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Head Qffice, CSD

Post Box No. 1039

Rawatpindi Cantt
C'DI77.B1/SOP / HP
Jan 2023
To: Att Pak Army Fmn HQ/Log Areas/Sta HQ
Naval Headquarters (W&R Dte)
Sector E-8, lslamabad

Air Headquarters (Wet Dte)

PAF Comptex (Sector E-9), lslamabad

Att Concerned Def Orgs/Depts

lnfo: QMG's Branch (qMG Coord)

GHq, Rawatpindi
Att Zonat Offices, CSD
Att E&A Shops

lD: MD Coord
HO CSD Rawatpindi
Att Divs of HO CSD
Att Gps/ Secs of HP Div lnct Sate & Stock Sec

Subj: CSD HP Schemes

1. CSD being a Wel Org is always striving to facititate its valued Customers by providing
househotd items, home appliances and'vehictes. CSD Management make endeavors to
introduce,new schemes in accordance with market trends and customers requirements/
requests. CSD proudty announces launching of fol scheme wef 01 Feb 2023.

a. Usqd Car Facllitv. Due to recent price hike of new cars and
increasing inftation, purchasing power of customers has reduced
drasticalty. Moreover, car companies due to LC probtems has reduced
manufacturing, therefore most of the customers are requesting to
provide used car on HP Scheme. Therefore, the facitity is being started to
facititate our customers.
b. ln!!:o of Cg.mbo Deql.

(1) After discont of Home 51 Package customers cannot purchase muttipte

ASL (Avaitabte Stock List) items on singte HP Form. Therefore, to
facititate our customer, Combo Deat for purchase of ASL items has been
introduced with fot ceiting:-
(i) Offrs 1.5 M (ASL)/zM (LP)
(ii) AFNS/Mjd offrs 1M
(iii) JCOs 7 Lac
(iv) NCOs 5 Lac
(v) Stdrs 4 Lac

(2) Simitarty, purchase of any LP (Locat Purchase) items from tocat mkt
through CSD nominated Coys, Vendors and Outtets has atso been attowed
in aicordance to a/m limit.
C. Extn -qf (lD H.P Rqld A,FNf/Mid Off ex Pakistan Armv. Retd HP
Scheme for AF Pers excl AFNS and Mjd Offrs ex Pakistan Army started in Dec
?021. Muttipte requests have been received over the time to inct Retd AFNSi
Mjd Offrs ex Pakistan Army in HP Scheme. Therefore, extn of CSD HP Scheme
to Retd AFNS/Mjd Offr ex Pakistan Army has been extended on same terms
and conditions (tess ceiting) issued vide our ttr no CSD/77-88/SOP/R0/HP
dated 30 Nov 2021. Ceiting of Retd AFNS/Mjd Offr ex Pakistan Army has been
fixed as fot:-
(1) Brig (AFNS) Upto 2.5 M
(2) Lt Cot / Cot (AFNS) - Upto 1.5 M
(3) Offrs upto Maj/Eqvt- Upto 1 M
(AFNS/ Mjd Offr)

d. MC Facilitv for RFtd JCOs/NCOs/Equivalent . CSD HP Scheme for Retd

AF Pers, started in Dec 2021. Currentty JCOs/NCOs are attowed onty Gen
Items. Since start of Scheme, muttipte requests have been received from
Retd JCOsi NCOs to inct MC in HP Scheme. Therefore, facitity of Low Cost
MC (Honda CD-70 and betow) on HP has been extended to Retd JCOs/NCOs.
e. Death Compensation to AF Retd Pers. Presentty CSD is providing Death
Compensation to serving HP Members. However, since CSD has also extended
HP facitity to Retd AF pers wef 1 Dec 2021. Therefore, subj facitity has atso
been approved for AF Retd pers on same terms and conditions as in case of
Death of servingAF pers. Approved SOP on the subj is reproduced as under:-
(1) At[ dues of death cases who remained regutar in their payments during
tife, shatt be excused/waived off and ctearance cert shatl be issued
to Next of Kin.
(2) ln cases of death (exctuding suicide cases) who remained irregutar
in payments,, 50% of the lump sum due amount (maximum upto
Rs. 400;000) on the date of death shatt be waived off.
(3) A case shatt be considered to be Regutar rt 90yo of the principal
amount due upto the preceding month of death has been paid.
Moreover, in case of death of customer, decision of reg/irregutar case
witt be decided based on instl paid by the customer upto tast day of
preceding month,

2. [_or QMG Coord Onlv. Ptease disseminate the info to att through OAS.

ire Purchase

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