HG LAS Grade 10 Q2 Week 1 5

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Homeroom Guidance (HG) Learni ng
Activity Sheet (LAS) for Grade 10
Quarter 2 - Week 1 – 5

Homeroom Guidance – Grade 10

Quarter 2 – Week 1 – 5

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Quarter 2 – Week 1: Meaningful Experiences

Name of Student: _____________________________________ Section: _________

After going through this activity, you are expected to:

1. determine the relevance of school and community experiences in
achieving academic success; and
2. appreciate the importance of the lessons learned from school and
community in overcoming life’s challenges.

It is normal to experience major and minor life challenges. How we
handle these struggles on a daily basis determines our physical, as
well as our mental well-being. It takes only a single event to convince
us that there are circumstances in life that are beyond our control.
What is important is that we are able to withstand whatever life may
bring us.

Let’s Try This

Today you will have an intimate activity with yourself. You have to
reflect on the lessons that you have learned from your previous
experiences at home, school and community. Answer the Processing
Questions after.
1. Copy and complete the activity in your HG notebook. Make sure to draw
the shapes, big enough to contain your answers.
2. Recall and write experiences that gave you important lessons in life. You
can write as many experiences as you can.
3. Use the guide below in writing your experiences:
Heart - experiences at home
Circle - experiences during community quarantine
Triangle - experiences in school
Square - experiences in the community

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________

Teacher: _______________________________________________ Grade: _________

Meaningful Learning Experiences


__________ _____________
__________ _____________
__________ _____________
_ ______

Processing Questions:

1. What did you feel when you were recalling the experiences that gave you
the important lessons?
2. How can you use these learnings to achieve academic success?

Let’s Explore This

Whenever we see someone enjoying great success, we tend to think
that they are lucky and destined for it. But the truth is, in order to achieve
success in life, a person has to experience a lot of challenges and overcome
them. Every success story entails a wonderful journey towards fulfilling one’s
goals and inspiring others.
1. Research for an inspiring academic success story. It can be a person
you personally know (within your family, school, community, etc.) or a
person who is famous in a particular field (e.g. science, literature,
mathematics, music, arts, etc.).
2. In your HG notebook, write a brief summary of his/her life and journey
towards success. Be guided by the following:
a. General information about the person (name, family background, etc.)
b. Humble beginnings and academic/life challenges encountered
c. How he/she succeed and continue to inspire others through his/her
3. Answer the Processing Questions after.

Processing Questions:
1. What did you learn from his/her experiences?
2. How did he/she inspire you towards your own journey to academic and life


Keep in Mind

Challenges are meant to motivate you and see what you are
capable of doing. What's more, when you try to look back on those tough
times, you can be truly proud of how you have overcome them using the most
powerful weapon that you have – your gained knowledge and skills. Your
experiences at home, school and community, both positive and negative, give
you important lessons that can help and guide you in dealing with future

You can do it
Direction: Based on the topic given:

1. Ask the significant people around you (parents, brothers/sisters, cousins,

and other relatives) to spend time with you in accomplishing this task.
2. Schedule a “kwentuhan” session with at least two of your family members
or relatives. Take turns in sharing your experiences and insights in
overcoming challenges in the family, school, and community.
3. You may also include your personal experiences (including your thoughts,
feelings, and activities during COVID-19 pandemic). (Paalala: Maaaring
gumamit ng tagalog o iba pang lokal na diyalekto upang mas higit
na maipahayag ang iyong mga kaisipan at damdamin)

What I have Learned

1. Think of the greatest challenge that you have experienced because of the
Covid-19 pandemic.
2. Reflect on the lessons that have learned from your past experiences that
helped you to overcome the challenge.
3. List down the actions that you did to respond and solve the problem.
(Paalala: Maaaring gumamit ng tagalog o iba pang lokal na
diyalekto upang mas higit na maipahayag ang iyong mga kaisipan
at damdamin)


Share your Thoughts & Feelings

Direction: Answer the question below.

As you reflect on the lessons that you have learned from your
experiences at home, school and community, identify at least five ways that
you can do to make the best out of your acquired knowledge towards achieving
academic success and overcoming life’s challenges. (Paalala: Maaaring
gumamit ng tagalog o iba pang lokal na diyalekto upang mas higit na
maipahayag ang iyong mga kaisipan at damdamin)


Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad Development Team of the LAS

Assistant Regional Director: Ronelo Al K. Firmo Writers: Ivy Denice M. Abogado
Leusin Q. Alvarez
Editor: Maria Gracia E. Baluca
Evaluator: Dario I. Cabanela
Management Team:
Schools Division Superintendent: Nympha D. Guemo
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Flora T. Pandes, EdD
Chief, CID: Emma T. Soriano, EdD
Education Program Supervisor: Dario I. Cabanela


1. Homeroom Guidance Self-Learning Module-Grade10 Quarter 2-Module 1:

Overcoming Life’s Challenges. 2020 Edition



Quarter 1 – Week 2: Overcoming Life’s Challenges

Name of Student: _____________________________________ Section: _________

After going through this activity, you are expected to:

1. share ways on how to make the best out of the acquired knowledge
from school and community in daily living.

All our experiences whether in school or in community help us to
become resilient individuals. This module will help you realize that
the positive and negative experiences in your school and community
can have a great impact to your success.

Let’s Try This

Think of the knowledge you gained from school and community

which you able to share to others as you go on daily life.
1. Copy and complete the activity in your HG notebook.
2. Recall and write the learnings you got from school or community that
gives out the best in you.

Name: ________________________________________________ Date : ___________

Teacher: ______________________________________________ Grade: __________

I Learned the Best in Me


Processing Questions:
1. How did the lessons you acquired from school or community brings out
the best in you?
2. What are the realizations you had from this activity?

Let’s Explore This

Every learning gives a realization that help you to be better and
strive for much bigger opportunities to be at par successful. There
are stories that inspires you to pursue despite trials and a vision of not giving
up. To be inspired and to inspire others are two different things which result
is to claim a successful reward.
1. Write an experience you had whether in school or in the community
wherein you claim your success even in a very simple way. State your
humble beginnings, the challenges you encountered and ways on how
you overcome those challenges.

Processing Questions:
1. How did you overcome the simple challenges you had in school or in the
2. How did that experience motivates you to move forward?

Keep in Mind
The following are ways on how you can use and apply your
academic and life lessons to deal future challenges:

3 Rs of Overcoming Life’s Challenges through Gained Knowledge

1. Reflect. Reflection gives your mind an opportunity to pause and sort

through your thoughts and feelings. This is also the time to wonder about
your past experiences at home, school or community. For instance, you may
reflect on the steps in problem solving and decision-making that you have
learned from school or remember the pieces of advice that your parents and
teachers gave you when you encountered a similar situation.
2. Respond. Responding means acting on a situation while taking into
consideration not only on what is good for you but for others as well. To
effectively respond with challenges, you need to plan your actions carefully.
Weigh the possible effects of your decisions and reflect on your core values.


Enjoy the process and develop a growth mindset to help you succeed and
overcome challenges. As you go along, you will continuously learn, unlearn
and re-learn which will empower you to apply your gained knowledge from
one experience to another.
3. Review. Reviewing helps in remembering the important information and key
details of what you have learned. Learning is built on prior knowledge that’s
why in school, review is a very important part of the teaching and learning
process. When done well, this gives you the opportunity to take what you
have learned, make it your own, and apply it. More so, in your daily life, you
can simply review and apply the knowledge and lessons that you have
learned to any academic or personal challenges.

You can do it
Direction: Based on the topic given:

Talk to someone about personal experience (including your

thoughts, feelings and activities) during COVID-19 pandemic. Document the
ways on how that person deal with the present situation.

What I have Learned


1. Share the new learnings that you have gained from the
COVID-19 Pandemic
2. Copy and complete the table below on a sheet of paper. (Paalala:
Maaaring gumamit ng Tagalog o ibang local na linggwahe upang mas
higit na maipahayag ang iyong mga natutuhan)

Reflect Respond Review

Lesson/s learned from Action/s taken to Outcome/s of the action
past experiences that overcome the challenge: and new learnings:
helped you:


Share your Thoughts & Feelings

Direction: Answer the question below.

State the lessons you acquired from school and community that help
you overcome a difficult life situation as a student. Do this activity in your HG
notebook. (Paalala: Maaaring gumamit ng tagalog o ibang local na linggwahe
upang mas higit na maipahayag ang iyong mga kaisipan at damdamin).


Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Ronelo Al K. Firmo
Development Team of the LAS
Writers: Ivy Denice M. Abogado and Leusin Q. Alvarez
Editor: Maria Gracia E. Baluca
Evaluator: Dario I. Cabanela
Management Team:
Schools Division Superintendent: Nympha D. Guemo
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Flora T. Pandes, EdD
Chief, CID: Emma T. Soriano, EdD
Education Program Supervisor: Dario I. Cabanela


Homeroom Guidance Self-Learning Module-Grade 10 Quarter 1- Module

2: Overcoming Life’s Challenges. 2020 Edition



Quarter 1 – Week 3: Developing Myself

Name of Student: _____________________________________ Section: _________

After going through this activty, you are expected to:

1. appraise the value of knowing oneself by identifying the strengths

and weaknesses in developing a better self;
2. appreciate effective and healthy practices to develop one’s strengths
and overcome weaknesses; and
3. compose a Personal Development Plan to become a better version of


The aim of this module is to assess one’s strengths and

weaknesses, necessary in overcoming life’ challenges. Life is a
learning experience and being able to recognize your own strengths and
weaknesses will help you become better individuals in anything you choose to
do. To be able to value oneself your abilities and skills are to be appraised.

Let’s Try This

To help you identify and further develop your strengths and

overcome your weaknesses, kindly accomplish the My Strengths and
Qualities Worksheet. For the processing questions please use a clean sheet
of paper for your answers.


My Strengths and Qualities

Processing Questions:

1. Did you encounter difficulty in answering them? Why and Why not?

Let’s Explore This

The next activity is entitled “Me, Myself and I”. In this activity you
need the help of your parents and guardians. You will conduct a simple
interview with them. You may use these guide questions in conducting the
interview and write their answers in the interview sheet.


Guidance Questions for Interview:

1. What do you think are my personal strengths?
2. What are my weaknesses?

Interviewee My Strengths My Weaknesses
(mother/father/guardian) (based on their answers (based on their answers
from the interview) from the interview)
e.g. auntie e.g. helpful e.g. easily get distracted

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

Processing Questions:

1. From the qualities that they mention both from strengths and
weaknesses, do you see it in them too?

Keep in Mind

What is the importance of knowing one’s strengths and

weaknesses? Why do you need to know all these things?

Let us start by defining personal strength. According to positive

psychology personal strength is a built –in capabilities for ways of thinking,
feeling, and behaving. An example of personal strength is creativity,
trustworthiness, determination, flexibility and the like. Everyone has distinct
personal strength depending on one’s development.

On the other hand, a weakness is the lack of strength or a character

flaw. Lack of focus is an example of a weakness. When your teacher tells you


to study and prepare for an exam, yet you keep on playing your mobile phone.
When you cannot resist to play mobile games even though you know you may
flank on your exams that is also an example of a weakness. But this does not
also mean that weaknesses cannot be fixed.

Appreciating one’s personal strengths have positive benefits across

one’s life. Likewise, being aware on one’s weaknesses is as equally important.
These personal traits do not only affect you as a person but will also make a
great impact on your individuality. Weaknesses if taken subjectively will
surely create a negative effect on one’s personality. These weaknesses can still
be improved to make a better version of oneself.

You can do it

In a clean sheet of paper, list down at least five (3) of your personal
strengths and weaknesses. For each of these values make some points on how
to improve or develop them.

Strength Action Taken Weakness Action Taken

(e.g. helpful) (e.g. continue to (e.g. easily gets (e.g. try to focus on
help others in distracted) the work at hand
and avoid checking
cellular phone)

What I have learned

With the use of the work sheets that you have answered in the
previous activity. Make a Personal Development Plan. This
development plan will help you work out on some of your weakness to become
a strength and be a better version of yourself.



(e.g. put away TIME FRAME OUTPUT
the cellular (e.g. October to (e.g. better academic
(e.g. easily gets
phone when January) grades during the
distracted) 2nd Quarter)

Share your Thoughts & Feelings

Think of a line or statement from your parents, teachers, or any

significant person in your life that made a great impact to you and which you
always apply in your life. Write this on the space provided.



For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex

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Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: blr.lrqad@deped.gov.ph * blr.lrpd@deped.gov.ph



Quarter 1 – Week 4: Sound Decision-Making

Name of Student: _____________________________________ Section: _________

After going through this activity, you are expected to:

1. examine the steps in personal decision-making; and
2. practice sound decision-making.

The design of this module intends to help you analyze sound
decisions and goals toward the achievement of your personal
welfare and common good.

Let’s Review
In the previous module, you have learned about developing
yourself. You were provided with discussion and activities to help
you determine the value of knowing yourself by identifying the
strengths and weaknesses towards becoming a better version of

Let’s Try This

My Personal Steps in Decision-making

As a Grade 10 learner, you are expected to somehow be able to make

decisions in your everyday life. This activity will determine your knowledge
and skills in decision making.
1. Prepare a sheet of paper and fold it crosswise. Copy the illustration
below and complete the activity.
2. On your paper, recall a significant event from your past when you
made a correct/appropriate decision which led to a positive outcome.



Processing Questions:
1. What are the steps that you identified and followed in making your personal
2. What have you learned on the results of your decisions in the past?

Let’s Explore This

Different Scenarios: What Will I Do?
To further test your decision-making skills, analyze the decision-
making scenarios below. Read carefully and reflect on the important steps in
the decision-making process. Write your answer in your HG notebook.

Scenario #1: You dream of being a part of the school’s basketball team.
To achieve that, you think that you should practice every day. Two of your
classmates who are already members of the team constantly size up your
efforts. They make fun of you for practicing and for working hard. One day,
they asked you to hang out with them. They told you that if you will join them
and do things for them, they will recommend you to the team coach. What
will you do?

Scenario #2: You are worried because one of your friends has been
hanging out with your classmates who are pressuring her to try drinking
alcohol. One of them is her long-time crush who even invited her to come to
their house during weekend because his parents will not be there. Your friend
came to you to help her decide. What will you do?

Processing Questions:
1. What are the factors that you considered in making your decisions?

Keep in Mind
As a growing adolescent, you should be able to make constructive
choices and be accountable of your actions. Remember that each
decision that you make has consequences that can affect your life. Below are
some important tips to help you enhance your responsible decision-making
skills. Sound Decision-making
1. Be mindful and accurate in recognizing the problems and challenges that
you are facing.
2. Effectively analyze the problems by looking at it in different perspectives,
including how and why it happened.
3. Develop your ability to identify several options and explore the possible
consequences for each.
4. Approach problems by considering your values and principles.


5. Take time to evaluate how you solved a problem by reflecting on its


You can do it
Decision-making: It is Up to Me!
1. Copy and complete the table in your HG notebook.
2. Identify community issues and problems that are relevant to
you and decide on the appropriate actions to solve them.
3. Apply your knowledge about sound decision making.

What I have Learned

Reflect on your personal experiences and learnings from this
activity and complete the sentences below. Answer them in your
HG notebook
1. In making decisions, I discovered/re-discovered that I value
2. When making decisions, I learned that I __________________________.
3. For me, making decisions is difficult when ________________________.

Share your Thoughts & Feelings

Direction: Answer the questions below in your HG notebook.

1. What are the challenges that you already successfully went through?
2. What goals have you achieved? Who helped you along the way?
Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad Development Team of the LAS
Assistant Regional Director: Ronelo Al K. Firmo Writers: Ivy Denice M. Abogado
Leusin Q. Alvarez
Editor: Maria Gracia E. Baluca
Evaluator: Dario I. Cabanela
Management Team:
Schools Division Superintendent: Nympha D. Guemo
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Flora T. Pandes, EdD
Chief, CID: Emma T. Soriano, EdD
Education Program Supervisor: Dario I. Cabanela
Homeroom Guidance Self-Learning Module-Grade 10 Quarter 2- Module 7:
Sound Decision-Making. 2020 Edition



Quarter 1 – Week 5: Self-Appreciation

Name of Student: _____________________________________ Section: _________

After going through this activity, you are expected to:

1. decide an appropriate action on issues relevant to yourself and

others; and
2. appreciate the choices that you made.

This activity aims to help you recognize and appreciate the actions
you take in dealing with others as you decided on the choices you
have made. You recognize the ones that are truly appropriate for you.

Let’s Try This

My Personal Ladder

1. Cite a significant event when you made a wrong/inappropriate decision

which led to a negative outcome. In your HG notebook, write things that
you are comfortable to recall. Reflect on the steps that you take leading
to your decision.
2. Answer the processing questions that follow.




Processing Questions:
1. How did you feel when reflecting on your past experiences?
2. What have you learned by the choices you make?

Let’s Explore This

Direction: Read the scenario stated below and write your answer
in your HG notebook.
Someone in your class cheated on a test. You know for a fact that he,
together with your friend were writing answers on a small note before the test.
When the test papers were given, your teacher congratulated him for getting
the highest score. You are confused about reporting that he cheated as your
friend might also be punished as well for helping him. What will you do?
Write your answer in your HG notebook. Answer the processing
questions that follow.

Processing Questions:
1. What insights have you gained from the decisions you have made?
2. How did you feel after you do this activity?
3. What is your personal quality that stands out in this scenario?

Keep in Mind
Keep in mind that sound decision is about making choices that are
good for you and for others. It involves critical thinking, self-
discipline and accountability. Most importantly, it is about understanding
yourself, your actions and how it will affect others. Throughout your journey,
you will become more and more independent until you can be matured
enough to make your own decisions.

You can do it
My Personal Qualities
1. Copy and complete the table in your HG notebook.
2. Identify at least three (3) difficult situations you encountered
during your decision-making and what are the qualities that you have to
overcome those.



What I have Learned

As you appreciate and discover your inner self what are your
insights in order to enhance those qualities that you have. Write your
answer in your HG notebook.

Share your Thoughts & Feelings

In your HG notebook, write a letter for your future self to be
reopened and reread at the end of the school year. Consider this question in
writing your letter: What will you remind yourself about making decisions,
achieving future goals, and appreciating yourself?


Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Ronelo Al K. Firmo
Development Team of the LAS
Writers: Ivy Denice M. Abogado and Leusin Q. Alvarez
Editor: Maria Gracia E. Baluca
Evaluator: Dario I. Cabanela
Management Team:
Schools Division Superintendent: Nympha D. Guemo
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Flora T. Pandes, EdD
Chief, CID: Emma T. Soriano, EdD
Education Program Supervisor: Dario I. Cabanela

Homeroom Guidance Self-Learning Module-Grade 10 Quarter 2- Module
7: Sound Decision-Making. 2020 Edition


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