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fan circuits, the Guard will immediately inform the Loco Pilot and
the nearest Station Master, who will arrange for electrical staff to
rectify the defects.
SR 4.34 (4) When taking over charge of a train at the train originating station,
the Guard before signing the Brake Power Certificate, must see
that a Section Engineer (C&W) has made an endorsement on the
BPC certifying that the vestibule connection, fittings and doors of
all carriages/wagons are in proper working order and can be closed
and fastened .
(1) A Loco Pilot shall not start his train from a station without the
authority to proceed. Before starting the train, he shall satisfy
himself that all correct fixed signals and, where necessary, hand
CS. No.73 dtd. 27.6.22 The contents of G&SR 4.35 may be replaced at page 165 to 168

signals are given and the line before him, is clear of visible
obstructions and the Guard has given the signal to start. Guard
shall see, before giving the starting signal, that all is right for the
CS. No.38 dtd. 5.12.14 The contents of GR 4.35 (3) may be replaced at page 165

train to proceed.
(2) The Station Master and Guard may be assigned any role or duty
to ensure the safety in the manner as specified by special
(3) The Guard shall not give the signal for starting unless he has
satisfied himself that, except in accordance with special
instructions, no person is travelling in any compartment or vehicle
or roof of the vehicle not intended for the use of passengers.
(4) In case of any travelling in contradiction to Sub-rule (3), the Guard,
Loco Pilot or Assistant Loco Pilot shall take help, if necessary
from Government Railway Police, Railway Protection Force and
Station Staff to remove the unauthorised person from the
compartment or vehicle or roof of the vehicle.
SR 4.35 (1) (A) Station Master’s role in despatching of train to next station-
Station Master shall -
(i) Obtain line clear from the station in advance.
(ii) Take off concerned departure signal(s)/Starting Permit/authority to
pass defective signal at ‘ON’ as the case may be.
(iii) Give correct authority to proceed. ( as per the system of working)
NOTE- In Automatic signalling sections, running of trains are governed by
aspect of signals.
In case of Manual and Semi Automatic signalling, SM shall take
‘off’ departure signal after ensuring that condition for taking ‘off’ the
departure signal are fulfilled.
(B)(i) For Goods trains, taking ‘OFF’ of the Starting and Last Stop Signals
on double line and single line tokenless sections and on single
line token/tablet worked sections, the possession of the ‘authority
to proceed’ by the Loco Pilot in addition to taking ‘ OFF ‘ of Starter
and Advanced Starter signals, where provided, will be considered
as the Station Master’s permission to start the train.
(ii) When the condition laid down in (B) (i) are fulfilled, the Loco Pilot of
a goods train will sound the engine whistle in token of having
observed that the correct signals have been taken ‘OFF’ for his
train or in the event of defective Starter and/or Advanced Starter
signal(s), that he is in possession of the prescribed authority to
pass the signal(s) at danger, on which the Guard will give his
permission to start.
(C) LP’S role before starting of passenger train-
LP shall ensure that-

(i) He is in possession of proper authority to proceed, Caution order,

BPC and
(ii) The line before him, is clear of visible obstructions
(iii) After ensuring the above, LP shall sound Engine whistle as
prescribed in SR 4.50(1) and exchange all is right signal from Guard.
(iv) LP should not start his/her train unless all is right signal to Start
from the Guard is received in the following manner-
a) Exchanging of alright signal (display of Green flag by day or Green
light by night) or
b) In case of a train starting from a station where the Guard’s all is right
signal cannot be seen by the Loco Pilot or same cannot be
communicated through means of communication (provided between
Guard and Loco Pilot) for any reason, the Station Master shall depute
a competent railway servant for relaying/communicating the Guard’s
all is right signal to Loco Pilot. This can also be communicated on
Walkie –Talkie (under exceptional circumstances). The Station Master,
Loco pilot or Guard will clearly mention his identity along with station
name/train number while communicating on walkie talkie and also
confirm the identity of the speaker at the other end of the walkie talkie.
c) For EMU/MEMU/DEMU- by acknowledging prescribed two bell signal.
(D) Guard’s role on Mumbai Suburban section :—
(i) Guard of EMU/MEMU/DMU on Suburban Section shall authorize
Motorman/ Loco Pilot by prescribed code of two bell signal to start
the train provided the Guard has satisfied himself that conditions
for the train to start are complied with, excepting the responsibility
to see and ensure that the correct signal to start the train has
been given, which will be the duty and responsibility of Motorman.
(ii) Motorman of a train at stopping stations, shall after getting two
bells signal from Guard, satisfy himself that starter signal OFF
aspect has been given and start his train after acknowledging bell
code signal of the Guard by giving two bells signals to Guard.
(iii) Motorman of a train at stopping stations, shall not start his train even after
getting two bells signals from Guard of the train if starter signal (whether
Manual, Semi Automatic or Automatic) is at ‘ON’ position. In this case
Motorman of the train shall communicate to Guard by giving one bell
signal for ‘ON’ position of starter. As soon as OFF aspect of starter signal
is given, Motorman shall communicate by giving two bells signal to Guard
and shall start the train after getting two bells signal from the Guard.
In case starter signal has to be passed at ‘ON’ position then
provisions of GR 3.81 (for Manual starter signal), GR 9.14(1) (for
Semi Automatic starter signal in Automatic mode) or GR 9.14(2)
(for Semi Automatic starter signal in Manual mode) or 9.02 /9.07
(for Automatic starter signal) as the case may be shall be followed.
NOTE- In case of EMU/MEMU/DEMU, Guard shall give signal to start by
two bells after ensuring entraining and detraining of passengers.
Passengers shall be alerted by sounding mouth whistle/Cab horn
by the Guard before giving signal to start.
(E) Guard’s role other than suburban train before giving all is right signal
to start- Guard shall ensure that-
(i) He is in possession of Caution Order, BPC, Vehicle guidance,
(ii) Availability of Brake van equipment i.e. fire extinguishers, stretcher,
ETL box, RE and PCT telephone, palm coupling and wooden
wedges. In case of any deficiencies in brake van equipments,
concern Station Master will issue memo to Guard of the train.
(iii) Loading/unloading should be completed within the prescribed time
mentioned in the WTT. Train should not be detained on account of
loading /unloading.
(iv) Entraining and detraining of passengers.

(v) No person is travelling in any compartment or vehicle or roof of the

vehicle, which is not intended for the use of passengers.
(vi) Guard shall sound whistle to alert passengers before giving all is
right signal to start the train.
(vii)In case of a train starting from a station where the Guard’s all is
right signal cannot be seen by the Loco Pilot or same cannot be
communicated through means of communication (provided between
Guard and Loco Pilot) for any reason, the Station Master shall
depute a competent railway servant for relaying/communicating
the Guard’s all is right signal to Loco Pilot. This can also be
communicated on Walkie –Talkie (under exceptional
circumstances). The Station Master, Loco pilot or Guard will clearly
mention his identity along with station name/train number while
communicating on walkie talkie and also confirm the identity of
the speaker at the other end of the walkie talkie.
SR 4.35 (2) For rules regarding delivery of Authority to Proceed, see SR 14.11.
SR 4.35 (3) On receipt of a warning message forecasting the outbreak of heavy or
cyclonic storm, which may endanger the safety of passengers/ train, the
Station Master, in consultation with the Guard and the Loco Pilot, may
detain the train until the abatement of the storm. The train shall be despatched
only after it is considered safe to do so and see SR 2.11 also.
4.36 GUARD TO BE IN CHARGE OF TRAIN: — After the engine has
been attached to a train and during the journey, the Guard or (if
there be more than one Guard) the Head Guard shall be in charge
of the train in all matters affecting stopping or movement of the
train for traffic purpose. In the case of any self-propelled vehicle,
such as a motor coach without a trailer and unaccompanied by a
Guard, the duties of the Guard shall devolve on the Loco Pilot.
train is within station limits, the Guard shall be under the
orders of the Station Master.
Loco Pilots shall obey the lawful orders of their Loco Pilots
in all particulars.
has been attached to a train and during the journey, the Loco
Pilot shall obey-
(a) the orders of the Guard, in all matters affecting the starting,
stopping or movement of the train for traffic purposes and
(b) all orders given to him by the Station Master or any railway
servant acting under special instructions, so far as the safe
and proper working of his engine will admit.
LOOK-OUT. -Every Loco Pilot shall keep a good look-out while
the train is in motion and every Assistant Loco Pilot shall
also do so when he is not necessarily otherwise engaged.
SR 4.40(1) Duties of Assistant Loco Pilot as detailed in these rules will be performed
by the Assistant Loco Pilots in case of diesel and electric locomotives.
SR 4.40 (2) The Loco Pilot or Assistant Loco Pilot as the case may be, shall
identify and call to each other the aspect of each signal as well as
engineering indicator board affecting the movement of the train
immediately it comes into view.
SR 4.40 (3) This shall however, in no way, absolve the Loco Pilot of his duty to
observe signals and to be vigilant and cautious.
SR 4.40 (4) The Assistant Loco Pilots should also learn the road as in the case
of Loco Pilots before they are required to work on a particular section.

SR 4.40 (5) See SR 4.35 (3). If a train on run be caught in a storm of a severe
intensity which in the opinion of Guard and Loco Pilot is likely to endanger
the safety of passengers/train, they should immediately bring the train
to a halt. Stoppage of train over major bridges, high embankments,
AS. No.56 dtd. 17.6.19, Add new para SR 4.42(3), rename existing SR 4.42(3) as SR 4.42(4) at page 168 & 169 and modify

cuttings and sharp curves must be avoided and see SR 2.11 also.
The Loco Pilot or the Assistant Loco Pilot shall look back
frequently during the journey to see whether the train is
following in a safe and proper manner.
SR 4.41 (1) Should the Loco Pilot of a non-vacuum train find that he is unable to
see both the brake-van side lights at night, he must take the
necessary precautions provided under SR 6.08 for the parting of train.

SR 4.41 (2) When a train passes a gang working on the line or a manned level
crossing gate, the Loco Pilot, Assistant Loco Pilot should look
back to ascertain if everything is all right with the train and if any
signal is being exhibited warning them of a danger of an accident.
(1) The Loco Pilot and the Guard of a train shall exchange signals
with each other, at such times and in such manner as may be
prescribed by special instructions.
(2) The Loco Pilot and the Guard of a train shall, while running
through a station, look out for and except under special
instructions, acknowledge the ‘all right’ signals which the Station
Master and such other staff at the station as may be specified by
special instructions shall give if the train is proceeding in a safe
and proper manner. If the train is not proceeding in a safe and
proper manner, the Station Master or the other staff shall exhibit
a Stop hand signal, on receipt of which the Guard and the Loco
Pilot shall take immediate steps to stop the train.

SR 4.42 (1) When a train, either stopping or non-stopping has passed a station
inclusive of a train halt, the Guard shall look back and satisfy himself
Note at page No. 169 of G&SR edition 2008.

that no danger signal or other indication is given by any of the Station

staff as a warning that there is nothing wrong with the train and that
the train is complete. Thereafter, he shall exchange all right signal
with the Loco Pilot/Assistant Loco Pilot as indicated in SR 4.42(2).

SR 4.42 (2) Hand signals, as laid down in G.R.3.54 must be exchanged between
Guards and Loco Pilots/Assistant Loco Pilot, as the train passes
clear of the last points of each station except on Churchgate-Virar
section. Should the Loco Pilot/Assistant Loco Pilot not receive the
Guard’s signal, he must stop the train and ascertain the cause.
Similar signals must be exchanged, when starting a train, which
has been stopped at stations or between stations and as soon as
a train has completely passed the portion of the line over which a
restriction of speed has been imposed.

SR 4.42 (3) Guard’s compartment having sealed window panes of LHB rakes
with air conditioning facility in trains like Rajdhani, Shatabdi,
Duranto, Garib Rath etc., the Guard shall, while passing through a
station, switch-on the flickering inbuilt body tail lamp, which will
serve the purpose of exchange of ‘all right’ signal with Station

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