TheEquinoxDemon lv1-3

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Adventure Module HM6


Todd Hughes

On the Equinox, a sacrifice of grain is offered to the Nature Goddess. However last year, during the ceremony,
a horrid demon arose, demanding tribute. It did not want grain, but gold and gems! The friar made a stand,
but it was not enough and now the hamlet is terrified! Will a band of heroes have the guts to face the Equinox

An adventure for 4-6 characters, level 1-3

Adventure Module HM6

The Equinox Demon

By: Todd Hughes

Maps By: Jared Preston
Cover Art: FSF-Ink
Editor: Ronald Redmond, Todd Hughes
Layout: Malrex

Art: William McAusland, Maciej Zagorski-The Forge, Bradley K. McDevitt, Jacob E. Blackmon, some
artwork copyright 2015 Dean Spencer and used with permission, Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art
Copyright Rick Hershey/ Fat Goblin Games
Preface 2. Rafiela has settled in Stallington and lived there for
a little over a year. She has a small cottage and passes
I would like to thank everyone who is reading this herself off as an entertainer who frequently travels for
module. It is my hope that it will help introduce a business.
new generation of players to 1st Edition AD&D. If 3. The town’s small shrine has been boarded up since
you have any questions or comments please feel free the death of the friar and the suspected death of his
to email me at acolyte at the hands of the demon.
4. The hamlet proper is surrounded by farms.
Todd Hughes
The Story
The Hamlet of Stallington is not preparing for the
This module is designed for novice and intermediate customary spring celebration even though it is nearing
level players. The number of player characters should the spring equinox. Typically, a sacrifice of grain is
be between four and six. The recommended level of made to the nature goddess, on the equinox, at the
character experience is from first to third level. mouth of a cave in a forest glade. However, last year
Magical items available to the party at the start of the when the elders gathered to make the sacrifice, a great
adventure should likewise be restricted. Players may fog arose, and a horrid demon emerged from the cave
either bring in existing characters of the appropriate entrance. The demon had many smaller servants with
level with the DM's approval, or roll up new it, and they surrounded the elders. The demon spoke
characters as suggested in Appendix P of the in a frightening voice that seemed to rise from the
Dungeon Masters Guide. bowels of the earth itself. It demanded tribute or it
would destroy the hamlet and slay the residents. The
Note that if an item or monster is in bold and italics it demon did not want grain however, it wanted gold,
means that it will be found in the appendix of this silver, and gems.
module. Also with monster statistics, the book the
monster is located in will be abbreviated. The local priest Friar Dane went, along with his
acolyte Tames, to confront the demon. The Friar’s
MM = Monster manual body was discovered outside of town the next day and
MM2 = Monster Manual 2 Tames was never seen again. The elders gathered the
FF = Fiend Folio villagers together and it was agreed that the tribute
NEW = This modules appendix must be paid. In so doing the village drained most of
its coffers and the people were left with very little to
The Hamlet of Stallington pay for this season’s supplies. As a result, the people
are hungry and have very little food and much of the
Stallington is a small farming livestock died over the winter from lack of feed.
hamlet and should be the starting
point for this module. The DM
should prepare the hamlet as
they desire keeping a few
specific points and features in

1. The hamlet is run by a

council of elders. Decide the
number, name and occupation
of its members.
The elders returned to the cave soon after the frost Dice Roll Encounter (Number)
melted and were once again confronted by the demon 01-30 xvart patrol (2-5)
who demanded more tribute this year. The 31-50 giant rats (1-6)
townspeople fear they will not survive another winter 51-65 large pedipalps (1-2)
if they are again forced to turn over what meager 66-90 giant centipedes (1-4)
coffers they have managed to gather to the demon. 91-100 large spiders (1-2)
Upon entering the cave complex the party will notice
General Notes
a rather steep slope for the first 100 feet before it
begins to level off to a slight downward grade. The
The ancient cave is located 10 miles west of
caves: in general, the tunnels are 8’ high and 8’ wide
Stallington in a small wooded area on a hillside.
unless otherwise noted.
The demon is in actuality the Illusionist Rafiela using The Xvarts have trapped the caves with several
her spells to trick the village elders. Rafiela is also a different varieties of traps; these are marked on the
were-rat and holds sway over a tribe of xvarts as well map as T1, T2, and T3 each is described below.
as several other creatures who are occupying the caves
at this time. Rafiela settled in the hamlet over a year T1: Pit Trap
ago and makes it her home most of the year. She does The Xvarts have dug a 6’x6’ pit and placed 1’ long
travel for “business” each month just before the full spikes at the bottom. It has then been covered with a
moon. She is in town at this time waiting for the false door on spring loaded hinges, it is triggered
tribute to be brought to the caves, where she will be when a weight of 100 lbs or more is placed on it.
waiting in her demon form (the result of her change Once the weight is removed, the door will spring back
self spell). She will take great interest in any shut.
newcomers in particular if they decide to investigate
the caves. She will make her way to the caves and Anyone falling into the pit will be struck by 1d3 of the
warn her servants ahead of time. spikes that line the bottom, and each spike does 1d4
points of damage. A saving throw versus death magic
The villagers have very little to offer in the way of a will be allowed, and if successful damage will be
reward, at the most they will offer the 50 gp, 100 sp, reduced by ½.
and 200 cp they have gathered as their offering to the
demon. They cannot pay this reward until they are T2: Slime Trap
sure the demon has been eliminated. In these areas the xvarts have created 5’x5’ false
compartments in the ceiling of the tunnel. Each
Adventure Introduction compartment contains green slime scooped from room
6. There is a near invisible trip wire stretched across
The party should arrive in the Hamlet of Stallington the tunnel and anyone traveling down the tunnel has a
just before the spring equinox. Instead of the 4 in 6 chance of tripping the wire. The character
expected bustle of people preparing for a spring springing the trap must make a saving throw versus
festival, the party will find a quiet and almost deserted breath weapon or be hit by the green slime. Anyone
farm village. While in town the party should hear the within 5’ of the character springing the trap must
tale of the demon in the caves that has terrorized the make a saving throw versus breath weapon with a +4
hamlet. Rafiela should be aware of the party in the bonus or some of the slime will splash on them as
hamlet and will leave ahead of time if she believes well.
they will be going to investigate the caves.
T3: Shriekers
The xvarts have farmed patches of 2’ high mushrooms
The Caves in certain areas, the patches are 15 feet long and
stretch from wall to wall within the tunnel. Mixed in
While in the caves random encounters should be with these mushrooms are 3 shriekers in each patch.
checked for once every three turns, with a result of 1
on 1d6 indicating an encounter on the chart: 3 Shriekers (HD:3 HP:14 each AC:7 A/DAM: Nil)
#1: Food Storage On the north wall is a swinging secret door that leads
The tunnel opens into a cave where the ceiling rises to to the barracks room, if the xvarts are somehow
about 15’ in height. Stacked haphazardly around the alerted to the party’s approach, or if they feel they are
room are crates and barrels. overwhelmed they will make a break for the secret
This room is also home to a nest of giant rats; some of
several that the xvarts share the caves with, who live This area also serves as Groarden’s sleeping quarters
among the crates. The rats are somewhat trained and and he has a bed of straw and blankets against the
will not attack any of the humanoids occupying the south wall. Among the blankets are his possessions.
caves but will attack other demi-humans and humans A small pouch with 20 gp
on sight. The crates and barrels contain stored food A small pearl (15 gp)
stuff such as flour, salt, wheat, water and poor-quality A book depicting how to butcher humans, elves,
ale. halflings, and dwarves.

8 Giant Rats (HD: ¼ HP:2 each AC:7 A/DAM:1/1-2) Head Chef Groarden Brabsey (HD:1 HP:8 AC:6
(MM) A/DAM:1/1-4) (FF)
4 sous chefs (HD:1-1 HP:3 each AC:7 A/DAM:1/1-4)

#3 Barracks Room
This large cave serves as a barracks room for the
xvarts assigned guard and patrol duty on the upper
levels and outside the caves. Twenty xvarts in total
bunk here, however there are only likely to be 8 in the
room at any one time, with the rest standing guard
duty or on patrol.

The xvarts sleep on piles of hay with worn and dirty

blankets. There will be twenty such setups evenly
spaced throughout the room. At the center of the
#2 Kitchen room is a long wooden table with dirty pots and bones
This cave serves as the cooking area for the xvarts. with bits of flesh on them. Each xvart is armed with 3
There are 3 fire pits, above 2 are large cauldrons and javelins in a small quiver, a short sword, and carry 1-4
above the 3rd is an iron spit. The cauldrons contain gp.
foul smelling soup and the 3rd serves to roast meat.
Xvarts (HD:1-1 HP: 4 each AC:7 A/DAM:1/2-5) (FF)
When the PC’s enter there will be a human leg on the
spit with a xvart wearing a tall rounded white hat #4 Cave Care
turning it. This is head chef Groarden Brabsey he There are two xvart guards standing outside the
wears an apron with his name stitched on it and will entrance to this cave looking rather bored. Each guard
be holding a large knife (treat as a dagger). There are has a whistle around their neck and will blow it in
also 4 sous chefs in the kitchen with him, each case of trouble alerting the upper level of the caves to
similarly armed. Groarden will be screaming at the intruders.
sous chefs in xvart and every once in a while,
throwing in the word “donkey” in common. There are 2 xvarts (HD:1-1 HP:4 each AC:7 A/DAM:1/2-5)
also several wheeled small wooden carts in this area, (FF) each has a quiver with 3 javelins, small sword, a
they are used to transport the food through the secret whistle and 2 gp.
tunnel to the barracks.
Inside the cave are xvart females and children (15
females 25 children) working on weaving baskets and
clothes. At the first sight of intruders the females will
begin screaming and the children crying, the females
will herd the children to the back of the cave and
stand in front of them screaming and hissing at the
party. If attacked the children will begin running for
the exit as the females try to swarm the party.

The only items in the cave are straw for baskets, bolts
of cheap fabric, and five looms for weaving.

15 Female xvarts (HD:1/4 HP:1 each AC:8

A/DAM:1/1-2) (FF)

#5 Creature Feature
This cave is damp and humid, as there is steam rising
through a crack in the floor. There are also several
cracks along the walls and the steam appears to escape
the room through a small crack in the ceiling. There
is one crack on the west wall that is larger than the
others, and there is 4 in 6 chance for each character
that they will notice a glint if light is shined toward
the crack.
#7 Witchdoctor’s Workshop
This large crack is the home to two chasm crabs (see There are two xvart guards standing outside the
Appendix 3 New Monsters). If any party member entrance to this cavern.
approaches the crack the crabs have a 4 in 6 chance to
surprise them. If more than one party member This serves as the workshop for the xvart witchdoctor
approaches each crab will choose a different target. and his apprentices. The area has several rows of
shelving and two large wooden tables, all covered
2 chasm crabs (HD:2+3, HP:13, 11 AC:3 with jars and beakers, some filled, some not. The
A/DAM:2/1-6,1-6 + special) (New) witch doctor’s apprentice will be in this cave along
with his two personal xvart bodyguards.
Inside their lair, covered in feces, can be found
2 gems (onyx-50gp, tiger eye-10 gp) At the first sign of trouble the apprentice will flee
1 gold necklace with topaz pendant (200 gp) through the sliding secret door and escape to room 8
and retreat down the stairway to the lower caves. He
#6 Slime Pool will cast his hold portal spell on the sliding secret door
This cave is very damp and has a strong musty odor. after he runs through it. His 2 personal guards will
There is water trickling down walls that have mold fight zealously to defend him and give him time to
and algae growing on them. In the center of the room escape, each guard carries a small xvart sword and 25
is a pool 5’ in diameter the surface of which has sp.
turned completely green and slimy.
Most of the jars and beakers contain mundane foul
This is a pool of green slime. The xvarts found green smelling liquids, however one small jar contains a
slime in several areas when they moved in and marble sized black orb (eye of a
gathered it all up and dumped it in a hole in this room. large spider) and another
The pool of slime is 5’ deep and the xvarts use the large jar is packed full of
slime in some of their traps. Other than the pool of some thick gray
green slime the room is empty. substance. The gray
substance is a gray ooze,
Green Slime (HD:2 HP:14 AC:9 A/DAM:0/special) it will immediately
(MM) strike out at anyone
opening the jar.
2 xvarts (HD:1-1 HP: 5, 4 AC:7 A/DAM:1/2-5) (FF) On the ground of the cavern are assembled xvart
warriors holding audience with the king, there are
xvart apprentice (HD:1 HP:7 AC:7 A/DAM:1/2-5) nine xvarts.
(FF) casts spells as a 2nd level magic-user and has
memorized Hold Portal and Light. He has a dagger If the apprentice escaped down the stairs or the
+1 and a pouch with 5 gp and a small pearl (25 gp). king has been warned of the intruders:
Smergy and Graknover both will have fled the room
2 xvart bodyguards (HD:1-1 HP:6 each AC:7 and headed towards Rafiela’s lair in cave 16. The
A/DAM:1/2-5) (FF) apprentice will have stayed behind and climbed onto
the alcove and pulled up the rope ladder. The xvart
gray ooze (HD:3+3 HP:12 AC:8 A/DAM:1/2- captain will remain with him on the alcove. The
16+special) (MM) xvarts will line up at the bottom of the stair and throw
javelins at anyone descending, they can line up three
#8 Stairway Below abreast.
This cavern contains a crudely carved stairway
leading down to the lower caves. There are two If the king has not been warned of intruders:
norker guards here to make sure only those who are He will be sitting on his throne holding court with
supposed to go below can. Graknover and his guard captain beside him. If
combat starts, he will order the captain to pull up the
If the apprentice in cave 7 has fled down the stairs, ladder and for Graknover to stop the intruders as he
then the norkers will have spread a net across the exit flees to his chamber.
of the secret door. Anyone entering the room through
the secret door will need to make a saving throw 9 xvarts (HD:1-1 HP:4 each AC:7 A/DAM:1/2-5)
versus paralysis or they will become entangled (treat (FF) each xvart has 3 javelins, a xvart small sword,
as web spell). Both norkers wield stout clubs. and 10 sp.

The staircase is crudely carved and spirals downward. xvart captain (HD:1 HP:8 AC:6 A/DAM:1/1-6) (FF)
It was made for smaller humanoids so anyone over 4 the captain has 3 javelins, a hand axe, a small shield,
feet in height will need to crouch to move down it. and 10 gp.
Those so crouched will move at half speed and be at a
-3 to hit when fighting on the staircase. It is only 2 norkers (HD:1+2 HP:6, 7 AC:3 A/DAM:2/1-6,1-3)
wide enough for two men to stand side by side. (FF) each norker has a stout club.

2 norkers (HD:1+2 HP: 7 each AC:3 A/DAM:2/1-6,1- Graknover (HD:2 HP:9 AC:5 A/DAM:1/1-4)
3) (FF) Graknover casts spells as a 3rd level magic-user, his
memorized spells are Light, Spider Climb, and Scare.
#9 Throne Room He wears a ring of protection +1 and carries a
The staircase from room 8 above exits into this room ceremonial silver dagger.
from the northeast wall. This room is used as the
audience chamber of the xvart king Smergy. The King Smergy (HD:2 HP:11 AC:6 A/DAM:1/3-8) (FF)
ceiling is 25 feet high and on the east wall is an alcove Smergy wields a footman’s mace +1 and wears a plain
15 feet above the ground. On the alcove is king gold ring (20 gp).
Smergy’s throne, on either side is a small passage
leading deeper into the cave wall. One passage leads Smergy’s throne is a heavy wooden chair with a
to the private chamber of the king and on the other to padded seat and back. On each arm embedded in the
the private chamber of the witchdoctor Graknover and wood is a small ruby (50 gp each), and on the headrest
his apprentice. Smergy, Graknover, and Smergy’s are embedded two small emeralds (25 gp each).
guard captain normally stay on the alcove. There is a Trying to pry the gems out will have 30% chance of
rope ladder that leads up to the alcove which can be damaging them and cutting their value in half. A
pulled up in times of trouble, on either side of the successful find/remove traps roll from a thief will
ladder stands a norker guard. remove them without harm.
In Smergy’s chambers the party will find a crude bed #12 Pedipalp
with plush dirty blankets and pillows. At the foot of This cave serves as the nest of four large pedipalp.
the bed is a large chest, the chest is locked and trapped
with a poison needle. The key is in a pocket of 4 large pedipalp (HD:1+1 HP: 5 each AC:7
Smergy’s robe. The chest contains Smergy’s personal A/DAM:1/1-8) (MM2)
wealth 100 gp, 500 sp, and a pearl (100 gp).
#13 Spiders Lair
In Graknover’s chambers the party will find a crude This cave is filled with thick white webs, there are
bed and in one corner a pile of hay which the skeletal remains of bats, rats, and even some xvarts
apprentice uses as a bed. There is a small locked stuck in the webs.
chest under Graknover’s bed that contains 50 gp, 100
sp, and his spell book (Read Magic, Light, Hold This is the home of a giant spider. It typically stays
Portal, Spider Climb, Scare) near the top of its web near a small opening that leads
to the surface, when here it is virtually undetectable
Under the pile of hay is the apprentices spell book because it is obscured by its massive web. From time
(Read Magic, Light, Hold Portal) to time small animals climb down the opening from
the surface and get stuck in the spider’s web. The
#10 Rat’s Nest opening is a couple of feet in diameter and would be a
This cave stinks of vermin and feces. The floor is very tight fit for a human.
littered with bones of humans and animals as well as
sticks and trash. It is the main nest for the giant rats giant spider (HD:4+4 HP:28 AC:4 A/DAM:1/2-
that serve Rafiela and the xvarts, they are very 8+special) (MM)
aggressive to anyone besides the xvarts or were-rats
and will attack. Caught near the top of the web are the skeletal
remains of a halfling who tried to enter the caves
12 giant rats (HD: ¼ HP:2 each AC:7 A/DAM:1/1-2) through the small tunnel long ago. While much of his
(MM) belongings rotted away both his armor and short
sword look to be in perfect condition (leather armor
Among the muck and filth can be collected 35 gp and +1 halfling sized, and a short sword +1). If the web is
75 sp. removed then underneath it can be gathered 100 gp,
500 sp, 1 ruby (300 gp).
The tunnels beyond this point are very dark and musty
having no light sources. Anyone skilled in tracking #14 Norker Lair
can see there has not been movement by any This cave is occupied by the small group of norkers
humanoid creatures in this area. that work with the xvarts and are loyal to Rafiela.
There are four norkers laired here and the floor is
#11 Meglopede littered with dirty straw piles and piles of cloth used as
This cave is the home of a megalo-centipede. As the blankets.
party enters they will see a floor littered with rat
skeletons and hear a scuttling sound. They will see a 4 norkers (HD:1+2 HP:6 each AC:3 A/DAM:2/1-6,1-
nearly six-foot-long centipede moving quickly along 3) (FF) each norker has a stout club.
the wall. The megalo-centipede is very aggressive
and will attack any living creature that enters its lair. Scattered among the straw and blankets can be
collected a total of 60 gp.
megalo-centipede (HD:3 HP:16 AC:5 A/DAM:1/1-
3+special) (MM2) #15 Tames Room
This is the room of Tames, the former acolyte from
Stallington is now a were-rat and companion to
Rafiela. There is a secret passage connecting this
cave to cave #16 Rafiela’s lair. If a warning has gone
out, then Tames will have moved through the tunnel
to Rafiela’s and will be waiting there in ratman form.
their souls if they do not flee immediately. If combat
starts, she will attempt to avoid melee and let her
followers fight while she casts spells or use her ring
of charming (3 charges see Appendix 2 New Items).
If forced into combat she will fight with her black
spear (spear +1), but if things are looking bad for her
side, she will shift into ratman form and flee through
the secret tunnel to cave #15 trying to escape.

If not aware of the party’s approach she will be in her

human form, she will order her guards to attack while
she attempts to flee.
Otherwise he will be here in his human form, he will 2 ogrillions (HD:2 HP:9, 12 AC:4 A/DAM:2/2-5,2-5)
try to convince the party he is being held prisoner here (FF)
and thank them for coming to rescue him. If attacked,
he will transform into a rat and flee trying to get to Rafiela (HD:3+3 HP:19 AC:6 A/DAM:1/2-7) (MM
cave #16. see Appendix 1 NPC’s) Rafiela’s memorized spells
1st level: Change Self, Wall of Fog, Detect Invisibility
Tames (HD:3+3 HP:17 AC:7 A/DAM: 1/1-4) (MM 2nd level: Ventriloquism, Blur
see Appendix 1 NPC’s) Tames is also a 1st level cleric
and has memorized the following spells Protection There is a bed, a desk, and a large chest in this room.
from Good, Cause Light Wounds, Darkness. In the chest are 500 gp, 1000 sp, and 3000 cp.
There is a large bed and two large chests in this room, One of the desk drawers is locked and contains
both chests are unlocked and contain average human Rafiela’s spell book
sized clothes that will fit Tames, the bottom of one of 1st level spells – Change Self, Wall of Fog, Detect
the chests is false and hides 2 small gems (pearl 100 Invisibility, Dancing Lights
gp, onyx 50 gp), a small bag with 50 gp, and 2 potions 2nd level spells – Ventriloquism, Blur
of healing.

#16 Rafiela’s Lair

This is the lair of Rafiela, the mastermind behind the If Rafiela was able to escape without the party
entire plot. In addition to being a were-rat she is also discovering her true identity she will flee back to
a 4th level illusionist. Also in the cave will be her two Stallington. When the party returns to declare the
body guards, ogrillions she has charmed with her ring. caves safe she will cheer them on with the rest of the
If king Smergy and Graknover were warned of the townspeople, but she will secretly seek revenge by
parties approach they would have fled here to warn attempting to charm party members and then turn
Rafiela. them into were-rats with her infectious bite.

If Rafiela has been warned by the party’s approach, by If Rafiela escaped but her secret was discovered by
the shriekers, the xvarts, or Tames she will have cast the party she will not return to Stallington, instead
several spells in preparation to try and fool the party. fleeing into the countryside and swearing vengeance
She will have cast her change self spell to appear as a on the party.
six-foot-tall blue scaled demon with small horns,
glowing red eyes, and long black ebony claws holding With the caves cleared the village will hail the party
a wicked looking black shafted spear. She will also as heros and will quickly plan their solstice
have cast blur to give her form a moving distorted celebration and sacrifice. They will pay the party the
look, and ventriloquism so when she speaks her voice reward that was offered and the party will be
will be deep and rumbling and appear to rise from the welcomed into town with open arms and find the
floor itself. She will threaten the party with devouring locals willing to give them temporary room and board
at no charge.
Appendix 1 NPC’s Appendix 2 New Items

Ring of Charming: XP: 200 GP Value: 1500

This plain brass ring allows the wearer to attempt a
charm of a victim as the 1st level magic-user spell of
the same name. Each time a charm is attempted a
charge in used from the ring, once all charges have
been used the ring turns to dust and any charmed
victims will immediately be freed from the charm.
This item cannot be recharged.

Illusionist (were-rat)
Level: 4
HP: 19
AC: 6

ST: 13 INT: 17 WIS: 14 DEX: 15 CON: 12 CHM: 10

1st level spells – Change Self, Wall of Fog, Detect
Invisibility, Dancing Lights
2nd level spells – Ventriloquism, Blur

Items: Ring of Charming (3 charges), Spear +1

Cleric (were-rat)
Level: 1
HP: 17
AC: 7

ST: 13 INT: 10 WIS: 14 DEX: 12 CON: 12 CHM: 8

Items: Dagger
Appendix 3 New Monsters Early in the life of a Chasm Crab they will gather in
small numbers and use the smallest of cracks to live
Chasm Crab in. Sometimes even doubling up in a crack if there are
By: Chuck Gilmour not enough available. As they grow, and they do not
Frequency: Rare grow very fast, they leave the smaller crevices and
Number Appearing: 1-3 (3-12) seek out roomier openings to inhabit. During this
Treasure Type: I time, it is not uncommon for the crabs to battle over
Armor Class: 3 (abdomen 8) the best homes. This leads to a very common
Move: 1/2" outcome. Crabs reside in less and less numbers as they
Hit Dice: 1+2, 2+3, 3+4 grow older due to a reduction of available habitation
% in Lair: 95% and attrition from deadly battles over the best spots.
# of Attacks: 2 Rumors sometimes surface of a truly gigantic
Damage/Attack: 1-6/1-6 (2-8/2-8) specimen residing deep in the underdark, but the
Special Attack: Nil largest know examples are only about five feet long
Special Defense: Nil and weigh in around 400 pounds.
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Non The digestive tract of the Chasm Crab is moderately
Alignment: Neutral corrosive. This allows the creature to digest nearly
Size: S-M every organic morsel it manages to swallow. Any
Psionic Ability: Nil non-organic material that is swallowed is, eventually,
deposited below the crab, in the chasm, covered in its
The Chasm Crab dwells in dark, humid, underground feces.
caverns and corridors. They do not have a shell of
their own and use the natural cracks and crevices
found in the walls, ceilings and floors of natural
caverns. Because they remain hidden in cracks and
crevices until they attack their prey, chasm crabs have
a 4 in 6 chance of surprise.

The Chasm Crab will back into the crack and anchor
itself within to protect its highly vulnerable abdomen.
The crabs lie in wait for hapless creatures to walk by
and then strike with their claws. If successful the crab
will attempt to draw its victim into the crack it calls
home and devour it. If the chasm crab has a
successful hit with both claws on a victim then it has
latched on. The victim will take 1d6 damage each
round until the crab is forced to let go, there is no
attack roll necessary for this, however the chasm crab
cannot attack any other target while it is latched onto a
victim. Once the victim is dead the chasm crab will
begin to devour him.

Once a Chasm Crab has latched on to an object they

are very difficult to dislodge. It requires a successful
lift gates check or the death of the crab to release the
grip. For each person who attempts to force open a
claw beyond the first add 5% bonus to the roll.
Appendix 4 Maps

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