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Iseah Jane A.

Rom March 19, 2023

MKT1110 Section 4

“Great Salespeople do not rely on canned presentation”

Are canned presentations worthy of your sales career? Canned presentation is a

tested and written presentation where each salesperson are required to memorize these
materials and adhere to the flow of the presentation assigned in the provided one. A
salesperson ought to be so assured and skilled that they can work without the aid of a
presentation. However, great salespeople rely on their conversation skills rather than

With a presentation, it is more of a one-way communication whereas, in a

conversation, it is two-way. Building strong client relationships is facilitated by having
effective communication skills in sales. It helps create long-lasting relationships with
clients and has been proven incredibly effective in practice. (Mane, 2023) Practicing
good communication skills rather than a canned presentation will surely help you to
know what your customer truly wants. Everybody likes a good conversation where it will
be a way for them to open up about their preferences and perspective of things. For
instance, you, as a salesperson, memorized a presentation and tell it directly, to your
client. It will most likely bore them. You should convince them by having a conversation
with them. In situation, you are most likely interested in your friends’ recommendation of
the products even though you haven’t seen the product and haven’t heard of it in
advertisements. It is because of the power of conversation that it will lead you to open
up and also provide your insights about this specific product.

Moreover, the natural flow of conversation helps the salesperson to leave a mark
on their memories leading to selective retention. It is one of the strategies in making a
marketing plan where customers that have a good experience with your presentation of
a product will forget about the good points of other competitors’ products. This will lead
to more sales hence a possible loyalty of the customer to your brand.
On the other hand, there are also ways where a canned presentation can benefit
your presentations such as visualization and structures. With a good presentation like
this, it will most likely also attract customers. However, creating a good canned
presentation, it also involves making it a conversation where you rely on spoken words
rather than the text. An effective sales presentation connects with your audience's
requirements and wants while telling an engaging tale and emphasizing your value
proposition. (Orlob, 2022) It doesn't start with your differentiators; rather, it drives
prospects to them with a compelling call to action. Furthermore, focusing on possible
questions from the customers is more beneficial for your presentation as you won’t lost
in the conversation, making them less engaged with you.

To summarize, a sale is a conversation rather than a presentation. Even a

canned presentation needs to be a story and has spoken words to be effective. As great
salespeople pursue customer sales and should truly rely on their conversation skills.
Focus on the customers' insights, possible questions, and personalities. Besides, the
best sales presentation ever made is the sales presentation never given.


Pradnya Mane. (2023). Importance Of Communication Skills For A Salesperson. Edge.

Christ Orlob. (2022, June 1). 15 Sales Presentation Techniques That Will Help You
Close More Deals Today. Hubspot.

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