 7 7.5 P(e)
't (ms)


\ ~
t =]S

~ t=6s

~---'-- - - - - - -
- - - - - --

Modulotion rote ( Boud)

700 200 400 G?O
t =9 s ~--L

Figure 2 Four samples of h(T,t); 200 were Figure 4 DPSK-2 performance f or channel A and
used to characterise the channel white noise. (---) slow and flat

0.5 tJ t in . seconds

0.5 1
h., o o o
o o... _::_ __ a_..fJ __ o_____ o o o

Figure 3 Autocorrelation functions for the two propagation modes. Hypothetical (---) and
calculated (ooo) .

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