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The Case of Terragrigia

It happened in 2004 at the mega-float "Terragrigia" on the

Mediterranean coast.

Through showering it with the t-Abyss Virus like rain from unmanned
drones and deploying bioweapons into urban areas, terrorists turned
the utopia at sea into Hell on earth.

The organization who claimed responsibility called themselves

"Veltro" in Italian, after the great hound that appears in Dante
Alighieri's "Divine Comedy."

How did an internationally obscure terrorist outfit get their hands on

bioweapons... no one knows to this day.

At this point the only thing known about Veltro is that it was a student
activist movement which morphed into a radicalized guerrilla force.

According to their proclamation, the act of terror was in protest of

exploitation, but... we no longer have any way of knowing whether
that's true or not.
This unprecedented bioterror attack transformed the world's sense of
values and was reported by the mass media as the "Terragrigia Panic."

The name Terragrigia would be forever etched in people's hearts as

synonymous with sorrow.

It's been one year since that day. Certain information has been leaked
to the BSAA by a credible agency, enough to make us believe the
existence of a terrorist plot that could be launched any day, with room
to suspect Veltro's involvement.

It's unbelievable, as according to official reports, all key Veltro

members have been allegedly confirmed dead as a result of FBC
sweep ops on their hideouts.

As a matter of fact though, there's just one exception. Jack Norman,

regarded as their de-facto leader.

I heard his body has yet to be identified.

This information has never been made public.

Jack Norman is said to have presided over Veltro with overwhelming

Footage he left behind when announcing their intentions has led to

him being raised up as some great martyr among certain extremists,
it's probably being distributed on video sharing websites even now.

Whatever the case, we need to take immediate action.

We'll personally determine the authenticity of this intel.

We can't allow this tragedy to be repeated.

Excella Gionne: Recording agent interview, subject Jessica Sherawat.
Recorded by a special inspector of the Pharmaceutical Industry
Association. Please tell me about the agents involved in this mission.

Jessica Sherawat: Is it okay if I speak subjectively?

Excella: Yes, feel free to speak your mind.

Jessica: Chris Redfield... He's one of the Original Eleven founding

members of the BSAA. An outstanding marksman skilled in close
quarters combat. He served in the U.S. Air Force and also has the skills
to fly aircraft.

Excella: Have you ever teamed up with him?

Jessica: No, not until this mission. But don't you think this is the
perfect role for me? I'll watch his back and he'll watch mine. "Jessica,
are you OK?" "Yes, Chris. It's no problem." Like scenes from a
Hollywood movie.

Excella: Next, tell me about his background.

Jessica: Copy that. Chris' fight against bioweapons began at the
Umbrella Arklay Laboratory in 1998, the t-Virus outbreak case
commonly known as the "Mansion Incident."

Excella: That was his time in the Raccoon Police Department's

S.T.A.R.S. For our association, this was one of the most important
aspects of his career.

Jessica: He's a real-life superhero, sans a mask or cape. He always

comes out on top even in the fiercest battles. He honed his combat
results and eventually brought down Umbrella. His resume's one of
the best in the BSAA, even.

Excella: I'm especially thankful to him as a member of the

Pharmaceutical Industry Association. Our problems would've been
even worse if he hadn't hunted down Umbrella.

Jessica: That's why the association created the BSAA and invited Chris
to be a member...

Excella: Right, we needed an organization with skilled, dutiful

individuals capable of tackling bioterrorism.
Jessica: Jill Valentine... She's also one of the Original Eleven and from
S.T.A.R.S., like Chris. She's adept with handling heavy firearms, capable
in combat and can even pick simple locks. Oh yeah, I've also heard
that she's skilled in bomb disposal as well. Frankly, I'm not a big fan of
Jill's "honor student" reputation, but I believe her skills are worthy of
respect. Business isn't the same as fraternizing, so there's nothing
wrong with that, is there?

Excella: Absolutely. As long as you get results we won't have any

problems. Jill Valentine's one of few survivors of the "Raccoon City
Destruction Incident," correct?

Jessica: Yes. After the Mansion Incident, she stayed in Raccoon City to
continue her own investigation. Two months later, the entire city was
struck by a biohazard. According to official announcements, the "t-
Virus" had been neatly exterminated, but...

Excella: It wouldn't have been convenient for anyone if the existence

of bioweapons had been made public at the time.

Jessica: "For anyone"... that applies to the government as well. It was

right after she escaped from Raccoon City that a government-
launched missile destroyed the city under the pretense of the
Sterilization Strategy... I'm sure she'll never forget that spectacle.

Excella: Is that because you experienced the same thing?

Jessica: Yes. Though I couldn't do anything at the time but feel


Jessica: Parker Luciani. He's an FBC-trained agent.

Excella: So he's just like you.

Jessica: He was a colleague of mine from the FBC, so I know him well,
good and bad... He's stubborn and inflexible... Pardon my expression,
but he's a clumsy shit.

Excella: I see... So why'd he join the BSAA?

Jessica: Parker transferred to the BSAA a year ago. The reason... I think
you already know, was the Terragrigia Panic. Unable to deny the fact
that decisions made in the field were also being made to save face for
the FBC, this left him distressed. He tried drowning his sorrows in
alcohol at the time. In the end, he decided to transfer to the BSAA in
order to fight and better protect people.
Excella: Yes, he certainly is a clumsy shit.

Jessica: He has qualities that are kinda endearing, but still... Keith
Lumley and Quint Cetcham. It's easier to describe these two together.

Excella: It's fine if you talk about them as a pair.

Jessica: Indoor and outdoor. Thinker and doer. Cautious and

impulsive... To understand them, try pairing up every opposite you
can think of. Quint, a mech-geek specialized in intel analysis, and
Keith, trained in live combat with a history of service in a special merc
unit. They're always having differences of opinion and may appear to
be bickering, but their skills are best utilized when they work together
as a team.

Excella: What a perfect team... naturally compensating for each

other's shortcomings.

Jessica: Clive R. O'Brian, head of the BSAA... He's taking direct

command for this operation, so everyone's a little nervous.

Excella: That's unusual. Prior to this he's rarely been seen in the public
Jessica: He prefers to stay behind the scenes. As O'Brian always says,
"Don't let your left hand know what your right hand's doing."

Excella: "Matthew 6:3" from the Bible. The motive to seek fame is
impure in itself.

Jessica: That's not all. "A wise man keeps quiet." He walks around all
aloof, never showing his cards. His clothes are always rough and
disheveled, he actually looks like an old man.

Excella: Leading the BSAA would be tough otherwise. Wasn't he the

only BSAA personnel stationed during the Terragrigia Panic? I hear he
had some feud with the FBC regarding how to solve the matter.

Jessica: Hmm, I'm not sure. At the very least, the FBC had command
on-site. It'd be fair to say that O'Brian's opinions as an observer were
largely ignored.

Excella: Can you also talk about the FBC?

Jessica: Yup. The U.S. anti-bioterror organization, the "Federal

Bioterrorism Commission", or FBC. Commissioner Morgan Lansdale is
the first and only commissioner to date. In other words, he has
absolute power within the FBC.
Excella: You could call him a dictator. Nothing in the FBC, no matter
how small, happens without his approval. There's also probably a lot of
facts only he is privy to.

Jessica: Nevertheless, his results have now made the FBC the world's
largest anti-bioterror organization. He managed to get public opinion
on his side once they became acquainted with the threat bioterror
posed, persuading Congress to approve a major strengthening of the
organization. You could even say this was only possible with Morgan
Lansdale's iron will.

Jessica: FBC agent Raymond Vester. When Parker and I were at the
FBC, he was sort of a cute, bright-eyed rookie. I still hear rumors now
and then, but...

Excella: Haven't heard much good about him. Forceful searches,

exclusionary, uncooperative with local law enforcement, and I hear
he's also interfered with BSAA ops more than once.

Jessica: Certainly seems that way. I haven't been in touch with him
since joining here. So I don't know anything more than that.

Excella: Thank you. Your perspectives are very interesting. It's also
been very helpful in understanding you better.
Jessica: You're welcome. As for my reward... Oh, could you please
approve the leave request I submitted the other day?

Excella: ...All right then, under the condition that you turn in some

Jessica: Whoa, didn't know this was high school. Then we've got a deal.
Look forward to a stellar report.
T-Abyss Report
Now then. As far as the world's concerned, sordid things can generate
enormous profits.

Perhaps because as far as mankind's true nature is concerned, it

obviously doesn't amount to much...

Viral weapons are one such thing.

"t-Virus", this name may sound familiar to many.

This viral weapon was developed by the Umbrella Corporation, a giant

pharmaceutical company extremely famous in the industry.

The t-Virus has a unique property of recombining the genes of

infected organisms.

The most prominent example of this is the phenomenon when it

infects the human body, commonly referred to as "Zombie."

The true purpose behind this nightmarish virus' development was to

manufacture biological weapons genetically engineered with the
power of the t-Virus, known as a "B.O.W.", and thereby monopolize the
military industry.




A number of B.O.W.'s have been developed over the years.

The researchers' relentless aspirations ---leaving aside whether those

words are even remotely appropriate--- know no bounds.

Even today, after Umbrella Corp. has already collapsed, research and
development of viral weapons must be continuing somewhere in the

And so, an improved strain of the t-Virus was created.

"t-Abyss", which was employed in the Terragrigia Panic.

t-Abyss is a new type of viral weapon that genetically crossbred the t-

Virus with a new virus strain, "The Abyss", which was discovered in a
deep-sea expedition.
At this stage t-Abyss is still a virus shrouded in mystery.

I was fortunate enough to have opportunities to obtain some data

regarding valuable cases of infection.

Ooze. This is what t-Abyss carriers are called, meaing "dripping thing."
I concur with the thoughts of the researchers who named them. They
look like drowned, bloated corpses.

Extremely adept at appearing in unexpected places, Ooze pursue prey

using their body's malleability to move through various crevices or

Their movement patterns are unpredictable, and based on how they

suck bodily fluids, their behaviorial patterns are believed to be rooted
in instinctive desires.

This is thought to be a result of an abnormal consumption of fluids

while t-Abyss propagates throughout the body.

One significant difference between them and Zombie t-Virus carriers

is the fact that they don't eat flesh, but rather drink their victim's
blood as a means of replenishing their own bodily fluids.
This leech-like organ inside their mouth is a tongue that has evolved
for blood-sucking.

Upon capturing prey, Ooze bite into their victims with this tongue and
drain their bodily fluids.

At the tongue's end are hundreds of small teeth, each capable of

moving individually.

In order to consume blood and bodily fluids, these myriad teeth slice
through their prey's skin.

This is Scagdead, a carrier mutation.

This case usually manifests in victims who possess a stronger-than-

average resistance to the virus.

This unique mutation is believed to occur as a result of the virus-

induced erosion taking longer than normal.

The ratio's approximately one in a thousand... luck has its limit.

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, they have no consciousness.

Like a miswired mechanical doll, they only mumble nonsensical
words over and over.

Extremely durable, their fat, swollen exterior has the benefit of

providing superior protection as a means of minimizing damage to
vital organs essential for its functioning.

Data on carrier mutations, part two. Sea Creeper. "Crawlers of the

sea." Quite literally an aquatic creature.

Underwater is her sole domain.

That's right, I refer to the Sea Creeper mutation as "her" because it's
only expressed in some female carriers who carry the XX type

The Sea Creeper silently sneaks up on victims in the water and uses
its six arms, grown due to the virus' effects, to ensnare victims and
use its entire body to eat them.

There's no way to escape her embrace once she catches you.

It's difficult to tell if a Sea Creeper's lurking in a body of water, but it
may be possible to detect their presence with the help of a bio-

That's all the data I've got on the t-Abyss Virus.

All that's available is data concerning infection cases, I've been unable
to verify the existence of weaponized B.O.W.'s.

Considering what we've seen in the past though, it's clearly not hard
to imagine that bioweapons R&D is already underway.

It won't be long before we encounter new B.O.W.'s that strongly

reflect genetic influences from sea creatures.

At present there's virtually no real world t-Abyss combat data


If one were to acquire it, the research would make a quantum leap

Jessica Sherawat. Yes, I'm not quite sure if this report's all that
amazing, but I'll send it to you later. Sorry, it's almost time for the
rendezvous. I'm gonna enjoy my time off for a moment. All right then,

Our work will never end so long as there are those who value

My time off today has run out, and my new mission begins.

As early as tomorrow...

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