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GLOBALIZATION: It is a global process or system that demonstrates the

relationships, development, and growth of individuals, nations, governments,
and businesses globally. Both the positive and negative impacts of globalization
are significant. Globalization has an impact on me in that it enables me to
purchase various items at a lower cost. It aids in everyone's mental peace and
safety because it also serves to further global peace and harmony. However, it
also has a negative impact on me or us. I'm quite saddened by the high rate of
poverty in our nation, which is a result of the unfair justice system and the
unheard concerns of our fellow citizens, in addition to the demanding job
requirements, another factor contributing to poverty. Overall, globalization
indeed has a variety of good and bad effects.

2. CULTURAL IDENTITY: It means how we define ourselves in terms of gender,

ethnicity, religion, nationality, race, tradition, social class, and so on. It also refers
to the sense of belonging to a specific group. It affects me in such a way that it
makes it easier for me to follow certain traditions or rules. It also made me
realize that everyone is unique in their own ways and definitions. It also
encourages me to research and delve into other cultures and traditions by
looking for them and asking about them from friends and acquaintances.
Knowing and identifying one's own culture is only one aspect of cultural identity.
Which, in my opinion, is a nice thing to do because it is a gesture of respect and

3. DIFFUSION: Diffusion is the process by which concepts, ideologies, and things

spread to new societies through trade, conflict, or other means. I find that
diffusion has a positive impact on me since it increases my cultural literacy. I also
get the opportunity to introduce others to my own culture and ideas. Of course,
not only my cultures, but also my knowledge and morals. Diffusion enables
everyone to appreciate and accept traits that are completely new to them.
However, diffusion also has downsides. One of them is that some people may
not be persistent and sincere enough to learn about and promote the particular
culture, which could result in the loss of its value and identity during the learning

4. TECHNOLOGY: Technology is an item of equipment or tool used and created by

humans that we use in our daily lives. We all experience both positive and
negative effects from technology; that much is certain. Beneficial in terms of how
it aids me in doing various tasks a lot easier and faster with just one click or one
search using my technology. Additionally, it makes it easier for me to personally
interact with my friends and other acquaintances. One of its disadvantages is
that it makes some people sluggish in their decision-making and behavior. They
rely so much on their technology. In conclusion, while technology may make our
lives more convenient, it also has downsides and negative effects that make us
less productive.

5. SOCIAL CHANGE: Social change is the change in human interactions and

relationships, and it occurs everywhere. It may result from changes in the natural
environment, material culture, a diversity of values and beliefs, technology,
population expansion, and other factors. Social change influences how I connect
with the people around me. Additionally, it has an impact on my current thought
and behavior patterns; depending on who I am with, I am either too reserved or
too outgoing. My awareness of how I handle changes that occur throughout time
was also influenced by social change. It encouraged me to recognize and validate

6. POLITICAL IDEOLOGY: Political ideology refers to a person's political principles,

ideas, and views. Each of us holds a different set of beliefs and supports a
different set of political or governmental figures. Political ideologies influence
how I interact with others. It affects how I perceive people based on their
political beliefs. With the help of their political ideology, I was able to determine
whether the person was wise or gullible. Additionally, it affects my decision to
associate with and form friendships with certain people. I don't think I could ever
maintain a friendship with someone whose political views differ from mine. To
conclude, I value a person's political beliefs, ideas, values, and ideologies.

7. CONSUMERISM: Consumerism is described as a social and economic system that

encourages consumers to purchase and continue to consume products and
services. According to my research, consumerism benefits both consumers and
our economy. However, I do not support harming our environment and spending
a lot of money on goods and services. Because individuals prefer to consume
more than they need, some things have high demand and eventually run out of
stock. However, consumerism is in some ways advantageous for us as buyers and
sellers as well as for our economy. Since consumerism also protects customers
from purchasing harmful and nonsensical things.

8. ECOSYSTEM: An ecosystem is a community where living and non-living things

occur. The ecosystem is crucial because it provides us with the means to carry
out our everyday tasks and is the source of our daily supplies. It keeps us alive, so
maintaining its beauty and functionality is the best course of action. It also
helped me realize that how we treat the environment will determine how it
treats us. After numerous realizations, it is beneficial to think of and act upon
ourselves as the ecosystem itself. Because in that situation, we may take care of
it just as we would take care of ourselves, keeping it clean and fresh, preserving
its attractiveness, and so on.

9. PROLETARIAT: The proletariat is regarded as one of society's lowest

socioeconomic classes. Finding out more about the proletariat made me realize
how common this type of economic or social class is among individuals
nowadays. They are those individuals who work minimum-wage jobs and make
little to no money to cover their necessities. They are employed by the upper
class, also referred to as the bourgeoisie. Unfortunately, they are also the ones
who are rarely heard by the government or those in positions of leadership in
the administration. In exchange for the minimum wages paid to the proletariat,
they are generally exploited or taken advantage of by those in the upper class.
Hopefully, we will one day live in a society where we get more than we deserve
and never live like the proletariat.

10. DEMOCRACY: Democracy is a form of government in which citizens have the

authority to elect and vote for government leaders. Due to my support for and
promotion of free and fair elections, I feel this system is very beneficial. It affirms
and protects everyone's basic human rights. I realized that by putting this system
in place, the public would have the opportunity to learn more about the elected
leaders they would be choosing. To be fair, democracy applies to a variety of
areas other than politics, such as academics, daily life, etc. Unfortunately,
despite this system, some people still dare to cheat. Hopefully, some people will
stop deceiving themselves and others for personal gain and instead respect the
principle of democracy.

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